A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 32

Zhuo Qingchang's hair was originally done in a bun. Now he takes off his hat and wears a blue long shirt. He looks more like a handsome young man. Lou Xiyan is satisfied to take her to the side of her body, chuckles and says: "you will only have to follow me and raise your head less later." Her eyes, too clear, too clear, are not the eyes of slaves, as long as she does not look at people.

Zhuo Qing wails and whispers, "I As far as possible. " Thinking of the appearance of Liu Zi just now, Zhuo Qing admits that she can't learn it all her life, only Try your best

"Let's go." Compared with Zhuo Qing's depression, Lou Xiyan seems quite at ease, leading Zhuo Qing to the direction of the main hall, but he would not think that tonight would be so restless

Outside the Qianyang hall, Zhuo Qing lowered her head and followed the sunset of the building. After less than ten minutes, she heard the noisy voice coming from the front. Zhuo Qing looked up and saw that the palace lamp was not far away, the candles were bright, and a magnificent hall was in front of her. This palace covers a large area, which is more magnificent than the architecture of the Imperial Palace in Beijing. In other words, it's a kind of visiting mentality when watching the imperial palace. As time goes by, we can't realize the Royal momentum. Now looking at the palace in front of her, the palace maids, eunuchs, bodyguards and ministers are all so real. Zhuoqing has a vague feeling.

Lou Xiyan lightly holds Zhuo Qing's hand and whispers, "what's the matter? Uncomfortable? "

Zhuo Qing shook her head and sighed, "no, I'm tired." Looking back at myself when I visited the Forbidden City and myself now, the fate of life can be so strange!

Look at her mood suddenly low, eyes exude fatigue, floor sunset soft voice said: "soon, a party half, we will go."

The gentle comfort of Lou Xiyan makes Zhuo Qing smile. Isn't she always at ease? Has become the established fact matter, also sentimental what?! Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Qing walked easily and said: "I'm ok. Let's go. Don't worry. I'll remember to bow my head."

Lou Xiyan laughs, he really shouldn't let her act as a waiter, because no one will walk in front of the master! She will never learn how to be a slave, nor will he need her.

The two walked along, and there were many early ministers gathered in front of the main hall. They exchanged greetings with each other. When they saw Lou Xiyan coming, they immediately gave up a way and bowed their hands to salute each other. Lou Xiyan nodded one by one and walked towards the hall door. Zhuo Qing kept her head down and walked forward bored. After a while, a pair of pure black boots stopped in front of her.

"General su." The unique low voice of Lou Xiyan sounded with a smile.

"Building phase." The condensing bass makes people shiver for no reason.

"It's hard work for general Su to return from his North tour." Lou Xiyan is chatting with the owner of these black boots. Zhuo Qing is about to close her eyes and open them, general su? Zhuo Qing, the man with the third young lady of the Qing family, couldn't help looking up gently. She wanted to have a close look at the legendary mighty general of six kingdoms!

This man is not handsome. He is very strong and tall. He is half taller than the sunset. The bronze skin, like the black hair of satin, is half tied at the back of the head. It has neither hair crown nor long hairpin. The eyebrows and stars of the sword show its unruly character. Dressed in dark gray robes, with no accessories on his body, compared with the well-dressed adults at the Palace Banquet, he is not as simple as coming to the banquet. But there are always some people in the world, even if they don't have a splendid suit to set off, who dare not ignore them. How can the heroic and rebellious force, which has been washed out by the long-standing battlefield and the bloodbath, not be concealed.

Suling's resolute face didn't have too much expression, just casually replied, "you're welcome, something in suling."

Just as he said this, he suddenly looked at Zhuoqing's direction. Zhuoqing was so surprised that she quickly lowered her head. After that, she had already looked at Zhuoqing in a low-key way, so she would also be found?

In front of him, there was a low smile as usual: "general Su, please."

Only Lou Xiyan and his bodyguard are in the sight. Suling coldly takes back his sight, but the difference in his heart still remains. Just now, he clearly felt a peeping eye, but let him hide.

"Please." With the building sunset, two people step into the palace.

Fortunately, Lou Xiyan blocks her in time. Zhuo Qing takes a sigh of relief secretly. Her eyes are sharp and pressing. If Gu Yun is the third young lady of the Qing family, meeting this man who only needs one look can make people tremble. As a result God bless you!

Lou Xiyan and suling enter the hall one after another, and the civil and military officials follow them. Inside and outside the Qianyang palace, the palace maids and eunuchs were busy shuttling. The two women dressed in the palace maids hid behind the big stone pillars outside the palace one by one, and looked inside from time to time, which was really sneaky.

"Princess, it's not appropriate for us to go to this occasion. You are still dressed like this. If the emperor blames you..." An unsettled state of mind. The princess was as like as two peas. From the afternoon till now, her mouth is dry. The princess doesn't care about her at all. How can it be good?!

Yan ruxuan only stared at the tall figure disappeared in the gate of the main hall, and said carelessly, "there are so many people in the Palace Banquet, and the emperor doesn't notice me at all."

She knew that the princess would say that. With the princess's eyes, she didn't need to guess who she would see. Xiaolian said in a low voice: "princess, it's better for you to keep your maidservant outside the palace. As soon as the Palace Banquet is over and you come out of the building, your maidservant will invite him to Qingxuan Palace at once, and you won't go in!" The princess is here for the prime minister. As long as she can persuade the little ancestor, she can do anything!

Without concealing the sadness in her eyes, Yan ruxuan replied: "if he would go, he would have gone." He has not stepped into Qingxuan hall for a long time. Sometimes she really wants to ask him why? Does he really hate her so much? But often on his crisp eyes, she asked not to export, afraid of his answer, is she can not bear.

Xiao Lian tightly pulls her dress corner, Yan ruxuan says impatiently: "OK, if you are afraid, go back to the palace."

Hearing the princess's annoyance, Xiao Lian hurriedly cried out: "where the princess said, where the princess went, where the maidservant would go!" She is the princess's valet. If there is something wrong with the master, can she avoid it?!

Happily, she nodded and grasped Xiaolian's hand. Yan ruxuan took a deep breath and said, "OK, now go in." She needs someone to give her courage!

Xiao Lian wails in her heart, but she can't help but walk into the bustling Qianyang palace with the princess!

They pretended to be calm and walked into the palace behind a group of maids who went in to serve them. Xiao Lian took Yan ruxuan to stand at the end of the palace and looked around for a long time. Xiao Lian said in a happy low voice: "look, princess, the building is there."