Abyss Knight

Chapter 402

"Why? I think there must be a reason, is that so?" kukas took a deep breath, took out a drop of the blood of the legendary dragon and handed it to the other party. After seeing the blood of the legendary dragon, the mad caster\'s breath fluctuated violently. He took the blood from kukas as quickly as possible.

"Yes, Hei hei!" the crazy caster quickly swallowed the blood of the legendary dragon. After he swallowed the blood, kukas found that his breath was a little stronger than before.

After swallowing the blood of the legendary dragon, the crazy caster said again: "I think you used to be a mercenary in the Lich land! Hey, I, including the gladiator and the dead illusionist, were once mercenaries in the Lich land."

"Can you tell me in detail? I think you have enough time." kukas turned his head and looked at the distant sky. Rumors flashed on the sky of the eternal night church from time to time, and powerful magic waves and fighting spirit waves were released. And over time, the frequency of those fluctuations becomes more and more frequent. His mind has been branded on the bloody scroll in his hand. As long as he detects a trace of bad, he immediately urges the above transmission array to leave here. As for the secrets said by the crazy caster, I didn\'t care at that time.

"In those years, the Lich land was sealed, but this does not mean that the Lich land has completely disappeared. After the Lich land was sealed, the lichs in power got a powerful magic prop in their last action. It is said that the magic prop was held by a powerful existence in ancient times. Later, the existence fell and the magic prop was destroyed. But in fate Under the arrangement of, the river of time was turbulent, rolled up the magic prop, shuttled through countless planes, came to our world, and then was controlled by those powerful lichs. "The crazy caster rubbed his head and whispered: "They studied the magic item and finally made a bloody scroll. This bloody scroll is a prop they choose for new mercenaries. As long as you start the thing on the bloody scroll, it will be directly transmitted to the magic item, and then lose your freedom again."

"That magic prop is very powerful?" kukas didn\'t believe what the crazy caster said, but he didn\'t know why, but he carefully left his mind some distance from the scroll: "what\'s its function?" When he said this, he thought of his last mission for the Lich land. In that mission, there were at least tens of millions of third-order mercenaries with him, but in the end, when he left the place, only tens of thousands of people survived. Moreover, he also heard some high-level professionals say that at least more than 2000 legendary professionals died in that mission. Of course, maybe more or less, but that has nothing to do with him.

"It is said that the magic prop can train legendary professionals in batches, and can also imprison those legendary professionals, which is more powerful than the black prison." the crazy caster laughed: "You can imagine that even legendary professionals can be imprisoned by that magic prop and lose their freedom. Do you think you, a small fourth-order evil knight, can be an exception?"

"Since the magic prop is so powerful, why did its first owner fall? Do you know this information?" kukas is not interested in the magic prop. He wants to know how the first owner of the magic prop fell.

"You think you are very strong, but there are more people stronger than you. It is said that he betrayed his friend. Well, God knows how. Anyway, the last powerful existence was destroyed by another stronger existence. These are rumors, and no one can prove them. After all, we can\'t always miss the past, but look at the present and the future." The expression of the crazy caster seemed strange: "it is said that the existence fought with his opponent for countless years, but finally fell. Maybe he was reincarnated, maybe he disappeared completely, but these have nothing to do with us. What matters is that his magic props are extremely powerful."

Kukas took a deep breath. With the help of the blood of the legendary dragon, his body has almost recovered. Although the fighting space is still not completely stable, it does not prevent him from increasing the output of fighting spirit, so as to urge the bone beast to run away at a faster speed.

"How do you know this? And you know it in such detail." kukas was bored for a while, and finally asked the crazy caster according to his curiosity.

"Ha ha, I am the great God of war and the real master of those false gods. If I don\'t even know these, what\'s the meaning of my great God living? There are no things in the world that I don\'t know." the crazy caster smiled proudly: "As a strong existence, well, once a strong existence, many things can\'t hide from me."

"Then tell me, who was the first owner of the magic prop? And what was the name of the existence that killed the first owner?" kukas couldn\'t help laughing. He looked at the crazy caster and asked.

"Well, I can\'t say the names of those beings, because their prestige is too powerful. If I say it, I will die. Well, that\'s it. The names of those ancient beings are very powerful, and I can\'t say their names. Of course, if you like, I can make up a fake name to tell you." The crazy caster muttered in embarrassment. He turned the white bone staff in his hand and smiled, "of course, my staff was given to me by a powerful existence, but it\'s a pity that I also have no ability to say his name."

"I\'m tired!" kukas rolled his eyes at the words, because he had never heard that it would take a lot of power to say a person\'s name. Therefore, he just ignored the words of the crazy caster. However, he remembered what the other party said about the turbulence of the long river and the shuttle of planes.

"What is a long time?" he suddenly changed the topic and changed his hand to receive the bloody scroll into his magic ring.

"It is said to be a big river. Well, it is the ultimate destination of all the most powerful professionals, the beginning and end of the world, and the river of my great victory God\'s house." the crazy caster couldn\'t help laughing when he saw that kukas put away the bloody scroll: "In fact, as a great God, I can\'t deceive mortals like you, but for the inheritance in your hands, I have to tell some white lies."

At the moment when the crazy caster said this, kukas felt a strong unease. At this time, his killing talent told him that his palm was going to be attacked by the enemy.

Without thinking too much, he immediately broke out a violent evil fighting spirit, instilled it into his hands, and then his hands were claws, and ruthlessly grabbed the head of the crazy caster beside him. However, the crazy caster had long been prepared. Since he dared to show some thoughts to kukas, it means that he had considered all the unknown changes before.

The crazy caster grinned and opened his mouth. He spit out a broken tooth and beat it at kukas\'s face door. Those teeth were branded with magic words and Dharma array. As soon as they came out of his mouth, kukas felt endless danger.

Without much time to think, kukas turned and jumped from the bone beast to the ground. At the moment he turned over and landed, the crazy caster quickly took out a golden parchment from his magic ring. The parchment was only the size of a palm. At the moment he took it out of the magic ring, a light more than ten feet thick burst into the sky. The crazy caster bit it Fingertips quickly wrote something on the golden parchment.

"Die for me." Kukas roared, got up and rushed to the madman caster again. He forced the brilliant smoke fist to hit the madman caster\'s chest again. This time, the brilliant smoke fist consumed all the black smoke he had stored before. If it hit the madman caster, even if he had the seventh most powerful magic defense, it would be instantly destroyed Break between.

A mysterious language came out of the crazy caster\'s mouth. At the moment when the language was spoken, the golden parchment written by the crazy caster burned out of thin air. It just turned into a golden light and wrapped around kukas\'s fist. The light turned and creaked, and forced kukas\'s fist down.

The mad caster grabbed kukas\'s fallen fist with his backhand, and then immediately urged the teleportation array on the bloody scroll to leave.

"Stay with me." Kukas roared and ignored the pain of breaking his hand. He roared and waved another fist to hit the crazy caster. At first, the golden light twisted and cut his neck. If it was cut, even if his neck was strong, he could not resist the golden light that could tear the evil fighting spirit. Therefore, kukas had no choice but to bend down Head dodged. I didn\'t think that the golden light flew in an instant, cut it on his other palm, and then rolled it up and flew into the arms of the crazy caster.

"I\'m doing it for your own good. Ha ha. You\'re imprisoned by that magic prop and lose your freedom. You should thank me. Ha ha." The crazy caster\'s body was illusory in the wild laughter. He waved kukas\'s broken hand and giggled endlessly. The magic ring on kukas\'s broken hand should have fallen off and flew to the master automatically, but now it was firmly put on the finger on the broken hand: "the finrier ring is mine."