A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 31

At the beginning of the moon, the sun has not spread out the warmth, the bright moon has blossomed out of tenderness. In the night, Huanyang City, with the noise and complexity of the day gone, still shows its essence and unique King's breath as the first city of the dome. On the way to the Imperial City, chariots and carriages came in an endless stream, which showed how grand the Palace Banquet was tonight.

There are many carriages on the official road, but one of them looks very attractive. The dark red body is made of worsted silk and satin interwoven with gold thread. The patterns of gold thread flowing clouds are embroidered on both sides. The shafts pulled by four horses with uniform fur color are all shining with gold. However, gorgeous is not the reason why it attracts people's attention, but every carriage and chariot car passing by its side unconsciously slows down, without daring it to walk side by side, only because the owner of this carriage is the Prime Minister of today's dome under one person and over ten thousand people - the building sunset.

"Are you sure you can?" Staring at the half reclusive building sunset, Zhuo Qing pulled the strange hat on her head. It's said that the grey robe is the clothes of the lowest ranking eunuch. The ugliness is the second. It's mainly because the big hat makes her uncomfortable. But one good thing is that her face is almost covered by the brim of her hat.

Lou Xiyan laughs, slowly opens his eyes, pulls Zhuo Qing's hand and laughs: "don't worry, after entering the palace, I will let the little Eunuch in the palace take you to your sister's garden. Today's such an occasion, your sister should not be present. If you have any words, you can talk slowly. When the Palace Banquet is over, I will send someone to pick you up. "

Today, he is dressed very formally, with a light blue robe, a pair of men's clothes embroidered with silver and water waves, and a purple and gold hair crown. His handsome features and elegant temperament are vividly reflected, but his brows are still showing light fatigue from time to time. Zhuo Qing said sincerely, "thank you, Lou Xiyan." Qingfeng's identity is just a gift, but he is so painstaking for her. Zhuoqing is overwhelmed by this man's bearing.

However, the touch lasted only 0.1 second, because at the next moment, Lou Xiyan clasped her finger and said with a light smile, "if feng'er would call me Xiyan, I would be happier than to hear thank you."

Is this a trick? Zhuo Qing scolds, breaks free of his hand, and raises a sly smile. Zhuo Qing taps the cheek of the building's sunset like a puppy, and chuckles: "little Yan is lovely, don't push forward!" Compared with the disgusting appellation, she never falls behind -

little Yan - the face of Lou Xiyan is instantly petrified

Looking at the wanton woman who laughs in the opposite direction, with a few dotes on her mouth that he didn't notice, Lou Xiyan shakes her head gently. In the world, maybe only she dare to make fun of his name like this.

"Master, it's the gate." The low voice of ink White came from the outside of the car.

"Well." Lou Xiyan responds with a faint gesture to Zhuo Qing. Zhuo Qing smiles wantonly and nods clearly.

The guards of the palace gate naturally recognize the carriage of the building, and dare not neglect it. The carriage only stops at the gate of the palace, and then moves slowly towards the palace.

When entering the palace wall, it looks very quiet outside. You can hear someone passing by the carriage from time to time, but the voice is very light. Zhuo Qing can obviously feel the change of atmosphere, oppressive and heavy. Living in such a palace is not an easy task. She hopes to see Gu Yun later, but at the same time she hopes not to.

Zhuoqing is silent. After a long walk, the carriage stops slowly.

The voice of ink white rings again: "master son, small six son arrived."

Lou Xiyan gently raises the curtain and takes the lead in getting off the carriage. Zhuo Qing also follows him, lifts up the clothes and directly jumps out of the carriage. Lou Xiyan shakes her head funny. Is she really a young lady of the Green family? He's never seen that big girl behave like this.

The building sunset car, a gray figure from the side of the tree from the bow out, slightly appears to be a shrill voice to say: "small have seen the building."

It's too dark, he has been half bow, Zhuo Qing can't see his appearance, but look at his body and listen to his voice, it's just like a teenager.

Lead Zhuo Qing to come forward, Lou Xiyan whispered: "you take her to Qingling's courtyard immediately, and guard outside. After the Palace Banquet, take her to the North palace gate."

"Building phase..." Little Liuzi was crawling on the ground, his voice trembling.

Lou Xiyan's eyes are shining slightly. He has guessed that things have changed. He holds Zhuo Qing's hand in his palm. Lou Xiyan asks, "what happened?"

Kneeling on the ground, xiaoliuzi replied with a trembling voice: "green beauty went to bed last night, angered Longyan, and had been demoted to be a palace maid. In the evening, she was taken away by the people of the interior office."

It turns out that Qingling has been awarded the title of beauty, but how can she get angry with Longyan on the night of bedtime? Thinking of Gu Yun's skill and fiery temper, Zhuoqing cools her back and says, "where is she now?"

Small six son slightly raised to nod, saw this young man's hand to be pulled tightly by the building phase in the hand, already knew this person is also offended not the person, hurriedly lowers the head, frightens to return way: "the small person does not know, the small person really does not know."

Gently waving, Lou Xiyan said calmly, "go down, let's check with manager Fang. How is Qingling now? Where are the people?"

"The little one will go at once." Xiaoliuzi got up from the ground and ran away.

Looking at Zhuo Qing, Lou Xiyan saw her eyebrows locked, mistakenly thinking that she was worried about her sister, patted her on the back of the hand and comforted her: "don't worry, there must be news from your sister before tomorrow."

Zhuo Qing has no choice but to nod her head. If Lou Xiyan can't find anyone, she can't find anyone. Looking down at her strange dress, Zhuoqing said with a wry smile, "what can I do now?"

"How about I show you the Royal Palace feast of the dome?" she said with a low smile Qingling can't find it. He can't leave her alone in the palace. It's the best idea to take her with him.

"Ah?" Zhuo Qing is shocked. She has no interest in so-called banquets, OK

Unfortunately, Lou Xiyan didn't really want to ask her advice. He only heard that he glanced at the Xiangfu bodyguard beside him and said to the thinnest bodyguard, "take off your clothes."

"Yes." The bodyguard didn't even want to think about it. He grabbed his robe and handed it to him respectfully.

Put the clothes into Zhuoqing's hands, Lou Xiyan led her to the carriage and said with a smile, "go and change the clothes."

Zhuo Qing has no choice but to climb into the carriage. She is in the palace. She doesn't know what she can do, so she goes to see the so-called royal banquet. Casually put the clothes on her body, took off her gasping hat, Zhuo Qing climbed out of the carriage again.

The clothes seemed a little big on her. Lou Xiyan pulled her sleeves and naturally helped her roll them up. There was a trace of difference in the black, white and blue eyes, but soon peace was restored.