A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 370

Sixteen years later.

On the afternoon of early autumn, in such a big courtyard, three young women sat under a big tree to enjoy the cool. All three of them were very beautiful, but they were different. The woman sitting by the door, dressed in a blue and white shirt, was as calm as water, silently wiping the thin blade in her hand. The soft sword was thin into the wings of cicada, but it was extremely sharp.

The woman in red on her side is quite different from her. The red dress makes her face charming. There is a cinnabar mole in the center of her eyebrow. She sits tall and straight. Her eyebrows are beautiful and beautiful. Her whole body is full of noble spirit. By contrast, the woman in white beside her is much more lazy. She holds her chin in one hand, holds tea in the other hand, and has a calculation in her cat's eyes The smile, and she did not hide, "sister Chen, sister Ning, in a few days, it is my sixteen birthday, you Doesn't that mean anything? "

The woman in red looked at her and asked, "what do you want?"

"Ah, what is the gift you want? How could you ask birthday star to ask for something?"

"Mind?" Yan Ning frowned, but quickly replied, "it's simple."

Seeing that she really didn't ask again, she was in a hurry for a long time and said: "but I'm so understanding that I won't let the two sisters worry. I can't wait to ask. "

Knowing that she had something to ask for, Yan Ning said with a smile, "say it."

"Cough." After two false coughs, Su Su raised his voice and said, "I want to..." The ending was long and there was no next sentence for a long time. Yan Ning's face was impatient: "say it!"

Su Su spits out his tongue and replies, "I want to see the bright pearl at night."

Yan Ning frowned: "what do you want it to do?"

Su haha smiled and didn't answer. The man who was sitting by wiping his sword coldly opened his mouth: "I'm afraid that the night pearl in the army room has been damaged. I want to find it." There is a military room in Sujia that is used to develop flint weapons. It is not close to the fire. Lin Lang night pearl is much brighter than ordinary night pearl, and it is the best place for lighting.

Su Su blushed and said, "where is it?"

Lou Chen looks up slightly and glances at her. In her cold eyes, Su Su turns his mouth away and has no answer.

It turned out to be another disaster. Yanning was funny: "you have eighteen lotus steps, and you are afraid to be skinned by my aunt."

Speaking of eighteen lotus steps, it's really the unique flying skill in the world. It's faster than a flying bird. It's like a startling goose. In just one look, the figure can fly tens of feet away. It can lift the air and leap up the ladder without any help. It can reach more than ten feet.

She really wants to run. Suling is afraid that she can't catch up. It's said that Su Su can refine this unique skill. I really want to thank her mother Gu Yun. As the only daughter of Su family, Su Su has never been afraid of anyone. Even the emperor's uncle, who is high above her, occasionally dares to talk back. She is the only one who only needs to snort. She immediately looks like a mouse has seen a cat. It's just that this old girl is not a clever person since she was a child. It's impossible for her not to make trouble and be lazy. From childhood to nature, she can't be repaired. Because Gu Yun's swordsmanship is superb and endurable, but he can't do lightness skill. In order to avoid Gu Yun, Su girl's other Kung Fu is ordinary. She hasn't been idle at all. She has been practising lightness skill hard. Since she was 12 years old, Gu Yun seldom caught her in anger.

It's like Now, Lou Chen and Yan Ning only think that there is a flower in front of them, and a white shadow flashed by. There is only a cup left on the table that is left in a hurry, and there is no sign of Su Su. They looked at each other, and their lips twitched slightly. Needless to say, it must be Auntie who came. Sure enough, a low voice sounded outside the door: "Su Su Su --"

ran fast enough to be punished. After 30 leaps of frogs in the school yard, Su girl moved her legs back to the room like a sieve under the pitying eyes of the public. She stayed in bed for two days and finally met her 16-year-old Birthday.

In the boudoir wing room Su Su lies on the bed lazily. Even if there are people in the room, they can't get up.

"Do you want the Pearl of the night?" Yanning is playing with a fist sized night pearl in her hand. Even in the daytime, she can still see its light brilliance. There is no need to say it in the night.

The person on the bed gave her a white eye, turned over and said, "no, it's been a meal. What else do you want it for?"

A white hand suddenly stretched out. Su Su looked at the brocade box in front of him and sat up happily. He could not wait to open it. In the brocade box lay about ten black green pills. The faint fragrance of the medicine was refreshing. Su Su's eyes brightened: "warm xinwan?! Sister Chen is the best! "

In order to cure and recuperate Lou Xiyan's body, Zhuo Qing devoted herself to traditional Chinese medicine and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Since she was young, Lou Chen has been very intelligent. With her eyes and ears, the medical skill is not low. She occasionally makes some pills such as activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving pain and promoting muscles. For the old girl who has to be cut every now and then, it is a good thing.

Floor Chen light ground replies a way: "save a point to use."

"Yes, yes." Su Su said as she dropped two pills into her mouth and chewed them.

Yan Ning shakes her head. She has been in pain for several days. It's good to bear it. She even eats two. This is called "province"? Anyway, Lou Chen doesn't say anything, spoils her, and Yan Ning doesn't want to say anything about her. She hands out a rectangular box.

What? Su Su was curious. When he opened the box, he saw that it was a map of the dome made of cowhide.

Map is a rare thing. If you change it to an ordinary family, it is also a precious thing, but it has no attraction to Susu. There are many maps in Susu. Su Su threw the map back into the box and asked, "sister Ning, what do you give me the map for?"

Take out the map and spread it on the table. Yan Ning's eyes fall on one part of the map. His eyes are burning. "Are you bored in the capital all day?"

"Of course it's boring." Look at the map on the table, and then look at Yanning. Su Su is finally willing to get up, holding his chin, and says with a smile, "sister Ning, do you think of something fun?"

Yanning raised her head and smiled mysteriously, "let's make a bet."

"How to bet?"

"It depends on who can find a treasure according to his ability. It's a year. Let's compete at this time next year. "

"A year? This is to run away from home?! My mother has to pick my skin. " Su said this on her lips, but her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Do you want to bet or not?"

"Bet!" In a word, the girl's fear that the world will not be disordered is fully displayed.

Yanning looks at louchen, who is sitting in silence. Louchen has always been paralyzed and speechless, but her mind is very sharp. Yanning looks nervous. "How about you?"

Louchen glanced at the map on the table, then looked at Yanning. He raised his mouth and said, "OK."

In the third watch day, the Imperial City under the shadow of night was quiet and cold. Three figures rushed all the way to the wall, jumped up, climbed up the wall, jumped again, and then fell lightly outside the wall. For them, the wall with more than three Zhangs was nothing, so the martial Arts of three people were extraordinary.

The three men stopped after running ten feet.

"One year."

"Take care."

In a few words, three heads don't run back in three directions.

Yan Ning runs all the way forward, but she apologizes in silence. Chen, Su Su, I'm sorry. I have to go to that place. Only by tricking you out and dispersing the energy of the family can they take me back so quickly, forgive me and forgive me!

Compared with Yan Ning's eagerness, Su girl is much more leisurely. She wants to see the magnificent scenery of the sea. She naturally chooses the East China Sea. When she has enough fun, she will visit uncle Ao on Juling island and ask for a treasure. Maybe she will win the year's appointment!

Lou Chen's eyes are cold, his face is dim, and his steps are calm. Ning went to the west just now. Then She'll go a little further. How about Liaoyue?

Three people, three minds, anyway, their journey begins.

"The three of them just ran out like this, really not afraid of danger?" High city upstairs, a few figures stood there quietly, watching the three people gradually go away, Qingfeng was still worried.

Zhuo Qing looks relaxed: "it's so big. It's nothing to go out for a walk."

Thinking of her daughter's lazy nature, suling whispered, "do you want to send someone to protect her secretly?"

"No." Gu Yun's voice was a little proud. "They have learned a lot of skills over the years, and they need to be protected when they go out."

"That's right." Zhuo Qing and Qingfeng thought about it, and nodded. In the middle of the conversation, the three slender figures disappeared completely in the night, and the women on the tower turned around and left behind three men in a dilemma. After all, they were their own precious daughters.

"I really don't care?" Su Ling and Lou Xiyan look at Yan Hongtian at the same time. He is the king and they are ministers. Naturally, they listen to him. Yan Hongtian shakes her head and says, "it's a family affair. In principle, the sunset is the eldest brother-in-law."

Su Ling doesn't care to turn to look at Lou Xiyan. Anyway, he doesn't need to make a decision on how to turn the wheel.

The long and narrow black eyes of the building's sunset narrowed slightly, and the gentle voice answered slowly: "the ladies only said that they can't protect secretly, and they didn't say that they can't" monitor "secretly."

Is that ok?

Building sunset is worthy of building sunset

Ten days later.

In the large meeting hall of the general's mansion, three people knelt straight, their resolute faces full of shame.

"There will be no power. I Lost Princess Ning in the wind forest of Heishan. "

"I'm going to lose Miss Chen behind the door."

"I will be incompetent and lose Miss Su in Maocheng."

The brows of the three men on the throne were wrinkled, then slowly released, with some pride on their faces. A faint smile came up from the corner of the floor's mouth: "it seems We look down on them. "

-- the whole book is finished --