A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 8

Is it? Lou Xiyan smiled back: "Lou Xiyan."

"Sunset?" Zhuo Qing and low Nan, a pair of bright eyes in the building sunset face back and forth.

Zhuo Qing's expression was strange. Qi Tianyu thought it would be funny. He put his hands around his chest and said with a smile, "boy, do you have any opinion?"

It doesn't matter to shake his head. Zhuoqing replies, "No."

That's it? When Qi Tianyu was disappointed, Zhuo Qing sighed: "I can't imagine a big man would take a woman's name."

Zhuo Qing's "self talk" effect is amazing, and the village entrance gathered by hundreds of people is silent for a moment.

The villager's face was frightened. Jing SA and Mo Bai frowned. Qi Tianyu was stupefied. Although he thought the name of Xiyan was very good, no one dared to discuss it in his face!

There's a kind of boy!

Qi Tianyu vowed that the first time he saw Prime Minister Lou, who has always been famous for his gentle and gentle smile, was as stiff as a twitch!

Lou Xiyan is silent, and people don't know how to respond. The village entrance occupied by hundreds of people is silent, and they always feel strange. The air seems to be stuffy. Zhuo Qing looks sideways at Lou Xiyan, but he still smiles, his narrow eyes slightly rise, and looks at her with great "love". However, Zhuo Qing doesn't feel gentle, but has a kind of numbness The feeling!

As a prime minister, "legend" is as gentle as jade, and should not be so mean?! Pull the brim of hat, Zhuoqing quietly retreats, the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall.

Who knows that her foot just moved, suddenly a thunderclap came down with the dazzling lightning. Originally, it was still slowly made in the spring wind, which made the plants fly. Zhuo Qing was shocked. Looking up at the sky, she saw that the dark sky was full of wind and clouds. Zhuo Qing's silly eyes: "no!" She didn't say anything treacherous or unjustifiable! As for the thunder and lightning, the strong wind helps?!

After several thunders, it was a heavy rain.

"It's raining -" the sudden rainstorm caught everyone by surprise and made a mess.

Zhuo Qing hurriedly took a random back, suddenly a pain in her hand, her wrist was tightly grasped by a clean and long hand, Zhuo Qing looked up, it was Lou Xiyan! Under the rainstorm, everyone was in a mess, but he was still in a leisurely and leisurely manner. Through the thick rain and fog, he could hardly see clearly, but Zhuo Qing could still feel the close gaze from those thin eyes.

As the rain grew heavier and heavier, Wusi cried out, "prime minister, this way, please go to the ancestral hall to hide from the rain!"

Lou Xiyan smiles and nods, pulling Zhuo Qing to the ancestral hall near the village entrance.

Zhuo Qing gives up after struggling hard for a few times. He is so gentle and thin. Her strength is so strong. Unless she doesn't want this hand, she won't want to run!

Lou Xiyan looks back at the young man behind him after struggling for a while, and raises his mouth.

The so-called ancestral hall is a big mud room, with several tables and some burnt incense candles. The walls are broken and the rain drips from the broken tiles from time to time. The place that is not big is crowded with a group of people. Fortunately, the two "black and white impermanence" bodyguards of Lou Xiyan stood there, and the villagers did not dare to squeeze over. They were able to rest in a corner beside the offering table.

Zhuo Qing is not used to it. She can't stand shaking her arm. Zhuo Qing says impatiently, "you can let go, Prime Minister?"

Lou Xiyan, who was about to let go, heard the voice he disliked. Instead, she clenched his wrist harder. The voice was as gentle as usual: "it seems that it's not polite to ask someone's name, but not to report it."

Hiss - it hurts!

This man is too insidious! Her hand is breaking! Zhuo Qing clenched her teeth stubbornly, without saying a word or answering.

Feeling the shaking of the wrist in the palm, Lou Xiyan loosed his grip, and the young man's hand was too thin. He was afraid that he would break his hand accidentally. Let go of his hand, Lou Xiyan asked lightly, "your name."

The cold voice sounded low, deep as a low string, Zhuo Qing looked up gently to the building sunset, close to see his facial features more beautiful, at this time, he did not smile, less smile contrast, the narrow eyes, slightly thin lips, a faint charm of evil, Zhuo Qing looked out, suddenly found that the eyes of the building sunset delimited a touch of light surprise.

Her face! Zhuo Qing quickly lowers her head, but Lou Xiyan grabs her chin and slowly turns her face around. A flash of lightning flashes at the right time. Under the white light, two deep scars cover her plain face, hardly showing her face.

Lou Xiyan's eyes flickered slightly. Who would give such a cruel hand and leave such a ferocious trace on a young man's face.

Zhuo Qing can't lower her head, just hold down the broken hat on her head, cover the intact face on the other side tightly, and lift her feet to step on the foot of Lou Xiyan!

"Hum!" Lou Xiyan makes a dull hum, a little twinkles, Zhuo Qing takes the opportunity to clap his hand and back several steps.

Away from him, the sense of oppression is finally a little bit smaller. Holding the hat and covering her face, Zhuo Qing pretends to be surprised and says, "you're stepped on? I'm sorry, Prime Minister. It's too dark to see. " At this time, she really missed her three inch high heels.

Don't see?! He can be a little more fake!

Thinking of the injury on his face, Lou Xiyan put out his hand for a while, and finally put it down.

When Lou Xiyan stopped coming forward, Zhuo Qing was relieved at last, but heard Qi Tianyu pressing Wu Si: "you want to see the prime minister, now that everyone has come, the little beauty you robbed should also be handed over!"

Wusi grabs his head and is at a loss. Miss Zhuo said she couldn't say. What should I do now?

"What about people?!" Looking at Wu Si's honest character, Qi Tianyu forced him to ask, "didn't you kill her?"

Shaking his head repeatedly, Wu Si said in a hurry, "no, no, no, no!"


"How could it be!" cried wuss

"And the man?!"


Once again, the villagers look for the figure in the ancestral hall -

it! Zhuoqing low mantra, here comes again!

Bang -

only heard a loud noise, Zhuo Qing slapped the offering table severely, and the originally shabby offering table collapsed after shaking left and right for several times!

The villagers all stare at Zhuo Qing in horror, and the building sunset gently raises its eyebrows. What tricks does he want to play?

Very good, now everyone is looking at her, Lou Xiyan should not find out, these idiot villagers just want to find her! The goal is to achieve it, but it's killing her -

slowly put back her hand, back to her back and gently rub it. Zhuo Qing takes a deep breath and says in a loud voice: "she's living well. The prime minister can rest assured that we will take good care of her on your behalf. After the case is heard in public, the prime minister can see her naturally. "

"It means that if the case is not retried in public, we will not see the little beauty?!" Glancing at the broken wood on the ground, Qi Tianyu looked funny and said with a smile, "prime minister, people are threatening you."

Who is this man?! For fear that the world would not be disordered, Zhuo Qing bit her teeth secretly and said in a cold voice, "this young man has wrongly blamed me. I never do anything that does not work."

What a breath! Qi Tianyu blows a long whistle. This boy is really interesting!

Shaking his head in fear, Qi Tianyu said exaggeratively, "if you don't intimidate, you will threaten?"? It's a very serious crime to coerce the court officials! "

"You!" Zhuoqing is angry!

Lou Xiyan suddenly laughed and said in a deep voice: "tomorrow afternoon, we will review the case file at yingtianfu yamen, ask the case, and specially allow niujiazhuang to send ten people to attend. Is the case reviewed? We will make a decision after we have checked the file and met the prisoner!"

"Thank you very much, Prime Minister!" As soon as the villagers heard the good news, they immediately knelt down to xie'en. Zhuo Qing was the only one who looked at the building sunset thoughtfully. The man always seemed to be confused when he did things.

Look at the rain outside is getting smaller, the building sunset no longer more words, ready to leave, Qi Tianyu catch up with the building sunset, frown and ask: "little beauty you really don't want?"

Eyes swept Zhuo Qing, the building sunset indifferent smile: "let him take care of it for me."

Zhuo Qing can't help being stiff. His smile always makes people feel creepy!

Walking to the gate of the ancestral hall, Lou Xiyan suddenly stops, looks back at Zhuo Qing and says, "you must appear tomorrow."

"Why?!" What's the matter with her?

"If you don't show up, they don't have to." Left a word, the people quickly disappeared in the drizzle.

"Hello --"

Zhuo Qing is speechless. Who is this to intimidate!