A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 30

Qi Tianyu also went into the cave, saw the situation inside the cave, and said: "you son, why are you here?" Seeing her naked appearance, Qi Tianyu's face was overcast and immediately took off his long gown and put it on your son.

"Young master!" After a few days of fear and crisis, seeing Qi Tianyu, your son could not help choking.

Qi Tianyu holds her shoulder and wants to help her up. Unexpectedly, ru'er immediately shakes with pain. Zhuoqing says in a hurry, "be careful. Her foot is broken. It's better not to walk."

When she said this, Qi Tianyu found that ru'er was wrapped with a long piece of cloth and picked her up more carefully. However, ru'er did not want to get up and asked Zhuoqing, "girl, have you asked your name yet?"

"My name is Green maple.

"My name is philu. Thank you very much for your help." And when he had finished speaking, philu was half kneeling on the ground with the help of Qi Tianyu.

He was not used to the great ceremony of kneeling to himself. Zhuoqing took a step back and pointed to the Qian Jing behind him and said, "don't do that. Thank him if you want to."

Your son stubbornly bowed to Zhuo Qing and then saluted to Qianjing. Qian Jing waved, covered the wound with his hand, and said, "OK, I know I'm very strong, so you don't have to thank me. Just do it!"

Maybe he got rid of the crisis. Qian Jing looked more energetic. He could not see his complacency. Zhuo Qing, with her hands around her chest, looked sideways at Leng Heng and said, "do you have a hand? Also, you don't think it's any more than throwing knives! What a bounty hunter! God bless you to live till now

When the corner of Qianjing's mouth froze, he whispered, "what do you know, ugly woman! In addition to throwing knives, my lightness skill is unparalleled in the world. That is to say, I'm a better bounty hunter than my elder martial brother and elder martial sister! "

The light in the eyes of the building's sunset is still quiet. Zhuo Qing didn't have such a good cultivation. She just laughed and said: "after a long time, running is your best skill!"

Qian Jing didn't care to turn his mouth and hum, "so what? It's natural to run if you can't fight, but you're the best one! Do you know why I choose Throwing Knife as weapon? The first is because it's very handsome. The second is that it's easier to run if you can't fight! "Hiss -" said Qian Jing. He couldn't help but draw at the same time, and the wound hurt so much that he bared his teeth.

Zhuo Qing squatted down and said: "how are you? Don't get carried away! " This man is really a strange man. Aren't people in the Wulin ashamed to talk about their deserts? He's good, he's right, but it's just because he doesn't try to be famous, and his honest and true temperament makes Zhuo Qing admire him a little.

Covering the wound, Qianjing stared at Zhuoqing and scolded: "if you were not in the way, I would be so miserable!"

Seeing his angry look, Zhuo Qing didn't get angry, but she laughed low. The more she smiled, the fiercer Qian Jing stared, the fiercer he was, and the louder Zhuo Qing laughed. You two fought with me in the eyes, and regarded the people around you as transparent. Qi Tianyu looks at Lou Xiyan quietly, only to see that there is not much expression on his face, micro Yang's eyes squint unconsciously, and slightly flicking his index finger also shows that he is in a bad mood at this time.

With a slight cough, Qi Tianyu hurriedly handed your son over to the guard beside him and went to Qian Jing and said, "brother Qian, I think you are not hurt lightly. Why don't you come back to the hot spring garden with me first? I'll ask the doctor for your diagnosis and treatment."

Qian Jing took back his sight, nodded his head and said, "well, well!" Save the doctor's money.

"Come!" Qi Tianyu called two guards to help him.

Zhuo Qing stretched out his waist to follow them back to the hot spring garden. His wrists were lightly held by a pair of slightly cold hands. Zhuo Qing was puzzled and looked at the nearby Lou Xiyan. Lou Xiyan carefully pulled the cloak for her. In a light voice, he said softly: "I'm going back to the Xiangfu now. The envoy of the Northern Qi arrived at the dome in advance. I have to attend the Palace Banquet tomorrow night. I want to take the opportunity to bring you in, arrange for you to meet your sister, and pick you up after the Palace Banquet. Do you want to go back with me now, or do you want to stay in the hot spring garden to have a good rest and see your sister next time? "

Zhuo Qing thought about it and said, "I'll go back with you." I don't know when I can arrange it again.

Lou Xiyan lightly supports Zhuo Qing to walk outside the cave. Looking at the back of the two people, Qi Tianyu shakes his head with a smile. It's wonderful that Xiyan is so desperate. With his understanding of Xiyan, whether Qingfeng wants to or not, Xiyan must take her away. Now she not only willingly goes with him, but also thanks him. A fox is a fox.

When we get to the entrance of the cave, Lou Xiyan will go back to Xiangfu directly from the back mountain, Qi Tianyu will go to the mountain and go to the hot spring garden directly from the back door. The two teams should also go their separate ways.

Zhuo Qing looked at Qian Jing and smiled, "thank you, Qian Jing. Take care of yourself."

Qian Jing nodded and shouted back, "I've written down the feeling I owe you this time. I'll give it back to you if I have a chance."

Who owes whom? But for her, he would not have been hurt. Zhuo Qing was grateful to him, but he said with a smile on his lips: "you don't owe me for your kindness, but you still owe me one hundred Liang. Take good care of yourself and pay back the money as soon as possible!"

After Qian Jing was stunned, he cried out hatefully, "if you want money, you need life!"

Zhuoqing can't help crying and laughing: "you're a real moneymaker!" Can't stand to shake his head, Zhuoqing to the nearby building sunset chuckle way: "go." Still have the strength to roar with her, she may not have to worry about him.

Lou Xiyan nods, remembers the headache Lou Xiwu. Lou Xiyan thinks about it, and aligns with Tian Yu and says, "Tian Yu, Xi Wu will take care of you for a few days. When she has enough reflection, I will send someone to pick her up."

"Good." Qi Tianyu promised to come down.

Two people walk to the foot of the mountain side by side, Zhuo Qing asks: "Xi Wu found it?"

The way down the mountain is a little rough. The building sunset holds Zhuo Qing's shoulder and casually replies, "I found it."

The mountain road is really hard to walk, Zhuo Qing doesn't care about the support of the building sunset, just curious to ask: "who found it?"


"So clever?" Zhuo Qing chuckled: "it's not the girl who intended it!"

Lou Xiyan gently raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "do you mean it?"

"Me?" Zhuo Qing wants to cry without tears: "wrong! The thing is like this: "

the voice is getting smaller and smaller, and they can hardly hear what they are saying, but the back of the two people who are going together is clearly seen by everyone. Take back his sight, dry Jing frowns anxiously. What is he looking at? That ugly woman is the woman of the building sunset! What he should care about is how much reward Qi Tianyu gives him!

Yes, yes, money is more lovely! Should there be 300 Liang, or 400 liang?