A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 50

Qian Jing sat down on the stone bed, as if he was in deep thought. On his young face, a haze appeared. For a long time, Qian Jing said in a deep voice, "three years ago, there was a case that caused a stir in the dome. When the National Treasury was stolen, 1 million liang of gold disappeared overnight. The emperor was furious. It was verified that the Minister of the household at that time conspired with the northwest bandits to smuggle the gold away from the secret road. Such a large amount of gold can't be transported out of the dome so quickly. The Ministry of punishment sent countless teams of people to hunt in all directions. Seeing that the gold couldn't be transported out, the northwest bandits transported it to the hidden cave for storage. One team of searchers Ma Gang found the location of gold. There were five people in the line, one of whom went back to report, and the other four stayed in the four directions of the cave. When the general who reported the news brought a large team of people and horses, the gold that was still in the cave disappeared again. He surveyed all the exits and found traces of ruts at the west exit. The little general stationed in the West was named Qu Ze. He claimed that he was attacked and knocked unconscious. He didn't see who carried the gold and where. Unfortunately, the court didn't believe it. He was convicted of smuggling gold with thieves. After many times of torture, Qu Ze refused to confess his guilt, and later escaped from prison. At that time, I just finished my studies and went down the mountain. I wanted to be a top bounty hunter. I tried my best to hunt down Qu Ze and finally caught him and sent him back to the Yamen. Unexpectedly, half a month later, he was interrogated and beheaded. He was accused of adultery and theft of treasury money. "

Qu Ze, it can be said that he is the criminal with the highest bonus among the people he has arrested, and also the most serious case he has ever done. However, he never wants to mention it. He has already felt vaguely that he has done something wrong.

Gu Yun arranged what he had just said in his mind and asked, "Yang Lu was the one who found gold with Qu Ze and went back to report?"

This woman's mind is really meticulous. She can sort out and deduce the key point of the matter in a moment. Maybe he should believe that they can help him find out the truth of the matter.

Nodding his head, Qian Jing didn't worry about it this time. He said generously, "well, I escorted Qu Ze back to Beijing. On the way, he told me that he didn't steal gold and knocked him unconscious. It was Yang Lu who went back to report, but no one believed him. Because Yang Lu arrived at the cave with the army, I didn't believe him at that time. And he was executed too fast, but it made me feel something wrong, but people died, there is nothing to investigate. Until as like as two peas, I saw a tattoo of a tattoo on the wrist of the same day. The tattoo was very special. I would not mistake it. After verification, Yang Lu was the one who returned the message.

"So you followed him?"

"He has at least a thousand taels of silver in his arms. It is impossible for a general to have so many salaries. I think he has problems. I was hidden outside his house at that time, but he found me. I just mentioned Quze's name. He had already shown his fierce face and started with me. The man in his house also went on. I had to use a throwing knife. But I didn't shoot him in the chest, but he died in the chest. " He really can't understand that!

"One million liang of gold!" Gu Yun couldn't help whistling and laughing: "that's why you don't want to tell others?"

"I don't trust these officials. If what Qu Ze said is true, there was more than one thing that Yang Lu could control!" The Ministry of criminal justice didn't know how many people were involved in it. He didn't know what rank the official position of the person who was in charge of it was. In such a case, of course, he can't say that it will only make him more dangerous.

Zhuo Qing took a look at Gu Yun and sighed, "it's more complicated than expected." It used to be a common murder case, but now it seems that Gu Yun shrugs his shoulders and doesn't look dignified. No matter how complicated the case is, it's not a phrase they often joke about after they've gone through the motions - there's only one truth!

Without trace, he pulled Zhuo Qing to his side. Gu Yun glanced at the shadow around the corner of the prison door, smiled at Qian Jing and said, "the person you are waiting for should have come. Come out."

Gu Yun's voice just fell. Two figures appeared in the shadow, one male and one female. The black clothes of the male were like ink and covered with silver. The red clothes of the female were like blood, with a pair of pure gold masks on their faces. They were silent and ghostly.

A man and a woman appeared suddenly. The man's black clothes were like ink, and his pale face was covered with silver, which was frightening. The woman's red clothes were like blood, with a pure gold mask on her face, and only a pair of cold eyes were exposed. The two appeared silent and ghostly, as if they were coming out of the ground. Coupled with their strange costumes, Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun looked silly.

They also stare at them. In fact, when they come in, they have arrived. I was going to show up after they left, but I didn't think that the little ordinary woman actually found their whereabouts.

Four people and eight eyes, so you see me and I see you. Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun are immersed in the visual impact brought by these two people, and they are measuring their strength.

It's going to be light! The excluded Qian Jing finally said: "Ao Tian, ye Mei, the first and second bounty hunters in the dome."

Zhuo Qing, the bounty hunter, has seen them and said that they are the first and the second. She absolutely believes that they are very powerful.

Nodding gently towards them, Zhuo Qing said generously, "Qingling."

"You're the woman who cut the body in the palace?" The voice of the man in black is very common, not very low, not very magnetic, but absolutely special. You can hear every word clearly, but there is absolutely no emotion in it.

"Yes." Zhuo Qing nodded in a dazed way. Even he knew that? She thought the ancient news was blocked. Now she seems to be wrong.

The man looked at Gu Yun, and Gu Yun didn't shy away. He said with a smile, "the end of youth."

He frowned slightly, only for a quarter of a second, which was enough for Gu Yun to understand his doubts. With a bright smile, Gu Yun said, "you don't have to think so hard. I don't have any great achievements to attract the attention of both of you." She has been fighting with the men in the general's mansion. He will not know her.

Amazement, this time in his face to stay for a second, then return to calm. Gu Yun is very interested in him. After all, there are few people who can control their facial muscles to keep their emotions from leaking. He is already very powerful.

Gu Yun studies carefully, but Zhuoqing is sweating, no one wants to be interpreted, especially this kind of "superior"! She didn't see that the cold light from the corner of the red woman's eyes was enough to freeze her to death?! Sometimes I really don't know if cloud is delicate or nervous!

With a light cough, Zhuo Qing quickly introduced the main topic: "well, I think it's necessary to make it clear first. Since everyone's goal is to solve this case, there are two ways, one is to investigate each other; the other is to cooperate with each other. We are very sincere to cooperate with you. Let's see your opinions?"

For a long time, they did not speak. Just when Zhuo Qing was going to interpret it automatically as each checkmate, the man said again, "how do you want to check?"

Zhuo Qing looks at Gu Yun. This is her specialty. Fortunately, Gu Yun has a plan for a long time, and talks freely: "first, find out the weapon. There were 13 wounds on the body of the dead, but only 12 throwing knives. That is to say, the weapon has been taken away. Even if the murderer is an expert who can shoot the dead at a distance, he also needs to recover the weapon. There are four people who can do this, Li Zhi, the friend of the dead, Yang Shi, the wife of the dead, Huang Yi and Wang Wei. One of them must be an accomplice, if not a murderer. The most urgent task is to find this man out of the four. "

Zhuo Qing nodded and said definitely, "as long as you can find the weapon and do a corpse comparison again, Qian Jing will be cleared of half of the charges."

"Second, about the gold. Yang Lu's death was so sudden that it was obvious that the murderer wanted to frame Qian Jing. The back of the matter should be related to the gold theft. A large amount of gold is absolutely impossible to fly away. When the case was closed at that time, the gold is still missing. Yang Lu must be an insider, or because he knows too much, he will be killed. If you find the stakeholders related to the case, you may find the murderer. "

Gu Yun looked at them and said, "I've finished. What do you have to say?"

At a glance, the two seem to have a common understanding: "you go to check those people, the gold case will be handed over to us, three days later, we will exchange information here."

Three days, enough time? Gu Yun is still thinking that the two men have left the cell, leaping up and down with amazing skill, leaping out of the skylight and disappearing without trace.

She has something else to say.

Looking at Qian Jing, who was sitting quietly on one side, Gu Yun asked, "are they in a hurry?"

Grabbing the dead grass, he took it in his mouth again, and Qian Jing said angrily, "be content with what he has said to you. If you don't see him, you will ignore me." In the end, has anyone asked his opinion about this matter?!

"That's a pleasure." It seems to be the same. Gu Yun is relieved and says to Zhuoqing, "let's go. It's not early."

Walking in the corridor of the prison, Zhuo Qing guessed: "go to Li Zhi first tomorrow?"

Gu Yun nodded: "well, on the whole, he is the most suspect, but I have to look at the interrogation records of those people first."

"Now?" "Miss, it's one o'clock in the morning," Zhuo Qing cried

Gu Yun just smiled back and said, "you go back with Lou Xiyan first. I'll wait for you at the gate of Xiangfu at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning." Only three days, she must find out who is hiding the murder weapon!

"All right." Zhuo Qing is helpless. Gu Yun is definitely a workaholic. Persuading her is just a waste of time.

When Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun came out, Lou Xiyan had called two carriages. Gu Yun pressed Zhuo Qing's ear and said in a low voice, "Qing, you are really lucky in shit. Such a good man will let you meet and hold him." After that, he winked at her. Zhuo Qing had no words. What's the bullshit metaphor? It means that the building sunset is shit?!

Don't care about her, Zhuoqing directly into the carriage, only to hear Gu Yun outside the carriage don't know what to say with Lou Xiyan. After a while, Lou Xiyan enters the carriage with a smile on his face, and the carriage starts to run slowly.

Some curious, Zhuo Qing or asked: "what did she just say to you?"

"She said." After a pause, Zhuoqing's appetite was suspended. Lou Xiyan looked at her with a smile and whispered back, "she said, let me hurt you well."

Good pain, Zhuoqing