A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 33

Looking towards the front of the main hall, the building sunset sits in front of the case, whispers with the bodyguard behind her from time to time, her face is still light and warm with a smile, and her heart jumps up uncontrollably. Look down at the jade bracelet between the wrists. Yan ruxuan nibbles at the lip of the diamond. She is going to walk towards the direction of the sunset.

Fortunately, Xiao Lian was quick to grasp her hand and begged: "my good master, you can watch here, and then you will be found!"

After struggling for several times, Xiao Lian refused to put it down. Yan ruxuan's face sank and said in a cold voice, "I have something to say to him, you are waiting here."

"Yes..." The princess was angry, knowing that she could not be persuaded to move her, Xiao Lian had to let go of her hand gently.

Looking at the princess along the side of the palace, walking all the way to the sunset, the beautiful figure is like a fluttering butterfly, Xiao Lian sighs low, the building phase is a fire, the princess will still jump up

Entering the palace, Zhuo Qing is really eye opening. The spacious palace is almost as big as the football field. It's all made of wood. The diameter of each beam and column is at least one meter. There are three floors in the hall. In the middle of the hall, a 10 meter wide gold velvet carpet is directly laid from the door of the hall to the top floor. The golden color is many times more magnificent than the ordinary red carpet.

On the highest floor, there are flowing gold seats and faucets inlaid. It's the place where the emperor sits. On the second floor, there are ten long tables carved from red sandalwood wood. The building sunset and suling are on the second floor. The two people sit on the left and right nearest to the Dragon chair. Just look at the arrangement of this seat, you'll know the position. On the third floor, there are about 100 tables, but they are still sitting The last one, I don't know what the emperor looks like

Lou Xiyan sits on the seat, Zhuo Qing stands behind him. Because there is a distance of about 20 meters between them, Zhuo Qing finally dare to look at the sharp and dangerous general in the opposite direction again. It's rare to have a chance to see an ancient general. Zhuo Qing said in a low voice: "this long-standing general is really famous."

Lou Xiyan did not look back, raised his eyebrows gently and said with a smile, "how can I see it?"

"He has a pair of firm and persistent eyes, a posture of advance, attack and retreat, and a charm of conquering everything." Maybe this is the charm that this era gives him. Of course, Zhuo Qing didn't say the last word.

Lou Xiyan slowly picked up the wine glass on the table, sipped the delicacies and said with a smile, "so you are very satisfied with this brother-in-law?"

Brother in law? Zhuo Qing returned to God and said with a smile, "no, what I evaluated was his status as a general. As a husband, he was unqualified. I have no right to evaluate him." She is not so powerful. She can see whether a man is a good man at a glance. She can only say that his strong physique is a little scary. It feels that if he only uses one force, he can crush her -

is the husband the dialect of Haoyue? I can guess the meaning of this word. Lou Xiyan holds the wine glass, looks at Zhuo Qing and asks with interest, "what about me?"

"What are you?" The light in his eyes is strange. Zhuoqing feels something is wrong

Sure enough, playing with the glass in his hand, Lou Xiyan asked with a smile: "as a prime minister, am I qualified? As... Husband, am I qualified? "

Lou Xiyan asked casually in her mouth, but her eyes were staring at her directly. Zhuo Qing didn't dare or would not guess in her tiny eyes. Her face was inexplicably hot. She was always articulate and didn't know how to answer

Patience has always been one of the important advantages of Lou Xiyan. She doesn't say that he never pressed her urgently, but such a deep gaze is a kind of suffering for Zhuo Qing at this time. Fortunately, God heard her request, a maid came slowly with a tray in her hand, and knelt down half in front of the long table at the sunset of the building.

Lou Xiyan gently raised her hand and said, "I don't need you to wait on me. Let's go." During the Palace Banquet, there will be a maid serving wine and vegetables at each table, but today he doesn't want to be disturbed.

Who knows that the palace maid did not leave, but calmly poured another glass of wine for Lou Xiyan, and sent the wine to Lou Xiyan, the palace maid slowly raised her head and asked with concern, "are you better?"

Gentle female voice gently sounded, Lou Xiyan eyebrows unconsciously frowned, looked at the girl dressed by the palace girl around, Lou Xiyan said: "princess, you shouldn't come here."

Zhuo Qing, who was glad that she didn't have to face the embarrassment of the building's sunset, was suddenly shocked. She unconsciously stepped forward to have a closer look at the woman's appearance, the willow eyebrow and star eyes, the pink face with spring, and the linglip with light purples. Her quiet temperament is very comfortable. Zhuo Qing gently raises her eyebrows. It seems that she is not the only one who comes here in different clothes tonight. The charm of Lou Xiyan is not small!

It's boring for Zhuoqing to stand here and overhear others' words. Zhuoqing turns back to Mobai's side and hides by his tall figure. Zhuoqing lies lazily against the nearby column and yawns. Her eyes deliberately avoid the building sunset in front and look around the hall. There are a lot of people in the hall, but there are still so many people who can get to the second floor platform. Three positions beside suling are empty, and the last one is sitting in silence, and they don't exchange greetings with other officials. Zhuo Qing looks at the past curiously. This man is familiar. It seems that it's Shan Yulan who raises the criminal case. If he can sit there, his position is not small.

Lou Xiyan's cold voice obviously hurt Yan ruxuan's heart, which made her feel aggrieved. Yan ruxuan whispered back, "I heard that you are ill again. I'm worried about visiting you, but my mother forbids me to go out of the palace often."

"I don't have to worry about it, princess." Seeing Zhuoqing back to Mobai, Lou Xiyan says she doesn't appear in her heart. She is so "sensible". Why does he feel uncomfortable in his heart? What does he expect her to do?! His mind is a little confused, but his mind will never be easily guessed.

Raising her hand lightly, Yan ruxuan saw a bright jade bracelet between her wrists. With a little drum beating in her heart, she asked hopefully, "did you choose this bracelet yourself?" Last year, he sent a purple and gold long hairpin. She was ecstatic and took it every day. Later, she knew that it was the one he asked the housekeeper to choose. Since then, she never took the long hairpin.

It turns out that what Jing SA sent was bracelets. How could he be so muddleheaded to send something close to his body! Facing Yan ruxuan's expectant eyes, Lou Xiyan just smiled back and asked, "does the princess like it?"

"I like everything you send." She didn't care what he gave, but she did care if he had prepared it for her!

"Just like it. The Palace Banquet is about to start. Go back first, princess."

Lou Xiyan's perfunctory reply darkened Yan ruxuan's face and made her as smart as she was. Would you not know that he didn't choose this bracelet! What is she holding on to? Suddenly I found myself very funny. Yan ruxuan got up in front of her. At this time, a loud voice sounded from far and near: "the emperor is here! The empress is here! "