A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 368

"Emperor..." I'm really shocked to see such a scene. I don't know whether to report it or not.

Hearing the familiar voice, Qingfeng was shocked. He looked up doubtfully. He saw Mingjian in an official uniform, standing upright, with thirty or forty guards standing behind him. Qingfeng was stunned. "Mingjian, you, you are not..." In prison?

Green maple is still at a loss, Yan Hongtian low voice light asked: "how?"

Seeing that the eunuch was dressed up as Qingfeng, Mingjian took a breath secretly, and then went back to the emperor in a positive way: "at midnight last night, general Su had captured all the rebels 50 li away from the imperial city. Xinfu and the officials involved with Xinshi were all jailed at the same time today. The queen and the prince are currently in prison at Yilan palace, waiting for the emperor to rise. "

Last night? Did suling come back last night? Hear here, if green maple still can't hear clue, that is too stupid. "What the hell is going on?" Qingfeng wants to sit up straight and see the man holding himself.

Green maple just want to move, ring on her waist hand tight, Yan Hongtian said with a smile: "want to die with me, still have to wait for decades later."

Staring and laughing wantonly, Qingfeng said coldly, "aren't you under house arrest? Isn't Mingjian also imprisoned? "

Yan Hongtian guessed something, looked at her dry but cold face, smilingly asked, "who told you that I was under house arrest?"

Yes Building sunset Lou Xi Yan! At this moment, Qingfeng knew that he had been fooled. That damned man full of nonsense! Damn! It was not a crisis at all to bring the three of them out last night, but a large number of officials had to be jailed to make them free! At the beginning, they all designed it. She was played around by these men. Qingfeng thought more and more. He put out his hand to wipe off the tears on his face and started to run out.

"Today is your own trap. Where else do you want to run?" How could Yan Hongtian let her run away? Qingfeng felt that her wrist was tight. Before she got up, she fell into the arms behind her again. The voice in her ear made her want to be crazy. Qingfeng is even more annoyed, "Yan Hongtian, you let me go."

Yan Hongtian not only didn't let go, but also tightened his grip. He whispered in her ear, "you also say that you will fight me to death in this life. How can I let go?"

"You..." The warm breath was itching on his ears, and he thought of his incoherent words just now. Qingfeng's face was burning hot. If she didn't think he was poisoned and was under house arrest, she was in a hurry and confusion. How could she say those words! Qingfeng is angry and claps Yan Hongtian on the shoulder.

This palm is really not light. Yan Hongtian stares at Qingfeng. "Dare you beat me?"

"Hit you I... I still bite you! " Originally bad tempered, she was angry at the moment, and was so excited by yanhongtian that Qingfeng directly lowered his head and bit yanhongtian on the neck.

"Hiss --"

is she really biting?!

Mingjian and the forbidden guards retreated quietly. I'm afraid the emperor has no time to deal with the traitors for the time being

He Ning of Xin's family raped the harem and killed the emperor's heirs. His crime should be punished. The Xin family formed a party and engaged in private activities, stole and changed military food, which brought disaster to the country and the people, and punished the nine families for their crimes. However, the benevolence of the holy master is to read that the Xin family has served for the court for many years, and its merits can be learned. Today, the royal family is merciful, and the sin does not harm the nine families. The Xin family copied and beheaded the whole family. The rest of the Xin family's relatives were demoted to the common people, confiscated their assets and expelled from the capital. Chin!

An imperial edict shocked the court and the family of Hsin, who was famous for a while, also declined.

The Queen's position as Queen was abolished because of her adultery in the imperial palace. Yan Liao was also removed from the royal title and taken to the prison together with other Xin family members. But after the Ming recommended to find the entire palace or even the entire Imperial City, also did not find the shadow of the water core, she disappeared.

The Hsin family has been flourishing for a hundred years, and their forces are intertwined in the north. Today, they have fallen down and scattered their monkeys. Once again, they have realized that the rise and fall of a pet or a disgrace is just a game for the superior. It can make you respected, dignified, and glorious. At the same time, it can also make you doomed. Yan Hongtian also took the opportunity to readjust the officials of all departments. Although the incident was dangerous, Yan Hongtian was really in charge of the dome and was not subject to a large family.

The Empress Dowager has known that all the children who died in the past may have been poisoned by the empress. She can't get sick and the empress is abandoned. Only the concubine Qing is qualified to sit in that position in the palace. Other concubines are naturally not brave to make mistakes. They hide in their own palace and don't go out. Therefore, despite the great changes in the court, the Empress Dowager palace is rarely peaceful.

Spring is really a beautiful season. Everything recovers and sweeps away the cold in winter, bringing warmth to the world. Unfortunately, green maple doesn't like it very much. Standing in the warm spring light, green maple is very interested in drawing plum blossom.

Such a large piece of drawing paper, spread on the stone table, almost dragged to the ground. The dark thick ink outlines the thick texture of plum trees. The deep and shallow ink marks the place where a branch of plum blossoms leaps on the paper. Perhaps at this time, the mood of green maple is different. In addition to being wild and wild, the plum blossoms in the pen are somewhat random.

"Early in the morning, what do you draw?"

After the familiar male voice with a bit of fun and a bit of temptation, as if the green maple did not hear. Although Lou Xiyan came to plead with her later, when they came out, the situation was indeed stable, but the thrill of that day was no less than what he said at that time. If Yan Hongtian had not been prepared and determined, the river and the mountain might have changed hands. But they cheated her so badly. In the face of Zhuo Qing and Xi'er, she didn't care about Lou Xiyan, but Yan Hongtian Hum, she doesn't want to talk to him yet.

Qingfeng is as taut as usual. Yan Hongtian sits at the stone table freely. After waiting for a long time, Mei is almost finished. She doesn't even glance at him at the corner of her eyes. Yan Hongtian's heart is not happy. She stretches out her hand and wants to take her waist. Suddenly, she thinks of something. She takes back her hand and holds the stone table. She lowers her head and coughs.

Qingfeng raised his pen hand a little and looked up. Yan Hongtian coughed heavily. He thought that the imperial doctor said that he was really poisoned. Now the poison is not clear. Qingfeng didn't fight with him at last. He whispered, "why don't you come here? Go back to the palace and keep it."

"I think it's better to come here and pester you." Where is the speaker a little sick, a hand also homeopathy ring up her waist.

"You!" Qingfeng really wants to smash a paintbrush to see if he can smash the annoying smile on his face. Take a deep breath, she still can't bear her pen. Qingfeng lifts his foot and steps on the back of his hind legs. Her thin body didn't hurt at all. Yan Hongtian snorted in a pretentious way and said, "you're really hot tempered."

"You've been cheated once!" Every time I think of that day, I run back in a hurry and say so many things to make him laugh, Qingfeng is very angry.

Green maple began to struggle again, Yan Hongtian lips close to her ear, whispered: "you didn't deceive me?"

"I......" Naturally, she cheated, especially in Xi'er's case. She was good at making suggestions and was ashamed to say, "I'm sorry..."

Yan Hongtian hugs her more tightly in her arms. The beauty is finally docile. To achieve her goal, Yan Hongtian opens the topic: "do you particularly like to draw plum?"

Qingfeng was moved by his rare thoughtfulness. He allowed him to hold it and put the last few drops of cinnabar on the vigorous branches. Then he smiled and said, "I have painted other flowers, but I like plum very much recently."

"When do you want to paint peonies?"

Qingfeng back slightly stiff, cold way back: "never thought."

In order to appear dignified and virtuous, most of the concubines in the palace tied their hair. Qingfeng always preferred to send it out. If it was not an important occasion, she only used a hairpin to pull her hair in a light bun. Any hair with a long leg hung behind her. Yanhongtian held her from behind. The naughty hair would stroke his arm from time to time. She wondered how the black satin hair felt, and let go of the hand around Qingfeng's waist "Don't you like it?" he asked casually

His long hair was caught in his hand, and he stirred it from time to time. Qingfeng was unnatural and gave him a white look. He replied, "why do you come here? After sealing a foreign woman, your loyal officials must come here to remonstrate with death. Then I will be like a demon spirit who charms the monarch and brings disaster to the country and the people." Nothing to mention peony, is such a strange tone, Qingfeng can naturally guess his meaning, she does not like, is disdainful to want.

Yan Hongtian is in a good mood and laughs. Now who dares to remonstrate? He would like to have a look! But... "Enchanting the monarch?" Yan Hongtian chuckled, "aren't you?"

After painting the last red plum, Qingfeng put down his paintbrush with satisfaction, and cleverly refused to take Yan Hongtian's words, saying: "the Queen's position is empty, and it is not a long-term thing, I think The king of flowers, Zhen Zhen Zhen is the most suitable. "

Yan Hongtian had a smile in her black eyes, and the feeling of the hair around her fingertips was not bad. Seeing that he didn't speak, Qingfeng turned around and pulled back the hair around Yan Hongtian's fingertips. He said seriously, "Zhen Zhende has both abilities. She also gave birth to han'er for you. In addition, Zhen's family doesn't have any influence in the court, which can avoid the worry of another Xin family in the future. Am I right? "

It's quite true that the two sisters of the Qing family are now the prime minister's wife and the general's wife. The Lou family and the Su family are naturally tied together with Qingfeng. Now that they have established her, they will push the Lou family and the Su family to the forefront of the storm. Qingfeng was a very intelligent person, and thought it thoroughly. Yan Hongtian encircled his waist again and said with a smile, "you don't want to be a queen, what do you want?"

His eyes fell on the picture of plum blossom, and Qingfeng sighed, "I miss the plum forest bamboo sea."

In the winter of the previous year, he promised to take her to appreciate the plum blossom last year, but he didn't make it. This time, he must satisfy her. Yan Hongtian replied: "in spring, the plum blossom has long been thanked. I'll show you spring bamboo in a few days. "

"There's one thing I've always wanted to ask you." After enduring for a long time, Qingfeng asked the question that had been in his heart for a long time: "why do you Agree with me to change Xi'er out of the palace? "