Abyss Knight

Chapter 404

The disappearance of negative forces made a huge change in the altar, which was beyond kukas\'s expectation and beyond his imagination.

There was a creaking noise on the altar. The altar was big and small, frantically swallowing the evil fighting spirit around. Some Dharma arrays and words imprinted on the altar even fell off and dissipated in the air with the expansion and contraction of the altar. The structure of Dharma array formed by various secret methods collapsed, followed by the collapse of Dharma array structure trampled by barbarian gods. Later, even the FA array structure of the brilliant smoke fist completely collapsed. In just a few breath time, all the other Dharma array structures branded on the altar except all kinds of knowledge disappeared.

"No!" kukas\'s mind roared wildly. He doesn\'t care about the collapse of the brilliant smoke fist and the Dharma array structure trampled by the barbarian God, but the collapse of the Dharma array structure of several exclusive skills of the evil knight and the collapse of the Dharma array structure that actively improves his talent ability are the most unbearable for him. You should know that if the Dharma array structure branded on the altar disappears, it means that he can no longer brand the same Dharma array structure on the altar again. This also means that he can no longer urge the evil fighting spirit to show some special attack methods from now on. He almost collapsed at the thought that his future attack could only use fighting spirit to attach to his fist to make the most basic attack. You should know that he has lived up to now entirely by relying on various secret methods and those special attack methods.

His mind is violent, but he can\'t do anything about this phenomenon, because he doesn\'t know how to stop it. Of course, in those ancient knowledge, there is no way to prevent this situation from changing.

The altar returned to calm. Unwilling kukas read all kinds of knowledge recorded on the altar again and again. In those knowledge, he couldn\'t find any solution: "damn madman." kukas cursed out of control. In his opinion, if the crazy caster didn\'t rob his bloody scroll at the beginning, he could get a complete inheritance of an ancient professional he should get from the bloody scroll. Maybe he could get new attack means from those ancient inheritance, so as to ensure his safety. But now everything has lost hope with the disappearance of the crazy caster.

"Damn it." after swearing again, kukas had to accept this reality. After forcibly stabilizing his emotions, he checked his knowledge again, hoping to get new secrets and attack methods from it. However, the detailed inspection this time made him depressed and excited again.

It turned out that in the memory of evil Knights he got from the Lich land, he found that this change was unique to evil knights. This change often occurs, which means that the cultivation of evil knight has reached the current peak. If he is promoted to the next level at this peak, his future achievements will be higher. Of course, if he transfers again at this peak state, the success rate of transfer will not only improve a lot, but also be stronger than similar Knights after transfer.

All kinds of Dharma arrays on the altar disappeared, which made his altar rotate much faster. The altar, which can only produce a fighting light band in one day, has now produced a fighting light band in a short magic time. The fighting spirit in the fighting space has never been more active. When he can no longer accommodate any fighting spirit in this huge fighting space, it means that he can be promoted or transferred next time. Of course, before the space becomes larger, he can be promoted and transferred at any time, because at that time, his fighting space is ten times smaller than now, and there is no room for new fighting space in the whole fighting space.

Although the generation speed of fighting spirit is much faster than before, compared with the fighting space forcibly expanded by Saur\'s sadness, the generation speed of those fighting spirit is actually very slow. Considering the benefits this sudden transformation would bring to him in the future, his anger and irritability were much better at last.

He was not in the mood to stay here. After discovering that there were no other changes in the fighting space, kukas decided to leave the rocky ice field and go directly to the castle on the elraze wasteland. Because he knew that there was someone waiting for him there, and he had to go and see each other.

After sorting out his belongings, kukas rushed to the elraze wasteland. Along the way, he often met some mercenaries and a large number of ice corpses who came here for adventure, and even some college students who came to experience. For these people, kukas did not pay attention at all. He just drove on with his head down. Because there is no way to cultivate evil fighting spirit actively, he has a long journey, leaving only a small amount of time to harden his body with fighting spirit and try to promote a new attack method by himself. However, unfortunately, his knowledge was not profound enough, and he could not deduce an attack method out of thin air. Therefore, after trying several times, he gave up completely. Of course, if he still has one or two attack means on his altar, he may be able to integrate the two attack means like deducing brilliant smoke fist to form a new legal array structure. Without the structure of Dharma array, his fighting spirit can not be transformed into special means.

Without words, kukas said that he had been running for more than ten days. When he arrived at his castle on the elraze wasteland again, he was shocked by what he saw.

The castle, which should have been towering, has completely collapsed. All the land within seven or eight miles of the castle has become dark rocks, and a trace of violent magic power is released from the rocks. Some adventurers set up messy tents here, or rest or carry out various transactions. More are some homeless people who have nothing, huddled in the rubble, waiting for the charity of kind people.

"Kukas?" when he was looking at his former castle with a shocked face, a woman\'s voice suddenly sounded behind him.

His muscles contracted and his murderous spirit burst out from him involuntarily: "why, after so many years, does anyone know that I am a wanted criminal of the Latour Empire?"

"Ha ha! Don\'t you really know me?" the woman\'s voice sounded. Before kukas turned his head and looked, he found that a woman suddenly appeared in front of him. The woman had blond hair, a military uniform and a smile on her beautiful face: "others may forget you as a wanted criminal, but I won\'t, and some people who have thoughts on finriel\'s ring won\'t. most people have known since you left the rocky ice sheet."

"General!" seeing the blonde in front of him, kukas relaxed a little, but he still didn\'t relax his guard. Because he didn\'t know whether the woman in front of him had special thoughts on the finriel ring: "the finriel ring has disappeared and was taken away by a crazy caster." while talking, he waved his hands.

The blonde general\'s eyes naturally fell on his hands, and he immediately found that there were no ornaments over his hands, and there was a lot of difference between his white and tender hands and the skin on his arms. All this made the blonde general know that his hands had been broken. Now the hands are growing again.

"A crazy caster? A professional above level 8?" the blonde general\'s straight body looked petite and exquisite in front of kukas. She blinked her beautiful golden eyes and said with a puzzled smile: "even if the finlear ring is separated from your fingers, it will return to you."

Looking at the little tiger teeth of the blonde general with a smile, kukas didn\'t know why, but he felt a little relieved. "He is just a seventh order caster, which I met in the underground world. Well, a piece of golden parchment cut my hands, and then the ring disappeared. He always said he was the ancient god of victory." without any hesitation, the lie was seriously said by him like truth: "That paper is very strange. He imprisoned all the magic items in my hand."

"Ex\'s oath!" the blonde general frowned slightly, and her cherry like little mouth couldn\'t help but open and said in silence: "it\'s good. You\'ll be much safer without finrier\'s ring." here, she was obviously relieved. "By the way, where did you get finrier\'s gray wolf bone when you transferred to evil knight?"

"What you get when performing a mission for the Lich land is from the tomb of an ancient evil knight." Lies. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the blonde general, kukas once again defended himself with lies. Of course, if he put it in a previous life, he would never say so, because he was the most powerful at that time, so he disdained to cover up anything with lies.

"En!" the blonde general nodded and didn\'t continue to ask, because she wouldn\'t think that the finlear wolf ring had melted in his fighting space. After all, I\'ve never heard of anyone who can destroy the finlear wolf ring and get the finlear wolf\'s bones from it to change to evil fighting.

"Go to my manor. I think you must want to know why your castle is broken." The blond female general turned and walked away. Her long blond hair was tied into a horsetail with a golden ribbon. The long blond horsetail swayed left and right. Coupled with her military uniform, long high-heeled shoes and a milky cloak, she looked like a queen.