A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 3

"God bless, God bless!" Li Xu is ecstatic. They are not dead! His life is finally saved! "Come on, come on, take them away!"

In the wind and rain, the soldiers fought them out of the temple and were about to send them to the carriage where Qingling was. Li Xu suddenly called out, "wait a minute."

These three people are disfigurement and suicide again. This time they are not dead. It's hard to say what will happen next time! From here to the dome, there are more than ten days to go! After some deliberation in his heart, Li Xu said in a deep voice, "divide them up and put them in a carriage. They are not allowed to meet again. Moreover, when they are drunk in the water they drink, they must be sent to the kingdom of dome alive! "

"Yes!" The three men were immediately packed into the three carriages. Before they got to the dome, they would never have a chance to see each other or get off the carriage.

Qingjia sister, don't blame me. Blame yourself. Whoever makes you look like a country or a city, who makes you talented, who makes you famous in six countries and the women named by the kingdom of dome, let alone disfigured. Even if you die, you must also die in the kingdom of dome. Everything is doomed!

Early spring, the colorful season. The kingdom of dome is powerful and prosperous. The city of Huanyang is full of natural scenery. Before entering the city, you can hear the noise of the city. On both sides of the official road, there are many merchants and civilians who come in and out of Huanyang city.

The breeze blows on his face, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Seeing that he is about to arrive at the gate of Huanyang City, Li Xu is both happy and afraid! I'm glad that they have been on the move for more than ten days. They are almost there. What they are afraid of is the faces of the three young ladies

In the carriage, a slender arm is struggling to grasp the window lattice which is not high. Unfortunately, before it is touched, it is powerless to hang down.

It's a little bit closer!

Zhuo Qing tries to stretch out her right hand again. This time it's better. Her fingertip can touch the window edge, and she gasps deeply. Zhuo Qing's left hand tries to prop up her body. After a lot of tossing, she barely makes herself sit straight.

The sweat on the forehead fell with the cheek, and the wound on the right face hurt badly, which also made Zhuoqing more awake.

She has been confined in this small space for many days. Someone will feed her a drug containing a large amount of midazolam every day. In the next few days, she pretends to be in a deep coma, and they give up after a few mouthfuls. Her brain is still clear, but her limbs are still weak.

Where is Gu Yun? After they were attacked in the office, were they taken away together? Who are these people? What do you want to do? Where should we choose carriage as a means of transportation? Where is she now? Zhuo Qing has always been a smart brain running fast, hoping to find some clues. Unfortunately, there are a lot of problems in her mind.

The carriage stopped suddenly. Outside the carriage, a familiar male voice began to flatter: "my Lord, the three young ladies have arrived. Look..."

She knows the voice. It often rings outside the car these days. He should be the executor of the kidnapping.

The outside environment seemed noisy. Zhuo Qing listened carefully. After a while, a slightly low male voice replied coldly: "the emperor has sent an oral message. The young lady will enter the palace immediately. The second lady will enter the mansion. The third lady will enter the general Su's mansion. Thank you for your trouble. Please go back!"

Emperor? Palace?

Which country in the world is still implementing autocracy? It turns out that she has been shipped out of China. From their conversation, she can be sure that there are three people kidnapped together. Is Gu Yun among them?!

Zhuo Qing holds her breath and continues to listen.

Outside the carriage, Li Xu immediately bowed to salute and said, "thank you for your grace."

Li Xu's eyes swept over three carriages and asked, "which one is Miss Qing's carriage?"

Pointing to the middle carriage, Li Xu quickly replied, "this is it."

Two men dressed in palace clothes quickly walked to the carriage, took the reins, and with the official's voice, "go back to the palace!"

A group of people entered the east gate and walked slowly.

Outside the city gate, there are two teams of people and horses. When Li Xu saw the servant and the master, he only looked at them. He knew that the man in the prime minister's office with a blue shirt on the left and a polite manner must be the man in the prime minister's office. The man in the grey cloth and strong clothes on the right was the general of the general's office.

Nodding to salute, Li Xu said with a smile: "two adults, this carriage is Miss qinger, that carriage is miss Qingsan."

Send someone to lead the carriage. After they bow their hands slightly to Li Xu, they leave in the South and north directions respectively.

The three carriages were taken away. The soldier asked in a low voice, "what shall we do now, Mr. Li?"

When he raised his whip, Li Xu shouted, "go back to the bright moon country overnight."

The emperor sent them away without even allowing them to enter the palace gate. Even without looking at them, he sent the two young ladies to others! But in a second thought, they are just a few gifts from a small country. Is it necessary for the kingdom of the dome to welcome them with all its might and set up a banquet? Looking back at the carriage in three directions, Li Xu sighed. Three young ladies, please help yourself.

The carriage started running again. The speed was not fast. Zhuoqing leaned against the wall of the carriage and slowly opened a little bamboo curtain. The bright sunshine made her close her eyes immediately. After a while, Zhuoqing slowly adapted to it and saw the world out of the window. Zhuoqing couldn't help but wonder. This Where is it!?

She had not seen such a blue sky for a long time. The air smelled of grass. On both sides of the road, each of the tall trees was thick and luxuriant. Looking at the front of the carriage, Zhuo Qing was stunned. Four men in blue long shirts rode up to the front of the carriage. They still had long hair! It's so weird.

Looking down at her red ancient wedding dress, Zhuoqing faintly feels that it's not as simple as kidnapping. Reached out to touch his hair, gently pulled a strand from the bun, black hair? No, her hair is brown! And, not so long!

Zhuo Qing's steady heart suddenly jumps a little fast. She lifts up her broad sleeves. The skin on her right arm is as bright as jade. Zhuo Qing's hands begin to shake uncontrollably. This is not her body! She has a scar ten centimeters long on her right arm!

What the hell is going on!

Zhuo Qing tightly clenched her hand into a fist. She had to calm down to find out what happened!

Unfortunately, before Zhuoqing calmed down, the carriage stopped suddenly and almost threw her out of the car.

On both sides of the road, more than 100 people sprang out of the dense trees. They were all dressed in cloth. They were from teenagers to decades old. What they had in their hands was Pole hoe!

LAN Ziqi was stunned. He saw that they didn't look like bandits. The sword that had been ready to go out of its sheath slowed down. In a loud voice, he asked, "who are you?"

Who knows this group of people can't help but listen to a strong man among them shouting: "rob!"

There is no rule formation, a group of people rush up, the only purpose is a carriage.

Lanziqi and the three guards immediately drew their swords. Unfortunately, there were too many of them. Several men climbed into the carriage, whipped it and ran away. They didn't want to fight and fled. The strong man who just shouted "rob" ran all the way and shouted: "go back and tell Lou Xiang that if you want to get back his woman, let him come to niujiazhuang in person!"

If it wasn't for the hoes on the ground and the carriage, they couldn't believe it. What happened just now!

Everything is like a farce!

The guard stared at lanziqi and asked, "what can I do?"

"Go back to report!" What else can we do! Lanziqi looks bitter. He is just a small guard of Xiangfu. The chief inspector Jing points to him to pick up someone. How could he think that this kind of thing would happen at the foot of the capital!

After running for more than half an hour, the carriage finally stopped. There was a lot of noise outside. After a while, a loud male voice called out politely outside the carriage: "please get off the carriage, girl."

Zhuoqing low mantra, she would like to get off the carriage, the problem is that she is weak now, how to get off the carriage is difficult to sit up!

There was no movement in the car for a long time. Wu Si waved to a group of big men behind him to ask them not to make any noise. They are girls' families. They are afraid that they are frightened when they make such a noise. She coughed softly and cleared her throat. Wu Si deliberately lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "don't be afraid, girl, we are not bad people! I just wanted to see Lou Xiang, so I robbed you. But don't worry, we won't hurt you. When you see the building, let you go! "