Abyss Knight

Chapter 436

The black robed men brought by the blonde general left quickly with the help of the green skins. More green skins got the signal from kukas and rushed to his mountain from all directions. At this time, the savage giant tore the crack big enough.

The crack was tens of feet in size, and more giants followed behind the savage giant. As soon as the crack appeared, they all rushed in madly. Kukas ignored the giants, and his eyes fell on a caster behind the savage giants.

The caster was wearing a golden robe, and even across the crack, kukas could feel the tyranny emanating from the other side. This pressure was even greater than that of the powerful professional of the violet family he received in the main plane. "Legend!" an idea appeared in kukas\'s mind.

The golden robed caster ejected a golden streamer to shine on the savage giant who tore the space. With the blessing of the golden light, the savage giant\'s body continued to increase. After the crack was torn, his body suddenly soared to more than ten feet tall.

Perhaps aware of kukas\'s sight, the caster looked at kukas, and the thirteen awn star Dharma array flashed from his eyes, and two golden lights flew out of his eyes towards the crack. Just as soon as the golden light reached the crack, it dissipated quickly. But even so, kukas still felt an invisible force hitting him hard, instantly flying him out of a distance of dozens of steps. The hard sternum cracked.

"Roar! Trash, if you have the ability to come to this position, I\'ll see what you can do to me." kukas roared ferociously, stretched out his hand and directed the golden robed caster to roar loudly. "Don\'t you live a few years longer than me? When I become a legend, you will be the first to kill."

Although kukas\'s words could not be transmitted to the main plane world through the crack, the golden robed caster knew his words through his mouth. If an ordinary professional heard that others abused him, he would not give up, but the gold robed professional just frowned slightly, then turned around and tore a huge crack behind him.

When the crack appeared, a large number of savage giants poured out. After these savage giants appeared in the crack of the main plane, they directly walked towards the zero order plane crack torn by the savage giant. It is obvious that they all have to enter the zero order plane where kukas is now.

A savage giant entered the zero order plane from the crack. As soon as he dared to step into the plane, kukas jumped up fiercely and appeared on the head of the savage giant in an instant. Waving his hands, he smashed the savage giant\'s head like two siege hammers. The savage giant was not a vegetarian. He roared and didn\'t dodge. He directly waved his palm the size of a grinding plate and patted kukas.

"Dry!" facing the barbarian\'s attack, kukas couldn\'t help cursing. At the beginning, he once relied on his strong physical strength to fight with others. The other party attacked himself, but he ignored it and directly attacked the other party. So he killed many opponents, but now he faces opponents who did the same as he did when he was, which makes him a headache.

The two palms turned over and slapped hard on the palm of the barbarian giant. Where can the flesh and blood of the barbarian giant resist the arm quenched by special methods? Both palms went down, but they broke the palm of the savage giant. And he himself took the opportunity to turn out and fell more than a hundred steps away.

More and more savage giants rushed out of the crack. Some of them were barehanded, while others waved huge sticks and axes. As soon as these giants appeared, some rushed towards kukas, while others pursued and killed the blonde women generals in the direction they left.

In the distance, the blonde general who escaped with the help of green skin found the abnormality of the crack, and her already pale face looked more pale: "attack the crack, as long as you attack it, the crack will disappear."

Kukas couldn\'t help laughing. At first, he thought the crack couldn\'t disappear, so he was ready for a long time of battle. Unexpectedly, the blonde general suddenly said the way to deal with the crack, so he couldn\'t help being happy.

"Gaga! Did you ask me when you arrested people in this position?" but he retreated, waved a snake whip three or five feet long, rolled a huge stone and threw it hard at the crack.

The crack was more than ten feet high. Under kukas\'s full throw, the huge stone flew directly into the air and hit the crack. A savage giant saw the situation and immediately threw his stick out and hit the boulder, but it blocked the possibility of the boulder attacking the crack.

Then kukas rolled the boulder and smashed it at the crack, but more and more savage giants came out of the crack, and the boulder was stopped before it flew far. Moreover, the encirclement and killing of a large number of savage giants forced kukas to retreat continuously. In this way, he was farther and farther away from the crack.

"Dry!" but after dozens of breathing time, more than a hundred savage giants rushed out of the crack. Seeing that the golden robed mage was still urging more savage giants to enter the space through the crack, kukas couldn\'t help feeling a little anxious.

"Doo! Doo! Doo!" the horn sounded. Kukas quickly ran down the mountain and shouted, "roll down the mountain, roll down the mountain for me, throw boulders to attack the top of the mountain, and throw boulders to attack the top of the mountain."

When the order was given, the green people who were trying hard to climb the mountain couldn\'t help rolling their eyes. In a burst of grumbling, they turned their heads and ran down the mountain again. "The master said," roll down the mountain, roll down the mountain, we\'ll roll down. "A green head melon seed is smarter than other green skins. He understood that kukas asked them to roll down the mountain instead of running down, so he shouted loudly.

As soon as the clever green skin explained, the other green skins couldn\'t help admiring it. A green man smiled and said, "it\'s worthy of being a wise man who passed the master\'s exam. He can even tell the specific meaning of rolling down the mountain." other green men admire these wise men, so they don\'t dare to run. As soon as they throw their weapons, they hold their heads in their hands and roll down the mountain.

The three hundred mile mountain range was intended by kukas as a palace. The roads on the mountain were all stone steps. On both sides of the stone steps, there were cliffs, thorns and riprap piles. These green skins rolled down. Fortunately, they rolled along the stone steps to the bottom of the mountain and became semi disabled. Unfortunately, they rolled out of the mountain road directly, but fell into meat sauce. There are also some green skins that either roll into thorns or hit their heads against boulders, but few are complete.

"Stupid, stupid, look at me." the green skins rolled down the mountain. Although the casualties were heavy, they didn\'t have half a fear. Instead, they thought it was fun. They rarely found such fun in their poor brains, so they still rolled down the mountain.

The green skin who spoke was also a wise man. He also passed the exam of kukas, and he was a third-order wise man. Of course, the examination questions set by kukas are extremely difficult for green people. Tens of thousands of green people may not be able to produce a third-order wise man. So the wise man spoke and the other green people quickly watched.

The green wise man picked up his head and rolled down the mountain. After rolling more than ten steps, he stood up to identify the direction and continued to roll. While rolling and shouting, he is complacent about his own way.

Other green skins followed suit. Unfortunately, after rolling several times, they were dizzy and rolled down again. Although the final effect is still very sad, those green people still admire it in their hearts. In their opinion, the method that the wise men who can count from one to thirty can say is not what they can think of at all. Learn from the wise and become wise in the future.

Here I have to mention kukas\'s exam. In his exam, if the green skin can count from one to ten, it is a first-order wise man. Those who can count to twenty are second-order. And so on, until the tenth order wise man.

After becoming a ten rank wise man, he can recognize the front, back, left and right, and the green skin in the southeast and northwest becomes a small leader; If you can lead the green people to stand in line under the command of the members of the Burning Legion, you can become a big leader. The leader who can complete most of the orders of the Burning Legion will become the tribal leader.

A group of green skins rolled down the mountain. Seeing kukas running down the mountain quickly, they despised their master and would not enjoy the fun of rolling. At the same time, they also think that their owners don\'t roll down the mountain with them to show their strength, so these green people roll harder.

Where does kukas care about these cannon fodder green skins? When he ran down the mountain, members of the Burning Legion had commanded a large number of green skins and began to throw boulders at the top of the mountain. Although the members of the Burning Legion did not know why kukas ordered to drop the boulder, they still did so.

A large number of stone catapults made of refined steel and wood were started under the control of the green people. Boulders the size of a grinding plate were thrown out and fell to the top of the mountain like raindrops. Such a huge number of boulders, but in dozens of breathing time, a boulder hit on which crack.

After the boulder hit the crack, the crack twisted instantly. Before the golden robed caster in the main plane could cast a spell to stabilize the crack, more boulders fell down.

The continuous impact makes the crack no longer hold. Originally, the crack is forcibly torn from the main plane world. There is no way to compare the stability with the cracks in the same plane. Moreover, the crack was only torn open in a hurry, and there was no defense around, so it collapsed instantly under this continuous attack.

The collapsed crack sank violently and then healed in an instant. Poor savage giants were cut in half by the healed crack.

The breath of anger passed through the crack, and it was obvious that the golden caster was angry. But now he is just angry, but there is no way to separate the plane and tear out new cracks again. After all, the crack was only extended by the crack of the blonde general. The blonde generals were torn apart by the magic ring in kukas\'s hand through a special secret method and after consuming a lot of rare treasures. The golden robed caster wanted to tear the space between planes again, but he needed to master a secret method similar to that of the blonde general.

The horn stopped the attack of the catapult, and then kukas gave the order to catch the savage giants alive. Countless green skins rushed up from the foot of the mountain and frantically attacked those savage giants. These savage giants are also extremely powerful. They step on one foot and kill another, and sweep a large area with one stick. Almost none of the green skin that rushed up could touch these savage giants and would be killed.

"If you\'re tired, you\'ll kill these fools." kukas didn\'t fight with these savage giants again. He rarely shot since he mastered countless green skins. But this does not hinder his killing skills. In his spare time, he deduces all kinds of killing skills in his fighting space again and again. And his ability now does not need to rely on killing to improve.

"It\'s really a great loss for your men. Well, although their brains are not easy to use." the blonde women\'s general did not understand the characteristics of these green men, so he looked at kukas with some concern to persuade him.

"Ha ha! General, don\'t worry. Even if I let them line up to die, I can also kill those savage giants. Come on, I built a palace here and have a rest in the palace! Your condition doesn\'t look so good." kukas pointed to the one legged black robed man and laughed strangely. The severed limb of the black robed man was simply bandaged, and the drugs of the main plane had no effect in this zero order plane. Fortunately, the sergeants of the Burning Legion went to collect medicine, and they will be able to bandage him again soon.

The blonde general couldn\'t say anything when he saw kukas talking like that. Although she is also very strong in this plane, she is much worse than kukas. Moreover, she fled from the main plane to the zero order plane, and everything in the future depends on the bald evil man in front of her, so she can\'t speak like she did in the main plane.

He who knows current affairs is a hero. Kukas is extremely satisfied with the silence of the blonde general. Excited, the bald evil man summoned a large number of green skins to make lifting chairs with a wave of his hand. The green people learned this kind of chair from the natives.

Strange to say, these green people have no wisdom, but their imitation ability is extremely strong. In this plane, what the green people see can be imitated in a few magic hours. Of course, those with good technology are almost the same as the original, but those with poor technology can\'t. In order to speed up the construction of various instruments, kukas selected hundreds of thousands of green skins as baggage camps and specialized in various instruments. Hundreds of chairs were brought by rude green people in less than half a magic hour.

All the people in black sat in chairs, and then four green skins carried them to a palace in the mountains. Such means, but let the blonde general and those black robed people feel very surprised.

After crossing several mountains, the blonde female general saw ugly green skins everywhere. Some of them had strange horns on their heads, while others were bare and had nothing.

The palace is very large and also extremely gorgeous. The huge palace fully occupies the area of a hill. Stone pillars with a thickness of 35 feet stand on the earth, and various exquisite patterns are carved on them. In the huge palace, all kinds of beautiful women shuttle among them. These women are presented to kukas by the Turkish Empire, and several of them are members of the imperial royal family.

A living room covering an area of more than 100 mu has become the place for kukas to entertain the blonde women generals. In this huge living room, there are hundreds of thick stone pillars alone. The roof is semicircular, and it is decorated in the sky. Dozens of oil lamps with a thickness of more than ten feet are hung on it. These oil lamps are also well-made. There are not only crystal glass around to make covers, but also some crystal covers depicting various patterns. With the heat generated by the combustion of the oil lamp, they swim around the oil lamp and reflect all kinds of wonderful patterns in the hall.

"General, isn\'t this a good place? If you don\'t bother to stay in the main position in the future, come to me and have a good play. There are all kinds of beautiful women and strong men. If the taste is unique, there are many green skins here. You can play as you want." kukas sat down on the huge throne in the center and tilted his head to watch the blonde generals coming.

"Kukas, you don\'t have to talk like that. We\'re here for refuge this time." can\'t the blonde general hear the meaning of kukas\'s words? Although kukas\'s speech is ugly, she still has some heart as a professional who is about to become a legend.

"Come to me for refuge? Ha ha! I didn\'t expect the general to remember me! Eh! I remember what the general said when I came here? He said he would prepare the second batch of reinforcements for me in a short time. But what about reinforcements? I\'ve been waiting here for 20 years, but I haven\'t seen any reinforcements. Damn it, you know I\'ve been delayed for 20 years because of lack of manpower How many things have you missed? "Kukas growled in a low voice. He stood up from the huge throne and walked back and forth "Damn, mercenaries on the battlefield keep making trouble in the area under my control, destroying my soldiers, fooling my slaves, and even stealing the treasures that should be mine. Damn, I control hundreds of soldiers who only know how to cut people, and I can\'t do anything. Now those soldiers know how to play with women and have children all day Family, Hei hei! I was killed. Think of me? "