Abyss Knight

Chapter 435

More than ten years later, kukas waited for the support of the military headquarters. Instead of waiting, he waited for a large number of mercenaries on the battlefield. These mercenaries didn\'t know where they got the news or how they got in. Some directly appeared in groups in the area under his control, wantonly damaged various facilities and slaughtered the green skin patrolling around. Others used other methods to become generals of the native Empire, controlling the army and attacking the area controlled by kukas again and again.

What\'s more, they directly used the secret method to reincarnate and rebirth some slaves, and then began to engage in a slave uprising when the number of green skins was scarce, madly destroyed various facilities, and engaged in guerrilla warfare in the huge territory, which added a lot of trouble to kukas.

These plane mercenaries have plane scrolls. If the situation is wrong, they tear the scrolls and escape, and then return again soon. Over time, more and more mercenaries gathered here.

What made kukas feel depressed was that some mercenaries took the opportunity to lobby more empires to join the fortress blocking exports, which made him lose his idea of consuming those native strength at first.

The appearance of mercenaries on the battlefield forced kukas to give up many plans. A large number of minerals were abandoned by him, and almost all slaves were gathered around the war fortress. In this way, more green skins gathered under the war fortress, pounding the huge war barrier day and night.

"These damn mercenaries, damn it, you said, what hatred do I have with them? Why did I come against me?" kukas roared madly: "and those damn natives, who have been used by those mercenaries for nothing. I see how you regret when this garbage leaves."

"General, a section of the wall has been broken by us." just as kukas roared wildly, a soldier of the Burning Legion rushed in and shouted.

"Leave the green skin to guard here, and press all the others on me. Even if you press it with a corpse this time, you will also press out the gap. I\'ve had enough of this stalemate." kukas growled in a low voice. For more than ten years, he spent most of his time sorting out all kinds of books and knowledge, and the rest of his time was frantically cultivating his strength. Although his fighting spirit can\'t be displayed, he spends most of his time every day to infiltrate his mind into the fighting space, watch the fighting spirit increase, think and deduce some ancient Knight skills.

He is not wasting time in doing so. After all, this face is not the theme face after all. In this face, he is unlikely to become a legend. If you want to become a legend, you must go back to the main plane or other higher planes for latent cultivation. Now he deduces all kinds of Knight skills, which seems useless, but it has laid a solid foundation for him in the future.

He said that after he gave the order this time, he did not sit in the fortress and wait as before, but ordered all members of the Burning Legion to lead hundreds of thousands of green skins to guard the fortress, and he personally went to the front line.

The fortress walls stretching for tens of miles on the front line have firmly blocked the rapidly spreading green skins. With the help of some skills of mercenaries, these natives were able to build the city wall to a height of more than ten feet. At the same time, these natives developed many new weapons with the help of the mercenaries. Fuel like fierce fire oil, huge lathe crossbow, catapult and other strange instruments. It was these instruments that stopped the crazy spread of green skin under kukas.

This time he came to the front line, kukas actually had a premeditation. Now he has more than three million green skins under his hands, and at least 200000 green skins will mature every day in the war fortress behind him. Such a huge amount of cannon fodder is also the reason why kukas decided to carry out the final decisive battle. He believed that even if the green skins lost two or three million to storm the tens of miles of city walls, he could bear it.

The accumulation of more than ten years has made those green people more vigorous and more aware of killing. Perhaps because of this low-order plane, or because of the green skin itself. When the quality of these green men was similar to that of native elite soldiers, the evolution of their offspring suddenly stopped. No matter how many enemies the green skin killed on the battlefield, his descendants will not improve their basic quality when they mature. It is precisely because of this situation that kukas gave up the idea of continuing to train the green people and decided to break through the siege of the natives and obtain more land and population to search for the rich resources in this plane.

Walking to the front, I saw fierce flames burning in many places under the towering city wall. These flames rose to the sky, three or five feet high, generating black smoke, which covered the whole battlefield. Kukas knew that it was the natives who burned the bodies under the wall with something similar to fierce fire oil. Otherwise, with the accumulation of green skins\' bodies, a wide slope can be paved outside the city wall.

"The whole army is pressed up. No one is allowed to retreat without my order." kukas took a deep breath, waved his big hand and signaled the green people behind him to start charging.

Each of these green skins carries tens of pounds of soil. They will throw the soil under the wall and build a slope. Until the slope was as high as the wall, they would no longer fear the siege of the earth with the help of the wall.

Kukas couldn\'t help laughing when he saw the dense green skin rushing towards the tens of miles long wall. In his opinion, as long as he has this strange green skin, he only needs to consume the bloodiest soldiers in the war with these natives. The green skins can recover the lost soldiers in a month or two, and it will take too long for the natives to recover their soldiers.

If more and more mercenaries in the battlefield didn\'t appear in the area under his control to make trouble for him, he didn\'t have the mind to break through the blockade of the natives!

In the past, the green skins attacked the wall only one after another, but now they have pressed it all because of kukas\'s order. In this way, it is the great pressure of the natives. The natives lit a fire under the city wall, but the green people didn\'t care about the flames at all this time. Instead, they rushed into the flame madly and put out the flame with their own body and blood. All kinds of means were exhausted. Although the green skin suffered large-scale losses, under the command of kukas, the death attack never stopped for half a minute.

The non-stop attack lasted for five or six days. The walls built by the natives who spent a lot of energy can no longer stop the pace of the green people. When five or six hundred thousand green men crossed the wall, thousands of mercenaries did not hesitate to unfold the scroll and fled. Of course, their escape not only made the native rulers hate it, but also made kukas hate it. Because before they left, these damn mercenaries searched all kinds of treasures accumulated by dozens of Empires over the years.

Empires were destroyed by crazy green skins. Magic rings were detected, not to mention surface treasures. Kukas didn\'t get much even some ordinary magic materials. This result made him not only regret his delay, but also hate the obscenity of those mercenaries.

Although they hated those mercenaries who robbed tens of thousands of plane treasures, they did not completely lose their manners. In his opinion, the whole plane should be under his own control in the future. Although those plane treasures have been brought to another plane, over time, this plane will slowly breed new treasures by itself. At that time, it will be his real harvest day.

Lost the fortress with a length of dozens of miles and besieged by the city wall, the surrounding empire fell completely and became the slave empire of kukas. But this time, kukas changed his strategy. Instead of annexing all the native empires, he directly urged the green people to arrest the rulers of these empires, and then let those rulers submit to his feet, so that these native rulers urged their people to dig all kinds of minerals.

Some native emperors are determined to resist to the end, and what is waiting for them is the crazy killing of the green people regardless of casualties. But more native emperors surrendered. In order to ensure their status and power, they had to surrender at the feet of kukas. In their view, this cruel devil is not cruel. As long as he is provided with enough minerals and all kinds of materials that seem useless in their eyes, he can continue to be the Lord of a country. On the one hand, it is the complete extinction of the whole family, losing power and becoming the most humble slave. On the other hand, it is to pay some price and continue to be the king of a country. The choice between the two is not so difficult.

With the submission of some imperial kings, the green skins under kukas were completely liberated. A large number of green skins don\'t have to take care of the slaves. They can wave inferior knives and sticks to join the battlefield and become fierce killers.

Time flies, and ten years pass in a flash. In this decade, kukas turned the original slave land into a green leather production base.

Under the labor of countless slaves, thousands of huge cities were established in the whole slave land. Every city can plant more than 100000 green skins at one time. These green skins will not leave here when they are mature, but will be escorted in the city for a month with the support of those slaves. When the new green skin matures, the teeth on their heads fall off. After burying their teeth, they will embark on the journey, cross the huge walls built by the seven or eight empires and leave the land of slaves. Then join the war and plunder more slaves and treasures for kukas.

For a long time, kukas and his family had left the so-called land of slaves and entered the hinterland of the conquered empire. Here, he chose a mountain range stretching more than 300 miles as his residence in a native empire. In the past ten years, at least millions of local laborers have lost their lives in order to build the mountain palace of more than 300 miles.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to the dead and alive of those native laborers. What he was curious about now was the dozens of green skins standing in front of him.

These green skins were accidentally discovered by the members of the Burning Legion. They are very special. In addition to their stronger body than ordinary green skins, the most important thing is that these green skins began to produce gender. Yes, originally, there was no gender difference in these green skins. There was only a circular hole for excretion in their lower body, but now there are more male and female reproductive systems. Such a strange change immediately attracted the attention of kukas, a bald evil man.

Now he has studied these green skins with gender differences for more than a month. In the study, he found that these green skins have no other changes except being stronger and understanding mating behavior. Even their descendants grow up no different from ordinary green skin.

On this day, when kukas made these green skins join with the native residents, he suddenly felt that the magic ring on his hand was suddenly hot. Before he could react, a crack suddenly appeared in front of him. As soon as the crack appeared, a dark figure rolled out of it.

"Kukas, don\'t do it, it\'s me." just as kukas roared and waved his fist to tear the figure to pieces, the figure quickly told his origin.

"General, why are you here?" kukas felt his voice familiar, so he quickly put away the strength of his fist. The huge fist only touched each other\'s forehead lightly and then took it back.

"There was a little accident in the master\'s plane, and we came over." the dark shadow stood up from the ground in some embarrassment, took off the wide black cloak, and revealed the beautiful face of the blonde general: "wait a minute, there are people coming, don\'t attack them." the blonde general quickly ordered. At this time, she also looked around quickly. When she found those green skins, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

While talking, some dark shadows appeared in the crack of how tall the man was. Then more shadows came out of it. After a while, at least hundreds of people in black appeared beside kukas.

"General, attack the people behind." another man in black clothes awkwardly drilled out of the crack. His body was covered with blood, his arms were lost, and only one leg was left. But even so, the man in black still didn\'t wail in pain, but loudly reminded the blonde general.

"Ha ha! Don\'t think that you can survive by escaping into this zero level and dare to provoke our master. Even if you escape into the endless void, you will catch you." a rough voice sounded from the crack, and then a huge palm of your hand poked out of the crack to catch the last man in black. The palm is like the size of a millstone. No matter how powerful he is in the main plane, he will be crushed to death by the other party.

"Rampant!" kukas growled, his feet forced, and rushed to the big hand in an instant. The heavy fist hit the palm of his hand from the crack. When the fist went down, there was only a dull noise. The palm the size of a millstone was hard hit by him into a hole the size of a casserole.

Angry shouts came out of the crack, and a burst of rapid curses sounded, accompanied by another big hand. The two big hands tore left and right, trying to tear the crack bigger.

Looking at kukas standing there waiting for the crack to expand, the blonde general suddenly became anxious: "kukas, quickly destroy his hands. He is a savage giant. They won\'t weaken much power in this low-level plane."

"Savage giant?" kukas sneered at his words. He knew the savage giant, which actually evolved from the savages. They are about four or five feet tall in the main plane world. Although they don\'t have any fighting magic power, they have incomparable brute force. Some empires recruited a large number of savage giants as strikers to attack cities and land as active city smashing vehicles. He also saw such giants on the sunset mountain battlefield in the main plane world and knew their power.

"Don\'t worry, I look at the natives all day in this position. I\'m really upset. Now there\'s a toy coming, so I might as well catch it and play." kukas giggled, but waved to the blonde female generals to leave. At the same time, he also took out a horn and sounded it, but he called the green guards guarding the mountains to help.

A horn sounded, and green skins appeared all over the mountains. They waved knives and iron bars and rushed frantically up the mountain, with strange roars in their mouths.

"General, you go to the distant mountain first. I can\'t provoke this barbaric giant in the main plane world, but I\'m not afraid of them in this plane world." kukas summoned the green men to forcibly carry the blonde women generals and run away. And he waited quietly for the appearance of the savage giant.

"If you can\'t, run quickly. These savage giants don\'t have a plane scroll. When the crack is forcibly healed, they will go back." although the blonde female general is extremely strong in the main plane world and is a professional above level 8, in this zero order plane world, they are just ordinary people with strong bodies. In the case of a large number of green belts, they were forcibly taken away. As for other black robes, they won\'t stay here. They don\'t wait for the green skins to urge. Some turn around and run with the blonde women generals, and some jump directly on the green skins and let them carry them.

The funniest one is the one legged man in black. He has only one leg left. He mumbles that his companion bandages his wound, but the one leg bounces quickly, and the running speed is no less than the green people familiar with the terrain here.