A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 1

Tonight's moon is exceptionally bright, and a layer of blood red cloud covers it, making the original elegant moon turn gloomy and terrifying, as if the air also has a smell of blood. At two o'clock in the morning, the night was very quiet. Only the leaves outside the window rustled. No one would care about the night sky.

In the bright room, there are all kinds of surgical instruments, but it's not the traditional operating room.

The woman's face was covered by the mask for the most part, and she couldn't see her face. Her bright and sharp eyes focused on the body on the white platform. Put away the measuring scale in her hand, the woman said in a cold voice: "the dead is a woman, with a length of 168 cm, between the ages of twenty and thirty, and the body has begun to rot. It is preliminarily inferred that it should have been dead for more than a month."

Behind her, standing a young girl, carefully doing the record, hands dare not be slighted.

Carefully check every trace on the body. When seeing the fingers of the body, Zhuo Qing frowned, and her voice was still cool and calm: "all ten fingernails of the dead were removed."

"Ten more nails removed?" Xing LAN raised his head and asked, "doctor Zhuo, is this a serial murder?" Plus this, it's the fourth female body to have her nails pulled out!

Zhuo Qing focused on the autopsy in her hand and didn't answer. After a while, she said coldly, "is it a serial murderer? It should be determined by the investigation department. As a forensic doctor, the responsibility is to record all the characteristics of the corpse and the cause of death in detail, and provide evidence and clues for solving the case. It's easy to be preconceived and ignore other details

"I see." Xing LAN spits out her tongue secretly. Dr. Zhuo is the youngest and most capable forensic examiner in recent years. She can learn from her and improve quickly. However, her constant cold face and ice eyes at work are quite frightening!

"There were obvious bruise fingerprints on the neck of the dead, which were black. There was no obvious trauma in other places. The cause of death was suffocation. The lower body is intact, excluding the possibility of being sexually assaulted before death. " Zhuo Qing took off the medical gloves and said, "Xiao Xing, please arrange the report before dawn and sign it for me, then give it to the criminal investigation team, and the samples just taken. They will be sent to the laboratory tomorrow morning, and you can have a rest."

Xing LAN wails in her heart, but does not dare to have a moment's hesitation on her lips. She immediately replies, "I understand." No more sleep tonight!

Xing LAN gathered up the clothes and skin samples cut from the dead man, and suddenly saw a round metal object the size of a palm, and asked, "Dr. Zhuo, this is something found in the dead man's coat. Do you want to hand it over to the criminal investigation team?"

Zhuo Qing glanced at it casually and said, "send it to the laboratory first. They will deal with it." Then he came out of the autopsy room cleanly.

"Yes." After collecting the samples and notes, Xing LAN quickly follows Zhuo Qing and leaves the autopsy room. Although she has worked in the forensic department for more than half a year, she still dare not stay with the corpse alone in the middle of the night.

"How is it? Has the autopsy report come out? " When they got close to the office, they were immediately blocked!

Lean on the door frame of the thin woman, a short head of thin hair fresh and neat, good mental abnormality, persistent and firm eyes.

Xing LAN laments: "Captain Gu, you are exaggerating! It's three o'clock in the middle of the night! "

Gu Yun gently raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "so what?"

Frustrated, Xing LAN lowered his shoulders and said, "so wait a moment. I'll get it sorted out right away. There must be results before dawn!" No wonder captain Gu and Dr. Zhuo can be good friends. Both of them are workaholics!

Looking at Xing LAN who walked into the office with his head down, Gu Yunyang said with a smile: "thank you very much!"

Zhuo Qing has opened her exclusive office on the opposite side, and Gu Yun follows her in. Before she can speak, Zhuo Qing's unique cool bass rings slowly: "how can you sleep in the long night?"

"Fuck you!" White her one eye, Gu Yun scolds: "since this one month frequent female is killed case, Li Bureau eye almost spurt fire, now criminal investigation second team's person, where still divide day and night!"

Zhuo Qing casually pulls down the pen with fixed hair. Her long hair immediately falls over her waist. She sits on the sofa tired, squints and asks lazily, "is there any suspense about the result of the provincial sanda competition yesterday?"

"No!" Speaking of this, she is angry. There are so many cases. The bureau leader must also ask her to take part in the provincial competition. Every year, she takes the first place in the women's group. What's the comparison! Looking at Zhuo Qing's comfortable appearance of going to sleep, Gu Yun patted her shoulder lightly and said with a low smile, "I said big miss, I'm talking about the case with you!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, Zhuo Qing's voice was still lazy, but his thinking was clear: "this dead man really had something in common with the dead in the first three homicides, they were all choked by the trachea, suffocated, and the nails of ten fingers were removed. From the aspect of killing technique, it belongs to the same technique. If it is a serial killing case, according to the rotten degree of the corpse, the female victim is the first victim. "

Listening to Zhuo Qing's analysis, Gu Yun also walked back and forth in the office, thinking about the case, and suddenly found that there was a faint reflection of bright light at the door of the office. He went to pick it up and looked at it. It was a small golden plate inlaid with gossip figures, which would be packed in the evidence bag. It should be evidence.

Walking to Zhuoqing, Gu Yun asked, "what is this?"

Slowly open your eyes and see what Gu Yun is holding. Zhuo Qingyin scolds Xing LAN. She is always so impetuous and can lose such important evidence! Sitting up straight, Zhuo Qing replied, "what we found in the pocket of the deceased's clothes will be in your hands after the examination by the colleagues of the laboratory."

Hearing the evidence of this case, Gu Yun immediately came to the spirit. Only a small desk lamp was opened in the office. Gu Yun simply opened the blinds and studied carefully in the bright moonlight tonight.

Gu Yun didn't notice that the dark night sky was gradually covered by scarlet clouds when she took out the gossip board to face the moon.

It's strange. I saw it was gold just now. How can it be red now?! Is the reverse gold? On the other side, it's the same blood red eight diagrams. The whole plate seems to have a red light. How could it be like this?!

"Hiss -" he was confused, and his hand suddenly hurt.

Zhuo Qing got up and walked behind her and asked, "what's the matter?"

Looking down at his fingers, he saw a deep bloodstain on his index finger. A few drops of bright red blood fell on the evidence bag. Gu Yun smiled indifferently: "nothing, I don't know what scratched it."

The wound on the finger is very deep, and the blood is still trickling. Gu Yun's casual appearance makes Zhuo Qing frown. He takes cotton wool from the bookshelf next to him and covers the wound. Zhuo Qing says coldly, "hold the wound!"

Gu Yun turned a white eye, it's just a little scratch!

According to the cotton wool of the wound, it was soon soaked by blood. Zhuo Qing's sharp eyes flashed. What is so sharp that it is difficult to stop bleeding?! Take the thing in Gu Yun's hand, Zhuo Qing is shocked: "how can this happen?"

What makes the always cold and arrogant doctor zhuofefa lose his color! Gu Yun also curiously stretched out his head. At a glance, Gu Yun also exclaimed, "blood has infiltrated!"

Originally, the blood drops outside the transparent evidence bag are missing. The blood appears on the blood red eight diagrams! How can this happen? The blood has penetrated the evidence bag?!

"No!" After a Zheng, the two cried out in unison: "this report is hard to write!"

They looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They wondered how to explain why Gu Yun's blood appeared on the evidence. Nobody noticed that the drop of blood infiltrated into the gossip board was flowing into the center of the intersection of yin and Yang along the arc-shaped groove.

When the blood fell into the center, a strong red light suddenly appeared on the gossip board. Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun didn't react. They just felt that they were in the dark and fainted.

A flash of light, the main forensic room, or that small lamp, lying on the ground two faint figure.

Gu Yun's wounds with more than blood flow have recovered as before, without any scars.

The eight trigrams of the golden thread landed steadily on their side without any abnormality.

The sky outside the window, the moon is clear, everything is so peaceful.