Abyss Knight

Chapter 431

"Everyone, I think you all know that from now on, you should all obey my control." kukas stood up from the boulder, looked down at the seven or eight hundred strong sergeants below and smiled grimly: "and we should have a unified name in this position, well, that is the Burning Legion." kukas had a whim, He said the name of the team in an ancient book in his previous life. "Is there any objection?"

Silence, seven or eight hundred fierce sergeants were silent. It was obvious that this was the default. This means that kukas wants to make an example of others has not been used. However, although no one provoked him, he jumped down from the boulder, then waved his fist and smashed it on the boulder.

"Bang!" with a dull sound, a fist sized depression suddenly appeared on the boulder. There were countless cracks around the depression. With a crash, large pieces of gravel fell off the boulder. "That\'s why I control you. If any of you can do it, I\'ll listen to you. If no one can do it, don\'t be convinced. All of you will obey me honestly, okay?"

"I see." hundreds of fierce sergeants shouted this time. Some of them may or may not have other thoughts, but all this dissipated after kukas punched the boulder and left a fist sized depression on it.

The snake skin was thrown on the ground and a group of sergeants simply polished it. For kukas, in order to show his strength, he turned his head and hit the boulder next to him one by one. In more than 100 breathing times, lengshengsheng completely smashed the whole boulder.

After finishing this, he reached out and grabbed it. At any time, he crushed it a little. The stone powder was scattered on the ground and piled into a small mound. Then he stuffed all the stone powder into the snake skin.

When kukas tied the snake skin around his waist, another seven or eight sergeants came from a distance. After seeing kukas\'s inhuman means, they all remained silent, which was a complete recognition of kukas\'s leadership.

Looking at the fierce sergeants who were bloody and murderous, kukas was in a very good mood. In this plane, he is the supreme existence, and no one can threaten his life. "Hey, hey, I hope those powerful people don\'t meet me foolishly, otherwise in this position, no matter how high your status and strength are, I will kill you completely."

After thinking for a while, kukas led the sergeants to explore the surrounding situation. After all, this is just a wild mountain. Although there are some wild animals, it is not enough to maintain the food of nearly a thousand people. Now the top priority is to find the soil of this plane, then conquer them and get enough food from them to maintain their own life.

As the days passed, kukas tried to mobilize his mind to observe the situation in the fighting space almost every day. Although every attempt failed, with the passage of time, he could vaguely feel some of the situation in his fighting space.

The whole fighting space was sealed by unknown forces, but the altar inside was still rotating slowly, producing ghost crying and fighting spirit by itself. This discovery also made kukas more recognize the words of the blonde general.

It\'s not easy to wander in the wild mountains. Sometimes they can meet large-scale beasts and get enough food. Sometimes only a small number of beasts come and go. Hunger often makes them desperate to pick all kinds of fungi, wild vegetables and even bark to eat. Of course, in such a journey, kukas did not suffer like other sergeants. As the leader of the team, he had priority to eat all food. A lot of food supplies also kept him in the best physical condition.

After wandering in the wild mountains for more than half a year, they found people. A small village is located at the foot of a mountain. The population in the village is not large, only more than 100 people. When kukas arrived, the whole village panicked. Because kukas, their excellent armor and ferocious weapons tell these ordinary people that they are not good.

More than a hundred villagers were gathered together by fierce sergeants. Although they could not speak, after kukas crushed the heads of seven or eight people, the aborigines of this position were finally able to make physical exchanges with kukas. A large amount of food was searched by the sergeants from each household, and then a rich lunch was made.

"From now on, they will be our slaves. Well! Find some good-natured people to teach them common language, and we will continue to move towards the next goal." kukas took a rag with a rough map and compared it. The map on this rag is outlined by gestures and blood. It describes the location of other villages around.

"Sir, we\'d better encircle those small villages first, and then encircle the town." a clever Sergeant whispered to persuade kukas: "After all, the town has a large population. Even if they want to move and escape, it will take several times as long as other small villages. Most of those small villages are very remote. If they get the news and run away, it will be hard to find."

"Well, we spread out. None of you took a hundred people to encircle and suppress those small villages. I took these slaves and another hundred people to encircle and kill the small town. Finally, you all met in the small town." kukas looked at the sergeants around and whispered: "Be careful. If you encounter resistance, there is no amnesty. Even if you don\'t want a slave, you should let these natives maintain their complete submission to us." In kukas\'s view, the native in this plane is the same as the person in his plane, that is, the so-called theme plane. It is rubbish in his eyes. It can even be said that things like NPC can be disposed of as they want. There is no guilt in his heart. After all, he is not a person in this world, nor a person in the theme plane world, but from another wonderful world Reincarnated here.

"Obey your orders." The sergeants answered, and then they were busy dividing up the team. The hard March for more than half a year not only didn\'t make their conquerors who lacked food tired, but after half a year\'s hard struggle, each of them was more energetic than before they came to this position. We can only regret that they were a little thin because of food, but I believe it won\'t be long before these hundred war armies You can completely return to your best state.

After all, they have been tossing about in the wild mountains for more than half a year, which makes the sergeants have mastered the way to identify the direction in the world.

According to the description of the natives, the village where they are now is three or two days away from the town. Kukas did not waste time. After having lunch and a little rest, they tended more than 100 natives to walk towards the town. Along the way, slaves kept trying to escape, but they were all caught back by tough sergeants.

For these slaves who wanted to escape, kukas did not have any mercy. He directly waved a snake skin whip filled with stone powder and beat them hard. Almost one whip went down, he pulled the soil into two parts, and then let other slaves watch the same kind who was broken in two wail and cry.

The bloody and cruel means did not suppress the resistance of all the native slaves, but further aroused the anger of some native slaves. However, no matter how angry they were, they could not hurt any of kukas, a member of the Burning Legion. Well, no, someone also hurt the sergeant of the Burning Legion. It was a middle-aged woman. The middle-aged woman took advantage of it A sergeant broke the sergeant\'s chest with a sharp stone when she vented her lust. Of course, in the end, she ended up miserable and was tossed to death by more than 100 sergeants.

In a series of cruel means, kukas only suffocated and vented most of what he had in the thematic world. Of course, he knew that this venting was an extremely abnormal performance, but he was unable to resist the force brought to him by the eighth class professionals in the thematic world, so he couldn\'t help making this crazy behavior.

It should have been three or four days. Kukas and his family walked for five days, because the speed of the native slaves along the way was too slow. Coupled with the food problem, it was delayed for another day. Therefore, when kukas came to the town, the whole town had been occupied by the sergeants of the newly established Burning Legion.

All the residents of the whole town have become slaves, no matter men and women, old or young, whether their status was noble or low. Now these natives are all working under the whip and ferocious weapons.

They built fences, cut down trees and planted crops. Every day they had to work hard, but they could only get a little poor food. Some slaves couldn\'t bear hunger, and even dug up some plant roots, branches and leaves to fill their stomachs.

After being stationed in the town, kukas formulated various rules for these native slaves according to some ancient methods in previous lives. Of course, in order to strengthen the cruelty of the rules, at least dozens of native slaves became experimental objects. Ten native slaves were a team, five teams were a squadron, and three squadrons were a brigade.

Under such rules, if one member of a team escapes or intends to murder the personnel of the Burning Legion, all members of the whole team shall be buried with him. If a team does this, all members of the whole squadron shall also be buried with him.

Under this cruel slavery system, thousands of slaves were brutally killed in just three or five days. Blood and cries were everywhere around the whole town. The cruel system killed a large number of frail men and old women, while children and young women were compiled separately.

Under the temptation of food, children\'s ideas were distorted, and most women succumbed in the face of death.

The young children took the whip and beat the adults who had taught them a lesson. Some children with extremely bad natures also took the initiative to kill those native people who violated the rules. They twisted their hearts madly and did not know that they had finished it in just three or five days.

During this period, a distant city noticed the situation here, so it sent an army to attack him. Perhaps it was because the strength of the city was insufficient, or the power holders of the city didn\'t care about these civilians. The army attacked only hundreds of people. The army was quickly completely defeated with the sophisticated weapons and equipment of the Burning Legion. A large number of soldiers became slaves, but it was more dangerous Many were beheaded in public.

Kukas sat in the most luxurious room in the town, silently reading the simple map in his hand. The map was also drawn little by little from the mouths of the slaves. There were some books stacked in the room, which were also found from some rich families in the town. Through these books, kukas has a simple vague understanding of his plane.

In this plane, there is no professional at all. They just master the use of physical strength. In this plane, there are also empires of different sizes. And there are many empires, at least hundreds. And they are now in a subordinate principality of an empire. As a principality, he didn\'t have much military power at all, which made kukas a little relieved.

Although they are extremely strong, no matter how strong they are, they can\'t escape from tens of thousands of troops without the support of fighting strength. Now, knowing that the military strength of the principality was not strong, kukas suddenly had a lot of courage.

Ten tough sergeants came in from the door. These sergeants were the most powerful ten selected by kukas from all the sergeants. None of them assigned dozens of men to fight independently.

"In a group of two, rob me of food and slaves everywhere. Well, leave two people to guard here." kukas touched his bare head and smiled grimly: "after accumulating enough strength, we will attack the city. This place is too small for me to live in."

"Follow the general\'s orders." the ten big men made a courtesy and made a firm answer according to kukas\'s request. Of course, as for how they allocate to search for slaves or guard the town, it will be through their struggle. In just a few days, these soldiers who have been killed for a long time have a stronger sense of killing. The murderous spirit can even scare some timid slaves to death.

When the ten big men left the room, kukas took out an ordinary ebony box from the leather bag around his waist. When he opened the box, seven upside down comma shaped teeth appeared in front of him. These teeth were the treasure he got through the melody of fate at the Imperial College: the Roper tribe.

At first, he wanted to store the treasure to the blonde general like those magic rings, but before he left, he felt that the treasure was useful to him, so he took them out as soon as he gritted his teeth. He believed that unless he died, the Roper tribe would never lose it, so it was not much different from what he wore in the custody of the blonde general. More importantly, if this thing can be used in this low-level plane, it will hide a killer mace.

It was beyond his imagination. After arriving here, he first looked at the teeth, but they didn\'t respond. But today, he felt that the teeth hidden in the box suddenly beat slightly, so he took them out to watch.

A few teeth were beating slightly in his hand, but kukas suddenly remembered the magic ring.

The magic ring hidden in the finger emerged, and then suspended on several teeth. Then kukas got some information about these teeth.

Special creatures, not recorded, suspected of ancient times.

Looking at the little information, kukas giggled: "ha ha! There are no records of special creatures, which are suspected to be items of ancient times. Ha ha! General, it seems that you don\'t have as much knowledge as I, a low-level knight."

After a few strange smiles, kukas looked at the teeth carefully according to his knowledge. Finally, he determined that the teeth that had not been used at first could be used now. For this result, he did not have much doubt for a long time, because he also remembered that the Roper tribe fought in countless planes in ancient times. Presumably, these seeds can be planted in this plane after some time of adaptation.

Planting a tribe is an extremely exciting thing for kukas. In order to succeed in one-time planting, kukas had to spend more than half a month to carefully check the inheritance of ghost crying knights. In these inheritance, he recognized his speculation, and he also noticed some information that he had not paid much attention to before.

During this half month, the members of the Burning Legion moved around like hounds, conquered a large number of towns and villages, and brought back tens of thousands of slaves and some books to kukas.

Among these slaves, kukas selected some native slaves to form a supervision team by using some ancient methods in his previous life. In the past, most of these native slaves were local ruffians or high-ranking people. In order to escape endless labor, they all betrayed their race and became the minions of kukas. With kukas\' acquiescence, these supervisors could enjoy sufficient food and all control over the slaves. Of course, the price they need to pay for this is to personally execute or punish slaves who violate the rules every day, just like ignorant and rebellious children.