A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 369

"At that time, the Xin family was in collusion with Liaoyue, and many courtiers were ready to move. I'm afraid that I can't protect your mother and son. If you are the emperor and son, the Xin family's various means emerge one after another. I'm afraid that you and your child are in danger. If you are a princess, you may still be safe if you are supported by the Lou family and the Su family behind you. If anyone in the world can be my son's father, only Lou Xiyan has the qualification. I feel at ease in handing over the child to him. " Both the East China Sea and the northwest border are in trouble. If you send troops to fight against them, you can protect the border, but the imperial city's 50000 garrison will be less than 10000. If you don't send troops, Liaoyue will take this opportunity to occupy our territory. In this way, how can the back dome dare to claim the title of "six countries".

Yan Hongtian's voice was smooth and soothing with a smile all the time. It seemed that the situation at that time was as light as he said. Qingfeng still saw the hidden bitterness from that smile. He even asked her to send her out of the palace. It can be seen that he also put his hand to the sword at that time. Qingfeng leaned into his arms and whispered, "I'm too selfish." At that time, she only thought about her own fear, but she did not think about his feelings as a father, nor did she understand his situation. The two of them, that's it. Will Yan Hongtian talk to her next time they encounter such a situation? Will she ask Yan Hongtian for help? Maybe... Still not

Qingfeng's rare softness. Yanhongtian holds her in her arms and caresses her long smooth hair. Suddenly, she feels that the sunshine in early spring is so beautiful that people are intoxicated. If it was after a cup of tea, Qingfeng was still motionless and allowed him to hold it. Yan Hongtian felt a little bit wrong. He looked down and saw that Qingfeng was leaning against his arms, but his eyes passed over his shoulders, staring at the red plum map on the stone table. He had no idea where he was flying.

The naked yearning in the beautiful eyes, she didn't hide it at all, stabbed Yan Hongtian's heart, held her shoulder and pushed her away. Yan Hongtian said coldly, "do you want to think of a palace?"

Qingfeng was stunned, but he was so keen and careful. Since he saw it, Qingfeng didn't want to hide it any more. "There are too many bad memories in this palace. There are not so many rules. I can often go to elder sister's and see Xi'er often. If you are free to visit our mother and daughter in another hospital, how good do you think we should be if we don't have the power and strategy and interest disputes in the palace, and we live some ordinary people's lives? "

A normal family again? He Yan Hongtian can have everything, but the life of ordinary people can never belong to him. The warmth on Yan Hongtian's face faded, and there was a flash of anger in her black eyes. The atmosphere between them seemed to return to the time when she first saw them. Qingfeng held back her eyes and laughed at herself. She was really talking about dreams. How could Yan Hongtian

A pain on her shoulder, Yan Hongtian has been holding her tightly in her arms, his breath suddenly occupied her senses, the short blank in Qingfeng's brain, when she came back to her mind, she only heard a sigh in her ear.

"You are really selfish."

Xin's family is full of murders, and Zhen Zhen Zhen is able to fight back. Although the emperor hasn't said to restore her title, she has been sent back to Lingyun palace. On that day, Mingze protected Fuling and Yanhan from being injured by a knife. When they returned to Yonghua palace for duty after half a month of cultivation, they already had a scene.

Yan Han has begun to learn, Zhen Zhen has taken care of all kinds of people. All the servants in Yonghua palace have been replaced. It seems that they are all Zhen Zhen's confidants. Fuling is no longer in Yonghua palace.

Mingze is watching by the gate of the palace. Somehow, he feels bored.

Where has she been?

The next morning, after Mingze and the bodyguard on duty in the daytime hand over, they are ready to leave. They see Poria coming with a basket. Their eyes are on each other, and they don't leave at once. After tuckahoe put the basket in, he quickly came out again. Seeing Mingze still standing by the door, he thought about it or walked over. "Is your injury better?"

Mingze some awkward "Er" a, because he has always been cold, tuckahoe did not care. After another silence, Poria said, "I will go out with the Lord in a few days. Maybe I won't have a chance to see you again, you Take care. " She didn't want to talk to him any more, but that day he saved her desperately, or he saved Prince Han, and she became amorous again, but she still appreciated him. Anyway, she was going to leave, which was Say goodbye.

"Are you going out of the palace?" Mingze himself didn't find out that the voice and tone of his always low voice seemed to be a little high.

"I should have been out of the palace." Two people silly stand, bright Ze forever silent, tuckahoe also don't know what to say, feel a little embarrassed, "still have a lot of things to clean up, I left first." Tuckahoe left as fast as he could. Mingze stared at her back. He felt uncomfortable for no reason. He couldn't tell why. Until three days later, Mingjian found him and asked: "the concubine qingniang must live in other courtyard of Shushan for cultivation. The emperor is worried about her safety. He is looking for a suitable person to protect her. You protected the concubine qingniang before, and then saved Hanhuang Ziyougong, if you go there, you should be able to go up three levels in a row, ranking in the top four. However, I still hope you can stay in front of the emperor, which is more beneficial to your career. What do you think? "

Mingze didn't think much. He said, "the palace is not suitable for me."

For Mingze's choice, Mingjian has no choice. This brother, it's not easy to talk to him well, sighed: "OK. Then go to Shushan other hospital. "

Shushan other courtyard, not bad. Mingze sweeps away the boredom in his heart these two days.

Outside the capital, Xiaoshan has gone from winter to spring, and the breath of spring has swept the earth with the fragrance of plants and trees. On the top of the towering Xiaoshan mountain, a woman in black is standing in the spring light of early spring, holding a letter in her hand, holding a faint smile at the corner of her mouth. There is no pleasant color in her smile, but a little irony.

Standing behind her, the tall man quietly noticed the woman's face, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. The wind on the top of the mountain is very strong. The woman pinches the letter in the palm of her hand. Suddenly, under the influence of internal power, the letter turns into pieces of paper.

Water core hands ring in front of the chest, looking at the pieces floating in the wind, eyes flashing fierce. Lingshui League has always made no mistake in selling information to Liaoyue, but it doesn't mean that it is subject to them. If it wasn't for her to connect with them, how could the Xin family get in touch with Liaoyue royal family. Bai Yi scolds her in the letter for not helping Xin Sui to persecute the palace. She doesn't do a good job. Hum! She is not even afraid of Yan Hongtian. Bai Yi, the newly established Prince of Liaoyue, is not in her eyes.

"How is it going?" The clear female voice sounded coldly, unable to hear the joys and sorrows. The strong man quickly bowed back and said: "it has been done, the bones of the Xin family have been buried, and the wife has also been buried with Xin Sui according to the owner's wishes."

After listening to this, Shuixin burst out laughing. She was an illegitimate daughter. She didn't know the charm of old man xinsuina. She kept her mother thinking about it so much. Before she died, her only wish was to be buried in Xinshi cemetery. When she died, she also wanted to be a member of Xinjia family. If not for her wish, how could I be willing to be around xinyuening for ten years? Unfortunately, the old leader really thought that she was a soft persimmon. He used her again and again, and finally didn't welcome his mother's ashes into Xin's family. Since this is the case, she can't be blamed. It's better now. Let alone enter the Xin's cemetery. It's to let the two of them bury together and blow up the ashes of the so-called main room. Who can do for her?!

Listening to the crazy laughter of the water core, the strong man standing behind hung his head lower and did not dare to make a sound. When her laughter stopped, the strong man carefully asked, "now there are notices from the wanted master all over the place. Do you want to Avoid it? "

Listen to the words of the strong man, the water core not only has not changed its face, but also has a good mood. "Well, tomorrow, go to Liaoyue." They want to find her, but it's not so easy!

Before the water core went down the mountain, she looked back at the direction of the capital. The smile on the corner of her mouth became full of interest. There was only one person in her mind, qingmo. I hope you and I have another chance to compete.

Early autumn should be the best season, the air with a cool breath, let people breathe every time between, are fresh. The plum forest in the other courtyard of Shushan mountain is no longer the same as before. The endless plum trees are well cared for. Even in autumn, there are no flowers to appreciate. It's just beautiful to watch the vigorous branches growing wildly.

The thin figure stands in the plum forest. The cool autumn wind blows the light blue skirt from time to time, which seems to go with the wind. A pair of big hands suddenly came from behind, green maple fell into a warm and generous embrace.

"It's almost autumn. I don't know how to add another dress." Behind the people seem to be a little unhappy, ring in the waist of the hand tight.

Qingfeng is comfortable in this familiar embrace. He doesn't care about the man's temper. Instead, he laughs happily and says, "this year's plum blossom is definitely better than last year."

Yan Hongtian glanced at Mei Lin, who was no different from previous years, and asked, "how can I see it?"

"If I take good care of it, I will drive better and better."

Speaking of this, Yan Hongtian is very upset. He rarely comes to Shushan other hospital. Qingfeng is either busy with his plum forest or thinking about the bamboo forest in the back mountain. Otherwise, he has to take care of Ning'er and almost doesn't even look at him. How can yanhongtian not be angry? He holds Qingfeng's shoulder and turns her to face himself. Yan Hongtian chuckles, "thanks again."

Yan Hongtian's face is not good. Qingfeng laughs and says, "that's right, but it will still open next year."

She is more and more afraid of him! Yan Hongtian stares at her, suddenly raises his hand, and Qingfeng doesn't hide. He just feels a slight movement on his hair and sideburns. He asks strangely, "what is it?"

Qingfeng asked, reaching for a bun and rubbing it. He felt something like a hairpin. He took it down and saw that it was indeed a hairpin. The design of the long hairpin made of purple gold is very unique. The front end of the thin hairpin is a plum blossom with bright red color. Each petal has different shapes. Under the plum blossom, there are several strands of long tassels. At the end of the tassel, there are several pieces of bamboo leaf pendants carved from yanglv emerald. The hairpin is not big, but beautiful.