A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 47

Holding the silver needle, Zhuo Qing whispered in the girl's ear, "cloud, if you don't wake up, I'll give you the needle!"

Her name is Gu Yun's original name. If she is, she should wake up. Staring at the little girl who is still in bed, Zhuo Qing is disappointed. Isn't she Gu Yun? Holding the silver needle in her hand, Zhuo Qing hesitated for a while, but she still made an effort to plunge it into qingmo's arm.

At the moment when the long needle was about to stab her arm, Zhuo Qing's wrist was caught by a thin hand. The woman on the bed opened her eyes, half leaning on the curtain of the bed, stared at Zhuo Qing and scolded: "you want to stab it really!"

Zhuo Qing gently raised her eyebrows and said, "what do you say?" She was finally willing to wake up!

The woman in front of her eyes has long hair and waist. Her skin is white. The two scars on her delicate and lovely face are particularly eye-catching. Even Zhuoqing feels pity when she sees them. The round eyes are like a little white rabbit, but the sharp and firm light in the eyes makes Zhuo Qing feel relieved. That's the look in Gu Yun's eyes. Yes, but this face is so cute. Is it really you, cloud Zhuo Qing can't help but make sure.

"I don't mind a big test of tacit understanding!" she shrugged and said with a nonchalant smile When she woke up, she was shocked by the face.

"No more." This way of speaking is 100% Gu Yun.

"I'm starving. Do you have anything to eat?" Gu Yun turns over and starts to move flexibly. It's not like two days and two nights without food at all. Zhuo Qing can't help laughing: "you've really been 'asleep' for two days?"

"I expect it will be three days. Unexpectedly, they sent me here in two days." Su Yu is usually irreconcilable with her. I can't imagine that he sent her here at the critical moment.

Go to the screen, take the small cake on the table, Zhuo qingsai to Gu Yun's hand, shake his head and smile: "you can really boil it."

Taking the cake, Gu Yun ate it on his own, and said, "it's good that when he ambushed the drug dealer, I didn't eat, drink or sleep for three days or three days, and I didn't die. It's a small idea to sleep for two days."

Half leaning on the screen, Zhuoqing said with a smile, "with your skill, is it difficult to leave the general's mansion? Why are you still in general's office? Or are you infatuated with the cold and proud general? " It has to be said that suling is really an attractive man, and it's not surprising that cloud likes him.

White her one eye, Gu Yun can't stand the low cry: "I went to the general's mansion to see him twice, OK?!"

Zhuo fine looks at cloud now this lovely to burst of face, can not help but continue to tease her: "just so-called love at first sight, see once enough!"

The first time she bit him, the second time they had a fight, if that's love at first sight, it's sparks!

Suddenly thought of an interesting question, Zhuo Qing asked: "I am very curious, there is no woman in the general's mansion."

Gu Yun replied impatiently, "really not, even mosquitoes are public!"

Zhuo Qing chuckled: "I haven't seen you for two months. You have a lot of humor!"

Gu Yun glanced sideways at her and said with a sneer, "I think you've made a lot of progress!" How can I not find this trait before!

Zhuo Qing is not upset, shrugs and says with a smile: "no way, boring."

Boring? What the hell is the answer. Don't care about her, Gu Yun gets up to look for water to drink, barefoot on the long wool carpet, Gu Yun goes to the round table to get a glass of water for himself, and suddenly there is an uncontrollable laughter behind him. Gu Yun turned around and saw Zhuo Qing holding up the wall, smiling back and forth, breaking his mouth and saying: "I was a dwarf when you said 163cm, do you want to call this 158CM dwarf now?! What an eye! "

Gu Yun's face turned black and said coldly, "one minute."

Looking at the petite woman who has just arrived at her shoulder, she looks like a bean sprout vegetable. Zhuo Qing laughs more exaggeratively. The geomancy turns in turn. The cloud, who is always proud of her 175 height, also has time to eat shriveled!

Gu Yun's face is getting darker and darker. When it's close to one minute, Zhuo Qing finally tries her best to hold back her smile. It's not fun for Yun to start a fire.

Gu yunlenghum: "enough laughing?!"

Zhuo Qing can only nod, otherwise she is afraid that she can't help laughing again.

Staring at the woman who was still twitching at the corner of her mouth, Gu Yun said helplessly, "we have a limited time together. Do we want to continue this nonsense or discuss what we should do next?"

Zhuo Qing pressed down the smile in her heart and finally replied seriously, "you say first, I listen."

"In fact, there are two reasons why I didn't leave the general immediately. First, you can see that the body is really weak. I have to spend some time to make her strong and flexible. Second, I found this in the general's office." Finish saying, Gu Yun takes out a piece of white paper from waist, open put on desktop.

Zhuo Qing leaned over to look at it and said: "it's very similar to the gossip board we saw before we came here for no reason?" Every texture on the gossip board on the paper is extremely delicate. It feels much newer than the one they saw last time.

"Yes, I guess we'll go to this place. Nine out of ten, it's related to it. If we want to go back, we need it."

Zhuo Qing said, "it's in the general's mansion?"

Gu Yun shook his head and said, "I've only seen this picture in the general's mansion. It's said that it's the national emblem of the Su family. Where is the collection? Only Su Ling, the eldest son of the Su family, and the old patriarch know that I am still staying in the general's mansion for this reason. "

"Any clue?"

"No." Even Su Yu and Su Ren are not clear. It's only from Su Ling. Gu sighed: "I heard that Qingfeng was autopsied at the Palace Banquet. I guess it must be you, so I pretended to faint to see you. This is how I live these days. How about you? How are things? "

Zhuo Qing looks very depressed. She replies quietly, "the situation is complicated."

Gu Yun is a little surprised. What's depressing the forensic doctor who always works well?!

"My body now is not Qingfeng, but Qingling, the elder sister of Qingjia. Because Qingfeng and Qingling look alike, officials sent the wrong person. Qingling should have belonged to Yan Hongtian, the emperor of the dome. It seems that there is a past between Yan Hongtian and Qingling. Yan Hongtian is a man who is extremely arrogant and bloodthirsty. He thinks that Qingling deliberately designed Qingfeng to replace him. He almost didn't strangle me. I have to pretend to lose my memory. "

"Amnesia?" Gu Yun chuckled: "good idea."

"One does not do two endlessly, I deceive him to say already is the person of the building sunset, unexpectedly the building sunset did not break through me."

Gu Yun blinks, the color asks: "is really deceive him?"

Zhuo Qing's eye knife flies by, and Gu Yun says with a smile, "OK, please continue."

"At last, Yan Hongtian said that he would thoroughly investigate this matter. Under the protection of Lou Xiyan, I was able to ban my feet in Xiangfu. Unfortunately, Qingfeng was put in prison." For the green maple, that stubborn woman, Zhuo Qing always can't let go.

Gu Yun, who hasn't seen Qingfeng, doesn't care, just worries about Zhuo Qing: "that is to say, now Lou Xiyan and Yan Hongtian are competing for you?"

Zhuo Qing lamented, "to be exact, they are fighting for Qingling."

"I'm not sure who Yan Hongtian is fighting for. Lou Xiyan hasn't seen the green spirit before. He's fighting for you. Now in this situation, you'd better stay with the building sunset, only he can protect you. " During her time in the general's mansion, she had a good understanding of this strange world. Although she didn't want to admit it, there were few things Yan Hongtian wanted in these six countries.

"That's the only way." Zhuo Qing also has a consensus on this point.

Seeing that she looked dejected, Gu Yun said with a low smile, "you say it's boring. You can do something else by the way."

Zhuo Qing smiled bitterly: "you want to talk nonsense again."

"I didn't, I just thought 'Sunset' was really good." She heard it clearly in the flower hall just now!

This woman really remembers revenge! Decided not to talk with her, thinking of the matter of Qianjing, Zhuoqing said seriously: "there is one thing, I want to ask you for help."

Gu yunshuang quickly replied, "say."

"The guard of the general's mansion was killed by a man named Qian Jing. I'm not sure about the specific situation. I'll look for an opportunity to have an autopsy. I hope you can help me to find out if he is the real killer in this matter. " Gu Yun investigated the case with clear logic, careful mind and meticulous observation. She trusted her ability to handle the case.

"I pretended to be dizzy for two days. I didn't know it happened." The astute eye swept Zhuo Qing's worried face and Gu Yun asked, "why do you want to help him?" It's not like a normal case.

Cloud is still as keen as before. Zhuo Qing doesn't plan to hide it. He replies: "he has saved my life twice. I owe him a favor. And I don't mean to help him now. If he is guilty, I have nothing to say. If he is not guilty, you don't want a person to die in vain, do you? " It is not only her work principle, but also the cloud's. she believes that the cloud will agree.

Sure enough, Gu Yun nodded and said, "I know."

Jingsa's low voice rang out at the door: "young girl, the royal doctor has arrived."

Zhuo Qing frowned and said in a deep voice, "I'm putting the needle in. Don't come in and disturb me."

Through the window paper, Zhuo Qing can see that Suyu is still waiting outside the hospital. They look at each other. Zhuo Qing says, "I don't think that Suyu can let you stay here. Later, I'll go out and say that you are awake, but you have to have acupuncture every week, or it will hurt your life, so we can exchange information once a week. In the present situation, we'd better not act rashly first. "

"Well, good." Gu Yun also thinks it's the best. After all, even if both of them escape now, it's useless. They will be caught soon.

"Be careful yourself."

"I will, and so will you."

Two people tacitly look at each other with a smile, just a light mutual way careful, nothing more.

Gu Yun put the used cup in the original shape, put the empty plate in his hand into the partition under the round table, and cover it with a tablecloth.

After watching Gu Yun busy for a while, he quickly went back to the track bed and lay down. Zhuo Qing laughed low. Yun was really cautious.

Gu Yun makes an OK gesture to her. Zhuo Qing goes to the door and opens it.

"How is it?" Zhuo Qingcai just walked out of the door, and Su Yu had rushed over with an arrow. Zhuo Qing's eyes flashed with anxiety. It's not like an uncle's attitude towards his sister-in-law!

Cover the pure light in the eyes, Zhuo Qinghui