A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 13

"Last night?!" Wu Zhigang's small eyes, which were not big, were full of anger, and Wang Bingsheng, who stood on one side and was uneasy, said, "what's the matter, you say?"?! The time of death is not clear. What else can you do! "

"Corpse" Wang Bingsheng even trembled a little. He took a careful look at Zhuoqing and saw that she was silent. Then he whispered back: "the corpse appeared this burning streak and began to be stiff, indicating that the dead had just died."

Zhuo Qing looks up slowly, and Wang Bingsheng is afraid to go on at once. Just now, after seeing the scars behind the dead, he is really ashamed of himself. He is so confident that he will ignore such an important point. The eccentric young man said that he was not wrong, and he was indeed worthy of it.

Wang Bingsheng falters and says nothing. Zhuoqing says in a cold voice, "come here."

What does he want to do?! Wang Bingsheng was stunned and considered whether to go forward.

Seeing that he was still standing there with a pestle on his face, Zhuo Qing said impatiently, "come here!" What are you doing? She can eat him!

Wang Bingsheng swallowed his saliva and walked slowly to Zhuoqing's back. He didn't know what was wrong with him. As a young man, he always felt guilty in the face of such a tight package.

Lou Xiyan's hand is behind her, his index finger is tapping for a while, his face is still gentle and gentle smile, but he looks at Zhuo Qing's eyes with unusual brightness.

Squatting down at the foot of the dead, Zhuoqing calmly explained: "this kind of spot after death is called corpse spot. In general, two hours after death "no, what's the time unit here?

Should it be time? It's really troublesome. After a dark conversion, Zhuo Qingcai continued: "one or two hours begin to appear, and three or four hours are obviously visible. At this time, pressing the corpse spot will fade or disappear, and releasing the hand corpse spot will reappear. Six hours after death, the corpse spots become one after another, and the color is deepened. At this time, the pressing corpse spots can't disappear completely, but fade a little. After stopping the pressing, the corpse spots return to their original color slowly. After twelve hours, pressing the spot with your fingers will no longer change the color or disappear. "

Wang Bingsheng listened carefully, but his brow was getting deeper and deeper.

Don't believe it? Zhuo Qing pointed to the body spot and said, "you, click."

Wang Bingsheng nodded, and he was determined to prove it. The index finger is pressed on the body spot with some strength. After loosening, the stripes are faded. After a while, they gradually return to the original color.

According to what he said just now, the dead have been dead for six hours. Wu Zhigang said: "Wang Bingsheng, is what he said true?" If it is true, Li Ming's suspicion is the biggest!

"This" Wang Bingsheng hesitated, looked at the youth around him, he still replied truthfully: "I don't know. I only know that the body will have stripes in one or two hours. The longer the body dies, the deeper the stripes. As for what he said, I really don't know. "

Ashamed to say, he did not know that he could see such an accurate time of death from these stripes. If it was at the beginning, he would directly deny the words of the young man. However, he did not dare to make a rash judgment after listening to the young man's words all the way.

Wang Bingsheng did not know a word, let Wu Zhigang greatly angry, cried: "then how does this official know, he said is the truth or nonsense?"

With a slight cough and a sidelong glance at Zhuo Qing, Wu Zhigang shouted, "how can you prove that what you say is true?" At the beginning, he thought the young man was eccentric, but on the face of the building, he was not easy to attack.

Oh oh!

Well, the answer to this question is - no!

In this era, how can she prove that what she said has scientific basis? Is she going to say that she is a young forensic doctor with a master's degree in forensic medicine, has published many academic papers or has a biological anatomy class on the spot, and it is estimated that Mrs. Lin will rush up and tear her!

Zhuo Qing patted her head with self mockery. What's the fun with these ancients?! With her back against the cold stone wall of her cell, Zhuo Qing replied indifferently, "I'm talking about the truth, but I don't know how to prove it in a way that you can understand."

"That is to say, you still can't prove it!" Wu Zhigang just wanted to be in trouble. He thought that there seemed to be some relationship between the young man and Lou Xiang. He drove carefully for thousands of years. He turned around to bow to Lou Xiyan and asked softly, "look at Lou Xiang?"

He believed that what the youth said was true. He must have been instructed by a famous teacher. His master must also be a famous person. As long as the name of his master can prove whether what he said is true or not, he refuses to say, only for one reason, unwilling to expose his identity!

He didn't know that the more confidential he was, the more people wanted to peep? Fortunately, he is not in a hurry! Light Yang lips, floor sunset just to open, a clear but with a resolute voice suddenly sounded: "he said it is true."

Everyone looked at the sound. Zhuo Qing raised her hat slightly, and saw a man in his early thirties standing outside the cell. It seemed that he had come for a long time. He looks very tall, almost as tall as Lou Xiyan, but Lou Xiyan looks thinner. He does not look as handsome as Lou Xiyan, but he has a pair of deep and firm eyes. Unlike Lou Xiyan, those always smiling eyes always make people unable to feel what he is thinking. Dressed in a simple dark blue robe, this man looks a bit dusty. He seems to have come here in a hurry from somewhere. Although he is not in a mess, he is also in a hurry. Unlike the building sunset, always a leisurely, well-dressed look. And

and so on, why does she always compare the sunset of the building? Is she crazy?

Zhuo Qing didn't understand why she was so upset. Wu Zhigang and other yamen servants shouted together, "master of the punishment department!"

Department of torture?! Zhuo Qing raised her eyebrows and became more interested in him. Those who study forensic medicine will not be unaware of Song Ci. This person has the same official position as Song Ci, but they just don't know if there is any ability of Song Ci!

Towards the people slightly raised his hand, single Yulan towards the building sunset gently Yiyi, micro low voice is not disrespectful but only light said: "building phase."

Building sunset step forward, micro Yang eyes across a trace of teasing, laughing: "single mention of punishment back is the right time." No sooner or later!

Shan Yulan was unmoved, and said, "this is the duty of the lower officials. If you bother the prime minister, it's not right."

Lou Xiyan was used to it. She smiled and said: "it's very important to mention punishment. You and I are all for the court."

This is the legendary official field Feiying?! Zhuo Qing is bored and wants to yawn. And she did. She was really sleepy!

Just as she yawned recklessly, Shan Yulan had entered the prison door and came straight to her: "what you said is true, and it's not bad at all. What's your name? Who? Where can I learn from you? "

In fact, he had come long before the young man scolded Wang Bingsheng. The reason for his silence was that he wanted to know how much the young man knew about the autopsy, but he didn't let him down. The young man's understanding of the corpse spot is much more thorough than that of the ordinary work. Shan Yulan knows that he asked abruptly, but he is eager to know the identity of the grey robed young man, especially his master, how can he teach such a disciple.