Abyss Knight

Chapter 430

After kukas talked with the blonde general about other matters needing attention in the position, the blonde general asked kukas to have a good day with the maids. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the blonde general walked up to kukas and said in a low voice: "These sergeants still have a lot to do with you. Remember when you experimented with drugs in that mine? They were all sergeants trained with drugs later. Although few people could break out of fighting, their physical strength was ten points strong. If anyone dared to resist your authority at that time, there would be no amnesty."

"Hey, hey! Don\'t worry, general. I will let these boys obey my orders honestly." Kukas smiled with a strange smile. He didn\'t pay attention to these hundred war sergeants at all. When his physical strength was not so strong, he could kill hundreds of hundred war veterans. Now he is many times stronger than that. These hundred war veterans are not a problem for him.

"Well, we\'ll start right away after they mark it. By the way, we\'ll only send people to your plane three times. The military headquarters has put more energy into several other first-order planes. Things approaching those planes are much better than those approaching the zero order plane." The blonde general hesitated a little, and finally whispered the hidden news to kukas: "the constant reinforcements I just said deceived them."

After hearing this, kukas couldn\'t help rolling his eyes. He didn\'t expect that the powerful blonde general in front of him would say deceptive words. However, these had nothing to do with him, so he didn\'t say anything after just a white eye, but silently waited for the beginning of the transmission.

"By the way, do you need any weapons?" when the casters were busy, the blonde general patted his forehead and looked at kukas\'s naked upper body and empty hands.

"What do you think?" kukas slammed two fists the size of a casserole into each other, and a loud clang rang out from his hands, which was as shocking as a collision of steel. The sound attracted the attention of the casters and some sergeants, but under the sign of the blonde general, all of them were busy with their own affairs.

"Well, let\'s just say it for nothing. Well, do you have any plans? I mean, what are you going to do when you go there?" the blonde general suddenly sat down in the void. She half lay there, as if there was an invisible chair carrying her behind her. Such behavior destroyed her military temperament all at once.

"I don\'t know. God knows what\'s going on in that face. Well, by the way, general, do you say that when we arrive at that face, will that face our rejection be very severe, if our physical strength is weakened?"

"Kukas, all low-level and high-level people will be excluded, but no matter how they are excluded, they will not weaken the basic strength of your body, but will temporarily seal all or part of the strength of professionals. Don\'t worry. If you really notice something bad, you can leave immediately." The blonde general sensed the uneasiness in kukas\'s heart, so she patiently persuaded him again and again.

As time passed, about half a magic hour passed, all the sergeants branded skeleton marks on their chests, and quickly recovered their physical state under the power of magic.

After receiving the order from the blonde general, dozens of casters began to recite spells quickly or slowly around the portal.

There are some differences between this portal and the portal seen by kukas before. This portal has a larger area, and the text and legal array structure branded on the door frame are dozens of times or even more than ordinary portal. Gemstones the size of an adult\'s head are inlaid on the door frame, and two green flames burn in the two corners above the door frame. The flame burns and sends out Make a crackling noise.

A layer of light golden light slowly emerged from the door frame, and finally connected between the door frames to form a golden light curtain. Countless Dharma arrays flashed and disappeared on the light. Kukas just looked at it and felt that his fighting space was turbulent, and he almost wanted to break free from it. Fortunately, his will was firm enough , he quickly turned away from the dangerous scene.

"Well, suffer a loss! If you don\'t have the strength and special means, you\'ll never want to see these mages\' things. It\'s normal to burn your eyes, or destroy the fighting space and even your life." the blonde female general tilted her head to see kukas eat a dark loss and was happy.

"Hey hey, sooner or later, I won\'t care about these things." kukas laughed a few times, turned around and looked around. He saw that thousands of hundred war sergeants bowed their heads and didn\'t look at the changes on the portal.

"Well, as long as you become the eighth level, you can watch. After all, the power of these mages is not strong enough, and their writing and Dharma array are not too powerful." the blonde female general sighed and then fell silent.

After waiting for half a magic hour, the golden portal finally stabilized: a layer of golden film was formed in the door frame. After receiving the order of the blonde general, some sergeants immediately began to pass through the golden light film in an orderly manner. After looking deeply at the blonde general, kukas followed the team through the light film.

"Everything is going well." when the last Sergeant stepped over the portal, the portal collapsed. The casters were not surprised, as if they had expected it long ago.

"Seize the time to check, and then rebuild one. I hope more people can pass through the portal this time." the blonde general shouted after taking a deep breath. The casters nodded and agreed, and then they got busy quickly. A large number of magic materials were taken out. They built various instruments to analyze the collapse of the magic gate, and then redesigned the new magic gate, so that the new magic gate can accommodate more people for transmission.

Not to mention the blonde generals, they are busy here, but kukas only feels a flower in front of him after crossing the portal. When his eyes recovered their sight again, he found himself in a wilderness.

His mind turned and tried to mobilize his fighting spirit, but as soon as he mobilized his mind, he found that his mind was limited by unknown forces. Under the limitation of that power, his remaining mind can only move in a limited number of positions on his body. As for the fighting spirit, I can\'t feel it.

The muscle wriggled, and the feeling of strong strength let him breathe a little relieved. In his earlier attempt, he found that his physical strength was only weakened a little, and most of his strength did not disappear. He leaned over and picked up a fist sized stone with five fingers, but the stone was broken at once. Large and small stones fell to the ground along his fingers, making a slight noise.

Just as kukas was thinking of trying other things, he suddenly felt a fishy wind behind him. Before he turned his head to watch, he felt that his body was tight, and his huge body was entangled by a python with thick and thin arms.

The python wrapped around his body, and the huge snake head opened its big mouth and swallowed it hard at his head. At the same time, the python contracted hard and wanted to hang him completely.

"Arrogance, is this a phenomenon of face suppression?" kukas sneered when he remembered what the blonde general said. He only heard a low roar, forced his arms, and his muscles squirmed wildly. Before the snake\'s head fell, he forcibly jumped out of the Python\'s body.

The boa constrictor ate the pain, turned around and swam away among the rocks in the distance, but where would kukas let it go? Although the fighting spirit was sealed, his physical strength did not decrease much. He caught up with him with an arrow step, reached out his hand to catch the Python\'s tail, and then swung the python to beat it hard on the boulder.

Bang! Bang! Bang! With a few loud noises, the Python\'s head could not resist the boulder no matter how hard it was. After a few blows, the whole head was broken.

When the nail bounced, he came forward and skinned the python. Large pieces of snake meat were thrown aside by him on the stone, leaving only a three foot long snake skin to play with in his hand. With both arms, the snake skin just made a crisp sound, but it never broke. "Hey, hey! It\'s a good thing." kukas couldn\'t help laughing at the tough snake skin in his hand. You should know that his arms are extremely powerful. Even the first Yalong can tear open under the pull of his arms, but now he can\'t tear the ordinary python. Kukas can\'t help sighing about such a strange place.

The pendant was handed to him by the blonde women\'s army. The link on the pendant was a bamboo tube with the thickness of a baby\'s arm. When the bamboo tube was twisted, a burst of fireworks burst out from the inside. The fireworks burst into the sky, only flying to tens of feet high in the air under simple mechanical force. A huge and ferocious skeleton was suspended in the air for a long time before it dissipated little by little.

After the signal was sent out, kukas didn\'t move at will. He chose the tallest Boulder, and then leaned on it to observe the surrounding environment. He\'s going to stay here for a magical time. In a magical time, whether someone comes to meet him or not, as soon as the time comes, he will leave here immediately and carry out his plan.

Climbing up the boulder to watch, kukas found that his position was actually on a low hill. Surrounded by mountains and rocks, there are many gullies. Looking around, there is almost no vegetation. As soon as he observed, he found several black spots moving towards him. If he guessed correctly, those black spots were the hundred war sergeant who came to this position with him.

After a little observation of the surrounding terrain, kukas began to polish the python skin in his hand. Originally, he only wanted to use the python skin as an ordinary rope, but after he used the special magic ring given to him by the blonde general, he found that this kind of snake skin is very precious in his world, even no less precious than the Dragon skin. Moreover, through the sporadic description on the magic ring, kukas found that the snake skin can be obtained only when it first enters a zero order plane.

Because this kind of Python only appears when the low-level plane suppresses outsiders by itself. As long as it has passed the initial suppression, if you want to find this kind of Python to collect materials in the future, you won\'t be lucky to find it until that year.

After learning this information, kukas has a great sense of security about his situation in this plane. In his opinion, as a weapon to suppress the plane, the python must be the top existence in this plane, and he can easily kill this top existence, which means that he will not encounter many creatures more powerful than he is now in this plane.

Guarding the large pieces of snake meat, kukas sometimes fiddled with two magic rings and sometimes thought about something. He must make a plan for himself in a short time, so as to obtain great benefits for himself, and then he can continue to stay in the military headquarters to avoid the pursuit of more than a dozen temples and the violet family.

As time went by, more and more hundred battle sergeants gathered around kukas. After more than one magic hour, there were seven or eight hundred sergeants gathered here. Some of the seven or eight hundred sergeants had complete armor, and some had some broken armor. Obviously, they were also attacked by all kinds of accidents after reaching this plane. Of course, those who can get here alive must have killed the creatures who surrounded them.