A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 2

The pouring rain, accompanied by the roar of thunder, the wind will be broken windows blowing around, slapping! In the side room of the small shabby temple, there are three young women curled up in red wedding clothes, which are very strange in the dark and gloomy temple, which reveals the stale atmosphere everywhere.

There is no light in the room. The occasional lightning will light up the broken temple. There is a sword like electric light. Every time, it seems like a straight cut into the ground. The dazzling white light and the deafening thunder make the youngest looking woman shrink in fear.

Tugging at the elder sister's arm, qingmo sobbed: "elder sister, what shall we do now? I'm so scared! "

Another flash of electric light finally showed the appearance of several women. All three of them were in their prime of life, each with elegant and beautiful left face, which made all women envious and admired by men. Unfortunately, on their right cheek, they were scratched with two deep knife marks, almost destroying the whole right cheek. In this thundering night, they looked ferocious.

Patting her on the shoulder, Qingling's face turned grey and murmured: "after this mountain, there will be a bright moon country. Can't we really get rid of the fate of gifts?"

"I don't want to!" Stubborn eyes stare at the thunder and lightning outside the temple. The lower lip of the green maple is almost bleeding.

Slowly raised his head and leaned on Qingfeng's shoulder, qingmo's sensible voice comforted: "second sister, don't be afraid. I heard that the Prime Minister of the building you are going to marry is a rare humble gentleman. He is outstanding in culture, governance and martial arts. He shouldn't treat you badly." The most pitiful is the elder sister. It's said that the king of Yue in the dome is moody, bloodthirsty and domineering. How can the gentle and quiet elder sister bear it!

Green maple sniffed: "who is rare!"

Turning around, holding the elder sister's hand in one hand and the younger sister's hand in the other, Qingfeng shouted: "I hate it! With the words of the Lord of the dome, you can do whatever you want! What is the emperor's incompetence that we should bear?! Why did he kill our father and mother? We also want to flatter dome as his gift?! Why? "

Gently stroking the distorted face of Qingfeng due to his roar and hatred, Qingling sighed: "just because the dome is the overlord of the six countries, all countries worship. Just because the emperor is the king of a country, if you want to die, you have to die! Who makes us just a few women without a strong hand? " Fate is never in their hands!

Shaking off Qingling's hand, Qingfeng suddenly got up, turned his back and said, "what about women?! I just don't go to the dome! "

Looking at the stubborn back of the second elder sister and the worried face of the elder sister, qingmo said timidly: "even this face that everyone admires, we are ruined, they still want to send us to the dome! Second sister, we can't change anything at all, can we? "

Hand gently stroked today is still painful into the heart of the cheek, Qingfeng took a deep breath, bite teeth back: "is dead, I Qingfeng will not be at the mercy of others! Especially that person, or his hands are covered with the blood of his parents

Qingling was surprised and said, "Maple, what do you want to do?"

Slowly turned around, Qingfeng hands clenched into a fist, firmly said: "sister, I want to stay in the bright moon, stay with my parents, even if it's my body!"

Cater to the words of maple, a black and white lightning straight down, shining on Maple's face, Qingling saw her persistence and determination.

Just then, holding the hand of Qingfeng tightly, Qingling suddenly felt relieved and said with a smile: "OK! Elder sister accompanies you, anyway live to say to me, already had no doubt Do not want to face all the future, maybe it is a relief!

Qingmo, who was squatting on the ground, hurriedly got up, grabbed their hands and said: "I will do what my sisters do. At last, I will not leave you in any case!"

Qingling hesitated and looked at the simple end of her face. Maybe she didn't understand the meaning of death. She was only 15 years old?!

In the end of the pair of pure eyes, Qingfeng was also heartbroken. But at the thought of her promise to be a famous cold butcher in the battlefield, Qingfeng immediately shivered and said, "elder sister, at the end of the day, such a simple and kind-hearted woman, leaving her alone in the world will only suffer. Today we are in this broken temple, a family reunion!"

Looking at three pairs of overlapping hands, Qingling suddenly felt warm in her heart, as if to persuade herself. Qingling nodded hard and said, "OK! It's best to have a family together! "

The three people looked up at the roof beam and smiled at each other tacitly. This was the first time they laughed after their parents died, because today, they will never be separated!

He neatly took the red silk belt at his waist and picked up the gorgeous red clothes. He only wore a plain white middle coat and threw the red silk across the beam. The three men stood on the broken square table and put their necks into the red silk without hesitation.

Qingling took a look at her sister, closed her eyes and whispered, "Maple, at last, we will be sisters in the next life!"

"Well!" Qingfeng and qingmo nodded hard.

Three hands holding hands, kicking the square table lightly, the red silk suddenly tightens, and three fresh lives gradually pass.

The soldiers who escorted the sisters of the Qing family to the dome were resting in the main hall of the broken temple. Seeing the fast stopping rain, suddenly there was a potential of pouring again. The lightning and thunder were more and more crazy. It seemed that they were going to smash the broken temple which was originally fluttering.

One of the soldiers shrunk his neck. It's still spring. He's so big. He hasn't seen such a heavy rain in spring! At random, I glanced at the measuring hall where the young lady of the Qing family was, which scared him half to death. In a flash of white light, three straight shadows were swinging in the air, and his clothes were flying!

With a strange cry, the soldier fell down in front of Li Xu and exclaimed: "ghost There are ghosts! "

"What?!" Li Xu is stunned. He looks down at the soldier's line of sight. Three waving shadows make him sweat! Miss Qing's hanging?!

Li Xu quickly gets up and kicks open the door of the side hall. He sees red clothes all over the floor, and three pairs of red embroidered shoes are dangling in front of him. Li Xu is scared to step back and screams: "hurry Hurry up! Get them off! "

A group of soldiers were in a hurry and finally got the three women down. All three of them turned black and their eyes were closed.

Li Xu stares at the end of qingmo on the left and says, "how is she?"

The soldier carefully touched qingmo's nose, swallowed his saliva and said: "she Dead. "

Li Xu trembled and pointed to the green maple. "Here How about this one? "

After peeping through his nose, the soldier took back his hand and looked at Master Li's pale face. The soldier was too scared to answer, just shook his head gently.

Dead!? Li Xu braves in cold sweat. The green sisters are the tribute candidates appointed by the king of Yue. Now they are so dead! What's his life?! I'm afraid that Haoyue kingdom is doomed! At the moment when Li Xu was in despair, the soldier suddenly called out, "my Lord, the young lady still has breath!" It's weak, but it's still alive.

"Really?! Excellent! Get her in the car and call the doctor! " Finally there is another one alive!

Li Xu commanded the soldiers to put their wedding clothes on Qingling's body in a disorderly way. He had no mind to pay attention to the other two corpses on the ground.

There was a sound of thunder outside the temple. The dazzling white light was like a sharp sword. The corpses on the ground were even more lonely and cold. The soldiers were afraid, but they couldn't bear two poor women to break the temple. They picked up the wedding clothes on the ground and carefully covered them.

Just when he wanted to get up and leave, a red light different from the lightning flashed by, and the two people without breath on the ground suddenly opened their eyes --

"ah --" the shrieks of the soldiers resounded through the temple!

Li Xu, who was already outside the main hall, said impatiently, "what's your name?!"

"She They... " This time, the soldier couldn't speak, just climbed out of the side hall all the way.

Two female corpses scared him like this?! Li Xu was suspicious and walked into the side hall again, only to find that the two women's breasts and bellies were miraculously slightly undulating. Although their eyes were closed, their faces were not so blue!