A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 7

Qi Tianyu couldn't bear to dig out his ears and say coolly, "you should go to the government to avenge. You are the first to capture people and threaten the court's officials. Do you want to enter the class room?" I thought there was something interesting to watch. Knowing that it was so boring, he would not come.

Qi Tianyu's voice didn't fall. Wu Si got up in a hurry. Zhuoqing wanted to hold him, but he moved so fast that Zhuoqing didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

In front of Lou Xiyan, Wu took a deep breath and said loudly: "the prime minister, the grass people are stupid. It's a last resort to go to this step. We have been to the Yamen for countless times. The yamen runner said that the case has been decided and we have been thrown out. I'd like to ask for justice from Mr. Tixing. He's not in the capital. I want to reason with you. But is the prime minister's office accessible to ordinary people? We are really "the bitterness of it. Wuss didn't know how to go on, so he just kowtowed.

Dong Dong's voice shocked Zhuo Qing. He thought his head was made of iron! Patted the nearby small five son for a while, Zhuo Qing low voice said: "shout injustice!"

"What?" Little Wuzi is in a fog.

Pig! After twisting his arm hard, Zhuo Qing jumped two words from his teeth: "shout -- injustice --"

finally came back to his mind, and Xiao Wuzi shouted: "injustice!" She has a lot of strength! It hurts!

The almost shrill shouting also awakened a group of confused villagers, and they began to cry out their grievances one after another --

"prime minister, redress the grievances --"

"Prime minister, avenge us!"

The eyes with hidden sharp points swept through the plain and angry faces. It seemed that these people really had grievances to complain. Lou Xiyan stepped forward and picked up Wu Si, who was still kowtowing, and said, "what grievances do you have to say?"

Wusi hurriedly got up and did not dare to let Lou Xiyan help him. After groping for a long time, he carefully took out a piece of paper from his arms and carefully sent it to him: "this is the number one."

And I wrote the number one! Lou Xiyan takes it with a smile and unfolds it slowly --

after a while, Lou Xiyan does not change his smile and asks casually, "who wrote this number one?"

Qi Tianyu gets up and curiously takes the number one. Others may not know that he and Xiyan grew up together. The more casual his tone is and the more gentle his smile is, the more concerned he is and the more suspicious he is!

It's over! Zhuoqing low mantra!

Don't look back, don't look at me! Don't look back -

Zhuo Qing recited many times in her heart. Unfortunately, the old man didn't hear her prayer. The villagers turned around and stared at her without exception.

Damn it! What a bunch of idiots, pigs without brains!

She scolded the words she could think of in her life for more than 20 years. Zhuoqing had to get up slowly because the sight of "gentleness" had locked her tightly.

Lou Xiyan looks along with the people's sight, a thin figure lowers his head, squats on the ground for a long time, the talent slowly stands up, a big hat covers most of his face, can't see his appearance clearly, the broad coarse cloth and hemp clothes are draped on him, it seems that he is thinner, looks like a harmless teenager, but Lou Xiyan doesn't think so.

He was silent and interested in the building's sunset. He asked, "you wrote the number one?"

With his head down, Zhuoqing lowered his voice and said, "yes." She would like to answer no, but behind her kneeling a group of idiots, will only stab her. For the first time, she "hates" the simple and kind working people!

Qi Tianyu looks Zhuo Qing up and down, shakes the number one in his hand, and sighs loudly to Lou Xiyan on purpose: "it's concise and sharp to use words! That's the ugly word! "

Zhuo Qing still bowed her head and said nothing. She never said her words were beautiful. She wanted to excite her. She was a little bit worse.

Zhuo Qing decides to pretend to be stupid, but Lou Xiyan is not worried. She looks at Wu Si nearby and asks, "you are not his family, and you have nothing to do with the case. Why do you want to cry for him, and what evidence can prove that he is innocent?"

Dare not look directly at the eyes of Lou Xiyan, Wusi has practiced his words in his heart for countless times, and then he pours it out: "prime minister, Lin Bokang is the father-in-law of our whole village! There are only three water wells in niujiazhuang. People, animals and food in the field all depend on that water. When the heavenly father is not beautiful, he often gets dry and has no harvest. In recent years, he has been helping us with food. In winter, he also delivers quilts, not two days a day, but ten years! Ten years! How could such a good man be able to replace the inferior with the better and steal military food? Eunuch is not such a person! He must have been wronged! The prime minister is observant! "

It turned out to be the case of changing military food. As early as half a month ago, the Ministry of punishment had already ruled. The evidence of people and materials, and the confession was there. Lou Xiyan was puzzled: "the government has already ruled this case, and Lin Bokang has also drawn a pledge on the confession. What do you claim? Or what evidence do you have? "

What evidence do they have! Just stick to a belief! Fearing that Lou Xiang didn't believe it, Wu Si fell to his knees again.

"Eunuch will not do such a thing! My Lord, look out! " A big man kowtowed while choking. The villagers behind him also fell down and made a thumping kowtow. Zhuo Qing's anger was rising. It was a group of pigs indeed. If you don't say what you should say, you will kowtow! A grasp Wu Si's shoulder, Zhuo Qing cold voice: "enough."

Over the crowd, standing opposite him, Zhuo QingHan said: "according to Lin Bokang's wife, when she visited Lin Bokang after the case was closed, Lin Bokang still insisted that she was wronged. How could a person who has already confessed to the crime cry for wrongs? This case is not a public trial. We have reason to suspect that Lin Bokang was tortured to extort a confession and was forced or in a coma to press the finger Grain. "

"Extort a confession by torture?" This word is interesting. Although I still can't see him, he has a clear and calm voice and a calm demeanor. He is not an ordinary villager. Step by step approaching Zhuo Qing, Lou Xiyan asks: "you say so, is there evidence?"

What a sense of oppression! His voice is clear very light, smile is very light, but each time with that gentle line of sight opposite, always let Zhuoqing inexplicably nervous.

Gu Yunchang said that attack is the best defense, just as she agreed! She has never been in the habit of retreating, this time as well. Looking up slightly, Zhuoqing asked proudly, "is it torture to extort a confession? It's clear to check whether there is any injury on him. Lin Bokang insisted that he was wronged, and someone was obviously eager to settle the case, dare to ask the prime minister, if it is really torture, how about extorting a confession? "

Lou Xiyan did not expect that he would not leave! Under the moonlight, they stood almost opposite each other. Under the brim of their hat, a pair of clear eyes firmly looked at him.

Yes, it's clear! He hasn't seen such a frank look in years. After staying in the official arena for a long time, everyone lives with a mask. He almost forgot this kind of magnanimity, and his heart warmed. For this rare clarity, Lou Xiyan replied in a deep voice: "if it's true, of course, it's necessary to review it."

Great! "In pursuit of the victory, Zhuo Qing deliberately loudly asked:" in order to be fair, the prime minister must be open to retrial of the case, right

Public retrial?! He's pushing him! At this time, if he does not agree with the public trial, it seems unfair!

Good! Lou Xiyan smiled and nodded, and said generously, "this is what I mean. It's good to hear this case in public!"

Wait for this sentence, Zhuo Qing's happy mood is driven into the abyss after hearing the next sentence.

"Just" deliberately lengthened the voice, Lou Xiyan approached Zhuo Qing, the words were clear and very slowly said: "according to the laws of the dome, if there is no new evidence to prove the innocence of the prisoners, or after the retrial, the original crime is still judged, and those who put forward the retrial are all guilty of insulting the court. If they are light, they will be punished with one hundred sticks, and if they are heavy, they will serve for three years!"

What?! Is there such a thing?! What kind of system is this? It's possible to be convicted by appealing?! Why no one told her!

She swore that she saw a bit of banter in the eyes of the prime minister, though it flashed by! But absolutely!

Zhuo Qinggang is about to open his mouth. As soon as Wusi hears that Louxiang is willing to retry the case, he immediately cheers up and shouts back: "we believe that your grace is innocent and willing to bear the crime!"

I don't want you! Don't say that Lin Bokang is not necessarily innocent, that is, he is really innocent. What about the evidence?! Zhuo Qing wants to give Wusi a good kick!

She was about to die of anger, but Lou Xiyan said with an exuberant smile, "what's your name?" This man is very interesting, honest and intelligent, but he seems to know nothing. He has been secretly observing the dark tide between him and the villagers. Lou Xiyan is more and more interested in him.

Holding his breath, Zhuo Qing said coldly, "before asking others' names, you should first give your own name, which is polite."