Abyss Knight

Chapter 403

"Stay." where is kukas willing to let the other party take his palm away? You should know that the magic ring on his palm contains the most precious magic materials and other things he has accumulated over the years. More importantly, the one legged copper Man Doll who needs to practice secret skills when he is promoted to level 5 is also in it. If there is no one legged copper doll, he will be promoted to a fifth order knight in the future, which will reduce the cultivation of a secret method. This phenomenon is simply beyond his tolerance. More importantly, the other party cuts his palm, which he can\'t tolerate.

He stepped hard and jumped in front of the unreal crazy caster. His bare arm swung round to beat the crazy caster, trying to interrupt his transmission. But what he thought was too simple. The transmission had begun, and his power could not stop it at all. When his arm beat the illusory crazy caster, the crazy caster disappeared from his eyes. The Lich scroll and the bloody scroll, which should not be separated from their master, were also imprisoned in the magic ring because of the golden light cut released by the crazy caster.

The complete disappearance of the mad caster made kukas extremely angry. But he lost the bloody scroll, and there was no way to know where the other party was transmitted through the scroll.

"Damn it, don\'t let me meet you, or don\'t blame me for being cruel." kukas stamped his feet. Knowing that he couldn\'t find the crazy caster now, he had to jump onto the bone beast mount and continue to run away.

After walking for three or five days, he sent the bone beast to attack a small city. Then the guards in the city tore the bone beast to pieces. Then he narrowed down, changed his breath, found a large city on foot, and wanted to return to the Latour empire with the help of the transmission array inside.

"I\'m sorry, most of the teleportation arrays of the Latour Empire have been closed to the outside world. They only leave a small number of teleportation arrays in operation. Such teleportation arrays are only connected with the military headquarters of the Empire, and they can only teleport special personnel. If you really want to return to the Latour Empire, go on foot! I think it will take you ten or eight years to arrive Latour empire. "When the caster guarding the transmission array heard kukas\'s intention, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled:" maybe you can transmit to the Empire near the Latour Empire, but what I need to tell you is that the neighbors around the Latour Empire have deep hostility to the Latour empire. I\'m afraid you will be imprisoned after you enter. "

"Random teleportation to the ratul empire." kukas stretched out a pair of newly grown big hands and handed some magic bags in his arms to the caster. His broken palm, nourished by the blood of the remaining legendary dragon, has grown again in three or five days, but the newly grown palm is a little fragile without much exercise.

The magic materials in several magic bags moved the caster, which also relieved kukas. You should know that his magic bags are the last of his magic bags, and the magic materials in them are also his last. If the other party still doesn\'t agree, he has to risk other transfers. Fortunately, the caster who controlled the transmission array agreed.

"Random transmission has great uncertainty. It may accidentally send you to the rocks or the dragon. I think you should know this." for the guest who has produced so many magic materials, the caster is extremely patient. He told kukas about any situation that random transmission may encounter, Finally, when kukas\' patience reached the limit, he finally stopped and began to transmit to kukas.

The transmission array here is actually owned by the military headquarters of the super empire. Ordinary people can transmit to hundreds of different empires through this magic array as long as they pay enough price. Of course, those costs are beyond the reach of ordinary people. After all, the magic materials collected and purchased hard are extremely useful to professionals. Sometimes they would rather spend three or five years on their way than use their magic materials for a transmission, especially random transmission in this range.

The portal array is actually a portal. This portal existed in an extremely ancient era. After countless years of development and evolution, the practicability of the portal has been improved dozens or even hundreds of times than that in the ancient era. You should know that in ancient times, these portals were generally used for ultra long-distance transmission, while most of those portals were above level 8. Every time the transmission array is opened, the magic power consumed is simply beyond the individual\'s ability to bear. Now only a small amount of magic crystal is needed, and the transmission array can work.

After the caster activated the portal and set the position, kukas nodded to the other party and went in. After waiting for kukas to disappear in the portal, the caster immediately closed the portal, inspected and maintained the portal, and silently waited for the arrival of the next customer.

However, after kukas passed through the portal, the next breathing time appeared in a piece of ice and snow. As soon as he appeared here, he couldn\'t wait to remove the secret law and reveal his own essence. Quickly check the surrounding conditions. Here he saw some plants that were only seen on the polar ice sheet in those years. This discovery also made him quickly understand that he was transmitted to the rocky ice sheet.

"Is it here again?" kukas quickly observed the surrounding situation. After discovering an unconscious ice corpse wandering in the snow, he completely confirmed his position.

The biting cold air invaded his body from all directions. Although it was extremely cold, it was at least much better than those who died after being immediately transmitted, directly transmitted to the magma, the interior of the mountain and the giant dragon\'s nest.

An ice corpse sensed the emergence of kukas. It sent out bursts of unconscious roars in its mouth, dragged its twisted body and ran towards kukas quickly. The speed of ice corpse is not fast. It runs with all its strength, just like those ordinary people. This is not a threat to professionals.

The ice corpse was only three steps away from him. He shot it. The white tender big hand that just grew out was like a PU fan and beat it on the head of the ice corpse. This slap went down and immediately patted the head of the ice corpse into ice crumbs. The white and tender skin on his big hand was also broken due to the violent impact.

"Damn it." looking at the blood on his hand, kukas cursed in a low voice. He knew that all this was caused by the crazy caster. He believed that if he met each other again, he would kill him without hesitation. No, cut off his limbs, seal his meditation space, put him in a jar and throw him into the ice and snow, so that he can enjoy his anger.

The skin on the hand was broken, but it soon recovered. So repeatedly, after killing some other ice corpses, he felt that the skin on his hand was stronger than before at the beginning, and at least there would be no more palm injury when killing.

After clearing the ice corpse and searching for some snowflake like crystals, kukas began to patrol the surrounding area. It took him a whole day to clean up all the ice corpses within a radius of more than 300 miles. Finally, he returned to the place where he first appeared. Here he decided to take a good dive to completely stabilize his fighting space.

With the help of violent evil fighting spirit, he quickly dug a pit more than ten feet deep on the ground and arranged it again. Only then did he jump in and immerse himself in the fighting space to stabilize his fighting space.

The mind enters the fighting space, which has changed a little from before. The altar and the chains around the altar were wrapped with some twisted virtual shadows. These virtual shadows should have been hidden on his back and emerged when he performed the seven sin killing, but now they are completely integrated into the fighting space. The plane world formed by nassaur\'s sadness is also integrated into his fighting space with the virtual shadow of the seven sin killing.

Saur\'s grief, which was integrated into the fighting space, completely lost the ability to evolve creatures, but suddenly expanded his fighting space by more than ten times. And with the passage of time, his fighting space is also expanding at an extremely fast speed. The rapidly expanding fighting space is not fragile. On the contrary, under the influence of Saur\'s sadness, it is even stronger than before.

Although his fighting space was still very strong, there was a dark smoke on the altar in the center of the space. These smoke are some negative forces generated by his continuous urging of the secret method to cast brilliant smoke fist. Generally, these negative forces will soon be purified by the fighting space itself, or melted by the Dharma array of brilliant smoke fist. But now because of his too frequent forced use, these negative forces have completely condensed on his altar, thus rejecting the generation and recovery of evil fighting spirit.

Fortunately, the number of these negative forces is not large. He just spent three or five days to actively mobilize his evil fighting spirit and polish those forces again and again. Under his active control, those negative forces were completely cleaned up by him.

When the last trace of negative power was completely cleared away, the altar seemed to be out of repression, or because of the residual influence of negative power, it suddenly changed dramatically under the circumstances that kukas didn\'t expect.