A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 46

Looking at that road can be regarded as the back of running away from the desert. The building's setting face and lips are flying. Linger, where are you going to escape?!

This fight, Zhuo Qing gorgeous complete defeat.

Out of the sight range of the building sunset, Zhuo Qing finally slowed down, what did she run? It's a shame.

Depressed mood makes Zhuo Qing a little careless. When she enters the front hall, Shan Yulan puts down the cold tea in her hand and stands up and says, "I'd venture to visit you. Please forgive me."

Ma'am? Zhuo Qing is blue again! At a glance, he asked directly, "what can I do for you?"

Zhuo Qing is open-minded. Shan Yulan doesn't go around much. She asks, "Shan has a question. She wants to ask madam Lou for advice."


"The fatal injury of the dead is that the weapon penetrates the chest and stabs the heart to death. What I want to ask is how many retractions will occur in the heart of ordinary people after death? How long does this retraction take place after death? If we want to compare the weapons, what should we consider? " I saw her anatomy that day. He couldn't calm down for a long time after he went back. She knew the human body to that extent!

As expected, it's about the autopsy. Zhuo Qing's heart slowly calms down because of the building's sunset. In contrast, she prefers the situation that she can control herself.

Zhuo Qing replied in a deep voice: "after death, the heart will shrink a little, but it is not obvious. If you want to do the weapon comparison, it's better to do it within 12 hours. Because after death, organs will appear autolysis, which will affect your judgment. If you can store people in an ice cellar, you can slow down autolysis and decay. "

Shan Yulan nodded clearly and replied: "I understand that other parts of the dead were also cut, but after inspection, it was found that the wound on the chest of the dead was a little different from the wound in other places. I hope to confirm the weapon through the double comparison of cardiac muscle and chest muscle."

"Well." Zhuo Qing suggested: "it's right. It's better to compare the cracks on the clothes. The clothes won't shrink."

As for the retraction of the heart muscle, Shan Yulan really didn't understand. He asked modestly, "can you make a judgment when I speak?"

Zhuo Qing shook her head frankly: "I can only give my opinion according to the situation of your oral statement. You must see the body to make the most accurate judgment."

But she can't go out now. She can't do the autopsy. After thinking about it, Zhuo Qing asked, "do you have the picture of the murder weapon?" To make such a careful comparison, the weapon must be a little special.

Shan Yulan takes out something wrapped in a veil from his sleeve and hands it to Zhuo Qing.

He really trusted her and brought the murder weapon.

Open the veil, there is a silver wobbly throwing knife inside. The blade is light and thin, about two inches long, with sharp double edges. It is shaped like a leaf. There is a depression in the middle of the blade like the vein of the leaf. This throwing knife is familiar to you.

Zhuo Qing's face changed slightly and asked, "is this weapon suspect's?"

Shan Yulan also saw that her face was not right, but she went back: "right."

"Is that man Qian Jing?" Although the throwing dagger is special, it's not necessarily the big one in the Jianghu! Zhuo Qing is lucky, but she knows that the chances are slim.


Shan Yulan's firm answer makes Zhuo Qing feel cool. It's really him.

Zhuo Qingliu frowns, and Shan Yulan secretly observes her expression, ponders for a moment, and asks, "do you know him?"

Zhuo Qing meets Shan Yulan's line of sight, nods gently and replies, "I've seen it twice. I just saw him play with it." She didn't lie, but these two times, Qian Jinggang saved her life, but she didn't intend to let Shan Yulan know. After all, if she was too close to the suspect, Shan Yulan would question her professional judgment.

While observing the thin blade in his hand, Zhuo Qing pretended to ask casually, "I heard that he was a bounty hunter. Was the dead a felon of the imperial court?" If it is a serious offense of the imperial court, it should not be a big crime to resist capture and be killed in the process of catching and avoiding.

Shan Yulan has been paying attention to Zhuo Qing's expression, and lightly replied, "no, the dead is the general's house's guard general."

General's house? How could it be related to the general's office? This case is only complicated. If the general's office refuses to let it go, Qian Jing will die even if there is any secret.

More worried about the situation of Qianjing, if you want to set up Dan Yulan, it's impossible. Zhuo Qing asked directly, "can you tell me the case?"

"I'm sorry."

As expected, Zhuoqing smiled and said, "it's OK. I understand. I want to see the body."

Shan Yulan didn't object to it, but said, "do you want to go now? I'm afraid the body won't last that long. " He had heard that one of the sisters of the Qing family went to the prison and the other was forbidden to go to the prime minister's house. He doubted that she could go out.

Of course not now! Zhuoqing is a little bored. Jingsa's tall figure reappears in the front hall. Zhuoqing looks up and asks, "what's the matter?" If it is OK, he will never appear in front of her.

There was no extra expression on his face. Jing SA said in a cold voice, "here comes the people from the general's office."

"What?" People from the general's office came to see her, too? Zhuoqing suddenly has a feeling of crying and laughing. It's really busy today.

When hearing the general's mansion, Shan Yulan's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything. He stood by silently.

The cold eyes swept Shan Yulan's calm face, and Jing SA didn't avoid it. He said directly: "miss qingmo fainted in the general's office. The doctor saw it, but she didn't wake up for two days. She said before that her disease was a stubborn disease that existed when she was a child. Only you can cure it. So now the people in the general's mansion have sent her to the Xiang mansion and are waiting in the flower hall. "

Green end? That rumor timid three younger sister, or Gu Yun! Zhuo Qing's heart is tense for no reason.

Shan Yulan bowed his hand slightly and said, "madam, if you have anything, please do it first. I'm leaving."

Shan Yulan was about to leave when Zhuoqing said in a low voice: "you put the body in the ice cellar first. I'll try to see it once these days." She doesn't believe that Qianjing will kill, at least not for no reason!

Shan Yulan hesitated for a while, and finally replied, "OK." Finish saying again arch hand, Shan Yulan out of the front hall, Zhuo Qing also can't wait to Jing SA said: "go to the flower hall."

If the end of Qing Dynasty is really Gu Yun, it's really God bless. What if it's not? She doesn't know what special medicine can cure the youth? Zhuo Qing went all the way, but her heart was in a state of turmoil. Soon, she had arrived at the flower hall.

"Are you green maple?"

Zhuo Qing's feet just stepped into the hall, and a male voice with arrogance and unruly sounded coldly.

Zhuo Qing looks up. The man is very young, less than 20 years old. His face is clear, his brow is proud, and his eyes are shining with persistent light. He has some momentum. Unfortunately, Zhuo Qing is disgusted with the impolite man.

Directly passing him, Zhuo Qing scanned the flower hall. In the middle of the flower hall, there was a shelf like a stretcher, with a small awning on it. There was a layer of gauze curtain outside. In the light gauze swaying room, you could see the figure of a woman. In addition to the young men, there are four strong men in strong clothes in the flower hall. Even if they do not wear armor, they will not be mistaken for the fact that they are soldiers.

Without seeing Su Ling's figure, Zhuo Qing frowns gently. It seems that the end of Qing Dynasty is not happy with Su Ling in the general's mansion. He has been in a coma for two days, but he doesn't show up.

On a pair of gentle eyes, Zhuo Qing some unnatural smile way: "the sunset you still?"

"I heard that your sister is ill. I'll come and have a look." It was only at last that he found out that he didn't work hard enough.

Facing the gentle eyes of the building's sunset, Zhuo Qing is embarrassed. The handsome man is indeed a disaster. The handsome and gentle man is a disaster! Is he dead in the hall?!

Obviously, Zhuo Qing's worry is superfluous. Several soldiers are not inclined at all, while the young man looks at Zhuo Qing thoughtfully and doesn't pay attention to the two of them.

Lou Xiyan gently raises her eyebrows. It seems that his "linger" is not used to his "gentleness". It doesn't matter. He will let her get used to it. Taking back his sight, Lou Xiyan looked at the young man beside him and said, "this is general Su Ling's third brother, general Su Yu."

Facing the men 's eyes of inquiry, Zhuo Qing nodded coldly, went directly to the stretcher, gently lifted the curtain, and saw the woman on the stretcher. Zhuo Qing had a flash of spirit.

Qingfeng and Qingling are very similar. Zhuoqing thinks that the end of Qingming should be the same. But seeing the woman in front of her, Zhuo Qing finally understands why she hasn't been mistaken. At the end of Qing Dynasty, there is a delicate face, full forehead, long eyelashes and small lips. The whole person looks small and incredible. Is she 15 years old?! This is a "loli" at all!

This person will be Gu Yun! Zhuo Qing thought of this and had a broken heart.

Even though her heart turned a thousand times, in addition to the initial surprise, her face was still that cold expression, and her hand pretended to be on qingmo's wrist. Zhuoqing observed that it was actually her face.

For Zhuo Qing's rudeness, Su Yu didn't care at all, because he was used to it!

At the first sight of this woman, he didn't believe that she was qingmo's elder sister, but after seeing her attitude, he believed. They are sisters indeed. They are equally arrogant.

Zhuo Qing takes back her hand and puts down the gauze. Lou Xiyan asks with concern, "how is it? Would you like to see some royal doctors? " Just now I saw a glimmer of confusion in her eyes. Lou Xiyan was worried that she had forgotten how to treat it.

Zhuo Qing shook her head and said, "it's OK. First, bring her into my room and prepare silver needles for me. It's really not good. It's not too late to ask the royal doctor again." She wants to take the chance to be alone with qingmo. If she can't wake up, please ask the royal doctor again!

After Su Yu nodded gently, the four generals lifted the stretcher. They walked to the star picking Pavilion. Qingmo was placed on Zhuoqing's bed. Zhuoqing turned around and said to Lou Xiyan, "go to help you, Xiyan. Let Jing SA stay and help me."

"All right." Without saying much, Lou Xiyan turns around and comes out to pick the star Pavilion.

Help qingmo to cover the quilt. Zhuoqing turns her back to Suyu who is standing outside the screen and says, "general Suyu, acupuncture will not be over for a while and a half. Why don't you go back to the mansion first? When she wakes up, I'll send someone to send her back. "

"Don't bother. You start to cure. I'll wait outside." Su Yu's firm voice is very loud.

Zhuo Qing turns ove