Abyss Knight

Chapter 434

Ladders, ropes and all siege tools hung on the city\'s head, and then tens of thousands of green people climbed up the city like ants. From time to time, someone fell to the ground and climbed up as long as he was not dead. Hundreds of members of the Burning Legion waved white bone scepters and commanded the green people to charge or line up to die again and again.

Although these green skins have never used ladders and ropes to climb the city before, the militants in their blood let them control the use of these two kinds of Engineering props in an extremely short time.

With a big mouth of tusks, he bit the stick and climbed frantically towards the top of the city. When a long gun pierced down, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it and pulled it down. There was a steel knife chopping, but he resisted with his arm, and then waved an iron bar to beat wildly.

Kukas giggled excitedly as he watched the green skins fall down from the city with the natives in their arms. "Ha ha! War should be like this. Death is the ultimate destination of everyone!"

Kukas was excited by the fierce and fearless behavior of the green skins. After a few strange cries, the bald man urged the black bull under his crotch to charge quickly, and the goal of his charge was not the city head, but the closed city gate.

The black cow roared with a moo. When it was only more than ten steps away from the city gate, kukas jumped up fiercely, drew a strange arc in the air with his hands, and then hit the solid city gate hard.

The gate was made of thick wood, with palm sized iron leaves and huge copper nails. The two fists hit it, and the whole gate made a dull noise. The gate trembled. The iron leaves and copper ingots splashed everywhere, but the holes the size of two adult heads came out.

"Roar!" kukas roared up to the sky. He swung his hands round, like a siege hammer, hitting the city gate again and again. After several times of beating, no matter how strong the gate was, he also broke a hole more than one person high.

Seven or eight long guns came out of the hole and pierced him hard. The long gun pierced and nailed him hard on his chest. The long gun was nailed to his chest as if it were nailed to a boulder. In addition to leaving a few white spots, it didn\'t even penetrate his skin.

"Ha ha! A bunch of rubbish." kukas giggled, but with a big hand, grabbed the long gun and pulled it out. A native soldier rushed in front of him, grabbed a short knife and stabbed it down his chest. The short knife pierced and nailed him to his chest with a crisp sound, while kukas took the opportunity to grasp the earthy arm and forcibly pulled him out of the hole.

After grabbing the dirt, regardless of his life or death, he directly swung it and fell hard on the city gate. A few times of wrestling smashed the fierce soil into meat sauce.

He waved his fist and left holes the size of an adult\'s head in the city gate. The seven or eight inch thick city gate was like paper in front of him, punching down a hole. However, in just a few dozen breathing times, the whole city gate was completely destroyed by him.

"Kill!" kukas roared loudly and took the lead in killing through the broken gate. When the snake skin whip was waved at the waist, no matter whether the soil was strong or weak, it was broken by his bones and tendons, so there was no chance to live. A large number of green skins waved iron bars and blades and shouted, followed him crazy to kill them.

War fortress, as the name suggests, the people in this fortress are all gathered for war, and the whole city is full of native soldiers. They madly stopped kukas and wanted to kill and repel these demons. But under kukas\'s crazy charge, no one can stop him. Behind them, the green people rushed in madly, and then killed some walking native soldiers in the streets under the leadership of other members of the Burning Legion.

Kukas waved a snake skin whip, an extremely fast killer. The whip full of iron sand flew up and down, smashed the house, smashed the human body, and the human body was broken. The whip is flying, and no native can survive within a radius of three or five feet.

Blood flying sword, internal organs ruptured, and hot blood scattered on him. Stimulated by the blood, he was more excited.

He killed all the way until he was close to the center of the fortress. Seven or eight big men in heavy armor stopped him with sophisticated weapons.

"Are you from that team in the battlefield? We are members of Heiyao mercenary regiment. Brother, give me a face and leave here immediately. Our mercenary regiment has a mission here." a big man waved a shield as high as one person to resist the snake whip of kukas, but he himself retreated seven or eight steps involuntarily under the powerful force and barely stood firm.

"You are a team on the battlefield? Give you face? I give you face. Who gives me face? Do you want to finish the task? Well, kill me first." while talking, kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to the mercenaries who appeared from the battlefield, waved the snake whip and beat them up again.

"The head of our Heiyao mercenary regiment is a 12th order mage who is about to become a legend. Boy, think you can provoke our Heiyao mercenary regiment?" these soldiers took turns to resist kukas\'s snake whip with shields, but everyone stepped back seven or eight steps to stand firm.

"Ha ha! Don\'t say you\'re about to become a legendary caster. Even a fucking legend or God who comes to this position should kneel down and obey orders. In the main position, I can\'t provoke you Heiyao mercenary regiment, but here, you are just like those native people." kukas laughed ferociously and forced his hands, Once again, they beat the mercenaries fiercely.

This time, with all his strength, he whipped down and smashed the shield in each other\'s hands. Before the soldier could react, the snake whip rolled up and wound each other\'s neck. "Dead!" a low roar, the snake whip retracted, forcibly tore the soldier\'s armor, and the big head was strangled by him.

"Are you fucking crazy? According to the rules, we can discuss." a black Yao mercenary was frightened when he saw his companion\'s instant death. As a member of Heiyao mercenary regiment, although their position in the regiment is very underground, they rely on strong physical strength. They are also the No. 1 figure in all low-level planes. Now an unknown boy has killed a companion, which makes them mercenaries who have been going smoothly completely angry.

"Gaga! In this low level, I\'m the rule." kukas smiled grimly, waved the snake whip in his hand, and took the opportunity to hang another person.

The death of the two companions during the breath completely frightened the remaining mercenaries. They relied on their strong physical strength to speculate in all aspects to obtain a large number of precious items and never lost many members. Now they lost two members all at once on this small battlefield, which made the remaining mercenaries retreat.

"Let\'s go." a mercenary yelled, turned his head, took the sword and ran away. Seeing that it was not kukas\'s opponent, others hurried to flee and wanted to leave here.

"Did you go?" kukas narrowed his eyes and smiled bloody. As he said, in this position, even if it is a legend, he will not be half afraid, not to mention these already very low-level soldiers?

With both feet forced, several arrows caught up with an escaped soldier, waved the snake whip, rolled the other party\'s thick waist and pulled it to him. Before the other party reacted, he grabbed the other party\'s face door with his big hand, then made a few dull clicks with his five fingers, and forcefully squeezed the other party\'s face armor, his five fingers like a hook, Stabbed into the opposite door and tore the mercenary\'s cheek alive.

He threw the mercenary out and smashed it on another escaped mercenary. When the mercenary was unstable, kukas chased him with several arrows. He waved the snake whip in his hand and beat the other party on the back of the head. A whip went down, which not only broke his head, but also tore most of his body in half.

"Heiyao mercenary regiment will never let you go." another mercenary was angry and angry when he saw his companion\'s death. He cursed kukas loudly, then reached out and pulled out the plane scroll, opened it and wanted to teleport out of here.

A layer of milky light was released from the scroll and wrapped his body in his breath. Kukas screamed and charged with all his strength. With the help of his powerful rebound force, kukas rushed to the soldier dozens of steps away.

"I say die or die." before his voice fell, his thick thigh kicked up and kicked on the mercenary\'s head. The head with a strong helmet was like a thin watermelon under his feet, and he kicked it to pieces.

At the moment when the mercenary\'s head was broken, the white light flickered a few times, then the mercenary\'s body blurred, and the next moment completely disappeared from this plane.

"Kill all the well-equipped people in the city, and there is no amnesty for the rebels." kukas issued orders loudly, which were given by other members of the Burning Legion to the green skins who took war as their life. It\'s also very strange. These green people\'s heads are not easy to use, but they are very talented in learning languages. At least every mature green skin knows the meaning of lingua franca. Of course, those lingua franca must be heard by their previous generation to understand. They can only speak some simple common words, such as eat, kill, chop you, eat you, and so on. Just like this, kukas can only find those green skins that can tell the southeast, northwest, up, down, left and right as their team leader.

The killing in the war fortress lasted a day and a night before it ended. This war ended, only about 10000 green skins were left alive. Other green skins either died in the war or were twisted off their heads by their own people after they were disabled.

More than 10000 native soldiers became slaves. Under the supervision of the green people, these soldiers and slaves returned to the valley camp little by little. When they arrived at the valley camp, at least a thousand slave soldiers were eaten clean by the green skins who lacked food.

After completely capturing the war fortress, kukas did not give up the fortress as before, but ordered some slaves to repair the fortress and plant burning green skins in the fortress. He decided to use the war fortress as an outpost to capture the whole small principality.

As this is a war fortress, in addition to a lot of food, all the rest are all kinds of weapons. Through the detection of the magic ring, kukas found that some weapons also contained special magic materials, which were refined by slaves and stored in the warehouse.

It took him more than three days to deal with all kinds of trivial things. In these three days, the little principality also sent an army to snatch the fortress back. However, under the fierce and fearless killing of the green skins, the army had nothing to gain except some defeated generals.

A huge hole was excavated, and a large number of corpses were thrown in it, and then quickly swallowed and melted by scavengers. Kukas has prepared more than ten such pits.

After all the trivial things were handled, kukas ordered the members of the Burning Legion to frenziedly plunder local slaves everywhere, rob all the things that can be seen, and finally classify them, store them or throw them away after being detected by the magic ring. According to kukas, the Burning Legion he established is actually a slave tribe. Here he doesn\'t need any gold, silver and jewelry, but all kinds of magical materials and strange items needed by the thematic world.

Several Heiyao mercenaries put their supplies in front of kukas. Among these materials, the most attractive to kukas is the several plane transmission scrolls. This scroll looks not much different from the scroll of Lich land and the scroll of bloody prison killing. Kukas even felt a trace of both on it. In his opinion, the battlefield scroll is likely to be a combination of Lich scroll, bloody scroll and some other force scrolls.

Although these scrolls can be easily transmitted to the center of the battlefield, kukas is unwilling to use them. Because he knew that if he used these scrolls to return to the center of the plane battlefield, he would probably be surrounded and killed by the Heiyao mercenary regiment there.

After studying these scrolls for a few days, the scroll suddenly disappeared. Without any fighting spirit and magic power, kukas had no way to prevent this from happening. Whether the disappeared plane scroll returns to the plane center or appears in the plane world is not what he can know.

In addition to these scrolls, kukas also found some precious magic materials on them. These magic materials are not like the ordinary ones he collected. They look very precious. There is also one thing that is the treasure of this face. Unfortunately, although these things are extremely precious, they are no longer useful except in the warehouse, because under the action of this face rule, any magic materials and treasures can not show their due power.

As the days passed, the Burning Legion under kukas became more and more rampant after capturing the war fortress. They led one or two thousand green skins to gallop wildly in a hundreds of miles, and plundered slaves wildly. Kukas did not follow them everywhere, but constantly cultivated the green people with high efficiency.

Whenever the number of green skins reached 70000 or 70000, he would send these green skins to capture cities crazily and plunder all the things containing magical materials in the cities. Dozens of cities were captured, and he unexpectedly robbed seven or eight plane treasures.

These plane treasures look like a seal, an inkstone and a roll of paper in this plane, but if they are put into the main plane world, they will form powerful magic props. And such things are what the blonde women\'s army hopes kukas can seize.

Although these plane treasures are only a very good looking magic prop after reaching the main plane world, they will change into powerful plane treasures again over time. At that time, their value will be even greater.

Year after year, the green men under kukas became stronger and stronger, and most of them were almost the strongest soldiers among the natives. The crazy war not only destroyed the small principality, but also completely destroyed the Empire to which the principality was attached.

Countless natives became slaves. Under the command of kukas, they transformed their original Empire into a permanent war fortress. It took them almost ten years to rebuild the war fortress alone.

In ten years, kukas\'s crazy expansion speed was suddenly restrained. Because the empire he controls happens to be surrounded by the only mountains. If you want to leave these mountains, you can either browse countless mountains or pass through a narrow plain at the northernmost end. However, seven or eight empires combined their forces and established dozens of kilometers of war fortresses on the narrow plain. Relying on this huge fortress completely blocked kukas\'s way out.

However, kukas did not care about this, because after controlling the area of an empire, the green skins under his hands began to multiply uncontrollably. All green teeth will be transported to the Burning Legion\'s war fortress for planting. When they were mature, they scattered around the Empire, or supervised the slaves to do all kinds of work, or practiced, and then attacked the fortress barrier that was only three days away from the Burning Legion fortress.