A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 37

"Unbridled!" The Queen's face changed a lot, and her friendly voice was very harsh at this time: "the sharp teeth and mouth are full of nonsense. It seems that you won't tell the truth without punishment!"

The Queen's voice came down, and the bodyguard who was standing beside her had rushed up and laid the green spirit dead on the ground.

Zhuo Qing's heart tightened. Just now, she applauded Qingling's witty answer. Now she worries about it. Looking at Yan Hongtian, he was still expressionless and didn't show a little pity for Qingling. Also, the Queen's move helped him a lot. Qingling is a bright moon man. If everything can be pushed to Qingling, it will be perfect. Everything has nothing to do with the dome! If Beiqi wants to find someone to settle accounts, it can only find Haoyue!

But can she let them impose the name of guilt on her like this?! Watching her go to jail?


There is a voice in my heart, shouting in my mind, maybe calling from blood, maybe not allowed by Zhuo Qing's conscience. In a word, Zhuo Qing knows that she can't stand by

Two tall and strong bodyguards rudely pressed Qingling to the ground, and his long and thin arms were almost broken. Qingling clenched his teeth, shrunk his thin body into a small circle, but refused to beg for mercy. With a hoarse voice, he called coldly, "I didn't poison."

She can't and won't admit it. Even if she wrists her arm, she won't admit it!

The pain made her white face paler, and her lips were already congested by her clenching.

Looking at the stubborn, humiliating and stoic woman on the ground, Zhuo Qing saw a touch of heartache in her eyes. Only her feet moved a step. It seemed that she completely ignored her ink white, which was faster than her, and stopped in front of her.

Zhuo Qing's footsteps slowed down and moved to the left. Ink white seemed to have eyes behind her. She moved quickly and stopped her way again. Several times later, Zhuo Qing was also annoyed. She was about to push away the ink white with her hand, but saw Lou Xiyan, who had been sitting in a stable position, suddenly turned around.

On his deep quiet eyes, across the white shoulder, Lou Xiyan's eyes looked at her deeply, and his head shook lightly without trace. Zhuo Qing saw a kind of calming power in her eyes. Because of this power, Zhuo Qing finally stopped and moved slowly to the stone pillar behind her again. Her heart was at a loss and confused at this time. Because of one look, she believed that he would deal with this matter for her.

Yan ruxuan has been holding her skirt tightly. She didn't expect to see such a scene. The living people died in front of her. She was really flustered and wanted to scream, but with him around, even though her body was still shaking uncontrollably, Yan ruxuan's heart didn't have much fear.

But what is brother Yan looking at? And he just looked, and turned his head back. Yan ruxuan looked up, only saw brother Lou's bodyguard. She quickly lowered her head again. She didn't dare to look at the body with wide eyes on the hall. It was terrible!

The eyes here meet, the dark waves surge, and the anger there is already raging. Obviously, she was a humble maidservant with a high and strong look. The queen snorted and said, "I want to see when you can be tough! Come on! "

The three eunuch like men immediately came to the order. Zhuo Qingxin was also awe inspiring. Fortunately, the building sunset didn't let her down. The thin figure slowly stood up, and the whispering voice didn't rush or slow: "empress, don't be angry for a palace girl. It's better to hand over the punishment to Shan together and let him come to trial, so that you won't get angry and hurt yourself again. "

Almost, we can teach this arrogant woman a good lesson. The Queen's face is obviously dark, full of culture and martial arts. Only two people can't offend, one is the building sunset, the other is suling! When Lou Xiyan spoke, she had to sell her face and bite her teeth in secret. The queen nodded gracefully and said, "it's still the thoughtfulness of Lou Xiangxiang, so these people will be handed over to Shan Tixing."

Lou Xiyan sits down safely. She looks as if she has nothing to do. Shan Yulan can only step forward and says with a fist: "Weichen will try his best to find out the case." Louxiang is indeed Louxiang. It's natural to leave this mess to him! "If you come, put them aside first."

Qingling is pulled up and pushed to the main hall with several eunuchs. Finally, Qingling has a chance to see the sunset of the building. As expected, Qingling is gorgeous and dignified. Qingling finally smiled happily. She would not suffer if she followed him!

Shan Yulan didn't bring the prisoner to trial, but she went straight and lay in front of the seven princesses in Xuxun's arms. She bowed slightly and said in a low voice, "seven princesses, I'm offended."

Hold down the hand of Dan Yulan, Xuxun said: "what are you doing?"

Taking back her hand, Shan Yulan explained: "the seven princesses died of poisoning. We should examine their bodies as soon as possible in order to retain early evidence."

Frowning again, xuxuxus, who was always gentle, seemed to get angry: "you said that seven younger sisters died of poisoning, and the wine also proved toxic. How do you want to test it?"

"Three princes rest assured that what Shan did was just an ordinary autopsy. He made a record of the state of the body, whether there were other wounds on the body and so on, so as to prepare for the use of investigation and not to hurt the body of the princess. If the three princes are not at ease, they can watch. "

Qingling is not in danger for the time being. Zhuo Qing also turns to this side. Shan Yulan is right. The earlier the case is detected, the smaller the change will be. No matter what the case is, it is very important to do a good autopsy.

Zhuo Qing praises Shan Yulan, but some people are frightened by his dark face: "so you need to take off your clothes for inspection?"

Shan Yulan, a righteous man, replied without any affectation: "yes."

"No way!" Xuxun roars! Gently put down the body of the seven princesses, xuxuxun untied his robe, put it on the body with thin clothes, got up and walked to the center of the hall, crossed Shan Yulan, and said to Yan Hongtian in a loud voice: "although Beiqi is a small country, how can seven sisters say that she is also the most noble princess in our country? I can't allow a man to do anything about her body. If she knows after her death, she will Feel humiliated! "

Yan Hongtian's face has always been dark, cloudy and sunny, but she doesn't make a statement. Shan Yulan comes forward again and sincerely explains: "the three princes, the body of the princess must be examined. In order to find the murderer who poisoned the princess as soon as possible, please forgive the three princes."

"Who dares to touch the princess?" A flying forward, Hu Xiang stood in front of the body of the seventh princess. He was a military general. He was so angry that he couldn't manage so much. He shouted: "the princess was deliberately poisoned in the hall, and poison was found in the wine. You don't check the murderer, but you want to insult the body of the princess. Don't bully people too much

"So what do the three princes want to do?"

Xuxuxun finally turned back to him, and turned to him, and said: "if you mention the punishment, you can check it with your clothes. You can just look at it like this. After reading it, I will deliver it back to China for my seven younger sisters. In any case, you are a big man, you must not be naked for seven younger sisters! "

The atmosphere in the main hall is extremely thick. If Hu Xiang is equipped with weapons, it is estimated that he has also been lit up.

Can't force an autopsy? But without autopsy, how can we find out?! Shan Yulan fell into deep thought. Suddenly, there was a flash of brilliance in his eyes. When he raised his head again, Shan Yulan looked clear and asked, "men can't do it. Can women touch it?"


As soon as this speech comes out, the whole hall is shocked. Who has heard of the female autopsy?!

Zhuo Qing immediately raised a bad feeling in her heart.

In the eyes of Lou Xiyan, there is also a glimmer of difference

"Woman?" Xuxun frowned and asked, "is there any female work in the dome?"

Women's work? As soon as this speech comes out, the whole hall is shocked. Who has heard of the female autopsy?!

Zhuo Qing immediately raised a bad premonition in her heart, and her body shrank unconsciously behind the big black and white figure, almost hidden between the pillar and the long hanging tent.

The eyes of Lou Xiyan flashed a little strange, but it was so small that no one would find it.

As for Xu xusi's question, Shan Yulan did not answer, but insisted: "the third prince just said yes or no."

It seems that the autopsy is imperative for them. Xuxuxun thought about it, and finally nodded back: "OK, if it's a woman, you can test it for her."

Get a positive answer, Shan Yulan turned around and walked straight to the location of Lou Xiyan. Lou Xiyan's index finger flicked lightly. His face was calm and leisurely. He could not help cursing. Damn it, he found it!

Everyone is waiting for Shan Yulan to find a woman to examine the corpse. He secretly takes the female apprentice. He goes around the building sunset, walks to a tall man with blue eyes and makes a light bow, and says, "young girl, please help to examine the princess."

When he saw Qingling suffering, her face showed impatience, and she was too similar to Qingling, and she was beside the building. Although he could not see her face in the prison, he could be sure that she was Qingfeng, who brought him a lot of shock that day!

On the main hall, once again, it was a big man. Where is the girl?

Zhuo Qing secretly scolds Lou Xiyan in her heart. How can she not see his voice at this time?! Leaning against the cool stone pillar, she decided to ignore him.

It seems that Zhuo Qing's thought has been seen for a long time, and Shan Yulan no longer goes forward, but Lang Sheng says: "if we can't examine the body of the princess today, we can't find new clues and evidence, and all the people involved in this case can't escape the crime of poisoning the princess of the Northern Qi, and it's more difficult to escape the death."

Damn, he is warning her that if she doesn't test it, Qingling will die!

At one time, she thought that he was upright and aboveboard, so she would play such a trick!

Shan Yulan's hands are behind him, and he doesn't say much anymore. Soon, a female voice with a little hatred in the cold suddenly rings --

"I'll test it."

With this sound, a slender figure stood out from behind the tall man.

That's a woman dressed as a housemaid. Yes, she is. Even though she has long hair in a bun and is wearing a loose robe, no one can doubt that she is a woman after carefully looking at her white and beautiful face.

Bang when -

a cup of crisp sound, people looked at the sound of the sound, only to see the long table in front of the emperor, the cup slanted down on the ground, along the table along the drop of wine splashed on the golden carpet, the emperor a pair of black eyes staring at the woman who suddenly came out. The ministers secretly speculated about the identity of the woman, only because the mood in the emperor's eyes was too complex, which seemed unbelievable and full of affection, but