A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 36

"When it comes to punishment alone, the princess of the Northern Qi died in my dome hall. It's a matter of great importance! This case is up to you to investigate thoroughly. You must find out the real cause of death and the murderer of the princess. " Because Shan Yulan's name, Yan Hongtian's voice, although still maintaining the majesty of the king of a country, is also a momentary dark face.

Half kneeling on the ground, Shan Yulan shouted back, "I'm leading the order."

It seems that xuxuxus, who has been holding the body tightly in his arms, has also recovered some sense. On his young face, he is the spirit and dignity that a prince of a country should have. He looks up at Yan Hongtian on the high position and says in a cold voice: "if there is no mistake, chihuan filariasis is a special poison of Yuanyue. Now seven younger sisters die miserably on the dome hall. In the Northern Qi Dynasty, please give us one from the dome emperor A statement. Xu Xun had no objection to the single sentence hearing the case in person, but hoped that the single sentence could be heard in front of me. "

"Yes!" After all, it is a fact that the princess died in the temple.

"On the hall, where is the Viper?! The princess was just fine. She only had a glass of wine. It's not poisonous! " The rough voice sounded in such an open hall, and it even hurt people's ears. It can be seen that the voice is so loud.

They looked at the speaker. It was Hu Xiang, the eldest son of General Hu Zhangyu, another envoy of the Northern Qi Dynasty. His figure was as rough as his voice. He was holding the wine pot that the princess had drunk in his hand, and he met xuxuxun's restraint. The anger on his face was undisguised.

Shan Yulan goes to him, takes the wine pot in his hand, whispers to the attendant nearby, and the attendant hurries away.

Zhuo Qing lightly bumps the ink white around her with her shoulder and asks, "what is chihuan filariasis?"

Mobai didn't want to talk to her, but when she looked at her, she saw that her eyes were clear and she was staring at the body of the woman on the ground. She was different in peace. Mobai kept silent for a while, and finally lowered his voice and said, "the Red Globe filariasis is a unique poisonous snake in the northwest of the dome. Because it's small in size, smaller than the fingers, and less than two feet in length, it's called by the local people It's a worm. This kind of snake lives in the dark ditch crevices. It is extremely wet and cold. It can only appear at night. It has no sunshine all year round. It is red and extremely poisonous. It will be killed immediately after being bitten by it. Even if you just encounter or eat its venom by mistake, you will certainly die

Will I die if I meet you? Zhuo Qing was surprised and looked at Mo Bai. He said: "there is no wound on his hand, and his venom will be poisoned when he touches it."

Mo Bai didn't speak, just nodded coldly.

What a powerful venom. Generally speaking, snake venom is neurotoxin or blood circulation toxin. What's more, there are only two kinds of venom. But when it comes to the toxins that will be poisoned on the skin, is there corrosion permeability?! It's a pity that Zhuo Qing has no equipment for poison test in this era, otherwise she can study it well!

I don't know if Shan Yulan has any magic moves. Zhuo Qing looks up at Shan Yulan in the opposite direction.

The waiter brought a white porcelain plate and a silver needle about ten centimeters long.

I saw that he poured the wine in the pot on the plate. It should have been pure wine with light red color, which could not be seen in the Qingtong cup. Put the silver needle in the hand on the plate, and the silver needle submerged by the wine immediately becomes black. Shan Yulan takes out the silver needle and wipes it with a white cloth. The silver needle is still black.

Zhuoqing frowns slightly. It is certain that the silver needle will turn black only when the poison contains heavy sulfide. Besides this, what other ingredients are there?! Zhuo Qing continues to watch, but Shan Yulan doesn't take the next step.

Hu Xiang was already impatient and said, "is the wine poisonous?"

Put away the silver needle, Shan Yulan did not make any excuses, and said truthfully: "the silver needle is black, the wine is slightly red, the taste is salty and fishy, and the wine does contain the poison of chihuan filariasis."

Zhuo Qing once again looked at this one-sided punishment department. It was a strange person. The chihuan filariasis was the unique poison of the dome. Why could he answer so calmly? He didn't see the two imperial doctors. Now he was still shaking! Is it true that he is so frank, or is he too confident in himself that he can solve this crisis?

A listen to Dan Yulan confirmed that the wine is poisonous, Hu Xiang's furious roar sounded again: "that must be someone poisoned in the wine! You hand them in! "

Hu Xiang is so presumptuous that Yan Hongtian can detain him. However, if he does this, how can he face the other six countries? How can he humiliate the country, bully the small country and spread it?! Yan Hongtian's face became darker and darker, just like the prelude to the storm, and the main hall fell into silence at one time.

A clear and soft female voice sounded softly, which dissolved the heavy and suffocating atmosphere: "it's a breach of duty for the palace to poison the liquor on the Palace Banquet. Steward Wu took all the servants who touched the pot of wine of the princess to the palace."

In such an occasion, the queen should not have spoken, but as the mother of a country, it happened in the palace, she said a few words, nothing, and her presence just eased the atmosphere.

"Yes." Looking at the emperor's expression, he didn't stop him. Wu Rongli turned around and left.

Zhuo Qing murmurs that Qingling is the one who pours wine for the princess!

Sure enough, several bodyguards escorted three servants to the front of the hall, and Qingling was also escorted to kneel on the ground. The three servants were too scared to look like they could not stop lying on the ground and shouted: "empress, the maids are only responsible for dividing the wine into the pot, and they don't know which pot of wine is for the princess. Even if they give the maids a hundred courage, they dare not poison them!"

Compared with the beggars of the three servants, Qingling knelt straightly and didn't say a word. His face was impassive.

The empress squinted, looked at Qingling, and said in a cold voice, "Qingling, you are the woman who Haoyue sent to the palace. Now you are being demoted to be a palace maid. Do you feel resentful and poison the princess of the Northern Qi, or the Lord of Haoyue ordered you to poison the princess of the Northern Qi to provoke the relationship between the dome and the Northern Qi?"

Still lowering his head, Qingling spits out three words coldly: "I didn't have one."

"You tried to assassinate the emperor last night, and you dare to say that you didn't mean anything?! This palace gives you a chance. What have you done? Confess truthfully. This palace will save you from suffering from flesh and skin! "

She always thought that her sister had died. What's the meaning of her staying in the world alone? Death is a kind of relief for her. But today she saw her, she must not let the queen put the blame on her, otherwise it will certainly harm them, also harm the innocent people of Haoyue!

For a long time, Qingling finally raised his head slowly and looked up at the woman who was above him. Pretending to be pitiful, she was actually disgusting. With a sneer, Qingling said loudly: "last night, I just accidentally broke a vase, cut the emperor, and didn't fulfill the duty of serving. The emperor was furious and demoted me to be a palace maid. Today, I will stand here to pour wine for the princess of the Northern Qi. It's the will of the empress. I didn't know in advance. If the poison was from me, it was arranged by the empress. "