A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 4

There was another silence in the carriage. A group of people looked at each other. Didn't the young lady faint?!

Just when wuss didn't know what to do, a female voice came coldly from the carriage: "come in and help me if you have enough."

The cold voice sounded in a low voice, which made the people outside the carriage quiver for no reason. All the ladies spoke like this?!

Wusi grabs his head and looks back at his brother behind him. Everyone steps back, looks down at him and asks him to help him.

If he goes, he will go! He is afraid of a woman! After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Wu Si stepped on the carriage, lifted the curtain, and went in. Not expect to meet a pair of ice eyes, see the woman in front of her, Wusi took a breath of cool air.

In the carriage, the woman was half leaning against the wall of the carriage in a red dress, and her eyes were staring at him coldly. Wusi had never seen a woman with such eyes. She was staring with such eyes. She had no reason to breathe hard, and her face. Two deep cuts destroyed the whole right cheek. At first sight, it was terrible. This was the beauty sent by the bright moon country? Wuss wondered, they won't have robbed the wrong person?!

When Wusi was looking at Zhuoqing, Zhuoqing was also observing him. In his early thirties, the man in front of him had a disheveled hair tied up with cloth strips. His clothes were full of patches and looked very shabby. His clothes looked like The ancients!

It's all so weird! Pressing down the uneasiness in her heart, Zhuo Qing reaches out her hand, grabs Wu Si's arm and stands up with her strength. Unfortunately, Zhuo Qing doesn't use her strength for a long time. Zhuo Qing falls down again and Wu Si quickly holds her hand. This woman is really thin!

Holding Zhuoqing to the door, before opening the curtain, Wusi suddenly grabbed the cover in the car, covered Zhuoqing's face, and brought her out.

Zhuoqing is weak in limbs, only half leaning on Wu Si '.

"Wow, the woman of the bright moon country, it's really made of water! Even walking is different from the women in the village! "

With the young man's teasing, a group of people began to make fun of him. Wu Si gave the young man a bad look and helped Zhuo Qing to sit down on the stone bench. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

Little Wuzi stepped forward, pulled Wusi aside, and said with a smile, "Angie, I heard that the beautiful lady from Haoyue country is famous all over the world. Anyway, it has been robbed. Let's show you what she looks like, OK?"

"No way!" Wusi roared and scolded: "we do this today just to get justice for your father-in-law. It's necessary to rob her. What's the difference between us and those bandits and thieves when you do this?"

"Angkor, we just want to see what the so-called beautiful girl looks like, but we don't want to do to her!" he muttered Angkor is usually a good man. What's wrong with him today?

Facing the puzzled eyes of the villagers, Wusi also felt that he was a little too much. He whispered, "even this is not good!" Which woman does not hesitate to face, her face somehow destroyed into that, was seen, afraid to be sad.

"Angkor" little Wuzi also wanted to say something, a piece of red silk was quickly dropped on the ground.

Small five son turn round, a face that is full of knife mark comes into sight, frighten to cry out: "Wow!"! My mother! What kind of beauty is this! "

The villagers around watching the bustle were also shocked. For a while, a group of people were so quiet that they were scared. Zhuo Qing calmly looks back at the sight of burning people. Under the baptism of surprise, fear, sympathy and pity, she looks up slightly and looks at the people one by one. The villagers unconsciously take a step back. She thinks that those who will take hostages will not be good people at all, but at present, they are a group of villagers who look very simple and honest?!

Zhuo Qingwei came down to her heart and asked, "who am I, you said just now?" This body is not her. Now she needs to find out who she is?!

The fifth son swallows his saliva and replies, "you are a woman of the bright moon kingdom. You have paid tribute to the emperor. But I heard that the emperor has awarded you to the prime minister. But you look like this. I don't think the prime minister will ask for it."

"Little five!" Wuss whispered.

Zhuo Qing continued to ask, "where is this place?"

"This is niujiazhuang. In front of it is the capital of the dome, the sun is shining."

Dome? Huan Yang? Incognizance! Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Qing looked at the crowd of onlookers and asked aloud, "have you heard of China?"

Everyone's in line. Shake your head.

They speak Chinese and dress in ancient clothes, but they don't know China. According to her, there should be no such place in the world where she lives. And she even changed her body. No matter how reluctant she was to believe it, she still knew clearly that she went to a place she didn't know and entered a body of "gift"!

God! Her head still hurts!

"Girl, are you ok?" Wusi looks at Zhuoqing inexplicably. She was domineering just now. Now she looks miserable.

Zhuo Qing is not in the mood to pay attention to anyone. She needs to be calm!

"Angkor! Brother Angkor! " A string of excited male voices came from the village. A young man in his twenties rushed all the way to Wusi, pushed away the surrounding villagers. Liu Yu held a piece of paper and called out like a treasure offering: "you are back. I've written it, Angie. Have a look!"

Pushing away Liu Yu's hand, Wu Si said with an embarrassed smile, "look, I can't read."

The fifth son also curled his mouth and shouted: "yes, we have only you to read! Let's see, we can't understand! "

Liu Yu lowers his head, grabs his head sheepishly, and laughs, "I just learned from my father for two years, but when he died, I had no one to teach me."

"That's better than us!" After grabbing the paper in Liu Yu's hand, little Wuzi looked left and right but didn't understand it. He asked incomprehensibly, "Angkor, why do we have to write this?"

After patting the head of the fifth son, Wusi took the paper, folded it carefully, and sighed: "the government has said it. We can't afford to hire the first-class scholar. We have to write it by ourselves. If the building phase really comes, we can have something to tell the grievance, right? "

"I don't think it's written in vain!" Glancing sideways at Zhuo Qing, Xiao Wuzi's stomach Fei, the woman is ruined. Will the building phase come?!

The people in the government said that the number one is very important. Can you clean up the grievances for your father-in-law? Just look at it. Wu Si looked at Zhuo Qing, who was sitting on the side. At the first glance, he asked: "girl, can you please help us to have a look?" This girl knows that she is from a famous family. She must be literate!

Zhuo Qing thought for a while and said, "bring it." She also wants to know what these simple and honest villagers want to rob people for. Moreover, she has not seen the words of this place. Take this opportunity to have a look.

Spread out the paper, Zhuo Qing is a fool at once

his mother is a professor of Chinese studies. Zhuo Qing can understand the few traditional Chinese characters on the paper, but what's the meaning of this circle of forks and dots? Is the text here composed of Chinese characters and symbols? It's hard for her.

"Cough!" Heavy cough a few, Zhuo fine looks to young Liu Yu, ask a way: "trouble you, can I consult."

Liu Yu nodded foolishly.

"What do you mean by this circle and fork?"

"Er" blushed and grabbed his hair, Liu Yu replied with a smile, "it's the grain and quilts that Eun Gong gave our village." He has studied Chinese characters for two years. He can only draw a picture to replace those he doesn't know.

I see! So, he didn't know how to draw a picture instead?