Abyss Knight

Chapter 438

As time went by, perhaps it was because the blonde women generals led the world with intelligent themes, or because the green skins multiplied and matured on a large scale. For a time, kukas expanded seven or eight times faster in this plane. In just 20 years, almost one-third of the whole plane was controlled by his green skins. Nearly a hundred empires of all sizes surrendered to his throne.

The palace of kukas has been relocated again and again, constantly moving towards the central area of the plane. However, the number of faceted treasures he collected was still very small, because when his green men attacked those empires, other faceted mercenaries had taken away those faceted treasures by other easier and convenient means. And this result made kukas extremely angry when he knew it.

Fortunately, the mercenaries haven\'t finished the large amount of precious magic materials in the thematic world contained in these empires, otherwise he doesn\'t know how angry he will be.

On this day, while kukas was supervising the native craftsmen to build a warehouse for storing all kinds of magic items, a messenger sent by the blonde general came. This is a green messenger with gender characteristics. His wisdom seems to be higher than that of ordinary green people without gender. At least he can know that the stationery in his arms is very precious. In the past, the messengers sent by the blonde general were ordinary green skins, and those green skins often threw away the stationery on the way, and then, for fear of being punished, they directly put a bark in their arms as a letter.

After sending the green man away, kukas began to read the letters sent to him by the blonde general. In the letter, the blonde general hoped that he could go to the front line, because there were some guests from the world who wanted to talk to him about cooperation.

"Ha ha! That\'s funny! I didn\'t expect that some powerful forces should take the initiative to cooperate with me now, huh! Do you want to go or not?" kukas threw the letter aside on the table, frowned slightly and thought about the intentions of those people: "just want to share a cup from this position. What else do you say about cooperation?"

"Well, the general once met those thematic forces before, but he never gave me information and directly urged the army to kill them. But now he sent me a letter. I\'m afraid she can\'t offend or doesn\'t want to offend the people who come this time!" after thinking about it, he decided to go to the front line to see the situation.

Having made a decision, he was too lazy to stay here. After directly ordering the children of some members of the Burning Legion to guard the temporary palace and warehouses, he got up and sat on the huge throne and went to the front line seven or eight days away.

Today\'s throne has changed a lot from what it was designed at the beginning. Today\'s throne is twelve feet tall. The base covers an area of more than ten mu. It looks like a pyramid. It is his throne on the spire, and countless mechanisms are installed in the tower, which was designed by the skilled craftsmen of nearly 100 empires. Each mechanism can eject a long spear. Its power is even as powerful as the special siege crossbow in the main plane world.

The wheel under the throne was also designed into a crawler by kukas with some knowledge of his previous life. Of course, there are more than ten crawlers below, and they are not afraid of damage. But even if all the tracks are damaged, there are spare wheels to walk below.

More than 300 savage giants pulled the pyramid throne and walked hard on the earth. Behind them, there was a steel platform at the neck. On the platform stood tough green people. They waved long guns and whips and kept beating these savage giants to urge them to move forward.

Originally, there were as many as seven or eight hundred savage giants who rushed to this position, but in these twenty years, in order to tame them, more than half of the savage giants were brutally tortured to death, while the remaining savage giants saw the death and tragedy of their companions, completely extinguished the idea of escape and resistance, and now honestly act as kukas\'s slaves.

Sitting at the top of the pyramid throne, four or five beautiful young girls stood beside them. These girls were selected by him from the women sent by various native empires. They are not only very beautiful, but also extremely docile. They are very comfortable to serve themselves.

On one side, a beautiful woman peeled the fruit for him and stuffed it into his mouth. On the other side, a girl made wine and sipped it into his mouth. Others knelt down beside him and massaged gently.

Squinting his eyes and sitting on the throne, kukas did not completely enjoy this service, but constantly controlled the slight peristalsis of his muscles. Although the effect of such muscle peristalsis is not great now, he can still increase his body strength a little bit. In this zero order plane, he did not forget to improve his strength for a moment. Because he knows that when one day he returns to the main plane world, what he can rely on is his own strong strength. Those green people are just resisting low-level professionals.

The front line is actually the palace of a native empire. After kukas came to the gorgeous palace, the blonde general took the lead in welcoming people out. Following the blonde women\'s general are more than a dozen men in black robes. They are all close combat professionals. Over the past 20 years, they have been learning from kukas and constantly improving their physical strength. Now their combat effectiveness is much better than that of the soldiers of the Burning Legion. After all, their strength was there.

"It\'s the people from the Castleman super empire in the main plane world, as well as dozens of churches such as Vulcan church, Dionysian church and brilliant church." after the blonde general left the gate of the palace, he couldn\'t help turning his eyes when he saw kukas sitting on the pyramid throne. Without worrying about anything, she reached out and motioned kukas to come down.

"Let them all come out to see me!" kukas nodded. He looked at the gorgeous palace and touched the round face of a maid beside him, which reminded him that the palace in front of him was really the palace of the maid\'s motherland. When he thought about what the little maid had done for him, he was soft hearted, but he didn\'t intend to enter the palace.

"Let them come out to see you?" the blonde general was stunned. She knew that in this zero order plane, the bald evil man was very rampant, but she didn\'t expect him to be so rampant.

"Why? Do you want me to leave the throne to see them? They came to beg me, not me." kukas said with a strange smile: "general, don\'t go down, just sit here!"

"Forget it, I\'m not as thick skinned as you. Kukas, in fact, they should leave some bottom lines. If you humiliate them like this, they will definitely feel uncomfortable." the blonde general rubbed his temples and gently persuaded them: "after all, you have to return to the thematic world. You don\'t have such a strong power in the thematic world."

"Ha ha! The Lord\'s plane world? I\'ll go back, of course, but even if I go back now, they won\'t want to manipulate me as wantonly as before. No one can do it. If the Lord\'s plane world can\'t accommodate me, I\'ll go back to this plane. One day I will become a legend. At that time, I see who can stop me?" kukas smiled grimly, She ignored the persuasion of the blonde general.

"Even if you become a legend, even if you become a God, you will be bound by countless constraints." the blonde general took a deep look at kukas, but was too lazy to continue persuasion. She jumped off the throne, fell to the ground, and then entered the palace. Kukas sat on the throne, his fingers tapping gently on the handrail, thinking about something.

There was a quick quarrel in the palace. It was not long. A middle-aged man in a priest\'s robe rushed out of the palace. He saw the wine smell of the middle-aged priest and a huge wine bag tied around his waist. It was obvious that he was a member of the Dionysian church.

"Boy, why is your little fifth order knight so rampant? Don\'t you know that any character in it is not only stronger than you, but also more noble than you? Immediately roll down from this iron pimple and go inside to apologize to all adults." the middle-aged priest instructed kukas and roared loudly. At this time, the blonde general also came out of the palace and shrugged her shoulders to show her helplessness.

"Strong? Noble?" kukas chuckled after touching his bald head. "Yes, interesting speech. Well, somebody, kill this garbage for me." while talking, dozens of green guards around the pyramid throne jumped out and threw their heads at the middle-aged priest. The green skins waved huge maces, grinned and screamed, and went up and hit the priest on the head.

The priest was just a caster. He didn\'t have much strong physique at all. When the mace hit his head, he still wondered why the mercenary in front of him dared to fight against his noble priest.

More than a dozen green skins screamed excitedly. The mace kept rising and falling. In just three or two breathing times, it smashed the priest into meat sauce.

"Bah! What\'s so powerful about this skill? It\'s a shame." kukas roared loudly: "all the garbage inside come out. Don\'t you come to beg me? Don\'t you let me in to see you?"

"Bold, dare to kill the bishop of the Dionysian church. It\'s really looking for death." just after the voice fell, a huge figure rushed out of the palace. The figure rushed out and rushed directly to the head of a barbarian giant, trying to catch kukas by jumping onto the pyramid with the help of the barbarian giant.

"Get off." kukas growled, reached out and pulled from behind the throne, but pulled out a heavy javelin. Waving his arm, the javelin tore the air and produced a sonic boom, which immediately appeared in front of the figure. After the heavy javelin pierced the figure, the harsh sound generated by the sonic boom was transmitted to the ears of everyone in the palace.

The javelin with supreme power penetrated the dark figure\'s body and directly tore the figure into pieces. The broken bodies were scattered on the ground, and the excited green skins waved huge maces and screamed.

"Bold." a roar sounded from the palace, and seven or eight big men in gorgeous armor jumped out of it and killed kukas on the pyramid throne.

Two javelins were thrown out by kukas in an instant. Then he roared, jumped down from the throne, and fell heavily on the shoulder of a savage giant.

The speed of the two javelins was too fast. Under the strong power of kukas, they jumped hundreds of meters in an instant and pierced the two people hard, easily tearing them apart. Under the javelin thrown by the strong power, their gorgeous armor was easily torn apart like paper.

The huge body jumped quickly on the shoulders of the savage giants. It was only two breathing times, and kukas rushed to them. The palm the size of a PU fan was raised high and patted the man in front.

With a low roar, the man turned his hand and made an arm shield to resist the palm, while the other hand grabbed a short spear and pierced kukas\'s chest and abdomen.

"Dead!" he growled, and kukas\'s chest and abdomen bulged fiercely, and the palm of his hand was about a circle larger. The short spear pierced the chest and abdomen. The chest and abdomen contracted, and the bell resisted the other party\'s short spear. Kukas\'s big hand slapped the other party\'s arm shield and slapped it down. The arm shield was smashed, and the broken steel fragments splashed everywhere. The falling trend of the big hand was not halved. After smashing the other party\'s arm, he slapped it directly on the other party\'s shoulder.

Just listen to a few clicks, the man\'s shoulder was forcibly smashed by the strong force, and half of his body was obviously sunken. The body was smashed and pressed by the strong force. With a plop, he knelt on the ground and couldn\'t stand up.

At this time, the other three people also rushed up. When they saw their companions die, they were not frightened, but more ferocious. Three men and six short spears pierced kukas up, down, left and right.

"Get out!" the ferocious kukas roared and shook his body fiercely. With his powerful explosive power, he suddenly appeared on the side of these people, raised his right leg and beat the man like a steel whip. This leg went down and cut the man alive. Then the body turned and the wide back hit another man\'s back. The huge impact force was like a boulder falling from the sky. It suddenly knocked the man out for dozens of steps. The man who hit only vomited blood, broke his internal organs, limped on the ground and broke his breath after a few weak struggles.

Finally, the remaining man saw the fierce disappearance of the enemy in front of him. Before he could react, he heard two screams, which gave him a chance to defend.

The body leaned forward fiercely, and the two short spears shook frantically towards the back, but they wanted to stop kukas\'s pursuit. However, kukas chuckled, his hands sticking out, like two steel claws firmly grasping each other\'s arms. With ten fingers, I only heard a crisp click and broke each other\'s arm bones in an instant.

"Come back." kukas screamed and fiercely brought the other party to his arms. He pulled the other party in front of him, and then he shook his bald head and hit the man hard on the back of the head.

The helmet made of refined steel sank with a click. The man only felt his head hurt and his eyes burst. Two eyes flew out of his eyes like a fountain. The hard head cracked, and the milky white brain broke through the scalp and sprayed on the helmet, and then gurgled out along the crack.

He threw the man aside, and kukas turned to look at the palace: "a group of garbage, no matter how strong you are in the main plane world and how high your position is. In this plane, even the dragon is wrapped for me and the tiger is lying down for me. Don\'t think this plane is still the damn main plane."

"Kukas, do you think our glorious church can\'t do anything to you in this position? Now if you kneel down and plead guilty, our glorious church can\'t say to let you die, or take out your soul and suppress it in the abyss of sin forever." a voice sounded from the palace, but kukas didn\'t look at it at all: "I\'m the purple robed bishop of Guanghui church. As long as I think about it, countless eighth level professionals will take your dog\'s life."

"Ha ha! OK! OK! Let\'s go to the glorious church! Let\'s go to the purple robed bishop! Ha ha! Yes, in the main plane world, I\'m a garbage, and my life is in the hands of you powerful people, but in this plane, I\'m the biggest power holder. In this plane, don\'t say you\'re a garbage power holder, even if the legend comes and the gods come, he will die You should also kneel down like a dog. "Kukas was very angry and smiled back:" kill them all for me. "

After saying this, kukas turned back and went back to his pyramid throne. However, at this time, the blonde general knew that the situation was bad, so he quickly advised him: "kukas, they are all representatives of powerful forces in the main plane world. If you kill them, even our military headquarters may not have much power to protect you."

"Fuck! A group of mindless garbage, unable to recognize the situation, even wrote with me here. Hey hey! I didn\'t have the ability to treat them in the thematic world before, but in this plane, no one can disobey my will."

"In this plane, if I want him to live, he will live, and if I want him to die, he must die. No matter how noble he is and how powerful the forces behind him are, in this plane, everything must live according to my will of kukas." kukas paused a little, then jumped to the throne and sat down: "kill! Leave none."