A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 29

Someone? Zhuo Qing's just relaxed nerves are tense again, won't they! Looking at the disabled people all over the place, and then looking at their clothes, Zhuo Qing wails. Haven't you had enough trouble this evening? How unlucky can a person be?!

Hot spring garden main hall


Lou Xiyan looks at a direction in a trance, his face is slightly heavy, and the tea in his hand is inclined to spill out. Qi Tianyu called out, but he didn't even feel it. Qi Tianyu frowned and called again, "sunset?"

Lou Xiyan, looking back at Qi Tianyu, asked, "is there any news?"

When did you see the sunset so restless? Is he nervous, Qingfeng? I can't guess the mind of Lou Xiyan. Qi Tianyu didn't say anything, just shook his head and said, "no, your tea is cold."

Lou Xiyan slowly raised her hand and put the tea in her hand back on the tea table, calmly without any embarrassment, as if his trance just now was just a daze to Qi Tianyu.

"Master." Jingsa entered the main hall and said in a deep voice: "the envoys of the Northern Qi state have arrived at Shiliting outside Huanyang City, where they will camp and rest tonight. Tomorrow afternoon, the emperor will meet them in the Qianyang palace. In the evening, he will host a banquet to entertain the envoys of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Duke Gao of the palace will come and ask if the master and his son are getting better and can they attend? "

After thinking for a while, Lou Xiyan asked, "who is going out?"

"Xu xusi, the third highness of the Northern Qi State, Xu Yanyun, the seventh princess, and Hu Xiang, the eldest son of General Hu Zhangyu."

Three highness, seven princesses, eldest son of general? Lou Xiyan raised her eyebrows gently. The emissary sent by the Northern Qi Dynasty was sincere. If he didn't guess wrong, the seventh princess should be the tribute this time, right? It's said that the seven princesses of the Northern Qi Dynasty not only have the natural beauty of the country, but also have a high dancing skill. According to the viewers, they have reached the point where they are fantastic. She was sent by the Northern Qi Dynasty for an obvious purpose. But would Hongtian be such a confused monarch? Lou Xiyan said with a low smile, "if you go back to GAOJIN, I will attend the party tomorrow."

"Yes." Jing SA bows away.

Qi Tianyu looked at the sky and said, "it's going to be three o'clock, or you can have a rest. Go back to the mansion at dawn. You always have to prepare for the Palace Banquet in the evening. I will continue to help you find Qingfeng. "

Gently shake his head, the building sunset light way back: "wait again."

Lou Xiyan takes up the newly made tea, holds the cup cover, gently strokes the tea with a leisurely motion, and looks as usual. Qi Tianyu thought to himself, was the tension just now really wrong?

"Master." With steady steps, Mobai stepped into the main hall and walked to the front of the building sunset. He presented the things in his hand and said: "Hongshan has almost been turned over, but still hasn't found Qingfeng. But we found traces of fighting in the woods of Houshan. Now we are searching for it. "

Lou Xiyan put down the tea cup, took the things in Mo Bai's hands, and looked at it closely, it was a throwing knife. Lou Xiyan's eyes narrowed: "this is the weapon of Qianjing." At that time, Qian Jing was playing with it in his hand. The blade was half moon shaped and the blade was sharp. Such a thin throwing knife was very rare. Few people could use it! If the man in the back mountain is dry, with whom will he fight? Qingfeng was missing for only three or four hours. If he was not in Hongshan, he would probably be in Houshan.

Lou Xiyan suddenly gets up and Qi Tianyu says, "where are you going, Xiyan?"

Put on the outer robe, Lou Xiyan walked out and said: "go to the back mountain."

Qi Tianyu was shocked and said: "but it's too late now, and your body." now he can be sure that the sunset cares about that woman, and it really cares. What magic does this green maple have? Let the sunset care about her so much?!

"I'm fine. I can't find her in Houshan, so I'll go back to the mansion." The steps of the building's sunset are as usual, without any stagnation.

The thing that sunset decides, won't change, Qi Tianyu can only helplessly return a way: "OK, we go together."

A group of people walked out of the hot spring garden towards the back mountain.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer. Even Zhuoqing hears a slight abnormal sound. Once again nervous tension, Zhuo Qing quickly observed around, she found almost no place to hide, even if there are, also can not accommodate three people! Now go out, can only be cast into a snare, Zhuo Qing dark sigh, now only prayer is not the villain!

Zhuo Qing stares at the cave mouth nervously. Her wrist suddenly tightens. She looks down at it. Lying on the ground, Qian Jing holds her hand and says, "help me to sit up."

Zhuo Qing retreats behind Qianjing, pushes his shoulder gently with both hands, and asks him to sit up. Qianjing picks up two throwing knives on the ground and clasps them between his fingers. He whispers to Zhuo Qing behind him and says, "if you have a chance later, you can run, OK?"

Zhuo Qing is stunned. She frowns and thinks for a while. She nods back and says, "well." As long as someone can run out, it's hope!

After hearing her answer, Qian Jing was relieved a little. Ru'er bit her lower lip lightly, her hands trembled, but she still firmly grasped the stick in her hands. All three of them held their breath and stared at the hole.

Almost no footsteps were heard, but the light shadow appeared at the entrance of the cave. Qian Jing's face was cold. The people's martial arts were not weak. If there was any evil intention, none of them could escape. Fasten the thin blade in your hand. When you see the cold light reflected by the long sword in your hand, the dry thorns are full of energy and shoot towards the shadow of the cave.

The thin blade flies out, the person side swings the soft sword, the short battle meets, hears only "Ding!" With a sound of, the throwing knife was hit and flew, straight into the stone wall next to it, and the exposed part swung to a low hum. It can be seen how powerful it is to be able to drive such a thin throwing knife into the stone wall!

Zhuoqing and Qianjing are both surprised. At the same time, people come into the cave.

Seeing the tall and straight figure, Zhuo Qing exclaimed in surprise, "blue eyes!"

Wuwuwuwu, God opened his eyes! Zhuo Qing almost cried.

After glancing at the situation in the cave, Mo Bai turned slightly sideways, and the thin figure of the building's sunset appeared at the entrance of the cave.

In the light of the fire, Zhuo Qingxin jumps at the eyes that are always warm but hard to measure. How could he come?

Lou Xiyan goes straight to her, Zhuo Qing stands up and asks, "how can you come?" His body is not fit for vigorous exercise, and the weather is so bad now.

Lou Xiyan didn't answer her. Looking at her long legs, Lou Xiyan's eyes darkened. Zhuo Qing only felt that her body was warm, and the big cloak of Lou Xiyan had wrapped her tightly, and her chin was raised slightly by him. She felt his cool fingertips gently rubbing the scar on her neck. Zhuo Qing shrunk her neck embarrassed, and replied awkwardly, "I'm ok, they're seriously hurt." Lou Xiyan doesn't smile. She is still not used to it. Her heart always jumps restlessly.