Abyss Knight

Chapter 420

In their whispered conversation, kukas ate all the food in front of him. After he ate enough food, the mage anweier directly led him back to the library again, where they transmitted through the fixed-point transmission array of the library. Of course, kukas has never seen this fixed-point transmission array before, because this array was just popularized three or five years ago. Although it is very convenient to use this array, the price is not too high for professionals. Ordinary professionals can afford to bite their teeth.

The handover with the middle-aged knight was very smooth, at least kukas thought so. After returning to the old knight\'s manor, kukas simply talked to the knight, turned directly and left. Although anweier\'s caster still wanted to persuade him, he refused again.

"If you can afford to wait, wait until I kill some people!" kukas rejected each other seriously.

"Maybe we can help you." Ann Wei\'er said hurriedly. She was making a final attempt: "I don\'t know you want to kill some people, but it doesn\'t matter. Now I can call my teammates to kill them with you."

"You don\'t dare." kukas laughed strangely. He pointed to the heart of the female mage and said, "because you\'ve never experienced blood and tried to fight against powerful forces, you can\'t bear that pressure. What\'s more, I can solve this situation alone." after saying this, he took a gun and axe, A lonely man walked slowly towards the imperial capital.

And ANN Wei\'er looked at his distant figure, thought for a long time, sighed at last, turned and returned to the manor. She will stay in the manor for some time with her father before returning to the imperial library.

Not to mention the caster anwei\'er, but after returning to the imperial capital for some days, kukas did not directly retaliate against the violet family in the imperial capital, but directly transmitted it to a big city in the belly of the empire through a fixed-point transmission array. The first thing he had to do was kill all the forces of the violet family in the whole Latour empire. Of course, he gave himself ten years to finish it.

Herzos city can be regarded as a big city in the Latour empire. According to the information kukas has received in the imperial capital over the years, he knows that the violet family has a huge influence here. And he decided to start his revenge here.

As the huge violet family in the Latour Empire, they not only run various stores, but also have their own professional training base. In herzos City, their training base is in a valley outside the city. There is iron ore in this valley. It is with the help of iron ore that the violet family established a secret underground base here.

A lot of money was scattered. Under the influence of money, the mercenary Union in herzos City picked out a large number of mercenaries for him as quickly as possible. These mercenaries may not be the most powerful, but their means are extremely cruel. When more than 100 mercenaries gathered around him, kukas smiled with satisfaction.

The number of mercenaries is small, but the composition is extremely complex: four or five meters tall abyss demons, savage orcs, cruel and strange undead spell casters, crazy puppet masters and fallen knights.

In these professionals, kukas felt a strong smell of blood. Through their eyes, he saw the light of tyranny and bloodlust flashing. And that\'s exactly what he wants.

"I know you\'ve all killed a lot of people. I think you kill for money. Then I\'ll tell you now that I have a lot of money, which you can\'t imagine. What you have to do is kill for me. Of course, I don\'t want you to hesitate when killing people. Tell me, can you do it? Can I trust you?" In a small forest outside the city, kukas looked at the hundreds of mercenaries gathered in front of him and asked ferociously.

"I\'ve killed all kinds of people, nobles, women, old people and babies. As long as the employer asks, there is no one I dare not kill." the four or five meter high devil on one side exudes a faint fishy smell. He cracked his mouth and flows green liquid, laughing strangely: "oh! I like killing. Killing is the only way for us to survive."

"As long as I have enough money, I can even destroy a small city." a strange undead caster twisted his body and said strangely, "you should know that my asking price is very high."

"I have knowledge, money and magic materials, but I don\'t know if you can get them." kukas giggled: "well, you should absolutely obey my orders. Of course, I won\'t let you die."

"Deal." the strange undead caster agreed without any hesitation. The other mercenaries did not hesitate and all agreed. Of course, they are not afraid of kukas teasing them, because they are confident to kill the current fifth order Knight employer.

After the simple and hurried conversation, kukas took out everything he had prepared. Hundreds of low-level magic masks, which can expand and shrink to a certain extent, and can slightly hide and change a person\'s breath. The mercenaries carefully checked the masks and found that there was no danger. They all put on the masks. In their opinion, meeting some special hobbies of employers is also what they mercenaries should do.

A magic agreement purchased at a high price was placed in front of the people. After discussing the contents of the agreement, they all branded their minds on it. In this way, it avoids some unnecessary troubles. Under the constraints of this agreement, unless you become a professional above level 8, you will be directly torn to pieces by the invisible power of the agreement after violating the agreement.

After signing the agreement, kukas directly led the hundreds of mercenaries to the violet family\'s base in the valley, whether now or during the day. Although the strength of these mercenaries is not very strong, the most is level 6, and most of them are level 7. Especially the undead casters. Although most of them are level 6, with their magic means, ordinary level 7 professionals will be easily killed when they meet them.

"Do you want to deal with the people of the violet family?" less than a third of the way from the valley, a professional wearing a magic mask suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, is there a problem?" kukas answered easily with a glance at the professional.

"No problem, I\'m glad to help." the professional shrugged his shoulders. In his opinion, no matter what family it is, it is just composed of life bodies. Killing all life bodies, the so-called huge family is no different from ordinary poor families.

After a simple conversation, the people still continued to travel in silence. Most of them don\'t care about the so-called big family. Even if someone cares, they won\'t quit now, because after signing the agreement, they are not allowed to quit at all when the agreement has not been completed. Of course, there are few such people, but they are afraid of those huge families for their own reasons.

After a magical time, the secret base of the violet family appeared in front of kukas. In this valley, mines of different sizes appear. A large number of slaves and ordinary workers are busy mining iron ore here, and then store it after simple magic refining.

"Mages, it\'s time for you to do it." when he was three or five miles away from the valley, kukas sensed that dozens of breath were released from the valley and detected them. Obviously, the people in the valley found something unusual about their group.

"I can do it alone." at this time, a dead caster came out of the crowd. This dead caster is the only one of all dead casters who is about to break through level 7 and become level 8.

His whole body was covered with a layer of yellow smoke. Under the effect of killing talent, even after tens of steps, kukas still felt the danger brought to him by the yellow smoke wrapped around each other. Under the perception of killing talent, these yellow smoke are not only used to block the body shape and temporarily hide part of the breath, but also have more powerful power of corrosion and curse.

Yes, kukas felt the strangest curse power in this undead caster. Of course, this is entirely because of the role of his eighth level killing talent. In the past, he felt that the yellow smoke was dangerous at most, and he would never feel the danger caused by what kind of power.

When the undead caster appeared at the front of the team, all the other casters stopped and released their breath to collide with the dozens of breath a few miles away. Other professionals also roared excitedly, released their own breath, surrounded the whole valley from all directions, and then pushed a little towards the inside of the mountain valley to clean up the hidden outposts that could appear around.

Kukas didn\'t care that the professionals released their breath to wash the whole valley, but watched the means of the dead caster with interest.

I saw the dead caster standing at the front of the team, and with a move, a black magic wand came out. The staff is dark, with extremely strange characters and runes carved on it, and a yellow strange flame burns at the top of the staff. The flame is strange because although it is only the size of a full moon baby\'s head, it is divided into 18 layers. Eighteen layers of flames twined and wriggled, which seemed very mysterious and strange.

Bursts of mysterious language were remembered from the mouth of the dead caster. The hoarse sound was like the sound produced by the friction of iron sheets, which made kukas feel that his extremely stable fighting space was slightly turbulent, and the professionals around him retreated and retreated for more than a hundred steps before stopping, Kukas alone stood within tens of steps of the undead caster.

The tedious mantra was recited for about a hundred breathing times before it stopped. With the last note, the dead caster knocked the staff heavily on the ground. A yellow smoke came out from the top of the staff. The yellow smoke spread everywhere, spread around the mountain valley, and then quickly contracted towards the center of the valley.

In the land eroded by yellow smoke, both vegetation and wild animals died and dried up in an instant. Behind them, some casters threw fireballs to ignite those dry trees, which instantly made the whole valley burn with fierce flames. Although these flames can\'t hurt professionals, they are enough to bother ordinary people. In this way, ordinary people in the valley can\'t afford it without the protection of professionals.

At this time, more casters chose to release their powerful spells and threw them madly into the valley. The distance of three or five miles is nothing to the caster. In the past, a spell can destroy all creatures within tens or even hundreds of meters in an instant by relying on spiritual locking.

Kukas saw the strength of these ordinary spell casters for the first time. In his opinion, these spell casters are basically a self-propelled gun. As long as they have enough time and magic power, the killing they cause is not comparable to that of ordinary professionals.

"Hey, it\'s good that these range spells have been prepared for a long time, otherwise other professionals really don\'t have a chance in front of these casters." kukas giggled as dozens of casters stood still and recited the cumbersome spells.

The undead caster glanced at kukas and continued to recite the spell. This time, accompanied by his mantra recitation, the spread speed of those yellow smoke suddenly accelerated several times. Monsters condensed with yellow smoke rushed into the valley. They drilled into caves and cracks, and no gap could stop their pace. With their advance, more yellow smoke spread in the past and completely invaded every crack.

"Ha ha! It seems that we don\'t have to do it today." the devil on one side licked his lips with some regret and said with a grim smile: "no, it seems that we have to do it again." the four or five meter high abyss devil fiercely turned his head and looked in the direction of the imperial capital in the distance, and hundreds of professional breath came from that direction. It doesn\'t take long for everyone to think. Those professionals must have been sent by the violet family.

"Protect these mages who are suitable for defense, and others will follow me. Remember, no one in the valley can run out, even if he is an eighth level existence." kukas roared ferociously. He glared at the valley wrapped in yellow smoke, and then turned to meet the professionals who rushed to kill. Other mercenaries screamed and rushed after him. They must stop the reinforcements sent by the violet family, or they will interfere with the casters\' release of range attack magic.

When his mind turned, a strong ghost crying war horse suddenly appeared under kukas\'s crotch. After the war horse neighed and made a strange cry, it ran frantically. Its speed was so fast that even the God archers couldn\'t catch up.

The strange cry sounded, and some professionals close to kukas only felt the turmoil of their mind, and dreamland appeared in front of them. Fortunately, the sound soon went away. In addition, they were all murderous by nature. They were very determined, but they returned to normal when breathing. But even so, some professionals feel a trace of fear in their hearts. After all, for professionals like them, the confusion of a breathing time on their mind may lead to their death. At the thought that all this is caused by the current five rank employer, some people\'s deep fear is even stronger.

Kukas was a crazy Stormer. The speed of the ghost crying war horse easily reached the speed of sound in three or two breaths. At this time, he also put away the gun axe and took out two special siege hammers from the magic ring. These two siege hammers are the same size as the two siege hammers he made in those years, but add more magic materials and precious metals to make them extremely heavy.

A strange black awn was wrapped around the three edged spike. The black awn swam away, but it was the special number effect formed by his continuous quenching with fighting Qi in the past 89 years. Of course, the power of the special effect attached to the siege hammer is still very weak, but it is enough for kukas. After all, most of his killing depends on the power rather than the special weapon effect.

The two siege hammers were raised high by him. The seven or eight inch long spikes on them tore the air and made a sad whistling sound. The sound sounded behind him, forming a weak ripple, twisting and collision, tearing the earth behind him and stirring endless dust.

The journey of more than ten miles is only a hundred breathing times for kukas who reaches the speed of sound. When he charged, he felt that seven or eight powerful spiritual and magical forces locked him, and the killing talent constantly gave him dangerous warnings.

"Come on! Let you see my killing talent." kukas giggled, but his voice was heard only behind him, because his speed was too fast.

The killing talent trembled. Kukas looked forward and found seven or eight streamers flying from five or six miles. Those lights are big and small, but they all have a common goal, that is him: Ghost crying Knight kukas.

"Roar!" a low roar. At the moment when the seven or eight magic forces were approaching, the killing talent in the body gave full play to its due effect. The strange waves were released from him, and then the lock of spirit and magic forces wrapped around him disappeared in six moments, leaving only one reluctantly locked on him.