Abyss Knight

Chapter 422

All the mercenaries were frightened and felt the mysterious power passing away from themselves, but there was nothing they could do. Some mercenaries even shouted wildly. They waved their weapons and began to rush towards kukas to kill him, because in their view, it was kukas\'s task that caused all this.

Unfortunately, before these mercenaries rushed over, their vitality passed away. In just a few dozen breathing times, only more than 100 mercenaries are still alive, but even if they are alive, their strength has decreased a lot in a short time. Fortunately, kukas, the task publisher, survived.

Although he survived, he found that his muscles shrank after losing a lot of vitality. Now he didn\'t have much meat. He tore a pair of eyes. He just saw a loose skin wrapped around a pile of bones, like an ordinary hungry man who hasn\'t eaten for decades.

Other remaining professionals did not resent kukas for this mass casualty. After all, as a mercenary, they were prepared for death. In their view, it is too common to be killed by an opponent while performing a task. Although many people died on this mission, at least they survived, didn\'t they?

"Let\'s join the others and clean up the valley thoroughly. I believe there are a lot of treasures in it. All the treasures in it belong to you." kukas took a little rest, stood up and moved his dry limbs. After a while, he giggled, "it\'s good to live."

"Go." one professional first responded to kukas, and then other remaining professionals followed him towards the valley. Along the way, everyone was silent, but they kept thinking about the origin of the strange magic. Unfortunately, these professionals do not have the knowledge reserve like kukas, so they can\'t infer the origin of this spell at all. Of course, kukas won\'t tell them the origin of the spell.

After kukas led the remaining mercenaries back to their original position, he found that more than half of the more than 100 people who stayed here were dead, leaving only dozens. However, the seventh level peak undead caster that kukas cares about most is still alive. He is not dead. On the contrary, under the perception of his killing talent, the yellow smoke around the undead caster looks more fierce.

A professional asked what had happened just now. After learning that the ripple was released by the enemy, they didn\'t say anything. Instead, they sat on the ground silently and began to recover their strength silently.

The whole valley is burning and thick smoke rises into the sky. I believe it will soon attract the attention of professionals and garrison in the city. So after taking a rest, kukas rushed into the valley and began to search quickly. These fires are very dangerous for ordinary people, but they are just ordinary obstacles for professionals like kukas. Just release some fighting spirit or other forces to isolate the burning flame.

With the help of the casters, kukas quickly found the hidden secret room in the valley, in which they saw the dried bodies of dozens of professionals. Obviously, these professionals hiding hundreds of meters underground also did not escape the powerful spell attack.

Click! Kukas stepped on a dry corpse. The corpse was smashed, and a mass of powder flew out of the corpse and scattered on the surrounding ground. After careful inspection, it was just the remaining flesh and blood powder.

The chamber of secrets is very large. A small amount of magic materials and a large number of gold coins are stored in it, and the rest are some iron blocks specially quenched by Alchemy machinery. These pieces of iron look small, but they weigh a lot. A piece of iron the size of a palm of a hand weighs at least more than 100 pounds.

The remaining mercenaries successfully divided up all the booty in the secret room, and the huge harvest was even more than kukas paid them. Of course, in the face of these booty, kukas complied with his promise and did not charge even a gold coin, but silently watched the mercenaries clean up the booty.

"Your mission is over, but I don\'t know if you are willing to continue to sign a contract with me?" kukas lit a silver smoke on the side wall and asked with a deep voice.

Silence. After more than ten breaths of silence, the most powerful necromancer hoarse his voice and said, "I\'m sorry, I won\'t continue to sign a contract with you. I think the task in the future will be more difficult."

"It doesn\'t matter." kukas shook his head and turned to look at the other mercenaries. The mercenaries were no longer silent this time. They quickly showed that they were unwilling to continue to sign an agreement with him. And such a result is expected for him. Of course, if he encounters that strange spell, he will not hesitate to give up and continue to cooperate. Unfortunately, he is not a mercenary, but a murderer who has hatred with the violet family. Even if the other party has more powerful means than this, he will go to the violet family for revenge.

Without talking to the mercenaries, kukas took a deep breath and paid his promised reward. Of course, most of these rewards are knowledge, and only a few professionals want money. After doing this, he turned directly and left here. After all, there is no possibility of cooperation, and he won\'t waste too much time here.

A black cloak was draped over him, and his thin body exuded a strange scene under the cloak.

"Violet family! I didn\'t expect your guards in a small city to have such powerful means. How many powerful means are there waiting for me in the family residence in the imperial capital? Gaga! Interesting, really interesting." kukas muttered confused words as he walked. Now his hatred for the violet family is more intense, Especially after being deprived of their vitality. Of course, although he caused all this, he blamed it on the young man of the violet family.

After returning to the city alone, he did not look for a tavern to stay, but directly found a house on the edge of the city and forcibly broke in. The owners of the house were two middle-aged men and women. After they found that kukas had forcibly passed in, they were slapped in the head by the bald evil man before shouting a warning.

Two headless bodies fell to the ground. Kukas came forward and tore the chests of the two bodies. He stretched out his hand to grope inside, but pulled out two hearts that had not completely lost their vitality from the bodies.

Two scarlet hearts lay quietly on his hands, and he didn\'t delay. They hurried the incomplete secret method and began to forcibly extract the power from the heart.

A trace of ghost sobbing and fighting spirit melted into the heart, and then the two hearts began to beat slowly, bang! Bang! Bang! Even when kukas heard such a strange noise, he felt a trace of fear. Although there was some fear, he soon suppressed the faint fear. After the beating of the heart reached the level of a breathing time of dozens of times, he squeezed the two hearts with his palm.

The broken heart spewed out two red blood. As soon as the blood appeared, it was swallowed by kukas\'s big mouth.

Two drops of blood fell into his mouth and he swallowed them. However, after a few breaths, kukas felt a trace of heat flow from his chest and abdomen. Although the heat flow was very short, he still felt that there seemed to be some inexplicable things in his body. Of course, the sudden increase was the vitality he had just lost.

Perhaps because of the restoration of some vitality, some of his atrophied muscles recovered a little. Although the number was small, kukas felt a trace of uncontrollable excitement. According to his estimation, if he wants to restore the vitality consumed for more than a thousand years, he must use this secret method at least a thousand times. Of course, now this secret method can only restore the vitality consumed for special reasons, but can not continue to increase the original vitality. However, if he controls the complete secret method, he can increase some vitality on the original basis, but the price will be greater.

After absorbing the vitality contained in the two hearts, kukas did not leave here in a hurry, but sat quietly in the room and began to harden his siege hammer. The two siege hammers were intended to be tempered to the peak without delay, but now after the caster of the violet family gave him a strong blow, he knew he couldn\'t delay for so long. So now seize the time to refine the siege hammer and prepare to make their power more powerful during the next secret spell.

As night fell, it took eight or nine magic hours to quench the siege hammer without sleep. During that time, two young people broke in. They were the children of the middle-aged couple. But the two young people did not see their parents, but were brutally killed by the inhuman kukas.

At midnight, kukas came out of the house. After he identified the direction a little, he walked slowly towards the violet family\'s residence in the city. The violet family\'s residence here is a small manor. The manor covers an area of more than ten Mu and is surrounded by a low wall. Some guards carry all kinds of weapons to patrol beside the wall to prevent enemies from breaking in.

Perhaps because of the encounter in the mine cave during the day, the escort force of the violet family here has been significantly strengthened several times. Some spell casters even stand in the manor house to release their secret magic and continuously detect the situation around to prevent all kinds of accidents.

There were many guards on the manor, but kukas didn\'t care. He put away his two siege hammers, hid in the dark and pulled out his chain. Under the urging of fighting spirit, the chain crossed the distance of three or five miles like a poisonous snake and twined around a guard in an instant. Then the chain tightened and dragged the guard back to kukas in just three or two breaths.

The guard inspected the situation on the wall and suddenly found a chain around his waist. Before he could see where the chain came from, he felt that his chest was badly torn open. Then he saw a huge strange man shrouded in a black robe grab a beating heart out of his chest.

The fighting spirit was intertwined, and the heart burst in an instant. At the next breathing time, a red blood flew out of the broken heart and was swallowed by kukas. The guard was like a discarded rag. Kukas was still on the ground. After a few weak convulsions, he died in panic.

After the chain was waved three times in a row, three guards were dug out by kukas and died. It was not until the third ordinary guard died that two professionals jumped out of the violet family\'s manor and killed kukas.

"Oh! What a wonderful encounter!" kukas quacked, and he really didn\'t care about the two level five professionals. With a strange cry, his feet worked hard, and only a bang, there was a depression more than an elbow deep where his feet worked hard, while kukas rushed to the two professionals in just a few breathing times with the help of this powerful rebound.

Two siege hammers emerged from their hands, and the fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit wrapped around the siege hammer, like two huge torches burning black flames, and smashed them on the chest of the two professionals.

One professional felt the powerful power contained in the kukas siege hammer and turned sideways without hesitation. Although the other felt the powerful power above, in order to create opportunities for his companions, he clenched his teeth and urged his fighting spirit to push it up. The professional roared, waved the war knife with both hands, and cut kukas\'s head hard. He wanted to use this lose lose move to force kukas to retreat or defend. In this way, he fell into their plan.

However, the development of things will not change because of someone\'s idea. Seeing that the soldier does not hide and cut himself with a war knife, kukas giggles grimly. The chain wrapped around him suddenly bounced up, and the yoke at one end of the chain was suspended above his head, which suddenly resisted the opponent\'s knife. In the violent collision sound, the huge siege hammer also hit the soldier\'s chest. The violent force directly tore the soldier\'s chest, and the parts above the shoulders and legs were torn to pieces by the sharp spikes on the siege hammer.

At this time, the professional who had avoided the kukas Warhammer did not say a word, waved a war knife and cut at his waist. The body moved sideways, and the saber brushed kukas\'s cloak, but the fighting spirit attached to the saber tore his cloak and left a wound on the tough skin.

The remaining professional was aware of the death of his companion after the attack. Although he was shocked by kukas\'s strength, he didn\'t panic too much, and then accelerated and fled to the distance. He thought that as long as he was a certain distance from kukas, he would get rid of it.

"Want to go? Stay for me." kukas roared, but instead of quickly chasing the professional, he waved his chain to break the dead professional\'s head, turned his hands, grabbed the man\'s head and stuffed it into the magic ring. After that, he turned around and went after another professional.

After he stuffed the professional\'s head into his magic ring, another professional had run hundreds of meters. However, the professional did not run to violet manor, but to the administrative district of the city. He roared loudly, hoping to attract the attention of the city guard. On the one hand is to increase their own help, on the other hand is to reduce the pressure for the violet family\'s manor here.

"Gaga! Don\'t want to leave when you come." kukas smiled grimly and turned his mind, but summoned the ghost crying war horse out. After the ghost crying war horse appeared, he immediately mobilized his fighting spirit to instill it into the war horse. The war horse hissed. After making a strange cry, it appeared at a distance of more than 300 meters. The next moment, it appears directly next to the professional.

Before the other party could react, kukas waved the chain around the other party\'s neck with his backhand, the chain contracted, tore the fighting defense on the other party\'s neck during breathing, and then twisted his head down.

Similarly, after putting away each other\'s heads, kukas still didn\'t leave. He wanted to kill everyone in the manor before the city escort came. Of course, what he wants to do more is to collect the heads of professionals.

The falling sigh flew into the air and wriggled rapidly under the urging of the fighting spirit. After the yoke flickered a golden light, it split into hundreds of illusions and fell in the manor of the son Roland family three or five miles away. With the help of the chain, kukas instantly appeared in the manor and began his killing.

In order to harvest his head quickly, he gave up the heavy siege hammer and took out the gun and axe left by the old knight. Although this gun and axe is only made of ordinary materials, after a period of fighting and tempering, although it is not as effective as those powerful magic props, when it comes to the sharpness alone, it is no less than those magic props.

With every flicker of his gun and axe, he cut off a head and stuffed it into a magic ring. The remnants of the manor are all low-level professionals. Even kukas can easily kill any of them without the help of chain blinking. Now, in the case of blinking, it\'s like killing chickens and dogs, cutting the heads of these low-level professionals in an instant.