A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 42

Zhuo Qing and Lou Xiyan walk side by side. There is nothing wrong with Lou Xiyan. She lowers her head and hides the complicated light in her eyes. She takes them around the main hall and heads for the inner hall behind. After winding around for a while, the three people stopped in front of a palace smaller than the main hall. The inside of the palace was lit with candles, but the door was closed.

Zhuo Qing looks up, but accidentally sees Qingling disappearing from the main hall. She is under the care of a bodyguard. The two eyes met for a while, she saw many questions in Qingling's eyes, but she could not and did not know how to explain, because she was not her familiar sister.

"The emperor has an order to promote Qingling into the palace." Gao Jin's voice doesn't sound as sharp as that of a eunuch.

Qingling took a deep look at her and walked straight to the open door of the hall. Zhuoqing was still wondering about the complex meaning revealed in the eyes just now. Suddenly, there was a loud crack of porcelain in the hall.

She and Lou Xiyan are standing on the flagstone road outside the hall. They are far away from each other. They can't hear what is said inside, but the loud noise is enough to show that the atmosphere inside is absolutely dignified.

Zhuo Qing is still worried about Qingling. The door suddenly opens from the inside. Qingling is helped out by Gao Jin, but there is no harm on her. She is so white that she gives Qingling to the guard. Gao Jin comes straight to Zhuo Qing.

"Young girl, please follow me to the hall." Zhuo Qingyi Leng, dare the emperor to attack one by one?!

As Zhuo Qing thought, Lou Xiyan did not speak, Gao Jin said respectfully: "Lou Xiang, the emperor only Xuanqing girl enters."

Zhuo Qing frowns, and it's difficult to interrogate her alone. Lou Xiyan taps her shoulder and says with a soft smile, "go ahead, I'll be outside."

Zhuo Qing raises her eyes and welcomes his clear and calm eyes. This sentence is common, but it makes her feel safe in her heart. Maybe she should thank God and let her meet him after crossing.

It's just that, who let her use someone else's body? It's useless to escape from some things. With a smile of relief and no hesitation, Zhuo Qing turns around and goes to the palace. She walked firmly, and naturally didn't find out. After she turned around, Lou Xiyan's soft smile froze on her lips, and her tiny eyes made people can't see what he was thinking at this time.

Zhuo Qing stepped into the hall, Gao Jin did not come in together, but stood outside the hall and closed the door.

Zhuo Qing continues to walk forward. There are pieces of porcelain scattered on the ground. Although there is no spacious hall here, it is much larger than the ordinary meeting room. Zhuo Qing looked up and saw the man standing in the middle. His dark gold jade crown has disappeared, and the bright yellow dress has been replaced by him. His black robe and brocade clothes, cold eyes and cold face, and fluctuating chest show that his mood is not stable at this time. Even if the candle in the hall is not too bright and his expression is not clear, Zhuo Qing has already deeply felt the oppressive and restrained atmosphere of this man.

Stop, Zhuo Qing no longer forward, slightly lowered his head, intend to come to a constant change, not to see the heart.

Both of them were speechless, and there was a dead silence around them. They only heard Yan Hongtian's slightly murky breathing sound. Zhuoqing remained the same. She bowed her head and said nothing, but Yan Hongtian didn't have the patience.

"Look up." At the same time of the low roar, Zhuo Qing felt only a pain in her chin, and a big palm held her mandible tightly without pity, and raised her head: "do you think that you can avoid me if you enter the palace with another person? As I said three years ago, you can only be my woman in this life. "

The low voice is not high, but it is enough to make the listener palpitate. The blazing and restless in his eyes make Zhuoqing's heart tremble slightly. This man has a strong aggressive and possessive desire. Although his chin is very painful, Zhuo Qing is still silent. Before she can figure out what's going on, she'd better be silent. He doesn't need too much force to strangle her.

Zhuo Qing's silence also enraged Yan Hongtian: "how? Just now you were in the temple, can you say good things and infinite scenery? Are you dumb now? "

Zhuo Qing could feel Yan Hongtian's hand slowly tightening with his anger. After thinking about it, Zhuo Qing cautiously replied, "I have nothing to say. Qingfeng entered Xiangfu, but he acted according to the emperor's will."

"Good idea!" Zhuo Qing's voice just fell. Yan Hongtian's anger was completely fierce. He almost gnashed his teeth and shouted: "I'm letting Qingfeng go to Xiangfu, not you Qingling."

Qingling?! Regardless of the pain in her chin, Zhuo Qing is shocked. Is she Qingling? Impossible?!

Zhuo Qing's mind suddenly flashed Qingling's complicated eyes. No, if she was Qingling, then that woman was Qingfeng just now?

No wonder yanhongtian was so strange when she saw her. He had never made a mistake. What he wanted was Qingling!

God, she's really going to faint! No, she needs to calm down!

Staring at the calm and cold woman in front of her eyes, Yan Hongtian suddenly sneered: "I didn't see it three years ago, but you are also a powerful role. You can persuade your sister to enter the palace on your behalf. You can bewilder the sunset in such a short period of time, and the autopsy will solve the case. It's amazing."

Take a deep breath, calm down, Zhuo Qing insisted: "you recognize the wrong person, I am Qingfeng, not Qingling." Everything is his one-sided words. What if he is testing her?!

She doesn't admit it, does she? OK, then don't blame him.

Yan Hongtian's eyes flashed with a sneer and a murmur. Zhuo Qing's heart was cold. She seemed to annoy him.

Sure enough, Yan Hongtian holds her jaw in one hand, yanhongtian Yanks her lapel in the other hand -

hiss -

a cool chest, Zhuoqing can't bow her chin, but the sound of cloth breaking accompanied by the pain of her right shoulder, you can guess that she is nearly naked at this time.

Although she was still wearing her inner pocket, which was similar to the modern open back dress, and didn't expose much, Zhuo Qing felt unprecedented humiliation. She looked coldly at the proud man with a few in front of her. Zhuo Qing said in a cold voice, "what else do you want?" If he thinks that she will become his woman, she will let him know how stupid she is.

"Are you shy?" Looking at Zhuoqing's graceful figure, Yan Hongtian seems to enjoy the indignation and humiliation in Zhuoqing's eyes. The hand relaxed a little bit of strength way, slowly slide to her back neck, pull her over, one hand around her waist, one hand around the back neck and rub her earlobe, low with a few dumb whisper: "you are destined to be my person, don't be shy!"

Two strong big hands tightly around her chest, Zhuo Qing's hand is horizontal between them, pushing him away with all his strength. Unfortunately, her weak strength is like a mantis arm to block the car, and their bodies are still tightly attached.

His body is very hot, hands on his chest, strong heartbeat from the palm wave by wave, Zhuoqing can feel his restless breath.

"You" Zhuo Qing also wants to try to communicate with him. It turns out that a man who has an estrus doesn't need to communicate! Yan Hongtian kisses her lips with his domineering heat. Zhuoqing feels dazed and dizzy for a moment, but the heat on her chest makes Zhuoqing wake up immediately.

Yan Hongtian's hand did not know when she stroked her right chest. Zhuo Qing struggled hard. After several times, she finally knew that she could not break away. Zhuo Qing bit his unbridled lips and tongue. She bit mercilessly. Yan Hongtian snorted, and soon she tasted the smell of blood.

When Zhuoqing was about to take another bite, Yan Hongtian let go of her. Zhuoqing hurriedly backed away. After a few meters from him, he stopped and stared at him on guard. Finally, Zhuo Qing can breathe hard. She is so hot because of his trouble!

With the thumb gently wipe away the blood mark on the corner of the mouth, Yan Hongtian even smiled: "you are really strong." She was very different from when he first saw her, but he still preferred a stronger woman and it was interesting to conquer her.

His eyes swept Zhuo Qing's right shoulder. Yan Hongtian's eyes were dim again. He said in a cold voice, "now dare you say that you are not Qingling?" In the past few years, he has already checked her affairs clearly, and naturally knows the words on her shoulder. This time, he saw how she would deny!

What do you mean? He gave her a kiss, which means she is Qingling?!

Yan Hongtian's eyes were fixed on her right shoulder. Zhuoqing's head bowed in wonder. A little red letter appeared near her chest from the bottom of her right shoulder, which scared her. Instead of being scared by the word "spirit", she didn't understand how there was a word on her right chest. She felt it with her hand. Her skin was smooth. After a while, the word became lighter and faded, and finally disappeared.

What is the principle?! Zhuo Qing is still in shock. Yan Hongtian also sees something wrong. She sees the marks she has had since she was a child. Why is she so surprised?

Yan Hongtian gets close again, and finally makes Zhuo Qing return to her mind. Now is not the time to study Chinese characters.

Step back, Zhuo Qing cried: "wait! I have something to say! "

Yan Hongtian really didn't come forward, just looked at her coldly.

Zhuo Qing's brain flies. This body is Qingling, but does she appear in Xiangfu? How to explain how to explain?

In a flash of inspiration, Zhuo Qing raised her head calmly, and said with a dazed and confused face: "on the way here, the officials escorting us were afraid that our sisters were dishonest. They took medicine every day, and they were unconscious for most of the month. After I woke up, I forgot a lot of things. Everyone said that I was Qingfeng. There was a word on my shoulder. I didn't know it at all. I really didn't have any impression of what you just said. "

"Amnesia?" Yan Hongtian laughed: "Qingling, Qingling, you really think that I can be played by you between your hands!"

Who is playing now?! She is the one who has been put together, OK!

Although playing "amnesia" is really stupid! But what else can we do?!

"If you don't believe me, there's no way. What I said is true. You can go to inquire the official of Haoyue." She didn't lie about the medicine. With her head down, Zhuo Qing said politely as much as she could: "there must be something wrong in the middle, but since I have entered the gate of Xiangfu, I should stay beside Lou Xiyan."

So she didn't want to be around him? She planned everything, didn't she, amnesia? She really thought he couldn't find the bright moon?! In the world, nothing can hide from him!

Leng Xiao looks at her pretending to be cute. He can be sure now that politeness is not suitable for her at all. Step by step approach Zhuo Qing, Yan Hongtian Leng hum: "it seems that you forget your identity, you are not qualified to choose! You think sunset knows your identity, your deception, he,