A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 9

The next day.

Ying Tianfu Yamen.

In the spacious and bright lobby, the upright and bright plaque is hung in the middle, with dark pattern carving and jade inlay. Against the dark red wood frame, a few gold words are shining and very striking. Two rows of Yamen servants in dark red strength suits live separately, holding long staff, which is quite dignified.

The villagers who are allowed to attend can only stand at the end of the lobby, almost outside. Even so, the villagers are still standing in danger, standing with the most straight body and the lowest head. They dare not even go out of the atmosphere.

Except for one person.

Lou Xiyan's eyes flied over his hands around his chest, and his back against the door frame crossed the lonely shadow on the threshold. His rebellious attitude was different from that of the Yamen hall. His face was covered by a broken hat. Although he could not see his expression, Lou Xiyan could also guess that he must be angry at this time.

Think of here, the building sunset has no reason to feel happy.

He is in a good mood, but some people are angry.

It's noon, right? These idiots didn't sleep last night and didn't know what they were struggling with. In the early morning of this morning, when the day dawned, they put her in front of Ying Tianfu's door and faced the sun until now!

The clothes on her body are thick and thick, and her back has been wet by sweat for a long time. Her hat can't breathe. On her forehead and face, she has been sweating profusely. She stares at the fresh building sunset in front of the official case, and Zhuo Qing is extremely upset.

Today's sunset is very different from last night's, wearing a purple gold and white jade crown, a dark red flowing gold robe, a half lying gold unicorn embroidered on the front, with bright eyes, ready to go, and a pure black brocade belt hung with a jade ring. Face is still the same Lang Lang smile, but no one dare to make trouble in front of him.

"I'll see you downstairs." Wu Zhigang, the servant of the Ministry of punishment, knelt half down and worried.

Although both the official department and the criminal department are supervised by the magistrate, in normal times, the review of criminal cases is under the charge of the governor of the prison department. It is absolutely impossible to see the magistrate in the Yamen. He is a small official with four grades. How can he not be afraid!

Sit down on the couch next to you, raise your hand slightly, and smile back, "no ceremony."

Wu Zhigang slowly stood up straight, but he dared not sit down. Lou Xiang was here. How dare he sit at the desk? Wu Zhigang respectfully asked, "Lou Xiang is here today, yes"

Lou Xiyan's group said with a relaxed smile, "hundreds of villagers in niujiazhuang jointly wrote for Lin Bokang's case of stealing military food. What do you think?"

Lou Xiyan asked casually, but Wu Zhigang turned pale, clasped his hands, and hurriedly replied: "Lou xiangmingjian, this case is full of evidence, Lin Bokang has confessed his guilt, and there is no injustice!"

"No wrongs?" Looking at the woman beside the hall, Lou Xiyan asked, "Lin, do you have something to say?"

Zhuo Qing raised her eyes a little. She saw a woman who was more than 50 years old kneeling on the ground. Although her voice was trembling, it was very loud: "back to the prime minister, the woman of the people visited my husband on the 18th of this month, the third day when the Yamen condemned him. The husband said that he had not stolen the military food. He was wronged!"

Before the woman's voice fell, Wu Zhigang could not bear it, and said in a hurry: "absurd! In black and white, with his own confession, how can he say that he will be wronged?! Master, take the file and show it to the building! "

"Yes, yes." The man, who had been timid and stood by, rushed to the back hall at once, and soon ran out with a stack of things in his hand.

Wu Zhigang hurriedly took the file and handed it up with respectful hands: "Lou Xiang, this is the file of this case. He can't deny it because of all the evidence and evidence!"

Zhuo Qing is half leaning on the porch, a pair of bright eyes are squinting at the building Xiyan, waiting to see his reaction. He has found Lin Bokang's wife. He must have seen the files for a long time. What else did he do in one night?! This man will be a polar minister when he is young, for no reason.

As expected, Lou Xiyan didn't take the file, but in a vexed way, sighed: "you have to insist that there is no case of injustice, and you have to cry out for it. In this case, bring the prisoner up, and we will ask for it personally."

Wu Zhigang was stunned, but he didn't dare to say anything. He whispered to the two yamen servants nearby: "you two, hurry up and bring the prisoner Lin Bokang to the hall."

"Yes." The yamen runner went at his command.

Who knows that this is half an hour. Zhuo Qing feels that things are not good. The face of the building is as usual. She is not upset. She has a hand on the seat and knocks it for a while. She just stands on his side, Wu Zhigang. There is a thin sweat on her forehead. But standing beside the building, he dare not move.

Finally, the two yamen servants who left came back, Wu Zhigang scolded: "how can I go so long?" Seeing that there was no one behind them, he hurriedly said, "what about people?"

Both of them were gasping for breath. One of them replied in a panic: "reply to your excellency, Lin Bokang. He was afraid of committing suicide this morning!"

Afraid of committing suicide!?

Zhuo Qing pays close attention to Wu Zhigang's look. When he hears the news, he almost stands unsteady. His face changes from white to green. He looks scared. It should not be pretended. Lou Xiyan didn't say a word and frowned slightly. Maybe he didn't think that people died!

Is it really suicide, Zhuoqing subconscious negation, because - too coincidental, time control just right!

"Your benefactor is dead?!" The villagers around opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe it. They wanted to rush in, but the building phase was present and didn't dare to make a mistake. They had to worry.

"Husband!" When Mrs. Lin heard this, she fell to the ground and sobbed, as if thinking of something. Mrs. Lin suddenly got up, pointed to Wu Zhigang and cried, "my husband is wronged. He can't commit suicide. It's you. You must have killed my husband!"

Mrs. Lin rushed frantically to Wu Zhigang and was stopped by the Yamen servants on both sides with long sticks, but her mouth was still scolding.

Wu Zhigang came back to his senses and shouted angrily: "stop, ignorant women and children don't roar! Get her out of here! " Wu Zhigang looks carefully at Lou Xiyan for fear that he will get angry. Fortunately, Lou Xiang looks thoughtful, as if he doesn't pay attention to the words of the shrew.

"Let go of me!" After all, Mrs. Lin's struggle was not worth the two men. Yamen runner picked her up and dragged her out.


Just as Mrs. Lin was about to throw it out, a cold voice sounded: "why rush to rush people, suicide or homicide, it's natural to see the body." The body will never lie!

The cold voice sounded in the lobby, especially harsh, and the speaker was a strange man covered in grey robes. Wu Zhigang impatiently called out: "who are you?! How dare you make a noise in the hall! "
