A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 43

Finally, Yan Hongtian let go, Zhuo Qing fell and sat on the ground, breathing hard.

No longer looking at Zhuo Qing, Yan Hongtian turns around and sits down at the long table in front of the palace. "Come in," he says in a loud voice

Lou Xiyan walked steadily. Seeing Zhuo Qing's torn clothes and obvious five finger marks on her neck, she didn't say much. She just walked to Yan Hongtian and said, "see the emperor."

Zhuo Qing finally recovered some strength, struggled to stand up and looked up. Lou Xiyan didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He was just in front of her, blocking Yan Hongtian's compelling vision.

Looking at the building sunset, Yan Hongtian's face is a little complicated. Without the tyranny of Zhuo Qing, Yan Hongtian asks calmly, "sunset, have you seen the stabbing words on her body?"

It's over!

Zhuo Qing shouts in secret!

Yan Hongtian's move is so Yin. If Lou Xiyan says he didn't see it, he will guess that she may be lying. She didn't lose her life in Lou Xiyan at all. If Lou Xiyan is more intelligent and wants to help her when she hears the sound outside, she says that she saw the word "stab". In this way, Lou Xiyan knows that she is a green spirit and still wants her, which is not a bully?!

Zhuo Qing is worried and can't have any expression on her face, because Yan Hongtian's black eyes are staring at them coldly. They don't have eye contact. Zhuo Qing's heart is half cold.

Lou Xiyan ponders for a while, slowly looks up, slightly embarrassed replies: "the sky is too dark, the minister did not see clearly, only vaguely sees the chest as if there are words."

Zhuo Qing is shocked. How could he answer that? Coupled with his cramped voice and expression, Zhuo Qing almost thought that he and he had really happened.

Although Yan Hongtian's hand is behind her, Zhuo Qing clearly hears the sound of his clenching his fists and clucking his knuckles! His face is as bad as a punch. Zhuo Qingzhen wants to laugh three times. Lou Xiyan is a genius!

In my heart, I praised Lou Xiyan well. Zhuo Qing suddenly thought of a doubt. She didn't know that there was a word on her body. How could Lou Xiyan know that there was a word on her body, or that it was on her chest?

Zhuo Qing is still struggling with this problem, Yan Hongtian's impatient voice whispers: "come on, throw me another woman named Qing."

Qingfeng is rudely pushed into the palace by the bodyguard. After a few steps of staggering, he finally stands firm. Looking up, he sees Zhuo Qing's disorderly clothes. Qingfeng's eyes are angry immediately.

Yan Hongtian's eagle like sharp eyes are tightly fixed on the green maple and asks, "who are you?"

There is no hesitation, Qingfeng cold spit out two words: "Qingling." She won't let her delicate sister stay in the palace where people eat people!

How dare she lie, a woman who is not afraid of death! Yan Hongtian's voice trembled unconsciously when Zhuo Qing heard it. "I'll give you one last chance. Do you want to tell the truth or lose your head?"

His face was still white, but there was no retreat in his eyes. Qingfeng insisted on his stubborn reply: "I am Qingfeng..."

The neck is still burning. Zhuo Qing absolutely believes that the man is not joking. If the stubborn woman insists that she is Qingling again, the next moment waiting for her is death! Zhuo Qing hurriedly stepped forward, interrupted her, and said to Yan Hongtian, "you know I'm Qingling just now. Why bother her?"

She is Qingling! Just outside the palace, he had carefully thought about what happened tonight. He had already guessed the answer. The eyes of the building's sunset were dim, and he watched the change silently without saying a word.

"Now you admit that it's your plan to change your identity and enter the palace?" She'd better not give him any amnesia!

Unfortunately, Zhuo Qing didn't feel his voice and still replied: "I've explained that I've been drugged by the escorted official for half a month. I've been in a coma all the time. After waking up, I found that I have a lot of things that I can't remember. I can't even remember who I am. They all said that I am Qingfeng, I would think that I am Qingfeng, and I will enter the palace today, because I am eager to see my sisters and find out who I am? What happened? " These words are for Qingfeng and Lou Xiyan. She is not Qingling. There are many things she can't explain at all. Amnesia is the best excuse she can use.

As expected, Yan Hongtian was furious again and shouted, "don't fool me with amnesia. If you can still talk about the way of autopsy in the hall and help solve the case after amnesia, what else can you do?"

Amnesia is not an idiot! Zhuo Qing wanted to roll her eyes, but now it's not the time. She sighed innocently. Zhuo Qing replied, "I just lost my memory and forgot a lot of past events, but the autopsy methods are just like eating and writing for me. I just can't remember who gave me these things." In a word, all things that can't be explained are put on amnesia!

"What a memory loss!" Angry extremely anti smile, Yan Hongtian looked to green maple, cold hum way: "you also want to say that he lost memory?"

"I don't lose my memory. I remember who I am." Remember more clearly, who killed their family and their sisters!

One of them lost memory and the other just pretended to be the substitute. They cooperated very well! Yan Hongtian said with a sneer: "go on, I'll see what else you can make up!"

Thinking about the past, she said she was going to destroy her appearance and commit suicide. She was stubborn and selfish, not only failed to achieve her so-called integrity, but also hurt her sister and sister. This time, it's her business that she wants to retaliate to Yan Hongtian. She must not let her amnesiac sister get hurt again.

Put away the grumpiness in the words, Qingfeng explained: "we don't want to deceive anyone. At that time, my sister stood in the middle in order to catch my sister's hand. When I was rescued by the escorted officials, I was hazy. I heard that they said that I was Qingling and still alive. Later, as my sister said, I was drugged every day. When I was awake, I was already in the palace. After that, they all died and didn't want to live. I would smash you with a vase yesterday. The reason why I insist that I am Qingling is that the person the emperor wants is Qingling. I was sent to the palace from that moment on. No matter who I was, I am Qingling now. "

That building looks good to her sister. She is at ease with her sister.


She even tried to escape him by committing suicide! Is all this really the so-called wrong?!

The cold light from Yan Hongtian's eagle eyes almost makes Zhuoqing a hole, which is enough to prove that he is in a rage at this time. Inside the hall, once again, there was silence.

For a long time, the silent Lou Xiyan suddenly stepped forward and whispered, "the emperor is calm, can you listen to me?"

"Say." Yan Hongtian is always polite to the building sunset.

"It will happen that the officials of Haoyue mistook their sisters and sent them to the wrong place. It has happened. No matter who they are, it is too late to change them back. Today, I want to ask the emperor to marry me. I want to give this woman to my wife. "


Yan Hongtian's hands beat hard on the long table and made a loud noise. Not only everyone in the hall was shocked, but even Gao Jin, who was outside the hall, was shocked.

He's going to marry her!

As soon as the words came out, Yan Hongtian was furious, Zhuoqing was stunned, and Qingfeng lost his mind for a moment

"You just said, you want to marry her?" In the dead hall, Yan Hongtian's small voice seemed particularly cold. Zhuoqing and Qingfeng took a look at each other, unconsciously swallowing their saliva. Only Lou Xiyan was still respectful and calm, as if he didn't see Yan Hongtian's angry look. He calmly replied, "yes."

Staring at Lou Xiyan, Yan Hongtian didn't have the good face he had just had. He said angrily: "Lou Qing's family, you are the Prime Minister of our dome. She is a woman who pays tribute from a small country and doesn't deserve to be your wife at all. If you are really in a hurry to get a wife, I will marry you and princess Chaoyun at once. They are good-looking and talented. "

"Princesses and princesses have always abided by the way of kings and princesses, and dare not think of non separation." He will ask for marriage. The first reason is Qingling. The second reason is that Yan ruxuan has married as soon as possible, so that she can stop thinking about it as soon as possible.

Yan Hongtian said coldly, "I will only marry you and Xuaner. As for the two of them, they will exchange identities, cheat you and make up a mess. They should be put into prison!"

"Emperor Mingjian, what they said is not necessarily a lie. As long as they send people to Haoyue to prove with the officials who escorted them one by one, we can naturally know whether what they said is true. Minister and Qingling live together for half a month. We also believe that she is not that kind of person, and hope that the emperor will see clearly."

"After checking what they have said, we will make a decision. We will put them in prison and wait for verification." It's absolutely necessary to check him. Yan Hongtian can't tolerate any deception and teasing. What they say is best true, or he will let them know the consequences of cheating him! But until then, they had to stay in jail.

Zhuo Qing didn't show too much fear, and Qingfeng was also stubborn. On the contrary, there was a trace of worry under the eyes of the building's sunset.

"I implore the emperor to allow Qingling to go back to the mansion with me. I will not let her out of the mansion until I find out whether what she said is true." The place of the prison will be unforgettable for all the people who have been there. Even if they come out from behind, they will not be the original one.

Lou Xiyan is calm all the time, and there are few waves on his face. But he keeps talking, and Yan Hongtian's eyes are more and more condensed.

What happened to Lou Xiyan today? Although Zhuo Qing was moved by his strong protection, she was still worried about him. After all, the Emperor didn't look very easy to provoke. Qingfeng is extremely satisfied with this prospective brother-in-law. Unexpectedly, the man who looks warm and soft has such courage. He can let his sister rely on him! But hesitant to look at the top of that terrible man, building sunset will not live today.

Fortunately, they did not expect the scene of blood splashing on the spot, Yan Hongtian coldly took back his sight and cried, "Gao Jin."

Has been guarding outside the temple, has long been a sweat into the high way back: "I am in."

"Take them outside the palace to wait. I have something to discuss with the prime minister."

"Yes." Gao Jin quickly opened the door, drove them out, and hurriedly closed the door.

Yan Hongtian came towards the sunset of the building. Two men stood opposite each other in the main hall. One was as fierce as the sun in the sky, and the other was as calm as the sea and the moon.

Long time