A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 41

Take a careful look at the bracelet. It's very beautiful. Inside and outside, there are thin and dense gaps. The bracelet is a little thick and feels heavy. It's not impossible to use it as a concealed weapon. Gently press the gem on the top, and no abnormality is found. Try to push the gem on the top, and the inlay is also very stable. Touch around the bracelet, and no mechanism can be protruded or sunken.

Hu xi'ang, with a cold face, cried, "enough to see. Give it back to me."

Isn't it really him? Shan Yulan is lost in meditation again. There are not many people in the second floor of the main hall. There are fewer people who can get close to the wine glass. There are no other silver threads or suspicious things in the glass, so Hu Xiang is most likely to poison when he picks up the wine glass.

But what does he use to make concealed weapons? If the bracelet is a concealed weapon, how can it be proved?!

Is there really no way?!

Is this bracelet a murder weapon?! Now there is no abnormality in the bracelet. How to prove that it is a concealed weapon?

Shan Yulan is holding the bracelet in his hand, and he falls into deep consideration and is silent. Hu xi'ang looked on coldly and said nothing but was eager to get back his bracelet.

Zhuo Qing chucked her sour feet and talked with Mo Bai casually, but in a loud voice: "I remember you said that the toxin of chihuan filariasis is unique to the kingdom of dome, which is different from other poisons, right?"

Ink white faintly felt Zhuo Qing had thought of a way, and should reply: "yes."

Zhuo Qing shrugged, looked at Hu Xiang, whose face had changed slightly, and said: "in this case, even if you can't remove the hidden weapons in the bracelet, as long as you can prove that there are enough toxins on the bracelet that are lethal to chihuansi, General Hu needs to explain them well."

Yeah! The killer chose such a special poison to frame the dome. Such uniqueness also makes it easier to expose himself. He only wants to find concealed weapons, but in fact, he can start from poisons! Another look at the bracelet in his hand, Shan Yulan's eyes brightened: "come, take a basin of clear water."


Soon, the palace maid brought up a basin of clear water. Shan Yulan put a silver needle into the water without any change. Then gently put the bracelet in the water, and soon, between the fine and dense texture of the bracelet, a light red silk slowly seeped out, and soon into the water. And the water originally silver white long needle, also slowly turned into black, the light salty smell and that cup of toxic wine is the same.

Push the basin gently to Hu Xiang, and Shan Yulan says in a cold voice, "General Hu can explain why the bracelet you wear with you carries the toxin of chihuan filariasis. You don't mean to say that it was wine splashing?" He didn't believe that he would use such a poor excuse.

Hu xi'ang's face was a little white, but he didn't see panic and didn't make excuses. He calmly replied, "this is the end of the matter. I have nothing to explain."

He admitted?! But what's the motivation? He will not kill a person for no reason, or the princess of his own country!

Obviously, xuxuxun was the most eager to know about this problem. He glared at Hu Xiang, and Xuxun scolded: "why do you do this? What's the good for you when the dome and the Northern Qi are doing evil?! General Hu has been loyal and loyal to his country and people all his life. How can you afford to do this to him? "

"Shut up, you Xu family are not qualified to mention my father's name!" Hu Xiang, who was calm and rational, suddenly seemed to be exploded. Xu Xun's words hurt the most sensitive string in Hu Xiang's heart. Hu xi'ang forces Xu Xun to take a step back with his big and big body and red eyes.

Staring at xuxuxus, with some irony, some unwilling, more full of anger and hatred, Hu Xiang snapped: "my father is too pedantic, unwilling to ally with Dinu, insisting on serving the court, insisting on the so-called integrity, the result? When he fought Dinu, what did you royalty do? He didn't send reinforcements, fastidious food and grass, so that he suffered from the enemy's back and forth, and finally died under the enemy's disorderly arrows. This is what you call loyalty and loyalty. You people only know how to fight in a scuffle. They will only show their hands and feet in the court, regardless of people's livelihood and hardship. No matter how hard the soldiers work, they are not worthy of my father's loyalty. "

Xu Xun's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and he could not believe that he asked: "so you killed seven younger sisters on purpose, broke the alliance between the Northern Qi Dynasty and the dome, and the two countries had a bad relationship, so that the Northern Qi could suffer from enemies, right?"

"You're right. I want to see you die! It's best to let you have a taste of the heart pierced by arrows! " Hu Xiang laughed almost madly. He was full of hatred of the whole body and mind, which made everyone take a breath unconsciously.

Hu xi'ang's madness makes people have a bad premonition. Yan Hongtian shouted loudly, "come, put Hu xi'ang in custody for the time being."

"Don't bother." Finally, the laughter stopped, with a hoarse voice. Hu Xiang seemed to be exhausted. He sighed lightly, "well, things have been exposed. I'll go to accompany the stubborn old man."

With that, he picked up the silver needle in the basin beside his hand and stabbed it hard into his temple

Everything happened so fast that when all the people reacted, his tall figure had fallen straight on the main hall.

Shan Yulan hurriedly went up to check. After a few convulsions, he did not move. His face was blue, his hands and feet were stiff, and his eyes were protruding.

Shan Yulan slowly got up and whispered back, "he's dead."

Another one?!

No one thought that a reception would turn out to be like this in the end.

Su Ling's eyes flashed a gloom. He had met General Hu and admired him very much. Hu Xiang didn't understand that maybe the royal family of the Northern Qi was really not worthy of loyalty, but General Hu not only guarded the royal family of the Northern Qi, but also the people of the Northern Qi.

There were three people in the line, but now he was the only one left. Xuxuxun felt sad and disgraced, for himself and for the Northern Qi Dynasty. Taking a deep breath, xuxuxun suddenly half knelt down and asked in a low voice: "it's the sorrow of the Northern Qi Dynasty that such a thing happened today. Therefore, for the misunderstanding, he asked Haihan, Emperor dome, to allow me to bring their bodies to the Northern Qi Dynasty."

Gently raised his hand, Yan Hongtian did not embarrass him, and said in a loud voice, "yes. Come, send the third prince back to the post house. Shan Qing's family, I'll leave it to you. "


Yan Hongtian then hurriedly got up and walked out of the hall. He never saw Zhuo Qing again from the beginning to the end. Zhuo Qing breathes a sigh of relief. Yan Hongtian is not to her! It is the various emotions revealed by Qingfeng that show that there must be a dispute between them, and she is not like to fall into such a tangled situation.

Zhuo Qing looks up again to the direction where Qingling is not far away, but only sees three eunuchs who are under custody with her. There is no shadow of Qingling in the hall.

Was it taken away by the queen?! Zhuo Qing is worried, but on second thought, even if she is taken away by the queen, what can she do? Unconsciously, Zhuo Qing's eyes turned to the building sunset, and did not want to collide with Princess Chaoyun's tearful eyes. In the dim eyes of tears, there is a thick sadness and a light resentment. Zhuoqing can't help frowning. She doesn't want to be the imaginary enemy of others. She takes back her sight. Zhuoqing goes around the building sunset and towards the outside of the hall.

Just as Zhuo Qing and he were passing by, their hands were intercepted. They felt cool. They didn't need to know it was him. Before Zhuo Qing turned around, they whispered softly in their ears: "wait for me in the carriage first, and I'll come soon."

Just after his voice fell, Zhuoqing didn't need to look back. She could already feel the sight behind her.

She can't go out of the palace by herself. Where else can she go without waiting outside? He must have meant it! Fortunately, he took her hand and sent it away. Zhuoqing was too lazy to talk with him, so that her explanation would not be seen as a show off or a flirt.

Zhuo Qing walked smartly, but Yan ruxuan's heart was very painful. Looking at Lou Xiyan and looking at the woman's side face, Yan ruxuan heard her voice shaking: "you Like her? "

Lou Xi Yan turned his head and said lightly, "it's not early. The princess should go back to the palace to have a rest."

"You like her?" She must know today! For so many years, she has had enough of such lukewarm treatment!

No waves were seen at the bottom of my eyes, and Lou Xiyan still said lightly, "I have just said above the hall, she is my wife."

Holding her fists tightly, Yan ruxuan did not choose to escape as usual, with a lump in her throat. Yan ruxuan insisted: "I just ask if you like her?" She just doesn't care what madam, what fame, she just wants to know, in his heart, who does he like?!

The girl in front of her eyes cried like a pear blossom with rain. Lou Xiyan made a manual move, and then slowly fell down. She simply replied, "yes."


Yan ruxuan's mind was blank for a moment.

He said yes?!

What he likes is not her

She can cheat herself when he doesn't have the right one. He still likes her, but now, how can she cheat herself?!

What should she do? She likes him so much! She liked him for a long time. In that colorful season, she was captured by the light and warm smile like a feather. Her heart was not hers since then. What should she do now?

Yan ruxuan looks dull and Lou Xiyan is worried. She is a good girl, but she is too fragile. This is the reason why he has been abiding by the etiquette of monarchs and ministers for so many years, alienated and indifferent, but dare not speak directly to her.

Yan ruxuan suddenly turned around and walked slowly towards the outside of the hall, like a walking corpse, so that Lou Xiyan could not help following her.

On the main hall, there were few people left. At the door of the hall, the girl who was close to the princess came up, and the building sunset stopped, watching Yan ruxuan go away. On the other side, Zhuo Qing's impatient voice said, "who are you?"

Lou Xiyan looks up, standing in front of her is the emperor's side of the body to serve Gao Jin.

Walking to Zhuo Qing's side, Lou Xiyan protects her behind her, pretending to be confused and asking: "what's the matter with Grandpa Gao?"

After a salute, Gao Jin said in a low voice, "the emperor xuanlou and the young girl enter the inner hall."

It's not over! Zhuo Qing has a black face. She is exhausted. What can't she say another day?!

Would you ask him to join her? Not necessarily. If you really want to invite him, why does Gao Jin go straight to Qingfeng? With his understanding of the emperor, he will not give up this matter, but he didn't expect to be so quick.

The setting face of the building is not profound,