A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 49

In the spacious dining room of the farmyard, a group of people stood.

Shan Yulan bowed his hand to his master and said, "Mrs. Yang, I'm sorry to disturb you so late."

The woman slightly replied, with a thin mist in her eyes, and said softly, "what do you say, my lord? The little woman only asks the Lord to find out and handle the case as soon as possible, to subdue the thief and return it to my husband."

Staring at the trace of the flying knife on the wall, facing his wife, Gu Yun said, "can you say the original story again?"

The woman turned around and looked at the little girl who looked left and right as soon as she entered the room. She didn't understand what she wanted to do, but the adults didn't stop her. Although the woman was a little strange in her heart, she still replied: "my body is not good. My husband said that she wanted to adjust it for me. Yesterday afternoon, my husband and I went to Wanli bank to exchange silver notes. When we went out, we were almost knocked down by a bold man. My husband was an acute child, so we quarreled and pushed each other. I was afraid that they would do something about it, so I persuaded my husband to leave. I thought that was how things went. Who knows that in the evening, Li Zhi, a friend of my husband's, had a meal at home. Just after setting the dishes and chopsticks, the man suddenly appeared and started to move without saying a few words. Neither my husband nor Li Zhi were his rivals. I was so scared that I ran out and called for help. I happened to meet Huang Yi and Wang Wei, two brothers of the general's bodyguard. When the three of us came back, we saw our husband fall down! "

Squatting on the ground in the middle of the dining room, I don't know what I'm looking at, and Gu Yun doesn't lift his head. He asks, "are there any interrogation records of those three people?"

Interrogation record? Guessing her meaning, Shan Yulan replied: "the confession of the three has been made, which is consistent with what Mrs. Yang said."

Slowly raised his head, Gu Yun looked at the woman and casually asked, "was the dead here?"

"Madam a Leng, nod a way:" yes

Shan Yulan's face is grim, and the building's sunset has a fine eyes. This woman is not simple. The blood on the ground has been cleaned up. There are flying knives on the wall and the ground in the dining room. There are also traces left by the dead when they wave with swords. How can she accurately tell the location of the dead within a quarter of an hour of entering the room?

Everyone stared at Gu Yun closely, only to see her finally get up and say loudly: "I think - hungry!"



A group of people who were eager to listen to her suddenly had facial convulsions.

Zhuo Qing just laughed.

Extending his waist, Gu Yun went to Su Yu and asked if nothing happened. "Don't you say that there is a small shop with delicious noodles, but it can't be opened now?"

Su Yu is also a little confused and replies, "Er, let's go."

"What are you waiting for?" No matter how many eyes behind her stare at her, Gu Yun grabs Su Yu's sleeve and drags him out. After a few steps, she suddenly turned back and smiled at the building's sunset. "Does the sunset want to eat noodles with us?"

Zhuo Qing is suddenly covered with black lines and sunset? She really dares to scream.

With a smile, Lou Xiyan replied, "OK."

Gu Yun and Su Yu walk in front, Lou Xiyan and Zhuo Qing walk in the back, so the four people wander away, leaving only Shan Yulan with a dark face and Mrs. Yang with a blank eyes.

Leisurely walking in the early summer night wind, looking at the fast two people walking in front of her, Lou Xiyan looks at Zhuo Qing on her side and smiles: "your sister, it's very interesting. She seems to have a lot of experience in the investigation."

What's the answer?! Pretending to look at the sky in a daze, Zhuoqing smiled twice and said, "ha ha, I don't know. I lost my memory."

What a memory loss.

At midnight, on the treetops of the moon, in the quiet alleyway, there was no one to walk around. The shops in the two rows of the alleyway had been closed early, only a small noodle shop showed candlelight.

"Another bowl, boss."

The petite woman was holding a bowl of noodles in her hand and shouting vaguely.

On the desk table, a ingot of gold ingot is shining with dazzling light. He can't earn so much money in a year's work. The boss who is over sixty nodded his head, and his staff are not idle, busy below.

Gu Yun put down the empty bowl and took the noodles from his boss. He didn't care about the food. He ate heartily.

Su Yu looks at the three big bowls stacked in front of her and sneers, "are you a pig?" He has never seen a woman eat so much and look so ugly! Seeing her thin as a bamboo pole, Su Yu wondered where she had eaten? Why doesn't it grow meat?

Gu Yun raised his head a little, glanced sideways at him, and left a disdainful sentence: "are you a chicken?" A big man, eat this!

This sentence is enough to make Su Yu, who is already hot, clap the table and shout: "boss, come to ten bowls!" Are you kidding? Can't he eat her!

Boss a Zheng, dare not neglect, hurry down, secretly sigh young good, so late, still so can eat!

Zhuo Qing impatiently propped up her chin and said lazily, "if you want to eat slowly, I'll go back to sleep and have a beauty sleep first."

Looking at the empty dishes on the table, Zhuo Qing has only one feeling in her heart - two food!

Gu did not lift his head, and then he said, "you can go, not the sunset."

She is addicted to the sunset. Zhuo Qing is not anxious to ask why, Lou Xiyan always sits on the side gracefully, but some people can't hold their breath: "why not?"

"I'll see Qianjing later." Gu Yun finished the last mouthful of soup. He felt his stomach satisfied and finally had enough. He could not live without food for two days!

Su Yu listened to her words, and her eyebrows were all twisted together: "didn't you just see that?! And what does it matter if you go to see Qianjing and he can't go? "

Gu yungen was too lazy to deal with him, but Lou Xiyan had already understood and whispered, "ink white."

Mo Bai's tall figure immediately appeared outside the shop. Gu Yun marveled, how fast he was! She didn't even feel his breath just now!

Lou Xiyan whispered a few words, and Mo Bai nodded and pushed out.

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Yu finally understood that Gu Yun meant that Lou Xiyan would take her to the prison. At present, he shouted with dissatisfaction, "I can take you in, too! It's not just a prison! "

"How do you want to take me in, quarrel like before or knock the guard unconscious and break in? I'll use you if I want to go in like this! " She wants to go in unconsciously. Forget it, talking with this idiot will kill her!

Su Yu's mouth is curled, but the result is the same. It's OK to go in.

"He didn't tell the truth just now. Are you sure he will tell you the truth later?" Lou Xiyan is more interested in this. Tonight, this girl gives him too much amazing experience. He also knows for the first time that a girl can eat so much!

There was a pile of bowls. Su Yu's hand just now made soup splash. It was a mess on the table. Lou Xiyan is still so leisurely, as if no matter what kind of environment or what kind of things he meets, he can deal with them gracefully. Gu Yun sighs that Qing has found the treasure this time!

Seeing Zhuo Qing, who has been waiting impatiently for a while, Gu Yun said with a smile, "he won't tell me, but he should tell her."

Zhuo Qing glared at her and said, "why do you think so?"

By feeling! Gu Yun is clever and doesn't say it, otherwise he will be lost by Zhuo Qing.

Feeling his satisfied stomach, Gu Yun finally stood up and said, "I'm full. Let's go."

At the same time, the boss came over with ten bowls of noodles. Gu Yun glanced at Su Yu and chuckled, "take your time, chicken." With that, Zhuo Qing steps out of the shop, takes a sympathetic look at Su Yu, who is still stunned there, and goes out with a low smile. Cloud's mouth is still so poisonous!

Lou Xiyan coughs softly, conceals the smile in his throat, bows his hand to Su Yu and goes out of the shop.

The boss looked at the young man who was getting worse and worse.

"Qingmo, who the hell are you talking about?" Only heard a roar, his figure has flashed out of the house, the boss distressed stare at the hands still steaming ten bowls of noodles. What can I do?

When he came to the prison again, Gu Yun found that the original goalkeeper had already been replaced by a group of four, who stood upright and looked ahead, but could not see them.

Gu Yun whispered to Su Yu, who was angry all the way, "wait at the door."

"Why?" In the heart has the gas, Su Ling tone very blunt way back.

"The fewer people you can get in, the better, or do you want the questions tonight to be abandoned again?" Gu Yun's explanation is rare. Although Su Yu is still unwilling, he doesn't insist on it.

By contrast, Lou Xiyan is much more discerning. She said with a light smile, "since that's the case, I won't go in."

"Go." Gu Yun nodded contentedly and led Zhuo Qing into the prison.

After entering, Gu Yun keenly found that when he first came, there was a guard every ten meters, and now there is no trace, which is more convenient for the question later. When he came to Qian Jing's prison door, the lock was open. Gu Yun had to admire him. Lou Xiyan was really a prudent person.

For Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun, Qian Jing didn't show much surprise, and his face was also short of the last look of danger lang. Qian Jing asked in a deep voice, "what else do you want to ask?"

"How do you know the dead, why do you want to follow him, and why do you do it?"

At Gu Yun's glance, Qian Jing once again raised a ruffian's smile on his face and said, "these have been said just now, are there any fresh ones?"

Casually leaning against the stone wall, Gu Yun replied in a cold voice: "you can say those perfunctory words again, but they are useless for your case. Witness testimony and on-site evidence are very unfavorable to you. If you are not willing to tell the truth, we can hardly help you. Your result is only waiting for death."

Qian Jing kept silent, Gu Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, stared at him for a while, and said, "you don't trust the government, you are waiting for someone to help you turn over the case?" When she said the sentence of waiting for death, there was a trace of sarcasm and disapproval on his face. It was light, but she saw it.

Qian Jing's heart was shocked. The whole man almost jumped up. Feng Mou stared at the young and incredible woman and asked, "who are you?" She could have guessed his mind!

Gu Yun lets him look at it with a smile.

They looked at each other like this and said nothing. Zhuo Qing said nothing until Qian Jing could not bear to look at her and asked, "who is she?"

"She's my sister, qingmo." Qian Jing seems to be hostile to Gu Yun