Abyss Knight

Chapter 433

These native slaves have long been subject to kukas. How dare you say no? One by one, he said bad common language and quickly agreed. There are also clever suggestions on how to improve the working speed of those technical slaves, and others on how to more cruelly punish those slaves who violate the rules. After a lot of discussion, kukas felt that the heads of these slaves were much better than the sergeants who only knew how to cut people. After all, these dozens of slaves used to be good crafty people in small towns. In order to restore their former status, they tried every means to show it in front of kukas.

"Well, from now on, slaves will be divided into three classes: the first class is that people like you can enjoy any goods, choose two permanent partners and have offspring. If your offspring can serve our burning legion, they will become second-class slaves." kukas was in a good mood after getting a detailed rules and regulations, So I made such a decision. After all, in this position, his manpower is not enough at present, so he must rely on these natives.

"Second-class slaves have a skill. They can enjoy the treatment of normal people, choose a spouse and have offspring. However, if their offspring do not have a skill, they will become third-class slaves."

"As for the third-class slaves, well, that\'s the bottom class slaves. They have no right to bear offspring and still maintain their current treatment. Well, that\'s it! Go down and make a good plan. It depends on your own. But what I want to tell you is that there can only be one first-class slave and ten second-class slaves among a thousand people His were all third-class slaves. "Kukas made the decision with the last slap on his head.

"First class slaves can have their hair flowing, second-class slaves and third-class slaves can\'t have their hair. Well, brand them. As for young offspring, they should do the same when they are over ten."

The slaves were overjoyed at the speech, but they quickly fell to the ground and worshipped. And kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to them and waved them away. He had a lot of work to do and had no time to waste with these slaves.

After the slaves left, kukas began to read some books in the world in order to master the situation in the world as soon as possible. He also took time to recall all kinds of knowledge he had, so as to prevent what he missed and didn\'t notice.

The days passed day by day, but in ten days, the Burning Legion who attacked the small city returned. They brought back a large number of books and items tested by the magic ring, more slaves and food crops.

About 100000 slaves appeared, making the valley lively around. With sufficient manpower, the mining that kukas has been preparing has been realized. With the emergence of a large number of technicians, the accumulated ore was simply smelted and then made into weapons and various instruments for the green skins and slaves.

By talking to the sergeants, kukas found that the attack on the small town was not going well. In order to capture the small town, hundreds of sergeants lost nearly 100 people at once. Although only thirty or fifty of them died, the rest were disabled and could no longer go to war. As a result, kukas temporarily put down his plan to continue to attack other cities.

It is worth mentioning that the burning green skins lost more in the siege. Nearly a hundred green skins only came back alive in the end. This blow made kukas feel very distressed.

"Fortunately, we organized the slaves to rush to the city for cover. The natives didn\'t have the heart to kill their own kind, which enabled us to successfully break through the city. Otherwise, if we were allowed to attack alone, we would lose more." a big man said dully: "I didn\'t expect that the city was small, but the army inside was very strong. The most powerful of them almost caught up with us."

"Forget it. Knowing that the other side is strong, we won\'t attack the city for the time being. Well, you can discuss it. We\'d rather go away and rob ordinary towns in the future. As for the attack and occupation of the city, let\'s wait until the next batch of reinforcements come! Now we can\'t afford such a loss." After listening to the reports of these sergeants, kukas became more determined. He waited for the arrival of the second wave of reinforcements.

"You robbed a lot of women in that city! Well, you sent me a few gentle ones, and you chose some of the rest as your spouses. In the future, you will establish a family and become an aristocrat in this world." kukas said his last calculation: "If one day you die, some descendants will spread. At least they can remember you for three or five hundred years."

"Hey, hey! Follow the general\'s orders." This group of sergeants giggled, but they were extremely satisfied with kukas\'s decision. I think their soldiers fought on the battlefield not to protect the country, but to earn money and honor their ancestors. Now I hear that they may establish a family and become a noble family. Why are they not happy? Although the world is not the main world, they have They may be the first great nobles in the world. As long as kukas can control this plane, their future status and their family will be even larger than some royal families of the main plane.

Thinking of the excitement, these reckless sergeants rarely turned their heads and thought about how many women they were looking for to have children without affecting their combat effectiveness. Thinking about how much wealth to accumulate in order to maintain the continuity of the family for thousands of years.

Seeing how these sergeants looked, kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to them. The sergeants saw that kukas was impatient and difficult to disturb, and hurried out.

Within a short time, they sent more than a dozen pure girls. These girls are either beautiful and beautiful by nature, or they are the descendants of those families with status among the natives. One of them is the daughter of the newly broken city Lord.

Kukas didn\'t care about these women. He looked for these women just to let them serve themselves better and help sort out some books. He didn\'t have much thought to make trouble with them and want to leave his offspring in this position.

Time flies. Three or five years have passed in a flash. In these three or five years, the entire Burning Legion\'s residence became stronger and stronger under the day and night work of more than 100000 slaves. During this period, the small principality also sent troops to take over the town and attack the Burning Legion\'s camp. However, under the passive resistance of a large number of slaves and the crazy killing of kukas, the principality army that wanted to subdue the lost land and save the civilians was defeated. However, they relied on a large number of troops to firmly control the small city looted by kukas. Moreover, in the past few years, the small principality invested a lot of manpower and material resources to build the whole town into a war fortress.

Although the war fortress of the little principality curbed the crazy plundering of slaves by kukas, it could not curb the crazy development of the burning green skins.

A mature green skin can produce a tooth seed every month. After a month, the seed will produce a new mature green skin. In just three or five years, the remaining forty or fifty green skins have developed continuously, and now there are more than 30000 green skins.

These green skins are very different from the first generation of green skins. They have absorbed too much experience and skills in the continuous war of the previous generation. Today\'s green skins are almost two meters tall. They are naked, but they wear a rag around their waist as a cover. Of course, this is actually a mandatory requirement of kukas, because he really doesn\'t like the bare lower bodies of green people without any gender marks.

More than 30000 strong green skins constantly attacked the war fortress under the command of kukas. On the one hand, they honed their combat skills and eliminated the weak among them, so as to improve the quality of the whole race as a whole. On the other hand, it is to alleviate the food pressure in the camp.

You know, based on 10000 green skins, it will become 20000 in two months. Then every month, the number of these green skins will double or even more. The green skins of crazy reproduction quickly consumed the accumulated food of the Burning Legion.

In order not to let these green people eat and drink all the food in the whole camp, kukas ordered them to attack the fortress city madly without any siege tools.

After three or five years of development, as soon as the green skins born in the valley mature, they will receive a small amount of black bread at the valley exit and begin to walk towards the war fortress. Along the way, hunger made them eat any food they could see. They ate all the weeds and trees. In the end, they began to rob the weak of the same kind, seize their food, and even kill them to share it.

Ten thousand green skins left the valley. After they spent more than ten days arriving at the war fortress, it would be a good result to have eight thousand green skins left. When these green skins arrive in front of the war fortress, they will attack the city crazily.

Without weapons, they use their bare hands or pick up the white bones on the ground as weapons. Without siege tools, they rushed under the three foot high wall and took a ladder to kill them. A few green skins rushed to the city wall and killed some enemies, or jumped down to die or half dead after seizing some weapons. But more green skins die when they act as human bodies.

The green skin who can live under the war fortress for about ten days will leave here and return to the valley where they were born. Along the way, they also rob the food of the new green skin, and even kill them to get food. When they returned to the valley, the teeth on their heads were just ripe. After leaving their mature teeth at random in a corner of the valley, they had the opportunity to embark on the journey again to attack the war fortress. So again and again, until one day they die or break through the war fortress.

The huge number of green skins made kukas, who had been immersed in sorting out this plane information for three or five years, unable to live any longer. He looked at the map in front of him, which marked the general outline of seven or eight empires. In a corner surrounded by countless peaks, kukas marked the location of the Burning Legion and the sphere of influence of the small principality. In the surrounding mountains, a large number of ore distributions are marked.

"Slaves, we need slaves to dig minerals, collect all kinds of strange plants and grow food. What I need now is a large number of slaves." kukas roared wildly as he watched a large number of minerals marked on the map.

"General, I don\'t think we need to wait any longer. In recent years, I think the military strength of the small principality must be very tight. As long as we can attack and occupy the war fortress with one breath, all the land in an area of more than 1000 square kilometers are our slaves." a big man said in a deep voice: "This year alone, at least 100000 of our green skins died under the fortress. I think the soldiers in the fortress will die at least thirty or twenty thousand."

"Yes, this time, accumulate all the strength to completely capture the fortress. Give this to others and let them use this command. I think it\'s easy to capture the city under your command. I\'ve asked the slaves to make simple tools for attacking the city, and I\'ll start with you this time." Kukas pulled out a box from under the table. There were hundreds of white bone scepters with the thickness of baby\'s fingers. These scepters were made of the vertebrae of the green skins. The natives prepared special potions, threw one spinal vertebrae into the potion and rubbed it. More than a thousand spinal vertebrae formed such a scepter. Kukas was also contaminated on this scepter He lost his blood.

If the ordinary members of the Burning Legion ordered the green people to obey the orders in the past, the situation will disappear after they have this white bone scepter. One such white bone Scepter can command at least 35000 green people with low IQ to obey the orders absolutely. It will make those green people not only kill but not retreat when it is time to retreat.

"If the slaves here rebelled after we left, would they?" a sergeant suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Ha ha, rebellion? Damn it, where can they go after rebellion? As long as we capture the war fortress, even if they all rebel, I can catch them all." kukas giggled.

In fact, he has the ability to say that. After all, there are more than 100000 slaves here, but almost 50000 or 60000 of them are old, young, sick and disabled. A considerable number of slaves in power used to be local ruffians and hooligans. Although they are slaves now, their lives are dozens of times better than before. What they wanted but couldn\'t get are now available, and they can play with the past And there are women who dare not play. How can they rebel? Once people control power, how can they be willing to give up for those who used to look down on themselves? Even those who are so dignified and virtuous occupy only a small part. Among them, the safest are the children whose character is distorted. The children in those years have now become slaves They tortured all the slaves crazily to enjoy the pleasure of rebellion.

After a little preparation, kukas led more than 30000 newly mature green skins to leave the valley station and quickly marched towards the war fortress.

In this plane world, his mount is no longer a war horse, but a black strange cow more than two meters high. This kind of black strange cow is actually a kind of Mount often used by the natives. They are not as fast as the war horse, but they have full endurance and great strength, even comparable to the wildebeest in the main plane world. Not only the natives are very happy with such a strong mount Huan, even kukas and their outsiders like it very much.

Hundreds of black cattle in simple iron armor ran on the ground at a constant speed, and more than 30000 green skins and barefeet followed closely. They waved simple iron bars and iron sheets and shouted, running and swearing, and even fighting with each other to grab food. There were a lot of green skins left behind, but kukas didn\'t care about them at all. Because these green skins could easily sense it And he also wants to use this rapid attack to eliminate those green people with relatively weak strength.

Without any food and supplies, the straggling green skins will end up extremely miserable. They either swallow the flesh and blood of other green skins or be swallowed by other green skins. Of course, no green skins dare to return to the station. In their blood, obeying the command of the controller and war are all they have. Their bellicose blood urges them to die in the war As the highest glory, the green skin that can die in battle is countless times more noble than the green skin that runs away.

The journey of more than ten days lasted only seven or eight days under the leadership of kukas. When he came to a war fortress to meet with more than 30000 other green skins, nearly 10000 people died.

Looking at the three or five foot high wall and the corpses under the wall, kukas felt his blood boiling. The strong smell of blood made him roar in a low voice. Sitting down, the black cow was also affected and made strange noises.

"Besiege the city on all sides and fight with all your strength. Either all the green skins die or break the city." he just rested for three or five magic hours and ordered to attack the city after nightfall.

At the command, the horn made of ox horn sounded, and fifty or sixty thousand green skins rushed towards the war fortress from all directions under the leadership of the Burning Legion. They used the bodies of other green skins as shields, waved simple iron rods and iron sheets, and made strange noises. When the whole army attacked the city, kukas only left three or five thousand green skins as his backhand, as he saw Come on, it just takes a few magic hours to break the city.