A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 45

Bored to death! When I used to work, it was harder to wait for a three-day holiday than to go to the sky. There are endless cases on hand. I wish I could sleep at home for three days and three nights. How difficult his case is! Now, she can sleep to death if she wants to, but she is not comfortable all over. Like thousands of insects, she begins to miss her life of less than six hours a day.

Seven days have passed since I returned to the palace that day.

Nothing happened, or she didn't know what happened.

Yan Hongtian didn't come to trouble her. Lou Xiyan leaves early and returns late every day. She can do anything in the Xiangfu, except going out.

But what can she do? There are almost no autopsy books here, and she is not interested in poetry, songs and Historical Biographies. Therefore, the way she spends her time every day is to stare at the vast lake in front of her eyes and be dazed.

"Hello, you usually live by your stupidity at home?" Clear and broad water area can really make people feel good, but please forgive her secularity, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be aesthetic fatigue after watching for a long time.

The floor Xi dance, which had been held for a long time by the gills, finally came back to her mind, and cried out in a low voice, "you are just dazed!"

OK, it's not daze, it's spring. Zhuo Qing chuckles, and finally someone talks with her. She doesn't want to run away with anger. Zhuo Qing asks modestly, "what do you usually do?" She's really curious. Every day she stays at home, what are they doing?

Lou Xi continued to hold her chin and said lazily, "there are so many things to do, such as practicing Chinese characters, playing chess and painting."

Oh --

Zhuo Qing couldn't help but praise: "I can't see that you are still a talented woman!" Sure enough, Miss Qianjin is not easy to be a girl!

Good hearted praise, but in return for Lou Xi dance's roar and protest: "you don't want to go too far, I know I'm not as talented as you, and I'm good at playing, chess, calligraphy and painting, but I don't need to be sarcastic!"

Zhuo Qing is stunned and laughs bitterly. She really doesn't have this idea! Because she can't do it all!

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhuo Qing replied innocently: "I lost my memory. I don't remember anything. I have forgotten all the talents you mentioned. They are far worse than you. How can they criticize you? "

"I" see her so calm self mockery, Lou Xi dance a little embarrassed: "I didn't mean to." She knew how much hard and hard it would take to practice her talent. Now she said forget and forget. She was very pitiful. She also exposed the pain of others. She really shouldn't!

To tell you the truth, she prefers the way that Lou Xi dances with her teeth and claws. Zhuo Qing quickly switches off the topic: "it's OK. Let's talk about something else."

Looking at her, Lou Xi asked, "what are you talking about?"

"I heard that you are familiar with the emperor?" Anyway, it's boring. It's better to take a chance to find out.

Lou Xiwu smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm not very familiar. When I was a child, I went to the palace with my brother to help my aunt. I often saw the emperor's brother."

"Last time I went to the palace, I thought he was fierce." Zhuo Qing groaned tentatively.

He nodded repeatedly, and the dancing heart of Lou Xi replied: "I also think that he has a bad temper. His anger scares people to death, but he seldom gets angry with my brother."

"Why? Because your brother and he are cousins? " She also felt Yan Hongtian's tolerance to the building's sunset.

Pouting, Lou Xiwu complacently replied, "no, he's so fierce to other brothers, of course, because my brother is smart and capable."


She thought she could know something about it. It seems that when she asked this girl, she would only sing praises to the sunset. After thinking about it, Zhuo Qing continued to gossip about another person: "do you know general suling?"

"He?" Lou Xi frowned, disgusted: "I don't know, but I heard that he is a cold, proud, self righteous guy."

"What do you say?" She saw that day when she was cold and proud. She didn't think she was right!

Lou Xi danced in a mysterious way and whispered, "in his eyes, women are just troubles and superfluous. Even more abnormal, there is no woman in his family."

"What? No way! " So there's no woman in the big general's house? Zhuo Qing asked incredulously, "there are always servant girls. Doesn't he have a mother, a sister, a wife, a concubine or something?"

Lou Xiwu firmly replied, "no!"

As expected, gossip is the most intimate social activity, no matter in any era! Just now, Lou Xiwu, who was still shouting to Zhuo Qing, leaned over and said in a low voice, "his father died in the early years of war, and his mother died later. There are only three brothers, all of whom have no wives, no maids, no mothers and only men. He is nearly thirty this year, so the emperor's brother will give him your sister! "

"No." Zhuo Qing is full of black thread, and this kind of person?! It's really abnormal. What about the green end in the pile of men?

Zhuo Qing inquired about two men in a row. Lou Xiwu finally responded with a clear look and a smug smile: "how, do you think you are very lucky in the end? Your three sisters have the best luck with my brother."

Again. Blind worship is not a good thing, but this time she does not deny her point of view, by contrast, Lou Xiyan is the most normal one!

The two chatted, and a tall figure appeared by the lake and walked steadily towards them.

Lou Xi pouted and turned his back angrily. Finally, he was willing to come to her! Hum!

Zhuo Qing coughed softly and said with a smile, "I'm thirsty. Go and have some water." She's not interested in making light bulbs.

Zhuo Qingcai got up, but jingsa came straight to her and said in a cold voice, "young girl, there is a visitor in the front hall."

"For me? Who? Zhuoqing is slightly shocked. She looks at the woman whose face is more smelly and her eyes are angry. Zhuoqing laughs.

"The punishment Department Shan Yulan."

He? What do you want to do with her? For the autopsy? Anyway, she is idle and bored. It's OK to meet him. Zhuoqing raises her feet and walks out of the yard. Jingsa follows her.

Just walked two steps, Zhuoqing stopped and said with a smile: "I'll do it myself. Xi Wu has a stomachache. Show it to her."

Jing Sa's eyes flashed, and Lou Xiwu could not help turning around and shouting, "where do I have stomach ache?"

"You drink so much vinegar all day. It's strange that you don't hurt!" Zhuo Qing walked out leisurely, laughing and joking all the way away, leaving louxi dancing with an embarrassed wringing dress.

Zhuo Qing guesses the reason why Shan Yulan is looking for her. In nine out of ten, it has something to do with the autopsy. That day, seeing his enthusiasm and dedication to anatomy, she knew that he would come to see her, but she didn't expect to come so soon.

Along the way, he walked slowly to the front hall. Not far away, a light blue figure came gracefully. From time to time, the Flower Shadow rockery blocked people's faces. It was only the tall body shape and leisurely temperament. Zhuo Qing had guessed who the man was, and called out with a low voice: "building sunset."

After a while, Lou Xiyan came to her with a faint smile.

"How are you at home?" Isn't he out early and back late these days?

Lou Xiyan didn't plan to answer this question, but coughed softly and said seriously, "ling'er, you don't think it's inappropriate to call me by my surname all day?"

What's wrong? Zhuo Qing thinks it's normal! However, seeing his serious posturing and the gooseflesh "ling'er", Zhuo Qing decided to come instead of being rude!

After pretending to think about it, Zhuo Qing said: "then I should call you Prime Minister Lou? "

"It's very polite."


"Too strange."

"Sunset?" In fact, she likes this name!


Lou Xiyan still keeps an elegant smile, but the corners of her mouth are obviously twitching. Zhuo Qing is in full bloom, keep on working hard!

"Yan'er?" Doesn't he like to add "Er" to others?


Lou Xiyan sighs, this ungrateful and mean woman, in addition to calling her, when did he call others so close? It turned out to be repugnant?!

Seeing his black line look, Zhuo Qing couldn't help laughing. She laughed recklessly, and Lou Xiyan was not upset. She only shook her head slightly with some helplessness, leaving her to make fun of her name. That kind of light doting, like the early summer breeze, warm, but also in the heart of the lake blowing a little ripples.

With a smile on his lips, Zhuo Qing asked generously, "sunset, are you going out?" Of course, she knows what he wants to call him. In fact, it's not difficult to call him "export". No denying it, she is quite satisfied with the call.

Lou Xiyan guessed that Zhuo Qing would call his name from the beginning, but he really heard her singing loudly, and his heart would lift a touch of unspeakable joy, just because of a "Xiyan"? It seems that he can't control his heart. In this case, he can't be the only one.

"Just come back and get something. I'll go out later." Finish saying, Lou Xiyan suddenly reaches out his hand, fingertips inadvertently across her neck, cool, some hemp. He didn't touch her, but Zhuoqing was stiff for no reason. He leaned forward slightly. Zhuoqing only felt that every cell in her body was becoming extremely sharp at the moment, and her hair was moving. His gentle eyes were staring at the back of her neck. Zhuo Qing knows that he must be arranging clothes for her, but the shuddering handsome face and the faint sandalwood smell on him make Zhuo Qing's heart jump uncontrollably.

After a while, he took a piece of leaves from her hair. Zhuo Qing wanted to cry without tears. It was an old-fashioned trick. If someone told her before, her heart would beat faster because of this, she would scold that person for being crazy, but what is she doing now?!

God, she's almost thirty! Under his gentle gaze, his face would be inexplicably hot! God knows that she has forgotten what is blushing and heartbeat eight or ten years earlier!

Let her die!

In Zhuo Qing's self flagellation, there is a funny smile at the bottom of Lou Xiyan's eyes. What is her expression? Even if she is not coquettish, she will not suffer so much, right?

Embarrassed cough, Zhuoqing dry smile: "then I don't delay you, Shan Yulan don't know what to look for me, I'll see."

Shantixing came to see her, he naturally knew. Without his permission, shanyulan could not see her, but Lou Xiyan pretended to be surprised and said, "is shantixing coming? Then you go. "

Zhuo Qing nodded and hurriedly turned to leave. The whispering voice of Lou Xiyan sounded again: "by the way, I asked the bookstore to send some medical books and put them in the study. If you are interested, you can have a look."

Did you buy it for her? The temperature of the building's sunset