A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 48

"There were 13 sharp injuries on the body, four arms, six legs, two abdomen and one chest. The size of the wound is between one inch and one inch. The incision is neat and there is no obvious expansion of the wound. The fatal injury of the dead is located in the left chest and heart, which belongs to penetrating injury. The wound is one inch long. According to the cross section of the wound, the lethal weapon should be a double-edged sharp weapon. "

The freezing air in the ice cellar was so cold that people could not help swallowing their saliva because of the coffins arranged in rows. It seemed that several oil lamps also felt this Yin Qi, but it shook badly without wind. In the coffin, a haggard man lies in the coffin. On his body, a pair of thin hands carefully check and measure every wound. The voice of the cool woman tells in a cold and detailed way. In such an environment, some people are thrilled.

"The death of the deceased was due to the rupture of the heart and large blood vessels in the chest, severe internal bleeding, compression and collapse of the lungs, displacement of the mediastinum, and respiratory and circulatory failure."

Finding the fatal injury in the heart, Zhuo Qing reached out his hand and said, "Throwing Knife."

The little official who was busy recording hurriedly handed over the throwing knife and then held the brush tightly. It was too cold How long is it going to take!

Compared for a while, Zhuoqing said in a low voice, "Dan Yulan, come here and have a look."

Shan Yulan goes to Zhuoqing's side and sees that she puts the Throwing Knife parallel to the heart and slowly approaches the cross section. By contrast, the wound is much wider than the cross section of the throwing knife. He also found this during the dissection, so he went to consult her. "The wound of the heart muscle is much bigger than the lethal weapon, which shows that it's not the throwing knife that stabbed the dead man's heart?"

Zhuoqing shook his head and said in a cold voice: "I'm not sure that the temperature of the ice cellar is not low enough. It's too late to send the ice cellar. The organs have slightly dissolved. Moreover, visceral injury caused by double-edged sharp tools may cause wound expansion. "

This temperature is not low enough?! The little official, while moving his stiff hands, looked at the building behind the woman admiringly. He draped the thick cloak on the woman. He only added a thin robe and stood in the ice cellar for half an hour. He could still look the same. Isn't he cold?!

Zhuo Qing returns the throwing knife to Shan Yulan and asks strangely, "why do you think this wound is not caused by this throwing knife?"

"There were 13 such wounds on the dead body, but the yamen runner found only 12 throwing knives on the scene. It seems that the wounds were caused by flying knives, but the strength and position of the hands were different from other wounds." Other wounds are obviously shallow and are in non fatal parts such as hands and feet. Why does this knife hit the heart and pierce the body!

Zhuo Qing agrees with his analysis, which is really strange.

Zhuo Qing didn't feel particularly cold when she was wearing the Cape of the building sunset on her shoulders. Looking at the building sunset behind her, she really should thank him.

In the afternoon, when he came back, he told her that Yan Hongtian had found out the facts. It was indeed the negligence of Haoyue officials that had mistaken them. Now, Qingfeng has returned to the palace, and has been granted the title of Qingbin, and she doesn't have to be forbidden anymore. As soon as she heard that she didn't have to stop, she hurried to the Tixing mansion. He accompanied her all the way. Zhuo Qing was a little embarrassed. Now she had him waiting in the ice cellar for half an hour. Zhuo Qing took off her gloves and said, "this is the only information on the body for the time being. Let's go out first."

Three people out of the ice cellar, has been silent floor sunset suddenly said: "single mention of punishment, we want to see Qian Jing, can you?" Zhuoqing Weileng, she wanted to see Qianjing, but she had planned to go tomorrow by herself. Unexpectedly, he would say first.

"Of course, please." Lou Xiyan is in charge of the punishment department. He has already opened his mouth. Shan Yulan has no reason to refuse.

The autopsy room is not far from the prison of the Ministry of punishment. When three people approached the prison gate, they saw a man, a woman and a small official who seemed to have a little dispute. When they saw Shan Yulan's figure, they were obviously relieved. They came to him in a hurry and said, "Your Majesty, the people in the general's mansion said they want to see the prisoner, do you see?"

Shan Yulan hasn't answered yet, and the loud male voice has been the first to ring out: "single sentence."

Su Yu looks at the man behind Yu Lan, frowns unconsciously, and says respectfully, "Lou Xiang." Why is Lou Xiyan here?

Lou Xiyan nodded softly to say hello. Compared with Su Yu's obvious surprise, Lou Xiyan's face didn't look any different.

Shan Yulan arched his hand slightly and said, "general Suyu."

When Su Yu comes to Shan Yulan, maybe it's the military's unique momentum. Although his voice is not loud, the momentum between his words is still a bit threatening: "this time, the general of the general's house died. I hope this case can be heard in public. I don't think it's against the single sentence?"

Shan Yulan's face remained unchanged and calmly replied, "of course, fair handling of cases is the principle for the lower officials to handle cases. If general Su is interested, please." With so many people "concerned", this case seems to be very difficult to handle.

Shan Yulan and Suyu walk in front, but the women around Suyu don't keep up, but wait for Zhuo Qing to come.

Gu Yun is waiting for her. Zhuo Qing says with a smile, "you are really an activist." She has no doubt about this. This is Gu Yun.

Gu Yun doesn't care about Zhuo Qing. He looks up and down at the building's sunset wantonly. With a smile, Gu Yun asks gently, "the building's sunset?"

The woman in front of her or should be called a little girl. Her black hair is not as light as that of an ordinary woman, nor as light as a man's hair. Instead, she is tightly tied with a blue ribbon. Her black hair swings freely behind her. Her simple blue dress tightly covers her like a strong suit. Her figure is more thin, but not weak. Very special woman, Lou Xiyan nodded softly and said, "I am."

"The end of youth." Gu Yun, while introducing himself, scores the man in his heart. He is handsome, gentle, tall and straight, and has a strong temperament. To put it in a popular way, he has the right to have money and the right to have a model. OK, she gives 99 points.

This woman's eyes do not twinkle, as if straight into the hearts of the people, and such eyes, absolutely need courage, green sisters, seem to be extraordinary. Facing the gaze of Gu Yun, Lou Xiyan smiles back and asks, "is young girl better?" In the afternoon, I was carried into Xiangfu. Now I am so energetic. Is Qingling's medical skill really so good? Or is it

"thanks for your concern. It's much better." Gu Yun's answer was calm, without any confusion.

After walking for a while, I found that Gu Yun didn't keep up with her, but was talking and laughing with Lou Xiyan. Su Yu, with a black face, stared at her and roared, "Hey, is that enough verbosity? Can't you go?" As soon as I woke up, I dragged him to the prison, and now I chat with others so leisurely!

Gu Yun nodded to Lou Xiyan and walked towards Su Yu. When he passed by, he suddenly punched him. He hit Su Yu in the stomach with a fist. He quickly took back his hand. Gu Yun walked on as if nothing had happened. Su Yu covers his stomach and curses continuously, but he still follows her behind.

Lou Xiyan and Zhuoqing both saw this scene. They looked at each other and smiled. They also followed them and went in. But Zhuoqing's eyes were helpless, and Lou Xiyan's eyes were full of deep thoughts.

After a passage, in the last cell, a thin man was lying on a slate bed, with his legs high and shaking gently from time to time. With a dead grass in his mouth, his face was leisurely and cozy, as if he was not lying on the slate bed in the prison, but on the warm pillow of the high bed.

The prison door opened and a group of people entered. Fortunately, the cell was not small, or it would be crowded.

Qian Jing got up and sat cross legged, watching a group of people pouring in. He laughed and said, "why is it so busy tonight?" When his eyes swept Zhuoqing's face, Qian Jing's eyes flashed a surprise, but soon disappeared.

"Qian Jing, what happened last night, why are you in Yang Lu's house, and why do you fight with him? You'd better be honest about the cause and effect of this."

He glanced sideways at Shan Yulan, who was serious, and took a withered grass in his mouth. Qian Jing replied impatiently: "I've said it many times. The reason why I went to his house is that I accidentally bumped into his wife in front of the Wanli bank, and he and I refused to give up. They had a quarrel. In the pushing room, I found that he had a large stack of silver tickets and waist cards in his arms. How much can he get a month's salary as a general? I guess he must be a man with a bad mind. At that time, he secretly followed him. Who knows that he found out when he was at his house and started fighting without saying a few words? I just wanted to defend myself and didn't want to kill him at all. I don't know why he even got a stab in the chest! That's what happened. "

It seems that if he doesn't ask, he won't elaborate. Shan Yulan continues to ask, "who else was in the room at that time besides you and Yang Lu?"

"His wife, and a thin man."

When Shan Yulan looked at the officials around him, the officials immediately replied, "my Lord, the man he said is called Li Zhi. He is the city guard stationed at the east gate of the city. He has known Yang Lu for many years. I'm honest, but I like to gamble. I haven't got a wife so far. "

Shan Yulan continued to ask: "after Yang Lu fell to the ground, who approached the body?"

Qian Jing frowned and thought for a while. He replied, "his wife and the man have gone to help him. There are also two men who are attracted by the fighting sound and his wife's scream. There are many people in the room

Gu Yun leaned close to the prison door, his back against the stone wall, his hands around his chest, and his sharp eyes watched every expression around him and Qian Jing. After listening to a conversation between Qian Jing and Shan Yulan in silence, Gu Yun suddenly stood up straight and walked out of the prison door. Zhuo Qing saw the situation and followed her. She believed that Yun should have a clue.

Following her, Zhuoqing asked, "how is it?"

After walking a certain distance from the prison door, Gu Yun turned slightly, so that the people in the cell could not see her face or read her lips. Gu Yun said in a very low voice, "he is hiding something. Maybe we should see him alone sometime." Qian Jing's words were vague, as if he had said nothing. In fact, he didn't trust the officials. He hoped that he would trust Qing.

If there is a line of sight like no behind Gu Yun, who is clear but doesn't care, he continues to ask, "what's the discovery on the body?"

"There were 13 sharp injuries on the body of the dead. The fatal injury was at the left chest and heart. The penetrating injury resulted from the rupture of the heart and the large blood vessels in the chest and the serious internal bleeding. There are 13 wounds on the body. It is said that the yamen runner found only 12 throwing knives at the scene, and one of them is missing

Strange missing? That is to say, the real weapon