A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 367

Zhuo Qing releases her hand to Lou Xiyan and follows Qingfeng aside. They stood face to face. Qingfeng looked at Zhuoqing for a long time, like looking at his sister, or through this body, looking at the people inside. After a long time, he whispered, "Xi'er, I will trouble you later." "What do you want to do?" In such a way, Zhuo Qing has guessed that she will not go with them.

"I I want to go back to the palace. "

As expected, Qingfeng still wants to go back. Zhuo Qingmei tightens tightly, trying to persuade her. Qingfeng suddenly smiles at her. The mood in her smile is too complicated. Zhuo Qing can't say what it feels like, but she can't say what she wants to persuade her. She can only listen to her light voice and say in a low voice: "he and I are too stubborn. I try to be brave, he is domineering, and we both do what we think is right, It's like a hedgehog. Once it's close, even if you don't want to, you have to stab it, but Every time I can't help it, I want to get close. "

"You, love him?" Zhuo Qing questions, so helpless and sad tone, is love?

Love and don't love, it seems that don't need to think about, she just want to go back to see him now, can it be called love? Qingfeng shook his head. "I don't know. In this world, it's the happiest thing to be able to hold hands with someone you love at first sight and grow old together. But how many people are so lucky? If I meet him in my life, I will be doomed. "

Doomsday? For Zhuo Qing, a modern man, the word is subtle, but he doesn't know how to refute it.

Green maple directly around her, to the building sunset, look more calm than just: "building sunset, I want to ask you a thing."

Lou Xiyan seemed to have guessed that she would say that for a long time, and replied, "what's the matter?"

"I want to go back to the palace."



"The lady is worried about the princess?" Lou Xiyan's voice is as warm as ever, and she has the power to pacify people. "The princess should be by the Empress Dowager now. The Xin family does so many things to force the emperor to abdicate, and they don't want to bear the accusation of treason for the time being, so they won't be against the Empress Dowager in a big way. The princess is not the prince. She has no worries about her life. You don't have to worry. "

Qingfeng gently shook his head: "I think, go back to see him."

Lou Xiyan was silent for a while, then she said, "you know, now go back, nine dead."

"I want to go back," said Qingfeng firmly

Lou Xiyan hesitates a little. Qingfeng doesn't wait for him to think more. He whispers, "if you don't want to help me, I'll find another way to go back. Just take care of Xi'er for me. "

"All right." Lou Xiyan seemed to twist her, and finally said, "wait a moment, I will arrange for you."

"Thank you." Qingfeng is relieved. If Lou Xiyan is willing to help her, she will be more hopeful to see him.

Lou Xiyan calls Jing SA and whispers a few words in his ear. Jing SA nods and leads a horse to the place where Gu Yun just unloaded the horse and drives the carriage to Qingfeng. Green maple did not think much, immediately stepped on the carriage.

Looking at the pony car galloping in the direction of coming, Zhuoqing sighed, "maybe we shouldn't let her go back to the palace." In such a dangerous time, it's no use for Qingfeng to go back, but one more person is in danger.

"Don't worry, it's OK."

Zhuo Qing frowned a little. After a long time, she found out more or less about Lou Xiyan's temper. Although the more critical he was, the more calm he would be, he seemed to be in a good mood at the moment, which was obviously inconsistent with the situation crisis he said. Thinking of Gu Yun's deep eyes before he left, Zhuo Qing faintly felt something, stared into the eyes of Lou Xiyan. Zhuo Qing snorted and said, "you should have something to say to me, huh?"

It seems that a lot of things have happened in this day and night, and he has a lot to explain.

Jingsa drives to the place 60 or 70 miles away from the west side gate and hands her over to an old father-in-law in his sixties. Qingfeng hasn't seen him. He looks at Qingfeng and doesn't see any special features in his chaotic eyes. The father-in-law disguises Qingfeng as a eunuch. With the father-in-law who purchases food materials for a day in the morning, he goes back to the palace.

Chenshi has passed. Today's Imperial Palace seems to be very quiet. The common guards at ordinary times have not seen one. Qingfeng lowers his head and dare not look around. He goes all the way to the imperial dining room. At this time, a little eunuch comes up to her and says, "follow me." Her husband winked at her, and Qingfeng hurriedly followed.

The little eunuch led her to the gate of Zhengyang palace and said to her in a low voice, "go in yourself." without waiting for her reaction, he walked quickly to the side path.

Qingfeng is frozen in place. In case she is heavily guarded inside, she will go in like this, but she will not be caught by herself. If you don't go in She's all here. If she doesn't go in, where will she go? He calmed his mind secretly. Qingfeng pulled down the brim of his hat and walked into Zhengyang palace with his head down. He walked to the front of the palace with his breath held. No one called her. Qingfeng felt strange and looked up slightly. There was no one in the huge Zhengyang palace. Didn't see Xiao Yu, didn't see Gao Jin, did all the people he trusted be removed? Even if there is no heavy guard and no available person around, he is extremely poisonous. What else can he do?

Worried, but also dare not call people, Qingfeng went to the Royal study to see, did not see Yan Hongtian, she went to the palace. The door of the bedroom is open, no one is on the bed, and Qingfeng is disappointed. Glancing across the window, he sees Yan Hongtian, dressed in black, leaning on the soft couch half way. Her face looks not good, her eyes are closed slightly, and her eyebrows are slightly frowned. Even if she lies half like this, there is no one around. Looking far away, she is still domineering. However, if you look carefully, the face will always be cold, with deep fatigue.

Qingfeng stood at the door for a long time. He walked towards the man with his own consciousness.

Yan Hongtian felt that someone came in, impatiently low ah, "back down."

Yan Hongtian didn't expect that man not only didn't leave, but came to him, who is so bold! Yan Hongtian opened his eyes and looked at the visitor coldly. When he saw the green maple dressed as a eunuch, Yan Hongtian saw a trace of surprise on his face. But soon, he looked normal and his dark eyes looked at her quietly.

They looked at each other so coldly that the cold atmosphere seemed to freeze the surrounding air. Qingfeng finally moved, half crouched down, looked at him expressionless, and said in a cold voice, "Yan Hongtian, I hate you so much."

If the voice is a weapon, it should be a sharp dagger. Did she come just to say that? Yan Hongtian seemed tired, and continued to lean on the soft couch to stop looking at her. He said in a deep voice, "then why are you back? Do you want to do it yourself? "

"Do you know that one of your" wants "will cause my parents to die and leave their hometown. I finally let go of my hate. With zhier, you said that you would protect us, and then you broke faith with me. Although I say I hate you, for so many days and nights, I don't think I have really harmed you, but you don't believe me. When I'm speechless, I'm thrown into prison. Yan Hongtian, you are cruel. " Her eyes were cold, like a pool of stagnant water, and her mouth was full of hate, but her face was full of sadness. Tears fell down her white cheeks and hit the wooden armrest of the soft couch. Her voice was very small. It was another feeling to hear Yan Hongtian's ears.

Yan Hongtian frowned, sat up helplessly, raised his hand, and wiped her tears with his finger belly. The gesture was not gentle. He wiped it and said, "you hate me and want to kill me. Now you can do it. What are you crying for? "

Hearing this, Qingfeng, who was still calm, suddenly became angry. He grabbed his hand and roared, "I hate you. I hate you. I know that I want to send our bones and flesh out of the palace, and I will do anything recklessly. You hate that you have been aware of the danger, but you have never thought of telling me. Do you know how desperate I am in prison? I blame you for not believing me, I I'm more afraid you don't believe me! You let my heart come and go, what do you want?! Why do other people love a person, can be childhood sweetheart, two small have no guess? Can you be tender and silent, and live forever? But I'm going to fight with you here and live in peace! "

Qingfeng almost broke down in tears. After that, she didn't know what she wanted to say. She didn't admit it all the time. In those days, this man really walked into her heart. Hearing that Lou Xiyan said that he was really poisoned, her heart ached so much that she was afraid that she would never see him again.

For several days, all kinds of complicated emotions in her heart are like a big stone, which has been pressing on her heart. At the moment, it seems that it's just to vent. Qingfeng can't help crying, but she's not willing to let yanhongtian see her useless appearance, squatting beside the soft couch, holding the handrail tightly, forehead resting on her knee, letting tears soak her clothes, but she refuses to raise her head.

At present, the woman who cried in front of him was hating him in every word, but at this time, she came back to him. Yanhongtian took her into her arms and sighed in a low voice, "you really shouldn't come back."

From afar came the sound of miscellaneous footsteps, which seemed to rush into a group of people. At the moment, Yan Hongtian's sigh is another meaning in Qingfeng's ear. Feeling the warm sunshine in spring, Qingfeng suddenly smiled, snuggled closer to Yan Hongtian's arms, and said lightly: "I'm tired, love or hate. I don't want to go anywhere. I'll die with you, but it's clean. " This is very good. Maybe only at this moment, she feels really close to this man.

Yan Hongtian listened to the woman in her arms murmuring. Her smile was so pale that it was more dazzling than the early spring sunshine outside the window. Yan Hongtian can't help being dumb. She Did you come back to accompany him to die? Yan Hongtian couldn't say what he felt, but he held the woman in his arms tighter. At the same time, he had deep doubts about what Lou Xiyan said to her

From far to near, a group of people stood at the entrance of the palace and watched the emperor holding a eunuch in his arms. Their eyes were always cold and full of deep feelings, which surprised the whole group of people.