A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 35

"Yan Yun made a fool of herself." The woman stood up gracefully and walked to the golden carpet in the middle. She looked at Yan Hongtian, but she didn't start to jump. She actually Pull the belt gently! Zhuo Qing is shocked. Is this princess too bold? In front of all the people, undress and untie She can't be stripper

If it's striptease, she's very interested in seeing it. Zhuo Qing stares at the beautiful woman on the gold carpet excitedly, slowly takes off her belt and is pulling her robe. With her action, the gorgeous coat slipped quietly, revealing the translucent silk skirt with bright red inside. The light and thin cloth is not only elegant and enchanting, but also shows her concave and convex figure in front of everyone.

The woman walked to the center of the room with a smile and said, "musician, please play a piece of ritual music, just the sound of bells and drums, other instruments are not allowed to play."

She made a salute to Yan Hongtian. She took out a red ribbon from her sleeve and held it in her hand. It was about eight or nine meters long, but the ribbon was very thin.

Zhuo Qing is curious. The thinner the ribbon, the more difficult it is to wave it. This woman looks up to her weakness. Can she wave it?

Zhuo Qing is still thinking that, with a heavy hammer from the musician, the woman jumps lightly. The ribbon in her hand seems to have a life. It is flying quickly, catering to the beat. The bright and smart eyes like cats float to Yan Hongtian from time to time. The graceful waist is wriggling, as soft as a snake, and the long ribbon in her hand is dancing with the drum light. Especially, every time she jumps and rotates, she is stepping on the drum. Only the sound of a single bell and drum, she has been able to play this dance to such a state, not only does it not appear single tone, but also adds a lot of color.

The sighs of awe all around kept coming and going. Zhuo Qing had to say that she was absolutely the best girl in the world. The enchanting figure is cleverly combined with the firmness of the bell and drum. Every time you hear a bell ring, the bright red silk seems to be entwined with your heart at the same time. It's gentle and itchy. It doesn't say that the blood that the man will see is blown out. Even she has some breathing difficulties. This dance is definitely much higher than the straight white striptease.

Zhuo Qing looks at the building sunset in front of her. She can only see his thin back and her expression. The opposite suling is still a cold face which is not tame. Her cold and proud eyes only look at the wine in her hands. It seems that it is more charming than any beauty.

Looking at Yan Hongtian in the high position, he is staring at the beauty. Unfortunately, what is flowing in his eyes is just a kind of interest of men to see the prey. Is there still less women as gifts?! Zhuo Qing sighs. It's a pity that such a beautiful woman

Just after the last drum point fell, the woman suddenly banged until she fell to the ground. In the main hall, everyone held their breath and stared at the beautiful shadow on the ground.

It's not right. Her dancing just now is extremely flexible. This final ending shape is not without standard! Zhuo Qing stood up straight, her eyes narrowed slightly, and watched her every move secretly. After a long time, the woman did not get up. There was a sound of detailed discussion among the ministers.

Xu Yan Yun did not move for a long time. Xu Xun finally got up and went up to her. He called out to her, "seven younger sisters?"

Xu Yanyun didn't respond. Xuxuxun gently lifted her up. She was still lying in his arms. Xuxun frowned and patted her cheek. Just want to call her, but see Xu Yanyun suddenly convulsed, hands and feet stiff, face also changed from the original flush to light purple, followed by obvious breathing difficulties, Xu xusi also panic hands and feet, hurried way: "seven younger sister what's the matter with you?"

Xu Yanyun failed to respond to him, and his eyes suddenly opened. The original smart eyes lost their charming, full of blood, full of fear and obvious protrusion. The stiff hand grabs his throat and his feet struggle unconsciously

Zhuoqing is shocked. Is she suffering from a hidden disease? This is not like a disease attack, but rather - poisoning.

"Seven sisters!"

At last, Xu Yan's cloud stopped, and her eyes were wide open. Everything happened so fast that the people in the hall could not respond.

"Royal doctor, treat the seven princesses." Yan Hongtian's voice was very cold, and his emotion could not be seen on his face.

"Yes." The two royal doctors ran quickly to touch Xu Yanyun's pulse. The original calm face suddenly became dignified. After a long time of careful pulse diagnosis, they finally released their hands and murmured a few words to another royal doctor behind them. The royal doctor immediately felt the pulse. After a long time, both of them dared not say a word when they looked at each other.

Looking at their expressions, xuxuxus felt something wrong and said, "what's wrong with her?"

"Seven princesses she..." Two people swallowed saliva, cold sweat DC.

"Say it!" Yan Hongtian roared, and the two royal doctors rushed to the ground immediately, and said timidly, "they have already died."

There was an uproar over the main hall.

"Bastard!" Yan Hongtian was so angry that he dropped his glass on the ground that there was no sound in the hall.

Holding the woman in his arms tightly, xuxuxus seemed not to calm down. He stared at the royal doctor and forced him to ask, "it's impossible. Seven younger sisters have always been in good health since they were little dancers. How could they suddenly die of rage?"

The head of the royal doctor did not dare to lift it. After a long time, he trembled and said: "the seven princesses are He was poisoned and died. "

Poisoning and death? After all, a princess died of poisoning in the main hall. It's really

Xuxun looked up at Yan Hongtian, covered his eyes and said: "this should be Even more impossible. "

A trace of anger flashed in her eyes. Yan Hongtian asked in a cold voice, "what's the poison of the seven princesses?"


Impatient cold look at the ground curled up into a group of figures, Yan Hongtian cold voice low way: "what to do, say." What a bunch of crap! He is a big country. Should he lose face in front of outsiders?!

Two people look at each other, but they dare not answer back. They can only crawl deeper on the ground, and sweat on their heads is pouring down. They dare not say this poison!

Building sunset and the opposite Su Ling look at each other, don't open their eyes, are all watching their changes. Because at this time, Shan Yulan, who was the chief of the prison department, had already got up and went to the seven Fallen Princesses.

The royal doctor was too scared to speak. The officials were silent. Yan Hongtian was about to get angry. Shan Yulan's clear and steady voice rang out at the right time: "before the princess died, her limbs twitched, her teeth clenched, her breath closed, her face was dark blue purple. After her death, her eyes protruded and her limbs were cold. She should have died of snake venom. And the snake venom that can be poisoned in such a short period of time is only the red atlas filariasis. "

As expected, it was poisoning. Seeing the state of the dead, Zhuo Qing also judged it. But what she didn't understand was that there were many cases of venom death, but it was rare that such a quick attack happened like Princess seven, or had she been poisoned by snake venom before she came? It's impossible. When she came up to dance, there was nothing unusual.

Zhuo Qing fell into his own thinking, but when Shan Yulan said the words "chihuan filariasis", there was a stir again. Zhuo Qing thought about the poison of chihuan filariasis?