A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 14

Zhuo Qing's mouth is frozen there. How kind is this man! Shanshan put down his hand to cover his lips, Zhuo Qing's cold voice was obviously listless, and he replied, "I think you have made a mistake. I'm not your servant, let alone the prisoner. You have the right to ask me questions. Whether to answer you or not depends on my mood. "

Shan Yulan didn't expect that he would answer this way. For a moment, he lost his mind. The smile on the corner of Lou Xiyan's mouth was more and more strong. It seems that his personality is that he meets with his heart and is unbridled. So, he was polite to him last night!

"Unbridled!" For fear of Shan Yulan's anger, Wu Zhigang hurriedly shouted: "do you dare not answer the question of the chief justice?"

With her hands around her chest, Zhuo Qing was not angry. Instead, she joked, "I'm talking to the chief justice. Dare you interrupt?"

"You -" this is just the opposite! Wu Zhigang was so angry that his mouth and nose were smoking, his face was red, his chest was rolling violently, Zhuo Qing was shaking his fingers, and you didn't jump out of your words for a long time.

Zhuo Qing is a little surprised. Don't worry about him. He doesn't seem to have said anything! You don't have a cerebral hemorrhage, do you? The ancient people's fighting ability was a little weak.

Zhuo Qingzhen was worried about his passing away. Fortunately, two yamen servants escorted a middle-aged man into the room, breaking the embarrassment of one room.

"My Lord, Li Ming will bring it."

For Zhuo Qing's impoliteness, he can't bear to mention the punishment alone. The building is in good shape. Wu Zhigang is half dead and has no place to vent his anger. At this time, his anger is boiling. He can only shout at Li Ming: "Li Ming, Lin Bokang was killed last night, and you are the only one who saw Lin Bokang last night. What did you see at that time? Did you kill people?"

Li Ming quickly knelt down and bowed his head. Although his voice was shaking, his thought was very clear: "you are wronged! The villain is in charge of the Lin family. The master has been in prison for several months and suffered a lot. I just came to deliver clothes to the master. At that time, the master was in a bad mood. The villain dared not stay more. He only opened two sentences and left the clothes. When the villain stayed in the cell for less than a breath of incense, it rained heavily at that time, the trees outside the cell were blown off, and the villain helped the yamen runner to move the trees. "

Li Ming's body is a little stronger than that of the dead, and he can basically hold people dizzy and then hang them on the beam. But according to the time of death, Li Ming is also the most suspected, but there is no real evidence. Reasoning about the case has always been Gu Yun's strength. She only cares about the autopsy. Quietly back a few steps, Zhuoqing back to the prison door, lazy to rely on the stone wall, yawning, there should be nothing wrong with her behind.

"You said that you are here to send clothes. Did Lin bocang change clothes and shoes in front of you?"

A little looked up at Shan Yulan in a simple dress. Li Ming lowered his head again and whispered back, "No."

The voice is gentle, but with a suffocating sense of oppression, Shan Yulan continues to ask: "what did you do for him besides sending him clothes?"

This time, Li Ming didn't think for a long time. He replied, "the villain just gave the clothes to the master and left after a few words."

Shan Yulan suddenly walked into the prison door and walked to the right edge of the bed. On the simple board, there were messy straws. Shan Yulan raised his hand and gently picked up some straws beside the bed. A fuzzy footprints appeared: "there was a muddy footprints on the edge of the bed of the deceased, but the deceased was wearing a new pair of shoes. Even if the old shoes were used, the dead rarely went out in the cell for several months, and they would not be so dirty. Last night, there was a heavy rain. During that period, only you entered the cell of the dead. This shoe mark was left when you hung the body, wasn't it? "

Zhuo Qing squints a little. She can't see the footprints clearly. It's more difficult to find them in the Interlace of straw. Shan Yulan is just outside the prison door all the time. What a careful and sensitive person!

Li Ming was shocked and vaguely said: "no"

Wu Zhigang shouted impatiently: "take off his shoes and verify!"

The two yamen servants immediately took the order and quickly dragged down Li Ming's shoes. After a comparison, they replied, "my Lord, Li Ming's shoes are exactly the same as this shoe seal."

It was verified that Wu Zhigang was even more arrogant: "it's really you! Li Ming, how dare you! "

Zhuo Qing sneers, which can only prove that Li Ming stepped on the board at that time, but it's only a supplementary evidence, and can't be convicted for it!

Li mingzao was already shaking like the leaves in the wind. He immediately crawled on the ground and begged for mercy: "my Lord, the villain is just a temporary failure. He didn't mean to hurt the master!"

He pleaded guilty? Zhuo Qing always thinks something is wrong, but she can't say what's wrong!

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Lou Xiyan, but it soon disappeared.

"When you go in and out of the prison, you kill people, change clothes, fake the scene of hanging yourself. You've got everything, and you dare to say that you missed it for a while! Unless, what else do you hide! Say! " A little high voice, resolute eyes, single Yulan's integrity, not to mention Li Ming's trembling with fright, Zhuo Qing was shaken to the core.

Li Ming's eyes were wandering and frightened, but he just kept begging for mercy: "please forgive me, please forgive me!"

If Li Ming has made such a careful plan to kill people, it can be seen that he is calm and cold-blooded. How can he be so flustered now? He is the housekeeper of the Lin family. There should be no deep hatred with Lin Bokang. What is the motive of killing?

"Li Ming! You ungrateful thing, my husband is not thin to you before his life! " Mrs. Lin couldn't contain her anger. She didn't expect that the one who killed her husband was the housekeeper who had followed them for many years!

The villagers also wished to kill the ungrateful man. There was some confusion in the prison for a while. Shan Yulan was quick to make a decision and said in a loud voice, "put this man in prison! Wait for this officer to check the case file of Lin Bokang, and then do the trial! The right and the wrong have their own judgment. "

"Yes." The Yamen servants immediately put Li Ming in the prison next to him. Mrs. Lin and the villagers were also taken out of prison by the yamen runner.

Lou Xiyan claps her hands gently, and her lips are still flying. She says with a smile, "the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty say that it's clear to hear a single sentence, and the case is settled in Congo. As soon as I see it today, it's really not famous. "

"I'm flattered." Still that calm expression, Lou Xiyan is used to it, and they walk out of the prison door side by side.

Seeing Lou Xiyan coming out, Wu Si immediately went up and said gratefully, "thank you very much, Prime Minister. Don't worry. It's our fault that we robbed the girl, but we didn't embarrass the girl at all. She's a good person and helped us to write the number one. Just now she was autopsied by the eunuch. Girl"

"wait!" Lou Xiyan's smiling face stiffened all the year round: "you said that the young man who just had the autopsy was Qingfeng?"

Green maple? That boy turned out to be a woman? Shan Yulan looks at the building sunset, only to see that his face is full of consternation. This green maple is really not simple. There are not many people who can make the building look upset.

What green maple? Isn't it Zhuo Qing? Wu Si's face is dazed, subconsciously looks up for Zhuo Qing, but there is still her shadow in the prison. "Why? What about people?