Abyss Knight

Chapter 432

After the slaves\' affairs were settled, kukas dropped his blood on those teeth, and then forced his mind to instill it into the blood essence, outlining a simple mark on these teeth. This mark also guaranteed his absolute control over the Roper tribe. Of course, it didn\'t waste him much time. It was just done in a day. But the passage of a lot of blood essence made him tired for a few days.

When he recovered, kukas led some soldiers of the Burning Legion to expel thousands of slaves from the town, and then went to a valley where he began to build fortifications.

The valley is very large, more than ten miles long and 35 miles wide. Such a large valley is full of rubble and surrounded by cliffs. It seems extremely safe after cooperating with some fortifications. While the slaves built various fortifications, kukas planted the Roper tribe in the center of the valley.

Yes, the lopier tribe. The way of life of this tribe is extremely special. Their descendants do not rely on physical communication to produce offspring, but plant their teeth in the land to produce offspring by themselves. This way is almost the same as the growth mode of the Dragon tooth war in the thematic world, but it takes only a month for each member of the Roper tribe to grow from planting to birth, and it takes decades or even hundreds of years for the Dragon tooth war to grow from planting to birth.

All the seven teeth were buried in the ground by kukas. As soon as these teeth were buried, they began to grow and develop. A green head quickly broke through the earth. Then every time, the head moved a little distance upward, and finally revealed the neck, chest, waist and abdomen and legs. When the eyes on the head open, it means that the members of the Roper tribe are completely mature.

Mature ropier members are born with some low-level wisdom. They can simply understand the command of the controller, and then the mind will mature in an extremely rapid way over time. Of course, when their mind reaches half the wisdom of normal people, they will slow down. At this time, it will take a lot of time to think about improving their mind.

Members of the Roper tribe are naturally bloodthirsty. Most of them will not engage in production, or can only engage in the simplest production. Most of the Roper members will look for weapons to fight with people after birth. Although their physical quality is generally the same as that of normal people, they can evolve rapidly. Of course, this evolution is not reflected in contemporary Roper members, but in their descendants.

When a ropier member opens his eyes and matures, they begin to conceive the next generation. They were conceived by growing an inverted comma shaped tooth on their head. After a month, the teeth on their heads will mature and fall off by themselves. After losing their old teeth, they will continue to grow new teeth, and so on until they die.

It is worth mentioning that the tooth seeds generated by these Roper members will inherit some of the main body\'s experience, and often the newly born Roper tribe members will be a little stronger than their previous generation. Either mentally or physically, all this has a lot to do with what the members of the previous generation who gave birth to them experienced.

After planting the seven members of the Roper tribe, kukas was too lazy to return to the town. Instead, he asked the sergeants of the Burning Legion to give up the hard-working town and put their base camp near the valley. Of course, the town did not give up completely, but left a small number of members of the Burning Legion and slaves for daily maintenance and as an outpost.

As the days passed, kukas spent most of his time reading books and taking the necessary exercise to maintain his body. In the rest of the time, he either observed the growth of members of the Roper tribe, read various books, or began to draw a map of the world with his own memory. Of course, the description of this map is not only about the landform, but also about all kinds of minerals detected by the magic ring.

"Our manpower is too few." whenever kukas saw that the members of the Burning Legion could only send out a small number of troops and spend a lot of time catching slaves, he could not help complaining: "do you know when the general\'s reinforcements will come?" of course, such inquiries were just his own muttering, He knew that the sergeants of the Burning Legion did not know when reinforcements would come.

As the days passed, the slaves, after building the necessary fortifications, began to dig the peaks around the valley. According to kukas\'s plan, huge caves must be built on the peaks around the whole valley. Some of these caves are to house slaves and some are built into warehouses to store all the wealth they plundered in this plane.

The plundering of items is extremely brutal. Under the order of kukas, the soldiers of the Burning Legion will gather all the items in the village after destroying a village, and then the other two soldiers who also have the magic ring will start to detect those items. As long as they find that the magic ring shows that some items are of special use to the theme plane, they organize these special items and store them in the warehouse.

Five of the seven or eight hundred people kukas mastered, including him, had magic rings. There are two magic rings to detect all kinds of booty and select useful things from them, while the other two, under the protection of sergeants, explore the surrounding minerals in detail, and then mobilize those slaves to dig minerals after there are enough slaves.

The days passed day by day, and more than half a year passed in a flash. In more than half a year, more than 100 war veterans from the main plane world found kukas and joined the newly established Burning Legion. In this way, kukas\'s pressure was suddenly reduced. At the same time, it also accelerated his exploration of the surrounding terrain and mineral deposits.

In more than half a year, the biggest change was not the large-scale reproduction of members of the Roper tribe, but more and more slaves and the construction of perfect defensive valleys.

In just half a year, the number of members of Roper has almost reached more than 100. With the expansion of the membership base, the development of the whole tribe has become more and more rapid.

These ropier members are very similar to the semi orcs seen by kukas on the main plane. Their skin is light green and their body size is about the size of human body. Under the action of their poor IQ, these green members waved inferior sticks and followed the hundred war sergeants around and frantically robbed slaves. Their temper is extremely strange and they are extremely grumpy in battle, but they will make all kinds of jokes or strange behaviors in daily life.

After capturing slaves everywhere, some members of roper will rotate around the boulder and use their poor wisdom to study why they don\'t stand up and fight with him. They talk to themselves and speak strange common words, sometimes happy and sometimes angry, like young children.

Among these members, kukas chose one of the most intelligent looking ropier members as the leader of all ropier members. Of course, the ropier member completely passed kukas\'s test: he can accurately distinguish the difference between southeast, northwest, front, rear, left and right in half a magic hour.

Under the leadership of such a wise leader, the members of the Roper tribe were completely renamed by kukas: burning green skin.

Yes, the burning green skin has become the new name of this tribe, because their skin is green, and the stronger their strength is, the stronger their green is. The skin of the seven people who grew out of the most gentleman has turned dark green. If they can continue to live for ten years, a magic Rune will appear on them. The magic Rune will turn them into wise tribal priests. Of course, being full of wisdom means being able to understand some simple common sense knowledge, but few of these belligerent races can live for ten years. Even in a peaceful environment, the maximum life expectancy of members of this race is only ten years.

However, as long as there are people who can live for ten years, their life expectancy will increase significantly, and they will grow stronger quickly. As for what the mystery is, kukas is not very clear.

More than half a year\'s development has made kukas\'s power reach the bottleneck, and now if you want to break through this bottleneck, you need to capture the small city seven or eight days away. Because the surrounding towns and villages were plundered by the members of the Burning Legion, except for a few lucky ones who fled, the other natives were caught and became slaves.

"Well, there are at least 100000 people in that small town. As long as we capture that small town, we can not only get a large number of slaves, but also get all kinds of information and knowledge in this plane. In this way, it will be very helpful for me to search for something." kukas sat in the room thinking, and there were seven or eight big men beside him, They are the most powerful soldiers in the Burning Legion.

These extremely powerful soldiers should have walked on the battlefield, but now they have to rack their brains with kukas and try every means to develop their power. Every time kukas called them, they felt a terrible headache.

"Let your brothers prepare and we will attack the city in three days. Well, if we win, our power will increase greatly. Then you can rest at ease for a while. Maybe you can leave your descendants in the world, establish your family and become a noble above." Kukas touched his bald head with annoyance and laughed strangely.

"General, will you start with us?" a big man asked in a rough voice.

"I\'m going with you? I\'m leaving. You look after the camp? Damn it, your heads are full of chopping people and * *. What else do you know? I asked you to choose the technicians among the slaves. You all choose some fucking women who say they have skills in bed. Damn it, what I found is the skills that can smelt minerals, build houses and all kinds of equipment "Technicians, not technicians who drain men\'s energy." upon hearing this, kukas couldn\'t restrain his anger and roared loudly. Now he regrets that he didn\'t ask for some staff officers from the blonde women\'s army after the meeting here. Now it\'s better for him to do all the big and small things himself. How can he bear it? If he hadn\'t waited for the second batch of reinforcements and searched for some good things, he wouldn\'t have wandered around alone.

A roar made the big men bow their heads. In other words, they were veterans in the army, and then they became what they are now under the special medicine of the military headquarters. In their lives, they cut people at other times except when they were young. In addition, they didn\'t think about anything else.

"Go! Pick some clever slaves for me, and then you will set out in three days. Well, take the burning green skins. They need blood to cultivate their offspring." kukas touched his bare head and continued to say in a deep voice: "By the way, after conquering that city, bring back all valuable things immediately. If the natives here counter attack, withdraw immediately. We have plenty of time to toss with them."

"Yes, general." seven or eight big men got up and obeyed. After discussing other issues, they all turned and left.

After these people left, kukas did not wait for the slaves in the room, but got up and went to the central area of the valley. No one can enter the whole valley except kukas and members of the Burning Legion. If slaves break into it rashly, they will be killed immediately. This valley is also used by kukas as a place to cultivate burning green skins The base.

Half exposed green skins stand on the desolate earth, growing white vines under their feet to stab into the earth and extract all kinds of nutrients. When a green skin opens its eyes, they will leave the valley, and the white vines that provide them with nutrients will wither. After the next green skin is planted, the new vines will not only absorb all kinds of nutrients from the earth It also absorbs some special things from the withered vines.

These withered vines contain a strange power. Under the action of this power, the new green skin will be stronger and smarter. Of course, it will inherit more skills from the previous generation.

This is repeated. When the withered vines in the earth reach a certain degree, the whole earth will be slowly transformed. Planting new green skin on it will speed up their maturity time. In the inheritance of ghost crying knights, they have seen some places that can grow in a day after planting green skin.

A green skin opened his eyes, and he made a strange whine. Then he was afraid to kiss the earth at kukas\'s feet, because in his blood inheritance, he knew that the man in front of him was his supreme master. After kissing the earth, green skin ran out of the valley. In his body, there was a strange force that could make him feel the location of his people. Of course When he left the valley, he would easily take away the sticks placed at the exit of the valley. Their natural belligerence made them have a special preference for weapons.

As soon as the green skin left the valley, he would enter a Colosseum. In this Colosseum, three strong male slaves waved simple weapons to fight with him. What the green skin had to do was kill the three people. Of course, generally speaking, these green skins can defeat three slaves. But there are also green skins who can\'t defeat three slaves for various reasons Slaves, and green skins like this will be executed, and their bodies will be discarded in a natural pit outside the valley like the bodies of other slaves.

The pit is hundreds of meters deep. The closer it is to the bottom, the larger the space is, and the upper exit is only three or five feet in size. Kukas once checked it in person and found that the pit is naturally formed. The area inside is huge and can accommodate at least tens of thousands of living people. But now it has become a place for him to deal with the body.

There are a large number of scavengers living in this pit. They rely on birds and animals that occasionally fall in the pit to maintain the continuity of the race. Now they rely on swallowing the flesh and blood of the dead to quickly multiply and expand the scale of the race.

Of course, these scavengers can not only deal with corpses. After they die, the corpses will be transformed into a special stone. Through the detection of magic rings, it is found that they are very popular in the thematic world and are necessary materials for spell casters and alchemists to make some special items or arrays.

After patrolling the green skin planting base, kukas returned to his office. There are dozens of slaves waiting for him here. These slaves have completely betrayed their race under the temptation of bloody killing and food, so they have become the rulers of slaves. Now they come to kukas to give advice and further cruel stripping Cutting their own kind.

"Distinguish those slaves. Slaves who can smelt ore, make instruments and have special skills are different from ordinary slaves. You need to control these slaves to smelt ore and build weapons for me. Tell me, can you do it?" kukas sat down on the wide chair and squinted his eyes to observe the slaves in front of him.