A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 10

What should she answer? Zhuo Qing gently tugged at the corners of her lips and replied lazily, "I passed by."

Passing by?!

Everyone is gaping. What's the answer!?

Lou Xiyan rubbed his nose and coughed softly to avoid laughter. Pass by?! Thanks to him.

He, he, he just despised the court! Wu Zhigang's face turned black with rage. Ignorant child, where is this hall! Forgetting that Lou Xiyan was still around for a while, Wu Zhigang went to the middle of the hall and pointed to Zhuoqing and said angrily, "how could you do that? Come on! Give him to me "

" Lord Wu. " Not light not heavy low call, such as a basin of cold water poured down from the head, Wu Zhigang a wake-up, hurriedly turned back, respectfully replied: "prime minister what's the order?"

He got up and stroked his slightly wrinkled skirt. Lou Xiyan asked, "where is the body now?"

Wu Zhigang looked at the Yamen servant who came to report. The Yamen servant hurriedly replied, "he is still in prison."

Through the lobby, Lou Xiyan walked towards the side door. Wu Zhigang was shocked and immediately followed up, saying: "Lou Xiang, is this you?"

"Let him do the autopsy in the past. I want to see for myself whether it's suicide or homicide!" Building sunset not warm not fire, can not see is happy and angry, scared to follow behind him, Wu Zhigang's vest has been moistened a long time ago.

As soon as Mrs. Lin heard that she wanted to have an autopsy, she had to rush forward. Suddenly, Lin Bokang died. The villagers wanted to see it. A group of people rushed forward with her. By the side door, the staff of the yamen runner had already crossed: "you can't go in!"

Mrs. Lin's grip on the stick was shaking so much that she ran into it and cried, "why? That's my husband! "

Wu Si's tall and strong body was blocking Mrs. Lin's side, and her simple face was full of requests: "officer brother, let us in!"

"No way!" Yamen runner didn't even look at them, there was no turning around.

Zhuo Qing leaned on the doorframe and watched the sawing between the villagers and the Yamen servants. They didn't understand anything and it was useless to go in. It's better to pray that the building is wise and the case is as practical as a God. After yawning, Zhuoqing turns around and goes out. She is sleepy to death. She hasn't had a good sleep since she inexplicably arrived at this place. She wants to find a place to have a good rest and then think about what to do next.

The foot just stepped out of the threshold, a spring like voice sounded: "let them in."

The visitors are the bodyguards of the building phase. The Yamen servants take a look and dare not stop them. They immediately release the long staff. The villagers rush in with Mrs. Lin.

Very nice voice, Zhuo Qing looked back curiously, and a white shadow appeared beside the side door. He is the bodyguard of Lou Xiyan. He squints slightly. Zhuo Qing looks at him in dark. He is 190 in height. His skin is snow white. His dark brown hair matches him very well. His features are clear. His sky blue eyes are like clear glass. In a word, he is a perfect mixed race man. But the most special thing is not these. He doesn't have too much expression on his face. He looks neither cold nor gentle. She doesn't like the alienated temperament, but she has to admit that it's charming!

The man suddenly walked towards her, Zhuoqing pulled down the brim of her hat and waited for him to walk by, but he stopped beside her and said quietly in an indifferent voice, "let's go."

"Where to?" Zhuo Qing pretends to be stupid.

"I don't mind doing it." With the cold answer, the pale hand tightly grasped Zhuo Qing's arm.

"Stop! I'll go myself. " Dying so hard!

Mo Bai slowly let go of his hand and walked ahead without saying a word. Zhuo Qing turned her white eyes. The bodyguards of any era had to play cool! Unwilling to follow him into the cell, over him, Zhuo Qing snorted: "for your beautiful eyes, I won't care about you." Otherwise, she has a bad habit of remembering revenge!

Ink white one Zheng, beautiful? Because this pair of eyes, he was abandoned by his family, everyone said he was a ghost, no family, no friends, even no one would not dare to look into his eyes, such eyes, he said beautiful!?

A touch of sarcasm in the eyes of a flash, pale face, is still the same indifference.

Zhuo Qing turns seven to eight and finally reaches Lin Bokang's cell.

Zhuo Qing deliberately observed the surrounding environment. The cell was just in the innermost part of the prison. The Yamen on duty didn't come in and couldn't see the cell at all. And I don't know whether it's coincidence or intention. Several cells near this cell are empty, that is to say, there are basically no witnesses in the cell.

The door of the cell was full of people for a long time. Zhuo Qing was standing outside, but he could see the body still hanging high under the beam. The face of the dead was purple and blue, with obvious swelling. There was sporadic punctate bleeding on his face, which should be suffocating. Looking down, Zhuo Qing frowned unconsciously.

"See the prime minister!" A man's voice suddenly sounded behind her. Zhuo Qing looked back and saw a middle-aged man in his thirties hurrying to salute the building's sunset.

"Who are you?" What the mouth asks is a middle-aged man, but the eyes of Lou Xiyan only stay on Zhuo Qing. Just now, he stared at the corpse with keen eyes. Last night, jingsa checked all night. There was no disfigured teenager in niujiazhuang. Who was he? Was it his idea and intention to rob Qingfeng? All about him, Lou Xiyan is very interested to know!

The middle-aged man replied respectfully, "Wang Bingsheng, the villain, is a work of a man in Tianfu. He has examined the body for more than ten years."

Work? That is, the ancient forensic medicine. When it comes to the autopsy, he looks confident and even conceited. Zhuo Qing's mood has finally become better after a day of fretting. She would like to see how they examine the body.

"Well, then you'll have a good test, whether he killed himself or not." He only considered the case, but he didn't think of anyone. If he killed someone, the case must involve a lot of people. Is it a simple person who can kill people in yingtianfu prison.


Wang Bingsheng enters the cell, and the Yamen servants have taken the body down.

With the turquoise face and swelling, she could hardly see the original appearance. The stiff body was lying on the ground, and Mrs. Wang could not stand the shock and fell to the ground: "husband"

"be careful, madam!" The villagers helped Mrs. Lin back to one side. Zhuo Qing walked up to the cell. He saw that Zhuo raised the head of the dead man, checked the marks on the body, and looked at the hands and feet of the dead man. Within five minutes, he stood up and walked to the building's sunset. He replied: "in return, prime minister, the body is purple, his hands and feet are vertical downward, and there are burning spots on his feet The mark, the blue and purple mark on the neck, extends all the way to the back of the left and right ears. It seems that it's a suicide and hanging thing. It's his belt. "