A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 44

Lou Xiyan's calm face flashed a little flustered and frowned. Without the freshness and silence he had just had, he was worried by the premonition in his heart. Sure enough, when his shoulder sank, a big hand pressed heavily on his shoulder, and Yan Hongtian's laughter with some excitement and some joking sounded in his ear: "it's so interesting that you say you like something!"

Although he always wants Qingling, he is just a woman. If the sunset likes it, it's OK to send it to him. However, he is very interested in seeing what it looks like when the indifferent and cold sunset likes a woman.

It is almost midnight outside the palace. The moon is hazy. There is no gorgeous and noisy feast. Even in the inner courtyard of the palace, it is hard to resist the erosion of the night. The bleak moonlight, under the cover of precious trees, is still only the mottled moon mark. The cold night wind, some cold, but just blow people's brain clear.

In front of the inner hall, two women with similar body shapes look at each other. One looks excited, the eyes are full of sadness, the other looks embarrassed.

"Sister, do you really don't remember me?" Looking at her sister, who was missing for half a month, Qingfeng was as heartbroken as a knife. Her eyes were clear and calm. She could no longer see the past light doting and warm warmth.

"I" Zhuo Qingzhang mouth wants to say something, finally can only turn into three words: "I'm sorry." Although it is not her will to occupy others' bodies, it is an unchangeable fact.

In response to Qingfeng, Zhuoqing is more worried about the building sunset in the room. If she can't hear any sound, it means she doesn't know what's going on inside. Zhuoqing's heart is in turmoil.

Looking at Gao Jin, who is guarding the gate of the hall, Zhuo Qing is puzzled. Instead of handing them over to the guards, he asked them to stand in a corner and wait, so that they could talk. Is this his intentional act or unintentional loss?

"I'm sorry for you. If I didn't insist on killing myself, you wouldn't forget who you are." Elder sister's indifference to her is her own sin. She just thought of Qingling's loss when she woke up. Qingfeng blamed herself for losing her memory. How frightened should she be?!

Zhuo Qing returned to her senses. The woman in front of her did not have the stubbornness and coldness in the temple. Zhuo Qing couldn't look down on her self reproach. She said softly, "don't blame yourself too much. It has happened. What's important is that I'm still alive." Although it is no longer the same person.

Qingfeng still bowed his head, thinking that she had done such a stupid thing as suicide, Zhuo Qing reminded: "but suicide can't be done any more, only the weak will choose to escape and yield, you should not be such a person."

The weak will choose to run away with self destruction, right? It turns out that the integrity and pride she has been pursuing are actually the expression of cowardice!

Slowly raised his head, Qingfeng stared at the direction of the inner hall, and said coldly, "don't worry, I won't commit suicide, because it's not us!" It's the Hun Jun who killed their parents in the bright moon. He's the initiator!

Zhuo Qingwei was stunned by the hatred in her eyes. Qingfeng was upset by her anger. Fortunately, for a short time, she recovered as before.

"By the way, have you met my little sister?" Since she can even enter the palace, it should be easier to see her younger sister.

Zhuo Qing shook her head. "No."

Some disappointed and some worried, Qingfeng sighed: "that general doesn't look like a good man either. I'm afraid that little sister will be bullied by him. She is still so young."

"Don't worry. As a general, it's normal for suling to be cold and silent. Although he's not a Confucian general, he's not a rash man." For a short time, she felt that suling was a good person. She had the spirit of a military general and the demeanor of a civil servant. She didn't talk much in one night, but she paid attention to everything.

Such a man would not and would not disdain to embarrass a woman. Of course, if that woman is more fierce than a man, it is another matter.

Qingfeng is not so optimistic as Zhuoqing. She is timid in nature. They usually protect her and help her make ideas. Now she is alone. What should I do?! Why is their fate always controlled by people?!

Take a deep breath, afraid of elder sister's worry, Qingfeng repressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly as much as possible: "if later Lou Xiang can persuade the emperor to take you away, you can go with him immediately, which is better than two people locked in. And don't come into the palace to see me again. "

"Why?" She wasn't Qingling, and didn't plan to enter the palace again, but Qingfeng deliberately told Zhuoqing that something was wrong.

Qingfeng is slightly shocked. Does elder sister see anything? Tell yourself to calm down and shake your head gently. Qingfeng deliberately explained casually: "because the emperor has a bad heart for you, if you go out, it's better not to go back to the trap. You don't have to worry about me. I'll take care of myself. If your body recovers, let me have a message. "

No, her eyes twinkled and her expression was deliberate. She must have other plans in her heart. She didn't know what she wanted to do. Zhuo Qing could only admonish: "Qingfeng, think twice before you do anything. It's never good to act impulsively."

Zhuo Qing's acuteness and sharpness surprised Qingfeng. Is this really her elder sister? Does amnesia really make people change so much? Is her change good or bad?

Qingfeng is still confused. The startling male voice in the hall rings again: "come, bring them in."

Gao Jin looks at them. They don't make it difficult for him to do it. They walk to the inner hall obediently.

Entering the palace, Zhuo Qing immediately found that the atmosphere was not right.

Yan Hongtian's face is no longer dark, but there is a suspicious smile between her eyebrows, and her eyes become more strange, which makes her goose bumps more than just pure possession and anger.

But Lou Xiyan's expression is still indifferent, and her eyebrows are full of helplessness. What did they talk about just now?

"Sister Qingjia, I will give you a conclusion after I have verified your identity exchange. In view of the fact that Qingling may lose his memory and be excusable in this matter, I will allow Louxiang to take you back to the Xiangfu to take care of you. Before the truth is clear, he shall not leave the mansion. "

Yan Hongtian actually agrees that she and Lou Xiyan go back to the mansion?

What the hell is this? What did Lou Xiyan do to change Yan Hongtian's decision?!

She's curious.

Looking at Qingfeng, Yan Hongtian snorted coldly: "as for Qingfeng, even if it is the mistake of Haoyue officials to send the wrong person, you have a clear mind. After entering the palace, you are still pretending to be the substitute. The criminal has deceived the king, and you will immediately enter the prison. After the truth is found out, you will be convicted again."

Go to jail!

Qingfeng seems to have been prepared. He takes a deep breath and stands proudly, neither begging nor crying.

It'll be called prison. It's not a good place! Although she and Qingfeng have no sisterhood, they admire her in their hearts. Can't you really save her? Zhuo Qing thought, and the voice of the building's sunset was low: "the emperor is wise, and the minister is gone."

"Well." Gently waving, Yan Hongtian didn't really embarrass them.

"Go." Holding Zhuo Qing's hand, Lou Xiyan gently shakes her head. Zhuo Qing knows that she can't act rashly. It's not easy for Lou Xiyan to rescue her. Looking back at the thin woman standing straight on the main hall, she just turned back.

With a smile to Zhuo Qing, Qingfeng turns her head and stops looking at her. She needs to bear the next thing alone.

Yan Hongtian, you'd better not let me live, otherwise -

Zhuoqing is led away by the building sunset. What lingers in her mind is the bright and short smile of Qingfeng like fireworks. Zhuo Qing realized for the first time that there are too many helplessness in this strange world.

The carriage finally left the palace and headed straight for Xiangfu. The speed was a little fast and a little bumpy.

In the car, Zhuo Qing looks at the thoughtful building sunset beside her after she boarded the carriage. She still feels guilty. If it wasn't for her, he didn't have to offend Yan Hongtian. After all, it was the emperor.

Zhuo fine low voice sighs a way: "you want to ask what ask."

Lou Xiyan returns to her mind, looks at her, chuckles and says, "you have lost your memory. Can I still answer you?"

"I can't." She has so many things that she can't explain to him. Lou Xiyan shrugs her shoulders gently. She has such an expression that why she should ask more questions, but she has to turn her head. Zhuo Qing cries again, "Lou Xiyan, I want to ask you some questions."

Lou Xiyan looks at her quietly, waiting for her to ask.

"How long will Qingfeng be locked up? According to your understanding of Yan Hongtian, what will he do with her? " When she left, Qingfeng's smile always worried her heart. If something happened to her, she would not be at ease.

"Go back and forth to the dome for at least half a month. If things can be found out and released, you can come out half a month later. I don't know what punishment she will be punished for. " Yan Hongtian always works by mood. He doesn't know how he was at that time? Maybe Qingfeng will die, maybe he will be sent, or maybe he will stay in the palace.

What a terrible thing it is to stay in prison for half a month. Zhuo Qing hesitated for a long time and said, "I know this request is a bit difficult for you, but I still have to say it."

Looking at her embarrassment and guilt, Lou Xiyan already knew what she was going to say, and smiled back: "I will do my best to make her better in prison."

The thoughtfulness of Lou Xiyan makes her appreciate: "thank you."

Shaking his head gently, Lou Xiyan replied, "I can't help you, after all, she is in the palace."

Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Qing said in a low voice, "I thank you for taking me out of the palace." Facing a man like Yan Hongtian, it takes too much courage. She admits that she is afraid. When Lou Xiyan takes her hand and leaves, her heart beats fast, maybe because she is moved, maybe because she is out of danger, or maybe because she is moved.

Lou Xiyan's mind was heavy. Zhuo Qing closed her mouth wisely. She leaned her head against the window, closed her eyes and mind, and didn't disturb him any more.

The crimson and purple light curtains are draped over the screen, and the night wind blows slowly, creating ripples. The faint smell of incense candle is diffused in the room. The thumping sound of wooden fish is heard in the middle of the night, especially clear. It can be seen that a woman in the curtain is kneeling on the brocade Pu Tuan, tapping the wooden fish with one hand and plucking the red sandalwood Buddha beads with the other hand.

The old mother stood before the gossamer, hesitated whether to go in or not, hesitated for a long time, or did not dare to make a sound, just about to turn around and quit, a slightly intolerant female voice sounded: "what's the matter?"

The old mother hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully, "today the emperor has a dispute with Lou Xiang."

Woman's eye