Abyss Knight

Chapter 421

Without six or seven magic locks, those spells flying in the air can\'t attack kukas, and the remaining spell lock alone is just a small obstacle for him. Of course, this doesn\'t mean that his killing talent can\'t get rid of the last magic lock, but that he wants to test his power with the help of each other\'s range spells.

Bursts of muffled noise burst in the sky, and the spell suddenly changed when it was far from kukas\'s head. Countless thunder and fire fell from the sky like raindrops and fell straight on him.

"Scattered!" a low roar, the siege hammer in his hand waved in the air and drew a strange arc to beat on those thunder fires, which can easily tear the thunder fires of level 5 professionals and collapse and dissipate instantly under the action of the siege hammer. Although he did not cultivate any special heavy weapon attack methods, he easily destroyed them by relying on his killing experience and the role of instinct and killing talent.

"But it\'s boring." after destroying the thunder fire, kukas screamed, pulled out his chain with his backhand, and then threw it at the crowd in the distance. A section of the chain linked him, and the yoke at the other end turned into more than a hundred virtual shadows to fall on the people of the violet family. The shackles fell, but no one could resist them, and they were instantly integrated into their bodies by the shackles. The chain around him disappeared, as if it had completely disappeared in the void.

"Kill!" with a low roar, the ghost crying war horse urged by kukas has rushed to these people. Some shield guards directly urged all their fighting spirit to defend, while other professionals frantically killed kukas with their own means.

Facing the attack of dozens of people, kukas, a bald and evil man, was not afraid at all. He screamed repeatedly, but he urged the tail of the ghost horse to cry. The cry sounded, so that those professionals only felt a turbulence in the fighting space, but the fighting space just released was unstable.

The ghost cry fighting spirit, which was several times more violent than the evil fighting spirit, was madly instilled into the two siege hammers from kukas\'s hands, regardless of the restriction of the fighting space. At one time, a large number of ghost cry fighting spirit wound around the siege hammer, and two huge skeletons were condensed on the siege hammer in an instant.

The two skeletons made a whistling sound and collided with the shield guards in front of them.

"Bang!" there was a loud noise. The fighting spirit is rampant, and the broken fighting spirit light is scattered and splashed. It falls on the ground and explodes a big pit. Falling on the professional stimulates the other party\'s defense means.

In the violent collision sound, kukas\'s body flew out in an instant. The skeletons on the two siege hammers were broken like glass, and the strong rebound force was instilled into kukas along with the siege hammer. If he is really instilled into his body by these forces, even if his physique is strong, he will fall back to a fragmented end.

Fortunately, the ghost cried and the war horse neighed again and again, but he took the initiative to urge the secret method to take over the strong rebound power of the master. For a moment, kukas flew backward, while the war horse moaned, and his whole body was directly blown to pieces by the violent rebound force.

"Boring clatter!" in this loud noise, the shield in the shield guard in front of kukas exploded, and the whole person was severely hit and flew out by the heavy siege hammer. Although some other shield guards were not hit by the key attack, they felt that the fighting space was turbulent and their blood rolled all over, calling the bald man fierce in front of them.

With such a delay, hundreds of mercenaries who followed kukas rushed over. Most of the mercenaries are aggressive professionals. The lowest of hundreds of people is also level 6 professionals, and most of them are level 7 professionals. In this way, they rushed into the more than 100 people of the violet family and forcibly separated them in an instant.

Three or five professionals surround and kill one professional. Moreover, most of the reinforcements sent by the violet family are level four or five professionals. How can they resist these wolf like murderers? It was only more than a hundred breathing times. Most professionals were killed. Only a few professionals screamed and tried to escape.

However, kukas flew backwards after the violent impact, but he was not hurt. Instead, he offset the remaining forces with the help of inverted flight.

Pangda\'s body fell heavily on the ground, but it smashed the hard earth into a deep pit more than an elbow deep. "Kill them all, leave no one alive." he opened his mouth and shouted strangely. Then he rushed to the scuffle crowd with a grim smile on his face.

A sixth order shield guard waved two small arm shields to resist the attack of two seventh order gladiators and mercenaries. The two gladiators and mercenaries made ferocious and strange laughter in their mouths. Their hands were wrapped with a fighting trap, like a pile driver. They kept hitting each other\'s shields, but they were not interested in killing each other in an instant, But in this way to make people despair, so as to enjoy the pleasure of killing.

No matter whether these murderous mercenaries are psychopathic or not, kukas wants to make a quick decision now, and then completely destroy all the power of the violet family in this city. Therefore, when he rushed up, he hit the shield guard with all his strength.

The shield guard was already very hard faced with the attack of two seventh order gladiators and mercenaries. Now kukas hit it with a hammer, but he could only forcibly mobilize his fighting spirit and instill it into the shield to resist it again.

However, he never thought that kukas\'s power would be so strong that even some giant races could not compete, coupled with the violent ghost cry. When the hammer went down, the arm shield was torn like paper by the sharp thorn on the siege hammer. After the whole half of the body was hit by the sledgehammer, it was instantly torn into pieces of meat of different sizes.

"Quick battle, quick decision." kukas was worried about what happened to the casters and mercenaries who attacked the valley, so he shouted after killing the shield guard. At the same time, he also urged the secret method on the chain. Under the effect of the secret method, the professional who wanted to escape found that he could not leave the battlefield hundreds of meters by any method. Even if the caster tore the precious transport scroll recklessly, it could not get out of this area.

"If you\'re not a level 8 professional, you\'ll never get rid of Lao Tzu\'s treasure." kukas giggled when he saw that the two casters still stayed where they were in the light of a white light after tearing the extremely precious transmission scroll. His falling sigh is so powerful that he can not only lock professionals below level 8 to escape, but even professionals above level 8 can escape this lock, but also can not get rid of kukas\'s pursuit. Unless they become legends, they don\'t want to take the initiative to expel the shackles from their bodies.

Under the effect of the falling sigh, kukas just killed the shield guard, his body disappeared in an instant, and then appeared behind a caster in the next instant. The caster was the one who had just used the transport scroll to escape. He thought he could escape from these enemies after tearing the scroll, but he still appeared in place the next moment, as if the scroll he had bought from the eighth order casters at a great cost was a fake.

Such a strange change made the caster stunned. That is, kukas appeared behind him. The heavy siege hammer hit him hard on the head, several layers of magic prohibition flickered, and was torn open by the sharp thorn on the siege hammer in an instant. Then the next moment his head was smashed to pieces by the siege hammer.

Poof! A lot of blood was sprayed from the caster\'s incomplete body. Scarlet blood, milky white brain and broken meat stained kukas\'s naked body. The familiar smell of blood made his blood roll. "Cool! Quack! Cool!" kukas quack screamed, but once again urged the secret magic on the chain to move himself to another caster. In his opinion, the caster can have precious transmission scrolls, which means that he may have other powerful scrolls. In order to prevent accidents, he took the other party as his target and decided to kill.

"Ah!" although the caster was fighting with some mercenaries, he was aware of kukas\'s killing behavior through his powerful mental power. For a moment, he immediately remembered the shackles that had just been integrated into his body.

"If you want to kill me, pay me the necessary price!" the caster felt sad when he saw his companion\'s death. When he couldn\'t escape through the transmission scroll, he completely let go of everything and the whole person went crazy.

More than ten scrolls were crushed by him. Among these scrolls, there are three or two defense scrolls, and the others are all range attack scrolls. In order to raise these powerful range attack scrolls, he had to rely on the violet family to get a lot of money to collect them. Now, in order to survive, he had to take out these scrolls and kill kukas, who were hostile professionals who were full of killing intention to the violet family.

"Die for me!" with the release of more than a dozen range spells, the space within a radius of hundreds of meters suddenly became violent. The earth cracked, and the endless magma was forcibly extracted by magic power, and then turned into a pillar of fire. Some sixth level professionals in the struggle were unprepared and directly burned into coke by the magma. As for those low-level professionals, they were turned into fly ash when they didn\'t respond well.

The earth disintegrated, strong winds rose everywhere, endless wind blades emerged out of thin air, and then shrouded in a radius of hundreds of meters, flying wildly. They cut all the objects of their own people and enemies. Some scrolls open and release endless cold from inside to freeze everything within tens of meters, some emit flames to turn into ferocious monsters roaring and raging, others turn into poisonous smoke winding, covering nearly kilometers, and even undead spells, summoning dozens of headless knights to kill.

"Bury me!" tore a series of scrolls, so that kukas, who had no time to respond, immediately fell into crisis. A series of magic forces hit him, and some professionals who were not good at defense or did not have defense magic props suddenly became miserable. Under the almost simultaneous magic power, dozens of mercenaries were killed instantly, and even a seventh rank soldier was too lax, He was too close to the caster and was attacked by a series of magic. He was surrounded by a group of headless knights and cut into pieces.

A dark scroll was displayed from the caster\'s hand. The caster looked ferociously at kukas, who had blinked a hundred meters away through the chain secret method, and smiled grimly: "die for me."

While talking, the scroll was crushed, and a black ripple spread around the caster in an instant. Although kukas escaped 100 meters away through the secret method on the chain, some range spells still affected him. A series of magical forces hit him, and he only rolled several somersaults on the ground. Before he stood up, he saw the black ripples visible to the naked eye spreading.

The broken fighting spirit defense on his body was instantly enriched. Under the crazy urging of kukas, a layer of ghost crying fighting spirit drilled out of his body, and then formed a solid defense on the surface of his body. In his estimation, this fighting defense can resist the attack of a seventh order range spell, but when the black ripple was no more than ten meters away from him, the killing talent issued a hasty warning.

"Roar!" the blood was boiling. Under the hint of the killing talent, kukas didn\'t want to run away madly. The body broke through the sound speed in an instant, the sonic boom sounded, and he appeared 100 meters away in an instant. However, he didn\'t stop and ran away madly. But the ripple behind him expanded faster and faster. When he just escaped to a distance of more than 700 meters, the ripple caught up with him.

The black ripple easily penetrated into his fighting defense, and then penetrated through his body and continued to spread far away. After spreading for tens of miles, the black ripple disappeared.

"No!" kukas had already stopped running at the moment when the waves penetrated his body, because he knew that he had been attacked by this strange magical force. He turned his head and stared at the caster who crushed the scroll, and then roared wildly.

"I\'m going to eat you." with a roar, he turned red and rushed towards the caster who crushed the scroll. After three or two breaths, he rushed to the caster. The caster giggled and burst out when kukas rushed three or five meters in front of him.

"Bang!" with a loud noise, the caster\'s body burst like an inflatable balloon. A large amount of magic and spiritual power were vented from the broken magic space, and then mixed together to form a violent magic shock wave. Under this shock wave, kukas, who charged rapidly, was pushed out dozens of steps. The powerful impact force made his internal organs roll, and a mouthful of blood vomited out involuntarily.

After the death of the caster, the magic power released by crushing the scroll did not disappear. The rampant magic disappeared with the black ripple after the collision of three or five breathing times.

"What\'s the matter?" a soldier shouted in horror after the black ripple disappeared.

"Seventh order range spell: the last destination." kukas felt the strange power slowly disappearing in his body and knew that the vitality contained in his body was slowly passing away. The passage speed was not fast, but it was not slow, but after three or five breaths, the calling soldier suddenly died in the end. His flesh and blood dried up and his body contracted like a rotten branch.

More and more people die, without exception, because of the passage of their own vitality. Under the influence of mysterious magic, even professionals at the top of level 7 can\'t resist the passage of their vitality.

Kukas doesn\'t know how much vitality he has, but he knows that this special seventh order spell can consume the vitality of life bodies affected by ripples for nearly a thousand years. As a fifth order special knight, his vitality is only a thousand years. If nothing happens, he will eventually become a dry body and fall to the ground and be forgotten by everyone because of the passage of vitality.

"I\'m not reconciled." kukas sat down on the ground and watched the frightened mercenaries fall to the ground. He had an inexplicable sense of excitement in his heart: "ha ha! Your rank is higher than me, but your vitality is not as much as me. Oh! Damn it. Ha ha ha! I like the result."

Vitality, feeling the disappearance of his vitality, kukas frantically thought about the description of this thing in his knowledge. In his knowledge, the vitality is actually related to a professional\'s strength, the number of injuries, the blessing of special strength, blood, race and many other things. But he didn\'t know the detailed relationship. However, in his crazy thinking, he finally found a way to increase vitality. He realized this method from the picture of Anwei\'s children mages. It\'s just a pity that he realized that the method was incomplete, so he didn\'t know whether it would succeed after it was put into practice. But that\'s not what he was thinking. He finally found that he didn\'t know whether he could survive.

"As long as I can survive, I must increase my vitality. I also want to become a legend. I also want to control the world. I can\'t die, absolutely can\'t die." kukas growled in a low voice. He never thought that an ordinary caster would have the magic scroll of the final destination.

Others didn\'t know the origin of the magic, but he did. In anweier\'s knowledge, this magic only appeared a few times in ancient times, but then it disappeared inexplicably. But now, after a long time, this magic appears again.