A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 15

Huanyang is indeed the capital city. In the evening, there are many shops beside the main road. She could have enjoyed what the ancient capital looked like. Of course, if the haunted guy didn't follow her, everything would be perfect!

Zhuo Qing squatted at the corner of the wall and gasped for breath. By contrast, the ink white face ten steps away was not red and breathless, and the blue eyes looked at Zhuo Qing lightly, neither catching her nor going far.

Zhuoqing laments that he chased her five blocks! Five blocks! Why are you tired like a dog, but others don't even have a mess of hairs.

Finally, Zhuo Qing stopped running. She went to ink white and asked with a low breath, "blue eyes, what do you want?"

There was no expression or response on Mo Bai's indifferent face.

Zhuoqing low mantra, she hates this kind of cool person most!

Zhuo Qing suddenly stood close to Mo Bai and said with a smile: "don't you want to follow me? It's not easy to lose your close point."

Zhuo Qing's sudden change makes Mo Bai's heart pass a trace of surprise, but his expressionless face makes it difficult to see his mood.

In the shop beside the road, there is a particularly striking silk and satin shop, which is decorated extremely luxuriously. Zhuo Qing's eyes flashed a bit of cunning and said with a smile, "I'm going to buy a new dress because my clothes stink." Pulling the black and white sleeves, Zhuo Qing drags him to the silk shop.

Mo Bai coldly pulls back his sleeves, but he goes in with her.

At the sight of a guest coming, the shopkeeper immediately greeted him: "two gentlemen, please come inside!" Seeing the dark white and light blue eyes and the snow like complexion, the shopkeeper hurriedly stepped back and did not dare to look at them. The dark white seemed to have been used to it, and the indifferent face was still as usual.

Even though Zhuo Qing is dressed in a robe and conceals herself tightly, it seems strange, but the owner is more willing to talk with him. After Zhuo Qing, the owner graciously introduces: "our shop is famous for its silk, so you can choose whatever you like. There are also made Confucian shirts here. It doesn't matter if you don't pick out the style you like. The shop can also customize them. "

Walking to the small room on the side of the shop, Zhuo Qinglang said: "I want to try, find two people to help me with my clothes."

"Yes, please," replied the shopkeeper

Hands around the chest, and ink white shoulder to shoulder, Zhuo Qing with a few provocations, smile: "blue eyes, do you want to work together ah?"

Mo Bai ignores her directly and looks at her coldly from his back. Zhuoqing takes a deep breath. If he really follows her, she will be miserable.

After a whiff of incense.

"Ah --"

suddenly a shrill female voice came out of the room. Then there were a few loud noises, and the ink white eyes flashed slightly. The boy was really playing tricks. The body shape flashed into the inner room very quickly. In a small place, the clothes on all sides were scattered in disorder. A young child was looking up to the sky, and there was a bruise on his forehead. Beside him, there was a lady dressed as a maid lying on her side. Looking at it, there was no place to hide.

Under a half closed window, there is a wooden chair with a foot pad. Pushing the window open, it's the backyard of the shop. Ink and white are quick to jump out of the small room and chase the wing room in the backyard.

The shopkeeper hurriedly came in to have a look. He was frightened by the mess in the first room. Looking up, he saw Mobai jump out of the window and run into his backyard. He shouted, "what's the matter?"?! What do you want to do? "

The shopkeeper was eager to call for help. The woman in blue lying on the ground suddenly sat up. The side of the shop was so beautiful that the shopkeeper was shocked. He asked hesitantly, "girl, who are you?" How could such a beautiful woman appear in his shop? I remember that he only asked the little boy to serve the young man to change clothes?

The shopkeeper did not want to understand that the woman had stood up and stood opposite the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper was surprised again. God! It's a pity that such a beautiful girl's other face is ruined like this! What a pity!

The shopkeeper beat his chest and feet. Zhuo Qing was in a hurry to seize the opportunity. She lifted up her skirt and jumped out of the house very quickly. The shopkeeper saw a flash of green shadow. He was still in a trance about what just happened. When he got back to his senses and finally remembered that Zhuoqing's clothes were his shop's things, Zhuoqing had already rushed out of the shop.

After a while, only heard the shop owner's frightened cry: "catch the thief! No, it's a robber! "

Zhuo Qing goes around the street and runs to the lane with few people. The lane is zigzag and intricate. If it wasn't for her excellent memory, she would have lost her way. Blue eyes shouldn't have found her so easily! Zhuo Qing had not been able to finish. A few complicated footsteps came from behind. As soon as she wanted to turn around to see what was going on, she felt the shadow in front of her eyes. A cold and cold broadsword was already on her neck.

She's not so unlucky! It's not easy to get rid of a tail and get involved in the killing?!

The face of the man in front of him has a beard, and he can't see his age at all. His bloodshot eyes are full of fear and madness. His mouth can't help saying, "you, you, you, you, don't mess!"

It's him. Don't mess around?! Zhuoqing was confused, but also shocked. At this time, a young male voice with a few teasing and market spirit came from the back: "anyway, you can't escape from the palm of my hand. You'd better be obedient so that I can't move!"

The man with beard is more frightened. He clasps Zhuo Qing's shoulder with one hand and blocks her in front of him. The blade of the knife sticks to her neck tightly. The hand holding the knife shakes badly.

Zhuo Qing dare not move. She can clearly feel the blade shaking up and down her throat, and she is stiff. Zhuo Qing says in a helpless low voice, "can you stop shaking?"

The bearded man's breath was muddy, and he didn't notice what Zhuo Qing said. His bloodshot eyes stared at the front in horror, but a low smile came from the front.

Zhuo Qing looks up. Not far away, a man's hands are around his chest. He leans lazily against the alley. He is wearing a short blue cloth shirt and his toes are beating leisurely. He looks like a ruffian. The man looks very young, but the appearance of the Double Tenth is elegant and handsome. The eyebrows of the sword enter the temples, and the tiny eyes of the Phoenix flow casually.

Just as the man stood up straight, the bearded man immediately looked like a frightened rabbit. He shouted, "don't come here, or I will kill her!"

The man's eyes swept Zhuo Qing's face, the Phoenix's eyes flickered slightly, and a ruffian's smile was raised on his face. He didn't care to reply: "whatever, my purpose is to catch people and change money. What's the relationship between her life and me? Five lives have been hanged on you. Another one is not bad. Maybe I can get another hundred liang of silver! "

Yeah! What bounty hunters want is money! The bearded man seemed to see the hope of life and said eagerly, "let me go. I'll give you all the money you want. It's twice as much as the reward offered by the government. No, twice!"

The man in black pulled out his ears and looked impatient. He said, "don't give me any more nonsense. If you want to kill me, hurry up. I'm still hungry! Hurry to get the reward! "

The beard man saw that the lure could not be made. The knife on Zhuo Qing's neck was closer to him. He shouted angrily, "don't come here, I will kill her!"