Abyss Knight

Chapter 419

"I won\'t go, I haven\'t had enough rest." kukas patted the lady in his arms and giggled: "don\'t forget, I\'m just a little level 5 knight, but I\'m not qualified to take risks with a group of level 7 professionals."

Na Wei\'er rolled her eyes, pouted her small mouth, opened her mouth and said, "I don\'t think you will be afraid of a seventh order caster. Well, come with us! Our team lacks powerful knights, and I don\'t have much real combat experience. I need your protection." when she said this, she got off the stone bed and went to kukas, The towering chest almost touched kukas\'s arm.

"It\'s easy for a seventh order caster to find some knight guards. Many Knights will be happy to protect you." kukas giggled. He looked deeply at the gully in the female mage\'s chest, then licked his lips and said with a strange smile: "to tell the truth, I\'m not interested in little girls. I like familiar women."

The words made Ann Weier blush. She hummed, turned around and went to the pool, put on her magic robe: "I hope the teacher is not tired, otherwise we won\'t be able to go back tomorrow." then she turned and left.

"Hey hey, how can you be tired? HMM! Face the battlefield? Hey hey, isn\'t that bloody prison killing? I didn\'t go in those years, but I still don\'t want to go in now." kukas smiled in a low voice. He was not too surprised by the decision of the female mage anweier. He knew the result today from the day when the other party became a seventh order caster.

Although after the female mage an Weier left here, he couldn\'t get the information on the slate from each other, he didn\'t pay much attention to those information after eight or nine years of precipitation. Because in the past two or three years, most of the information on the slate given to him by an Weier is repeated, which actually makes him lose his desire for the slate. If he had not been afraid of the powerful power contained in the slate, he would have killed each other and snatched the slate into his own hands.

After Ann Weier left, kukas didn\'t stay here much. After he packed his luggage, he took the magic platform to the 28th floor below. Here, there is a huge trading market. The magic materials and various items obtained by countless professionals from the level battlefield will be traded here. And all he has to do is look at those things and see if they are suitable for him.

There is only a huge octahedral spar in the center of the whole twenty-eight floor space, on which all kinds of magical materials and the location of the owner of the materials are constantly flashing. A large number of professionals stay here, or set up stalls to wait for guests, or buy something from other stalls to increase their strength.

Through the octahedral spar, kukas quickly looked at all the magic materials here. The information displayed by the octahedral spar is actively registered by the stall professionals. Only a spiritual mark is needed to suspend their goods on it for everyone to watch. In this way, it greatly increases the trading speed.

After quickly looking through all the things displayed on the spar, kukas reluctantly shook his head and left here. This time he didn\'t find what he wanted, so there was no need to stay here at all.

Turning to leave here, kukas went directly to the bottom floor through the magic platform, and then left the library and went straight back to his residence. When he returned to his residence, he didn\'t find the presence of female mage an Weier. He didn\'t pay too much attention to these. After all, the other party has already become a seventh order caster with the help of the incomplete slate. When she does something, there is no need to discuss with him as before.

After closing the door, kukas sat on the huge stone bed and immersed himself in the fighting space to sort out all kinds of knowledge. Over the years, he sorted out most of the information and knowledge he got when he was transferred to ghost crying knight. These knowledge was branded on the altar and could be watched and read by him at any time. Of course, in order to prevent accidents, he still remembers these knowledge with his mind a little bit. At that time, even if some knowledge branded on the altar disappears for special reasons, he will not forget it.

Almost three or five magic hours passed before kukas finished the work. He lay lazily in bed, slightly mobilized his muscles and fighting spirit for peristalsis and collision, so as to harden his already extremely strong body.

"It\'s time to kill, huh! What a longing!" he was lying in bed, and the pain in his body made him think about it again. He found that he had rested for a long time. For a long time, he almost forgot the smell of blood. For a long time, he almost forgot some hatred.

He raised his hands and stretched them to the sky. The thick hands were covered with green tendons, scars and empty hands, but there were ten black fighting Qi sprayed from his fingertips. The fighting spirit was only three inches long, but it was as straight as a knife, flashing and making a strange sound in the air.

Ghost cry fighting spirit. After eight or nine years of immersion, although he completely consolidated his ghost cry Knight identity and stabilized the fifth order power, he did not cultivate any powerful attack means. Of course, it\'s not that he doesn\'t want to practice, but that he doesn\'t have much time and conditions to practice.

After becoming a ghost crying knight, it took him a lot of time to sort out those knowledge alone, and after promotion, he accumulated a lot of golden liquid, so as to raise his killing talent to level 8. The eighth level killing talent brought him great changes, which took him a long time to adapt a little bit.

At the same time, the falling sigh also cost him a lot of time to master and adapt bit by bit. In this way, until now, he has not cultivated any powerful means. However, this does not prevent him from making his next plan. He is really trying to start his bloody revenge by taking advantage of anweier\'s departure.

With a soft sigh, kukas lay in bed and fell asleep deeply. A golden chain came out of his heart. The chain swam on him like a poisonous snake, sometimes contracting and bouncing. Every peristalsis beat on his body, further speeding up his body hardening.

When kukas woke up again, a rich breakfast had been arranged in the house. Anweier dressed in her mage robe and sat quietly at the table for dinner.

"If you don\'t wake up again, I\'ll leave directly after breakfast." Ann Weier gracefully put down his knife and fork, then wiped the corners of his mouth and said softly, "my companions are waiting outside, teacher, you won\'t forget our plan today!"

"Ha ha! How can you forget? Well! The little Lori was so big that she didn\'t pay attention to me as a teacher." kukas laughed. His voice was loud and his chest fluctuated, which made the female mage anweier frown and turn her eyes out.

"Teacher, don\'t do this again, OK? Now let\'s hurry on the road. I want to go back to my father right away and tell him my decision. I can\'t wait to go to the battlefield." an Weier whispered. In fact, she knew that the strength of the bald evil man in front of her was extremely strong, because on the day she became a seventh level caster, a seventh level caster wanted to have some super friendship with her, but just for a moment, the fifth level Knight pinched his head. She had not forgotten the scene until now, so she did not dare to go too far because of her identity.

"All right! Our little Lori\'s order is everything. Well, where\'s your slate? Can I have another look?" kukas reached out and grabbed a large piece of Warcraft meat, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it. These Warcraft meat is produced in rocky ice field, which is much more powerful than ordinary Warcraft meat. Of course, the price is also several times higher.

"In fact, you\'ve always wanted to get the slate!" after kukas said this, anweier\'s mood suddenly fell down: "did you ignore me when I didn\'t have the slate?"

"Yes." kukas was a little stunned, then said with a dry smile, "I realized that it was a treasure, but it didn\'t recognize me, so I hope to know the information and knowledge contained in it through you."

"It\'s right here." Ann Wei\'er looked at kukas tightly. After being silent for dozens of breathing time, she reached out and touched her heart and said, "it has been completely integrated into my heart. In this world, maybe the slate will never appear again."

"Unfortunately, I wanted to try to see if I could break through the defense of the slate and control it." kukas was a little stunned. He didn\'t expect to get such an answer: "well, at least no one will notice its abnormality after it is integrated into your body."

"Are you sorry? The investment in 1989 was wasted." anweier took a deep breath and looked at kukas seriously and asked, "I can\'t write the knowledge and information I have. Maybe you kill me and I\'ll get it."

"Forget it! It\'s not a good joke. Well, some money doesn\'t mean anything to me at all, and I\'ve read a lot of books over the years, and I can\'t say I have more knowledge than that stone slab. Ha ha! In fact, you are lucky. If I had more money a hundred years ago, I couldn\'t let you study in the library for a long time." Kukas touched his bald head and laughed strangely.

"It\'s the kind of Library proof! I\'ve heard some old mages say that they envy our generation. Hehe, anyway, I\'m still grateful to you. Without you, I\'m afraid I\'ll use my body and time to get money to read those precious books like other young spell casters." an Weier whispered. In fact, she is very grateful to kukas, because even if the library does not need to prove, it also needs a lot of money. This money is really a big burden for professionals.