A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 40

"Hurry up and get started." Finish saying, Zhuo Qing rate opened gauze curtain before, walked in.

Shan Yulan gently lifted the veil, Yan Hongtian walked in, Xu xusi later, Hu Xiang also wanted to go in, but was stopped by Shan Yulan. With his mouth turned, Hu xi'ang stood with the curtain on his back. He could still see the body on the ground.

Lou Xiyan takes a look at Su Ling around him and thinks he will go back to his seat. Who knows that he is actually the same as himself, standing outside the tent, looking at the situation inside with interest.

Look at the three people have stood, Zhuo Qing while wearing gloves to check the equipment, asked: "can we start?"

The corpse on the ground, lying stiff, with black and blue skin and protruding eyes, has no beauty at all. No one would have any other thoughts about such a corpse, but she would feel terrible and ferocious. She could also ask questions naturally and calmly. Yan Hongtian was a little admired by her.

Nodding slowly, Yan Hongtian replied, "let's start."

Zhuo Qing first cut from the throat of the dead man, and then slowly developed to the chest. The amount of bleeding was not very large, but the smell of blood was still on the whole hall. Seeing a man's chest cut open in front of him, xuxuxus felt a kind of uncontrollable nausea. It was his sister who was lying on the ground. Several times, he could not look down.

Zhuo Qing has been focusing on what should be done in her hands from the beginning to the end, dissecting and explaining it clearly so as to record it, just like she has done countless autopsies before.

"There was a small amount of effusion in the chest cavity of the deceased, which was black red in color. The surface of the two pleura adhered to the chest wall, the thymus was swollen, and the position of the organs in the chest cavity was normal. The heart is obviously dilated, the color of the myocardium is dark, there is a phenomenon of infarction, the wall of the aorta is smooth, the coronary artery is extremely hardened, there are a few bleeding spots on the endocardium, the myocardium is stiff, and the left and right ventricular muscles are hypertrophied. The kidney is black and blue, and the capsule is peeled off. Both lungs were atrophic, with brown red blood spots on the surface and black red color on the section. "

The pure and cold female voice sounded in the hall, and there was some horror with the smell of blood. There was no accident. Zhuoqing heard several obvious vomits. It was normal. Not everyone could bear it.

If we can do a spinal cord and cell test, it would be better to see the changes of the follicles and the red pulp. Zhuoqing sighed again that it would be inconvenient to have no equipment. Zhuo Qing's stomach is Fei in her heart. She is going to check the respiratory tract. A pair of white gloves are handed to her side: "change a pair, be careful of the poison in the blood."

Zhuo Qing looks up. Shan Yulan hands her the sleeve, but his eyes are staring at the body on the ground. Zhuo Qing is familiar with the hot eyes. It was the same when she started her work. She was very excited about every study. It seems that he doesn't have many opportunities to dissect.

Shan Yulan's heart beat very fast. He has done many autopsies himself, but this examination is so meticulous. He is also the first time, and her technique and understanding of the corpse are absolutely above him. He must ask where she learned from!

Zhuo Qing puts on new gloves and continues her work, but this time she moves slowly. She tries to make Shan Yulan see clearly in every step. "The esophageal mucosa of the deceased was free of corrosion and bleeding; the contents of the stomach were rare, a small amount of mucosa adhered, the stomach wall was free of bleeding, necrosis, perforation and other changes, and there was no abnormal smell."

After changing a knife, Zhuo Qing cut the side of the cranial cavity again, and continued: "there are many hematomas in the cranial cavity, which are centered on the pinhole part, with turbid blood color and salty taste."

After the inspection, Zhuo Qing finally looked up at the three men with different faces and said: "the heart, lungs and kidneys of the dead are obviously corroded by toxins, which can be judged as poisoning death. No trace of poison erosion was found in esophagus, stomach and other organs. The wine she drank was non-toxic. The cause of her death is the wound in the back of her brain. The venom enters the blood circulation directly through needle pricking, which causes myocardial paralysis and renal failure in a short time. Do you have any objections? "

"No." Shan Yulan was the first to respond. Yan Hongtian just nodded coldly. He was really shocked by her performance just now. In three years, she really changed. Xuxuxun nodded in a hurry and rushed out.

If there is no objection, then she can stop work!

Ignore them again, Zhuo Qing begins to sew the wound seriously, Yan Hongtian looks at her with complicated eyes, nothing to say, and out of the curtain, Shan Yulan also follows.

When Yan Hongtian returned to the Dragon chair, the empress was already frightened to clench her lips, and her breath was unsteady. Yan Hongtian frowned slightly and groaned, "if you are afraid, go back to the palace."

The empress finally got back to her mind and said with trembling: "my concubine I'm fine. "

Don't look away. Yan Hongtian looks down at Xuxun, who is still pale. He asks coldly, "the third prince, since the princess didn't drink the wine from my dome and died of poisoning, but was stabbed in the back of her head with a needle, what do you want to say?"

After the scene just now, Xuxun's heart was not recovered. Yan Hongtian asked him this question, which made him also couldn't help but ask in a cold voice: "the meaning of emperor dome is that Xiao Wang killed his sister?"

"Is it the third prince? Of course, we need to continue to check. But the third prince is the most likely person to do the case at present..."

Before Yan Hongtian finished speaking, Zhuo Qing looked at what she had just found in the curtain and said in a voice of surprise and sigh, "he should be the most unlikely person to commit a crime..."

You cold female voice interrupts him, Yan Hongtian's face turns black. Is this woman going against him? It was her own conclusion just now, and now she said that xuxuxus could not be the murderer?

Shan Yulan believes that Zhuo Qing will say that for his own reason, but the emperor's displeasure has been put on his face. Shan Yulan immediately asks, "since the dead man was stabbed in the back of his head, only three princes have approached the princess just now, why do you say that he is the most unlikely one to commit a crime?"

When she lifted the veil, Zhuo Qing came out with a porcelain plate and handed the things to Shan Yulan. Zhuo Qing replied, "because I found this when I was sewing the brain wound just now." It turned out that she thought the wound in the back of her head was directly stabbed in with a needle, but it wasn't.

"This is..." Shan Yulan looks at the porcelain plate. It's a bit thicker than the hair. It's about an inch long black thread. After a long time of careful identification, Shan Yulan hesitates and says, "this is a silver needle?"

Xu Xun also looked at it curiously. It looked more like poisoned silver thread.

Zhuo Qing nodded and asked, "who of you has the ability to pierce such a thin silver needle into the back of her head in such a close distance to the dead without hurting her skull?"

After looking around for a week, Zhuo Qing focused on suling, because no one in this hall has higher martial arts than his general.

Shan Yulan sent the silver plate to suling. Suling only looked at it, but did not frown. He said frankly, "I can't do it."

Zhuo Qing shrugged her shoulders. She didn't need to explain. She couldn't even do it by the general. Xuxuxun was even more impossible. If he shoots the princess with a concealed weapon, there is no need for him to run here so fast to attract suspicion, because Xu Yanyun who has been poisoned will surely die.

She's too confident and dazzling! Yan Hongtian asked aggressively, "so you know who the killer is?"

"I don't know." Zhuo Qing's answer is very straightforward: "all I can do is to do autopsy, not to solve the case, and then his work." She is just a forensic doctor, never thinking that she is omnipotent. Other generals admit that they can't do it. She is afraid of anything.

Zhuoqing retreats to the long table behind the building sunset, and wants to sit and rest for a while, but a bitter and penetrating look closely looks at her. Zhuoqing's back is cold. She forgets that there is a princess behind her!

Unwilling to return to his old position, he stood beside Mobai, leaning on the pillar behind her, Zhuoqing beat her legs, ignoring a group of people still in a daze in the hall.

Lou Xiyan shakes her head and laughs. She doesn't know that her folly is a kind of madness to others? With a slight cough, Lou Xiyan said with a light smile: "it's not difficult to find the murderer. It should have thought of who the murderer is to mention the punishment alone." This sentence successfully attracted the attention of all people to Shan Yulan.

This man really remembers his revenge. He just let his woman show off for a while! "Shan Yulan bite teeth of the way:" the building phase is really lifting the next officer

Fortunately, there were doubting objects in his heart. Shan Yulan held a porcelain plate in his hand, and a pair of sharp eyes swept through the crowd. The clear voice sounded in the hall: "if you want to shoot such a thin silver needle at the princess in the face of Manchu's culture and martial arts, the murderer must have a concealed weapon in his hand, and he must still be on the hall."

Who is it?

This is a question in everyone's mind. It seems that there are thousands of mosquitoes buzzing and buzzing in sosuo's discussion. They are upset and can't hear what is said.

Shan Yulan came to Hu Xiang and asked in a cold voice: "the wine the princess drank is not poisonous. From the moment the princess put down the glass to death, only general Hu touched the glass. Can you explain why the wine in your hand is poisonous? "

"What do you mean by that?" Hu xi'ang greeted Shan Yulan and shouted: "how can I know why the wine is poisonous? Since the murderer can kill the princess in the air, he may also poison her in the air, which makes the princess look like she died after drinking the poisonous wine. I was just in a hurry to know the cause of the princess's death. I went to get the glass of wine! So you decide I'm the killer? It's too much fun! "

"General Hu's words are reasonable, so it's really a little tricky to judge." Shan Yulan looked at his wrist, pretending to be puzzled and asked, "can General Hu tell me where the things you have been carrying on your wrist are now?"

Hu Xiang's bracelet is very special. He noticed it at the beginning, but after finding the silver wire, it disappeared for no reason. Isn't it strange?!

Shan Yulan has obvious doubts about Hu Xiang. Xuxuxun has already felt it, but he doesn't make a sound. Hu Xiang's back is slightly shocked and his eyes are dim.

After a while, he took out an inch wide bracelet from his pocket, which was inlaid with several precious stones. He replied quickly: "this is my mother's legacy, but it's just an ordinary bracelet. In our Northern Qi Dynasty, a man with a bracelet is a symbol of wealth and status. The third prince also has a bracelet in his hand. What's strange about that? I just kept the bracelet in my purse. "

Zhuo Qing raised her eyebrows gently. This man is not simple. Just now, he acted like a mang man in the hall. Now it seems that he is