Abyss Knight

Chapter 401

Shrouded by the big net, the magic flames suspended in the air gathered quickly around, and then fluttered in the big net. The flames danced and only frightened kukas and the gladiators. The body fell on the big net formed by the magic words, and was immediately hit and flew by the power released from the big net. Two people in the air crazy urge to fight to avoid those magic flames.

"I want you all to die." the caster shouted fiercely, but he hated kukas and the gladiators. They killed the fourth prince. The caster knew that if he didn\'t kill kukas, the emperor of the Empire would send experts to punish him. At that time, he was likely to lose his life. If he killed kukas, the culprits, he might be able to prolong his life.

"You are the one who is going to die, the one who violates the covenant." at the moment when a part of the big net was also burned by the magic flame, several lights suddenly flew in the distance. One of the lights was the fastest. The light hit the big net and made a harsh tearing sound. The big net became fragmented in an instant.

As soon as the light rolled up, kukas and the Gladiator immediately rolled out from the inside. As for the crazy caster who was burning the magic flame all over, he also took the opportunity to jump out from the inside. I don\'t know how to forcibly close the magic flame on his body.

No one was surprised that he could close the magic flame, because the light that first arrived rolled kukas and them out, the light dispersed, but revealed a knight.

The knight was dressed in crystal armor, which was the same as ordinary knight armor, with face armor and helmet, and a wide white cloak wrapped around his shoulder. There is a roaring beast under the crotch. The roaring beast is only three feet tall and five feet long. It has one foot, three tails, seven eyes, and a small crown formed by sarcoma on its head. In the neck, there are also thick golden hair floating down.

"Split sky Knight bathuba?" the caster wrapped in smoke said in a deep voice when he saw the Knight: "They killed the four princes of the Empire, and another one may have disappeared for a long time. Aren\'t you afraid of the emperor\'s punishment if you stop me from killing them? What\'s more, I only used the power below the eighth level instead of the power above the eighth level. You have no reason to blame me. Moreover, they took the lead in attacking me. The boy used two The Ninth level magic scroll attacked me. Shouldn\'t I kill him? "

"Hey, hey! No one can punish me in this matter, because I\'m acting according to the ancient covenant. You, a ninth level caster, even hit professionals below the eighth level, even if it suppresses your power, but according to the covenant, you must be imprisoned in the black prison. Do you want me to catch you or go there yourself?" The whole person of bathuba, who was called the split sky knight, was wrapped in the crystal armor. His face armor was extremely smooth. Only seven roaring beast like eyes were branded on it. The whole person looked extremely strange. "Hey, hey, do you think lies are of any use to us? If you didn\'t release your power to deal with them first, how could they fight with you? I think you\'ve never studied the ancient covenant well. You\'re unlucky this time, ha ha!"

"Damn it, the emperor will never allow you to do this. Get out of the way." The caster roared, turned his hands, and magic words flew out of his fingertips, wrapped them around the magic flames that spread towards him, and hit the split sky Knight Ba Siba. Now he hates the split sky knight in front of him, especially kukas. He would never suppress it if he knew so Instead of his own strength, he directly used his most powerful strength to kill kukas and them. However, it was too late to regret. Under the entanglement of the split sky knight, he couldn\'t fight kukas and them again.

"There is no amnesty for the rebels!" The knight said this darkly. Then he sat down and roared, and swallowed the magic flame flying towards them with a mouth. Then the roaring beast galloped up and appeared next to the caster in an instant. The knight above the roaring beast didn\'t know where to find a chain hammer. The chain hammer turned over and threw it at the ninth step like rain The Dharma attacked the past.

At this time, more and more lights appeared here. Most of these lights did not hesitate to attack the Ninth level caster, but some lights began to help the Ninth level caster fight with others.

The turbulence caused by the struggle of dozens of powerful professionals suddenly collapsed the Church of the whole eternal night church. I don\'t know how many ordinary people and low-level professionals were crushed to death by boundless momentum. A large number of eternal night church believers ran frantically in the broken church. They shouted the name of the God in their mouth, looking for some survivors and fled to the distance.

The gangster\'s stiff kukas finally woke up. He woke up under the threat of those professionals fighting. When he woke up, he was excited to see a large number of lights fighting and entangled in the sky. However, when he saw huge flames falling from the air and smashing them on the ground to burst into bottomless holes, the excitement in his heart turned into deep My fear.

"Get out of here now." kukas looked at his broken arms and the pale crazy caster, and decisively made the wisest choice: "we have completed the task."

"Damn it, the momentum of these professionals is so chaotic that the scroll can\'t send us away." the Gladiator on the side was most excited. He grabbed the open bloody scroll and roared wildly. In these three or five years, he was a crazy killer, just to complete the task and get free, so as to do what he wanted to do. But now that the task is completed, they can\'t leave here. They may even be affected by the fighting professionals in the sky and lose their lives. At the thought of this, his mood became more irritable.

"Scroll?" kukas couldn\'t help looking at the bloody scroll in the Gladiator\'s hand. He saw that the hexagram pattern on the scroll had been completed. Now the pattern turned and released a trace of strange power. At the same time, there is a text explanation on one side. As long as they pierce their mind into the pattern on the scroll, they can be directly transmitted from here by the scroll.

"Go." kukas didn\'t think that the scroll would send them there. Now he just knew that these people must leave the struggle of these powerful professionals immediately. Otherwise, if a person is accidentally killed by a boulder falling from the sky or by a shock wave, they will die too wrongfully.

When his mind turned, a bone beast emerged from his crotch. The bone beast floated the three of them and ran frantically to the distance. Even if they met some priests who fled from the eternal night church, they would not change their direction. They directly let the bone beast rush over them, and whether it would lead to the death of those priests was not their concern.

The bone beast ran wildly. Kukas endured the turbulence of the fighting space and forcibly pumped a trace of fighting spirit into the sitting bone beast to make it run faster. At the same time, he took out a drop of silver legendary dragon\'s painstaking efforts and swallowed it.

The legendary dragon\'s blood swallowed into his stomach only stabilized his fighting space a little, and did not produce extremely strong strength to recover his injury as before. This transformation also made him understand that there might be an extremely bad situation in his fighting space. I think so. In order to kill the four princes, he continuously used several powerful secret methods, several secret methods, especially the continuous display of brilliant smoke fist. Even his strong and incomparable fighting space can\'t bear it.

After taking eight drops of legendary dragon\'s blood continuously, his fighting space was stabilized. Some residual dragon\'s blood power also began to recover his arms, regenerate his flesh and blood, and heal his bones. Some dark wounds in the body also began to disappear slowly.

The crazy caster and gladiator envy kukas\'s extravagant behavior, but they only have a drop or two of the blood of the legendary dragon, so they are only envious at most.

After the bone beasts ran for tens of miles, the violent pressure that had been shrouded over their heads weakened significantly. At this time, there was constant streamer in the sky, and countless streamers flew over the church where the eternal night church was located. Obviously, each streamer represents a professional who is at least level 8.

Feeling the weakening of the pressure, kukas and others did not hesitate to urge the scroll to transmit according to the description on the scroll. They did not continue to stay here like some adventurers who thought they were the protagonist, dreaming of hunting an injured and powerful professional to get endless benefits. They just want to escape and get what they want.

The mind urged the scroll, and the magic power on the scroll immediately worked. The Gladiator was the first to leave. He saw a thirteen awn star Dharma array emerge on the scroll in his hand. The Dharma array turned and wrapped his body. After flashing a few times in the air, it disappeared out of thin air. There was no light column rising into the sky, and there were no other abnormalities revealed by the transmission scroll.

"I don\'t think we can use this scroll to escape, and we won\'t use it now and never in the future." nourished by a drop of legendary dragon blood, the spirit of the pale crazy caster looks a little better than that, but kukas still feels that his own breath is weakening, It looks a little better than before he swallowed the blood of the legendary dragon.